Esempio n. 1
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Time", X + x1, Y + y1);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Gil", X + x1, Y + y2);

            g.SelectFontFace("Courier New", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            long s, m, h;
            s = GameClock.Seconds;
            m = GameClock.Minutes;
            h = GameClock.Hours;

            string time = String.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", h, m, s);

            te = g.TextExtents(time);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, time, X + x2 - te.Width, Y + y1);

            te = g.TextExtents(Gil);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, Gil, X + x2 - te.Width, Y + y2);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            Ability s = BattleState.Commanding.EnemySkillMenu.Selected;

            int row = 0;

            if (s != null)
                string cost = s.MPCost.ToString();
                Text.ShadowedText(g, "MP Req", X + x1, Y + y0);


                cost = cost + "/";
                te = g.TextExtents(cost);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, cost, X + x2 - te.Width, Y + y0 + (row * ys));

                string tot = BattleState.Commanding.MP.ToString();
                te = g.TextExtents(tot);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, tot, X + x3 - te.Width, Y + y0 + (row * ys));

Esempio n. 3
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Equip", X + 20, Y + 25);
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Level Up!", X + xs, Y + ys);
Esempio n. 5
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, MenuState.ConfigScreen.Control.Info, X + 20, Y + 27);
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Please Make a Party of Three", X + 50, Y + 25);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Draw(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te = g.TextExtents(Message);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, Color, Message, X - (te.Width / 2), Y - (te.Height / 2) + GetCurrentDisplacement());
Esempio n. 8
		void DrawVersionNumber (Cairo.Context c, ref Cairo.PointD bottomRight, string text)
			c.SelectFontFace (SplashFontFamily, Cairo.FontSlant.Normal, Cairo.FontWeight.Normal);
			c.SetFontSize (SplashFontSize);
			var extents = c.TextExtents (text);
			c.MoveTo (bottomRight.X - extents.Width - 1, bottomRight.Y - extents.Height);
			c.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
			c.ShowText (text);
Esempio n. 9
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            te = g.TextExtents(AP);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, "AP", X + x1, Y + ys);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, AP, X + x2 - te.Width, Y + ys);
Esempio n. 10
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            string gil = PostBattleState.Gil.ToString() + "g";
            te = g.TextExtents(gil);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Gained Gil", X + x1, Y + ys);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, gil, X + x2 - te.Width, Y + ys);
Esempio n. 11
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            #region Character Status

            DrawCharacterStatus(d, g);

            #endregion Status
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            BattleEvent e = BattleState.ActiveAbility;

            if (e != null)
                g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

                string msg = e.GetStatus();

                TextExtents te = g.TextExtents(msg);

                Text.ShadowedText(g, msg, X + (W / 2) - (te.Width / 2), Y + 32);
Esempio n. 13
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            SummonMenuEntry s = BattleState.Commanding.SummonMenu.Selected;

            int row = 0;

            if (s != null)
                string cost = s.Spell.MPCost.ToString();
                Text.ShadowedText(g, "MP Req", X + x1, Y + y0);


                cost = cost + "/";
                te = g.TextExtents(cost);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, cost, X + x2 - te.Width, Y + y0 + (row * ys));

                string tot = BattleState.Commanding.MP.ToString();
                te = g.TextExtents(tot);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, tot, X + x3 - te.Width, Y + y0 + (row * ys));


            //                if (s.AddedAbility.Contains(AddedAbility.All))
            //                {
            //                    string msg = "All x";
            //                    msg += s.AllCount.ToString();
            //                    Text.ShadowedText(g, msg, X + x0, Y + y0 + (row * ys));
            //                    row++;
            //                }

            //                if (s.AddedAbility.Contains(AddedAbility.QuadraMagic))
            //                {
            //                    string msg = "Q-Magic x";
            //                    msg += s.QMagicCount.ToString();
            //                    Text.ShadowedText(g, msg, X + x0, Y + y0 + (row * ys));
            //                    row++;
            //                }

Esempio n. 14
        public static void ShadowedText(Cairo.Context g, Cairo.Color c, string text, double x, double y, string font, int point)

            g.SelectFontFace(font, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Normal);

            g.MoveTo(x + SHADOW_SPACING, y + SHADOW_SPACING);
            g.Color = Colors.BLACK;

            g.MoveTo(x, y);
            g.Color = c;

Esempio n. 15
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            string msg = "";

            if (BattleState.Screen.Control != null)
                msg = BattleState.Screen.Control.Info;

            te = g.TextExtents(msg);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, msg, X + (W / 2) - (te.Width / 2), Y + 32);
Esempio n. 16
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            if (BattleState.Allies[0] != null)
                DrawAllyStatus(g, BattleState.Allies[0], y0);

            if (BattleState.Allies[1] != null)
                DrawAllyStatus(g, BattleState.Allies[1], y1);

            if (BattleState.Allies[2] != null)
                DrawAllyStatus(g, BattleState.Allies[2], y2);
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            if (PhsList.IsControl)
                g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

                #region Character

                Character c = PhsList.Selection;

                if (c != null)
                    Images.RenderProfileSmall(d, X + xpic, Y + ypic, c);

                    Graphics.Stats.RenderCharacterStatus(d, g, c, X + x_stats, Y + y_stats, false);

                #endregion Character
Esempio n. 18
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Item", X + x1, Y + (ys * 1));

            List<Inventory.Record> taken = HoardItemLeft.Taken;

            for (int i = 0; i < taken.Count; i++)
                if (taken[i].ID != "")
                    string count = taken[i].Count.ToString();
                    te = g.TextExtents(count);
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, taken[i].Item.Name, X + x2, Y + (ys * (i + 2)));
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, count, X + x3 - te.Width, Y + (ys * (i + 2)));
Esempio n. 19
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            Color textColor = Character.Death ? Colors.TEXT_RED : Colors.WHITE;

            if (Character != null)
                Images.RenderProfile(d, X + xpic, Y + ypic, Character);

                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor,Character.Name, X + x1, Y + y0);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor, "Level:", X + x2, Y + y1);

                string lvl = Character.Level.ToString();
                te = g.TextExtents(lvl);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor, lvl, X + x3 - te.Width, Y + y1);

                string temp = "Exp:";
                te = g.TextExtents(temp);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor, temp, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y0);

                temp = "For level up:";
                te = g.TextExtents(temp);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor, temp, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y1);

                string exp = Character.Exp.ToString() + "p";
                te = g.TextExtents(exp);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor, exp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0);

                string expNext = Character.ExpToNextLevel.ToString() + "p";
                te = g.TextExtents(expNext);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, textColor, expNext, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y1);
Esempio n. 20
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            string message = Message(Timer);

            TextExtents te = g.TextExtents(message);

            Move(100, 100);

            Width = (int)te.Width + w_padding * 2;
            Height = (int)te.Height + h_padding * 2;

            int x = ScreenState.Width / 2 - Width / 2;
            int y = ScreenState.Height / 2 - Height / 2;

            Move(x, y);

            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            double x_text = X + Width / 2 - te.Width / 2 - te.Width;
            double y_text = Y + Height / 2 - te.Height / 2;

            Text.ShadowedText(g, message, x_text, y_text);
Esempio n. 21
	static void draw (Cairo.Context gr, int width, int height)
		gr.Scale (width, height);
		gr.LineWidth = 0.04;
		gr.SelectFontFace ("Sans", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);
		gr.SetFontSize (0.35);
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD(0.04, 0.53) );
		gr.ShowText ("Hello");
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD(0.27, 0.65) );
		gr.TextPath ("void");
		gr.ColorRgb = new Color (0.5, 0.5, 1, 0);
		gr.FillPreserve ();
		gr.ColorRgb = new Color (0, 0, 0, 0);
		gr.LineWidth =  0.01;
		gr.Stroke ();
		gr.Color = new Color (1,0.2,0.2, 0.6);
		gr.Arc (0.04, 0.53, 0.02, 0, 2*M_PI);
		gr.Arc (0.27, 0.65, 0.02, 0, 2*M_PI);
		gr.Fill ();				
Esempio n. 22
File: Boot.cs Progetto: vdt/AtomOS
        private static unsafe void DrawTaskbar(GuiRequest *request, byte[] xData)
            request->Type  = RequestType.NewWindow;
            request->Error = ErrorType.None;
            var taskbar = (NewWindow *)request;
            int height  = 30;

            taskbar->X      = 0;
            taskbar->Y      = 0;
            taskbar->Width  = VBE.Xres;
            taskbar->Height = height;


            if (request->Error != ErrorType.None)
                Debug.Write("Error4: %d\n", (int)request->Error);

            string HashCode = new string(taskbar->Buffer);
            var    aBuffer  = SHM.Obtain(HashCode, 0, false);
            int    winID    = taskbar->WindowID;

            Debug.Write("winID: %d\n", winID);

            uint surface = Cairo.ImageSurfaceCreateForData(VBE.Xres * 4, height, VBE.Xres, ColorFormat.ARGB32, aBuffer);
            uint cr      = Cairo.Create(surface);

            uint pattern = Cairo.PatternCreateLinear(height, 0, 0, 0);

            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.7, 0.42, 0.42, 0.42, 0, pattern);
            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.6, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.5, pattern);
            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.7, 0.42, 0.42, 0.42, 1, pattern);

            Cairo.SetOperator(Operator.Over, cr);
            Cairo.Rectangle(height, VBE.Xres, 0, 0, cr);
            Cairo.SetSource(pattern, cr);

            Cairo.Rectangle(2, VBE.Xres, height - 2, 0, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(0.7, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, cr);

            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1, cr);
            Cairo.SelectFontFace(FontWeight.Bold, FontSlant.Normal, Marshal.C_String(""), cr);
            Cairo.SetFontSize(20, cr);
            Cairo.MoveTo(20, 1215, cr);
            Cairo.ShowText(Marshal.C_String("20:10"), cr);


            request->Type = RequestType.Redraw;
            var req = (Redraw *)request;

            req->WindowID = winID;
            req->X        = 0;
            req->Y        = 0;
            req->Width    = VBE.Xres;
            req->Height   = height;
Esempio n. 23
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            #region Slots

            MateriaSlots.Render(g, MenuState.Party.Selected.Weapon, X + x_slots, Y + y_slots_weapon);
            MateriaSlots.Render(g, MenuState.Party.Selected.Armor, X + x_slots, Y + y_slots_armor);


            #region Character Status

            Images.RenderProfile(d, X + xpic, Y + ypic, MenuState.Party.Selected);

            Graphics.Stats.RenderCharacterStatus(d, g, MenuState.Party.Selected, X + x_status, Y + y_status, false);

            #endregion Status

            #region Equipment

            g.Color = Colors.TEXT_TEAL;
            g.MoveTo(X + x_labels, Y + y_weapon);
            g.MoveTo(X + x_labels, Y + y_armor);
            g.Color = Colors.WHITE;

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Check", X + x_labels, Y + y_check);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Arr.", X + x_labels, Y + y_arrange);

            string weapon, armor;
            weapon = MenuState.Party.Selected.Weapon.Name;
            armor = MenuState.Party.Selected.Armor.Name;

            Text.ShadowedText(g, MenuState.Party.Selected.Weapon.Name, X + x_names, Y + y_weapon);
            Text.ShadowedText(g, MenuState.Party.Selected.Armor.Name, X + x_names, Y + y_armor);


            if (IsControl)
                Shapes.RenderCursor(g, X + cx, Y + cy);
Esempio n. 24
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            int y_cursor = y_option0 + y_spacing * Option + y_displacement_cursor;

            Shapes.RenderCursor(g, X + x_cursor, Y + y_cursor);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "Which save data?", X + x_prompt, Y + y_prompt);

            Text.ShadowedText(g, "New game", X + x_options, Y + y_option0);

            for (int option = 0; option < options - 1; option++)
                Text.ShadowedText(g, "Save " + option.ToString(), X + x_options, Y + y_option0 + y_spacing * (option + 1));
Esempio n. 25
		void DrawAlphaBetaMarker (Cairo.Context c, ref Cairo.PointD bottomRight, string text)
			c.SelectFontFace (SplashFontFamily, Cairo.FontSlant.Normal, Cairo.FontWeight.Bold);
			c.SetFontSize (SplashFontSize);
			// Create a rectangle larger than the text so we can have a nice border
			var extents = c.TextExtents (text);
			var x = bottomRight.X - extents.Width * 1.3;
			var y = bottomRight.Y - extents.Height * 1.5;
			var rectangle = new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y, bottomRight.X - x, bottomRight.Y - y);
			// Draw the background color the text will be overlaid on
			DrawRoundedRectangle (c, rectangle);
			// Calculate the offset the text will need to be at to be centralised
			// in the border
			x = x + extents.XBearing + (rectangle.Width - extents.Width) / 2;
			y = y - extents.YBearing + (rectangle.Height - extents.Height) / 2;
			c.MoveTo (x, y);
			// Draw the text
			c.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
			c.ShowText (text);
			bottomRight.Y -= rectangle.Height - 2;
        public void DrawIcon(TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, DocumentLine lineSegment, int lineNumber, double x, double y, double width, double height)
            if (BookmarkService.Instance.CheckLineForBookmark (editor.FileName, lineSegment.LineNumber)) {
                Cairo.Color color1 = editor.ColorStyle.Bookmarks.Color;
                Cairo.Color color2 = editor.ColorStyle.Bookmarks.SecondColor;

                if (Bookmark.BookmarkType == BookmarkType.Local)
                    DrawRoundRectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 8, width - 4, height - 4);
                    DrawCircle (cr, x + (width / 2), y + (height / 2), 6);

                using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x + width / 4, y, x + width / 2, y + height - 4)) {
                    pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
                    pat.AddColorStop (1, color2);
                    cr.Pattern = pat;
                    cr.FillPreserve ();

                using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + height, x + width, y)) {
                    pat.AddColorStop (0, color2);
                    //pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
                    cr.Pattern = pat;
                    cr.Stroke ();

                cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0);
                cr.SelectFontFace (DesktopService.DefaultMonospaceFont, Cairo.FontSlant.Normal, Cairo.FontWeight.Bold);
                cr.SetFontSize (12);
                var te = cr.TextExtents (Bookmark.Number.ToString ());
                cr.MoveTo (x + 5, y + 1 + te.Height);
                cr.ShowText (Bookmark.Number.ToString ());
Esempio n. 27
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            MateriaOrb orb = MenuState.MateriaTop.Selection;

            if (orb == null)
                orb = MenuState.MateriaList.Selection;

            if (orb != null)
                Shapes.RenderCircle(g, Colors.WHITE, 9, X + x1, Y + yp);
                Shapes.RenderCircle(g, orb.Color, 7, X + x1, Y + yp);
                Text.ShadowedText(g, orb.Name, X + x2, Y + y0);

                Cairo.Color greenish = Colors.TEXT_TEAL;
                Cairo.Color yellow = Colors.TEXT_YELLOW;
                Cairo.Color red = Colors.TEXT_RED;

                if (orb is EnemySkillMateria)
                    EnemySkillMateria esm = (EnemySkillMateria)orb;

                    string mask = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < MenuState.Seven.Data.EnemySkillCount; i++)
                        mask += ((esm.AP >> i) & 1) > 0 ? "1" : "0";
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, mask, X + x1, Y + y3);
                    string lvl = (orb.Level + 1).ToString() + "/";
                    te = g.TextExtents(lvl);
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0);

                    string lvls = orb.Tiers.Length.ToString();
                    te = g.TextExtents(lvls);
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, lvls, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y0);

                    te = g.TextExtents("Level");
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Level", X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0);

                    string ap;
                    if (orb.AP < orb.Tiers[orb.Tiers.Length - 1])
                        ap = orb.AP.ToString();
                        ap = "MASTER";
                    te = g.TextExtents(ap);
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, ap, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y1);
                    te = g.TextExtents("AP");
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "AP", X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y1);

                    string nxt;
                    if (orb.Master)
                        nxt = "0";
                        nxt = (orb.Tiers[orb.Level + 1] - orb.AP).ToString();
                    te = g.TextExtents(nxt);
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, nxt, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y2);
                    te = g.TextExtents("To next level");
                    Text.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "To next level", X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y2);

                    Text.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Ability List", X + x0, Y + y3);

                    int k = 0;
                    foreach (string s in orb.AbilityDescriptions)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                            Color abilityTextColor = Colors.GRAY_4;

                            if (orb is MasterMateria || orb.Abilities.Contains(s))
                                abilityTextColor = Colors.WHITE;

                            Text.ShadowedText(g, abilityTextColor, s, X + x1, Y + y4 + (ys * k));


                    Text.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Equip Effect", X + x4, Y + y3);

                    int i = 0;
                    string stat;

                    te = g.TextExtents("-");
                    double dashw = te.Width;

                    te = g.TextExtents("+");
                    double plusw = te.Width;

                    #region Strength
                    if (orb.StrengthMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "Str", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.StrengthMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;

                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.StrengthMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x7 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x7 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion Strength
                    #region Vitality
                    if (orb.VitalityMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "Vit", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.VitalityMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;

                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.VitalityMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x7 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x7 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion Vitality
                    #region Dexterity
                    if (orb.DexterityMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "Dex", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.DexterityMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;

                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.DexterityMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x7 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x7 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion Dexterity
                    #region Magic
                    if (orb.MagicMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "Mag", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.MagicMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;

                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.MagicMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x7 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x7 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion Magic
                    #region Spirit
                    if (orb.SpiritMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "Spr", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.SpiritMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;

                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.SpiritMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x7 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x7 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion Spirit
                    #region Luck
                    if (orb.LuckMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "Lck", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.LuckMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;

                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.LuckMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x7 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x7 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x7 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion Luck
                    #region HP
                    if (orb.HPMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "MaxHP", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.HPMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;
                        stat = stat + "%";
                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.HPMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x8 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x8 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x8 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x8 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion HP
                    #region MP
                    if (orb.MPMod != 0)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, "MaxMP", X + x5, Y + y4 + (ys * i));

                        stat = Math.Abs(orb.MPMod).ToString();
                        if (stat.Length < 2)
                            stat = "0" + stat;
                        stat = stat + "%";
                        te = g.TextExtents(stat);
                        if (orb.MPMod < 0)
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "-", X + x8 - te.Width - dashw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, red, stat, X + x8 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, "+", X + x8 - te.Width - plusw, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                            Text.ShadowedText(g, yellow, stat, X + x8 - te.Width, Y + y4 + (ys * i));
                    #endregion MP
Esempio n. 28
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            if (IsControl || MenuState.MateriaArrange.IsControl || MenuState.MateriaPrompt.IsControl)
                int j = Math.Min(rows + topRow, Materiatory.MATERIATORY_SIZE);

                for (int i = topRow; i < j; i++)
                    MateriaOrb orb = MenuState.Party.Materiatory.Get(i);
                    if (orb != null)
                        Shapes.RenderCircle(g, Colors.WHITE, 9, X + x1, Y + cy + (i - topRow) * y);
                        Shapes.RenderCircle(g, orb.Color, 7, X + x1, Y + cy + (i - topRow) * y);

                        Text.ShadowedText(g, orb.Name, X + x2, Y + (i - topRow + 1) * y);

            if (IsControl)
                Shapes.RenderCursor(g, X + cx, Y + cy + (option - topRow) * y);
Esempio n. 29
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);
            g.Color = Colors.WHITE;

            int j = Math.Min(rows + _topRow, _equipment.Count);

            for (int i = _topRow; i < j; i++)
                Text.ShadowedText(g, _equipment [i].Item.Name,
                                    X + x, Y + (i - _topRow + 1) * y);

            if (IsControl)
                Shapes.RenderCursor(g, X + cx, Y + cy + (_option - _topRow) * y);
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the label flat.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="bordertype">Bordertype.</param>
        /// <param name="labelposition">Labelposition.</param>
        /// <param name="pin">Pin.</param>
        /// <param name="xpos">Xpos.</param>
        /// <param name="ypos">Ypos.</param>
        private static void DrawLabelFlat(Cairo.Context context, BorderType bordertype, LabelPosition labelposition, IPin pin, int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0)
            string displaytext = "";
            var color = GdkToCairo (pin.PlotColor);

            displaytext = pin.DisplayNumberShort + " " + pin.Name;

            if (displaytext.Length > 12) {
                displaytext = displaytext.Substring (0, 12);
                displaytext += "...";

            if (bordertype == BorderType.Line) {
                DrawRoundedRectangle (context, xpos, ypos, LabelWidth - LabelBorderWeight, FlatHeight, 5);
                context.SetSourceRGBA (color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
                context.LineWidth = LabelBorderWeight;
                context.Stroke ();

            int xposlabelline = 0;
            int yposlabelline = 0;
            switch (labelposition) {
            case LabelPosition.Left:
                xposlabelline = xpos + LabelWidth;
                yposlabelline = ypos + (FlatHeight / 2);
            case LabelPosition.Right:
                xposlabelline = xpos;
                yposlabelline = ypos + (FlatHeight / 2);
            case LabelPosition.Bottom:
                xpos = xpos + LabelWidth / 2;
                yposlabelline = ypos;

            if (PinLocations.ContainsKey ((int)pin.RealNumber)) {
                DrawLines (
                    (int)(MCUImageXZero + PinLocations [(int)pin.RealNumber].x),
                    (int)(MCUImageYZero + PinLocations [(int)pin.RealNumber].y),

            context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
            context.SelectFontFace ("Sans", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);
            context.SetFontSize (LabelFontSize);
            context.MoveTo (xpos + 5, ypos + LabelFontSize + LabelBorderWeight);
            context.ShowText (displaytext);
Esempio n. 31
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            int j = Math.Min(_visibleRows + _topRow, _totalRows);

            for (int b = _topRow; b < j; b++)
                for (int a = 0; a < COLUMNS; a++)
                    Spell enemySkill = _spells[b, a];

                    if (enemySkill != null)
                        Text.ShadowedText(g, enemySkill.Name,
                            X + x1 + a * xs,
                            Y + (b - _topRow + 1) * ys);

            if (IsControl)
                    X + x1 + cx + _xopt * xs,
                    Y + cy + (_yopt - _topRow + 1) * ys);

            BattleState.Screen.EnemySkillInfo.Draw(d, g, width, height, screenChanged);
Esempio n. 32
File: Boot.cs Progetto: vdt/AtomOS
        private static unsafe void DrawWindow(GuiRequest *request, byte[] xData)
            request->Type  = RequestType.NewWindow;
            request->Error = ErrorType.None;
            var window = (NewWindow *)request;

            window->X      = 340;
            window->Y      = 159;
            window->Width  = 600;
            window->Height = 450;


            if (request->Error != ErrorType.None)
                Debug.Write("Error5: %d\n", (int)request->Error);

            string HashCode = new string(window->Buffer);
            var    aBuffer  = SHM.Obtain(HashCode, 0, false);
            int    winID    = window->WindowID;

            Debug.Write("winID: %d\n", winID);

            uint surface = Cairo.ImageSurfaceCreateForData(600 * 4, 450, 600, ColorFormat.ARGB32, aBuffer);
            uint cr      = Cairo.Create(surface);

            Cairo.SetOperator(Operator.Over, cr);

            Cairo.Rectangle(450, 600, 0, 0, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, cr);
            Cairo.Rectangle(446, 596, 2, 2, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 0.87, 0.87, 0.87, cr);
            Cairo.Rectangle(410, 580, 30, 10, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1, cr);

            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, cr);
            Cairo.SelectFontFace(FontWeight.Normal, FontSlant.Normal, Marshal.C_String(""), cr);
            Cairo.SetFontSize(15, cr);
            Cairo.MoveTo(18, 215, cr);
            Cairo.ShowText(Marshal.C_String("Atom OS : Installation Guide"), cr);

            Cairo.SelectFontFace(FontWeight.Bold, FontSlant.Normal, Marshal.C_String(""), cr);
            Cairo.MoveTo(18, 580, cr);
            Cairo.ShowText(Marshal.C_String("X"), cr);


            request->Type = RequestType.Redraw;
            var req = (Redraw *)request;

            req->WindowID = winID;
            req->X        = 0;
            req->Y        = 0;
            req->Width    = 600;
            req->Height   = 450;

            Debug.Write("Time: %d\n", Timer.TicksFromStart);
            while (true)
                if (request->Error != ErrorType.None)
                if (request->Type != RequestType.MouseEvent)
                var mreq = (MouseEvent *)request;
                if (mreq->WindowID != winID)
                if ((mreq->Function & MouseFunction.Click) != 0)
                    int x = mreq->Xpos;
                    int y = mreq->Ypos;
                    if (y < 40)
                        request->Type = RequestType.DragRequest;
                        var mv = (DragRequest *)request;
                        mv->WindowID = winID;