private void Show() { menuCanvas.DOKill(); menuCanvas.DOFade(1f, tweenDuration).SetEase(tweenEase); menuCanvas.blocksRaycasts = true; menuCanvas.interactable = true; }
protected void OnDestroy() { waitingForTransition?.Cancel(); transitioning.ForEach(it => it.Cancel()); transitioning.Clear(); canvasGroup.DOKill(); }
public void SetActiveCanvasGroup(bool enable, float fadeTime = 0.0f) { if (canvasGroup == null) { PreInit(); } canvasGroup.DOKill(); if (_isNotChangeGroupSetting == false) { canvasGroup.interactable = enable; } if (fadeTime > 0f) { canvasGroup.DOFade(enable ? 1f : 0f, fadeTime); } else { canvasGroup.alpha = enable ? 1f : 0f; } if (_isNotChangeGroupSetting == false) { canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = enable; } }
public virtual void hide(float duration, OnCompleteDelegate completeEvent = null) { if (!canvasGroup) { canvasGroup = GetComponentsInChildren <CanvasGroup>(true)[0]; } if (canvasGroup) { canvasGroup.alpha = 1; canvasGroup.DOKill(true); canvasGroup.DOFade(0, duration).OnComplete( () => { if (completeEvent != null) { completeEvent(); } gameObject.SetActive(false); // print(name+"hide complete"); }); } else { Debug.LogError(name + "CanvasGroup not exist"); } }
public void Show() { SetData(); canvasGroup.DOKill(); canvasGroup.alpha = 0; gameObject.SetActive(true); canvasGroup.DOFade(1, 0.5f); }
public virtual void Show(float delay = 1) { m_CanvasGroup.DOKill(true); m_CanvasGroup.DOFade(m_StartAlpha, delay).OnComplete(() => { m_CanvasGroup.interactable = true; m_CanvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; }); }
public void Reset() { suspected.enabled = false; gridImage.sprite = themeManager.iconUnknownTool.sprite; gridCollider.enabled = true; gridCanvas.DOKill(); gridCanvas.alpha = alphaUnknown; gridInfo = 0; isExplored = false; isSuspected = false; }
public override void Show() { this.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); cg.DOKill(); cg.blocksRaycasts = true; cg.interactable = true; //cg.DOFade(1f, 0.3f); Tweener tweener = transform.DOMoveY(showY, 0.3f); tweener.SetEase(Ease.InBounce); }
public void Select() { if (isSelected) { return; } isSelected = true; selectedCanvas.DOKill(); selectedCanvas.DOFade(1f, tweenDuration).SetEase(tweenEase); }
public void Show() { if (isShown) { return; } isShown = true; contentCanvas.DOKill(); contentCanvas.DOFade(1f, tweenDuration).SetEase(tweenEase); }
public void SetVisible(bool isVisible) { CanvasGroup.DOKill(); if (isVisible) { CanvasGroup.alpha = 1; } else { CanvasGroup.alpha = 0; } }
public void Focus() { isFocused = true; transform.DOKill(); transform.DOScale(1.1f *, 0.5f); canvas.DOKill(); canvas.DOFade(1f, 0.5f); canvas.interactable = true; EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(DefaultSelector); }
private async UniTask Enter() { canvas.enabled = true; canvas.overrideSorting = true; canvas.sortingOrder = NavigationSortingOrder.RewardOverlay; canvasGroup.enabled = true; canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; canvasGroup.interactable = true; canvasGroup.DOKill(); canvasGroup.DOFade(1, 0.4f).SetEase(Ease.OutCubic); Context.SetMajorCanvasBlockRaycasts(false); await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4f)); }
public virtual void HidePopup() { canvasGroup.DOKill(); if (rect == null) { rect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); } transform.DOScale(0f, 0.65f).SetEase(Ease.InOutBack).OnComplete(() => gameObject.SetActive(false)); if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.DOFade(0, 0.4f).SetEase(Ease.OutSine); } }
public void FadeOut(Action complete = null, bool instant = false) { m_fadeCanvasGroup.DOKill(); m_fadeCanvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; m_fadeCanvasGroup .DOFade(1f, instant ? 0f : m_fadeDuration) .SetEase(Ease.InOutQuad) .OnComplete(() => { complete?.Invoke(); }); }
public void SetVisible(bool visiable) { if (this.visiable != visiable) { this.visiable = visiable; gameObject.SetActive(visiable); if (visiable) { canvasGroup.DOKill(); canvasGroup.alpha = 1; } } }
public void Invulnerability() { invulnerabilityTimer = 0; invulnerability = true; YellowColor(); UiShield.DecreaseFillValue(invulnerabilityDuration); //Invu Vignette invuVignette.alpha = 1; invuVignette.DOKill(); invuVignette.DOFade(0.5f, invulnerabilityDuration).OnComplete(() => { invuVignette.DOFade(0f, 1); }); }
public void Play(int centerId, float targetAlpha) { if (centerId == _centerId || _id == centerId || (_lastCenterId == centerId && _canvasGroup.alpha == targetAlpha) || myItem.IsCenter) { return; } _lastCenterId = _centerId; _centerId = centerId; if (_getItem(centerId).GetDistance(myItem) <= _radius) { if (targetAlpha == 0) { myItem.MyImage.raycastTarget = false; } else { myItem.MyImage.raycastTarget = true; } _canvasGroup.DOKill(); _canvasGroup.DOFade(targetAlpha, 0.5f).OnComplete(() => { _lastCenterId = _centerId; _centerId = -1; }); StartCoroutine(WaitFade(centerId, targetAlpha)); } }
public async UniTask <int> PostCardAnimation() { int swipeStep =; unitPanel.SetActive(swipeStep >= 2); if (swipeStep == 0) { myEnergy.SetActive(true); CanvasGroup group = myEnergy.GetComponent <CanvasGroup> (); group.alpha = 0; await group.DOFade(1f, 0.7f).AsyncWaitForCompletion(); group.DOKill(); } else if (swipeStep == 2) { unitPanel.SetActive(true); CanvasGroup group = unitPanel.GetComponent <CanvasGroup> (); group.alpha = 0; await group.DOFade(1f, 0.7f).AsyncWaitForCompletion(); group.DOKill(); } return(1); }
public void OnFirstTutorial(CanvasGroup canvasGroup) { currentCanvasGroup.DOKill(); currentCanvasGroup.interactable = false; currentCanvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; float setsDel = 0; if ( == "T (7)") { setsDel = 0; currentCanvasGroup.DOFade(0, .3f).SetDelay(0); } else { setsDel = .3f; currentCanvasGroup.DOFade(0, .3f).SetDelay(.1f); } canvasGroup.DOKill(); canvasGroup.DOFade(1, .3f).OnComplete(delegate { canvasGroup.interactable = true; canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; currentCanvasGroup = canvasGroup; }); if ( == "T (7)" || == "T (5)") { bbqs.DOFade(0, .5f); } else if ( != "T (7)" && != "T (5)" && != "MainTutorial") { bbqs.DOFade(1, .5f); } }
public Tween SetAlpha(float alpha, float duration) { CreateTweenerSettingsIfNull(ref FadeTweenSettings); // If the alpha is greater than 0 enable the gameobject if (alpha > 0 && !CanvasGroup.gameObject.activeSelf) { CanvasGroup.gameObject.SetActive(true); } CanvasGroup.DOKill(); // If instant just set the values if (duration == 0) { CanvasGroup.alpha = alpha; if (DisableGameObjectWhenInvisible && alpha == 0) { CanvasGroup.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else // If not instant then tween { fadeTween = CanvasGroup.DOFade(alpha, duration).ApplySettings(FadeTweenSettings).SetUpdate(true); fadeTween = CanvasGroup.DOFade(alpha, duration).ApplySettings(FadeTweenSettings).SetUpdate(true); if (DisableGameObjectWhenInvisible && alpha == 0) { fadeTween.onComplete += () => canvasGroup.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } return(fadeTween); }
private void OnEnable() { background.color = Color.white; cg.alpha = 0f; cg.DOKill(); cg.DOFade(1f, 0.25f); }
public void show(float duration, OnCompleteDelegate completeEvent = null) { print(name + " show start"); if (canvasGroup == null) { canvasGroup = GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); } canvasGroup.DOKill(true); canvasGroup.alpha = 0; activate(); if (canvasGroup) { canvasGroup.DOFade(1, duration).OnComplete( () => { print(name + "show complete"); if (completeEvent != null) { completeEvent(); } }); } else { Debug.LogError("No canvas Group!"); } }
public void SetVisibilityInstant(bool show) { Init(); if (show) { Visible = true; } else { Visible = false; } rt.DOKill(); Vector2 move; if (!show) { move = MoveVectors[(int)moveInType]; move *= distance; rt.anchoredPosition = homePosition - move; } else { move = MoveVectors[(int)moveOutType]; move *= distance; rt.anchoredPosition = homePosition; } if (canvasGroup == null) { return; } canvasGroup.interactable = show; canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = show; canvasGroup.DOKill(); if (!show) { canvasGroup.alpha = 0; } else { canvasGroup.alpha = 1; } }
public void Open(TweenCallback onComplete) { if (isOpen) { return; } isOpen = true; bgTr.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (bgImage != null) { bgImage.DOKill(); bgImage.DOFade(bgImageAlpha, openTime * 0.75f).SetUpdate(true); } if (backBg != null) { backBg.gameObject.SetActive(true); backBg.DOKill(); backBg.DOFade(backBgAlpha, openTime).SetUpdate(true); } if (content != null) { content.gameObject.SetActive(true); bgTr.DOKill(); bgTr.DOSizeDelta(bigV, openTime).SetEase(openEase).SetUpdate(true); content.DOKill(); content.DOFade(1, openTime).SetDelay(openTime * 0.75f).SetEase(openEase).OnComplete(delegate() { content.blocksRaycasts = true; if (onComplete != null) { onComplete.Invoke(); } }).SetUpdate(true); } else { bgTr.DOKill(); bgTr.DOSizeDelta(bigV, openTime).SetEase(openEase).OnComplete(onComplete).SetUpdate(true); } }
private async UniTask Enter() { backdropImage.DOKill(); backdropImage.SetAlpha(0.7f); IsActive = true; canvas.enabled = true; canvas.overrideSorting = true; canvas.sortingOrder = NavigationSortingOrder.DialogueOverlay; canvasGroup.enabled = true; canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; canvasGroup.interactable = true; canvasGroup.DOKill(); canvasGroup.DOFade(1, 0.4f).SetEase(Ease.OutCubic); parent.SetActive(true); Context.SetMajorCanvasBlockRaycasts(false); await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4f)); }
public void Fadeout(GameObject go, TweenCallback fun = null, float duration = 0.2f) { CanvasGroup group = Get <CanvasGroup>(go); group.alpha = 1.0f; go.SetActive(true); group.DOKill(); group.DOFade(0.0f, duration).OnComplete(fun); }
public void Click_Start() { buttonStart.DOKill(); buttonStart.DOFade(0f, 0f); buttonStart.DOFade(1f, 0.2f).SetEase(Ease.Linear).SetLoops(6, LoopType.Yoyo).OnComplete(() => { PlayManager.Instance.LoadScene(Data.scene_home); }); }
public void ShowPanel(CanvasGroup canvasGroup) { canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; canvasGroup.DOKill(); canvasGroup.DOFade(0, 0.3f).OnComplete(() => { canvasGroup.DOFade(1, 0.5f).OnComplete(() => canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true); }); }
public void Close(TweenCallback onComplete = null) { if (!isOpen) { if (onComplete != null) onComplete.Invoke(); } isOpen = false; float delay = content == null || instantHideContent ? 0 : exitTime * 0.75f; //Le content se fade-out en premier if (content != null) { content.DOKill(); if (instantHideContent) content.alpha = 0; else content.DOFade(0, exitTime * 0.75f).SetEase(exitEase).SetUpdate(true); content.blocksRaycasts = false; } //Le reste a du délai (potentiellement) if (bgImage != null) { bgImage.DOKill(); bgImage.DOFade(fadeStart, exitTime).SetDelay(delay).SetUpdate(true); } if (backBg != null) { backBg.DOKill(); backBg.DOFade(0, exitTime + delay).SetUpdate(true);//.SetDelay(delay); } bgTr.DOKill(); bgTr.DOSizeDelta(smallV, exitTime).SetDelay(delay).SetEase(exitEase).OnComplete(delegate () { bgTr.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (onComplete != null) onComplete.Invoke(); }).SetUpdate(true); }