Esempio n. 1
	static void draw (Cairo.Context gr, int width, int height)
		int w, h;
		ImageSurface image;
		gr.Scale (width, height);
		gr.LineWidth = 0.04;
		gr.Arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2*M_PI);
		gr.Clip ();
		gr.NewPath ();
		image = new ImageSurface("data/e.png");
		w = image.Width;
		h = image.Height;
		gr.Scale (1.0/w, 1.0/h);
		image.Show (gr, 0, 0);
		gr.Arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * M_PI);
		gr.Clip ();
		gr.NewPath ();
		gr.Rectangle (new PointD (0, 0), 1, 1);
		gr.Fill ();
		gr.Color = new Color (0, 1, 0, 1);
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD (0, 0) );
		gr.LineTo ( new PointD (1, 1) );
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD (1, 0) );
		gr.LineTo ( new PointD (0, 1) );
		gr.Stroke ();
Esempio n. 2
		public static void DrawRoundRectangle (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double r, double w, double h)
			const double ARC_TO_BEZIER = 0.55228475;
			double radius_x = r;
			double radius_y = r / 4;
			if (radius_x > w - radius_x)
				radius_x = w / 2;
			if (radius_y > h - radius_y)
				radius_y = h / 2;
			double c1 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * radius_x;
			double c2 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * radius_y;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + radius_x, y);
			cr.RelLineTo (w - 2 * radius_x, 0.0);
			cr.RelCurveTo (c1, 0.0, 
			               radius_x, c2, 
			               radius_x, radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, h - 2 * radius_y);
			cr.RelCurveTo (0.0, c2, c1 - radius_x, radius_y, -radius_x, radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (-w + 2 * radius_x, 0);
			cr.RelCurveTo (-c1, 0, -radius_x, -c2, -radius_x, -radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -h + 2 * radius_y);
			cr.RelCurveTo (0.0, -c2, radius_x - c1, -radius_y, radius_x, -radius_y);
			cr.ClosePath ();
Esempio n. 3
 public static void Fill(Cairo.Context context, Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Color color)
     context.Color = color;
     context.Rectangle(0, 0, widget.Allocation.Width, widget.Allocation.Height);
Esempio n. 4
		protected void DrawCircle (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double size)
			x += 0.5; y += 0.5;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.Arc (x + size/2, y + size / 2, (size-4)/2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			cr.ClosePath ();
Esempio n. 5
 public static void Fill(Cairo.Context context, int width, int height, Cairo.Color color)
     context.Color = color;
     context.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
Esempio n. 6
		protected void DrawDiamond (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double size)
			x += 0.5; y += 0.5;
			size -= 2;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + size/2, y);
			cr.LineTo (x + size, y + size/2);
			cr.LineTo (x + size/2, y + size);
			cr.LineTo (x, y + size/2);
			cr.LineTo (x + size/2, y);
			cr.ClosePath ();
Esempio n. 7
	static void draw (Cairo.Context gr, int width, int height)
		gr.Scale (width, height);
		gr.LineWidth = 0.04;

		gr.Arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * M_PI);
		gr.Clip ();

		gr.NewPath ();
		gr.Rectangle (new PointD (0, 0), 1, 1);
		gr.Fill ();
		gr.Color = new Color (0, 1, 0, 1);
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD (0, 0) );
	        gr.LineTo ( new PointD (1, 1) );
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD (1, 0) );
		gr.LineTo ( new PointD (0, 1) );
		gr.Stroke ();
Esempio n. 8
		public void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle rectangle)
			if (IsSeparator) {
				cr.NewPath ();
				double x = Math.Ceiling (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) + 0.5;
				cr.MoveTo (x, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + 2);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, rectangle.Height - 1 - 4);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				cr.SetSourceColor (Styles.SubTabBarSeparatorColor.ToCairoColor ());
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.Stroke ();
			if (Active || HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
				if (Active) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
					cr.SetSourceColor (Styles.SubTabBarActiveBackgroundColor.ToCairoColor ());
					cr.Fill ();
				} else if (HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
					cr.SetSourceColor (Styles.SubTabBarHoverBackgroundColor.ToCairoColor ());
					cr.Fill ();

			if (Active) {
				cr.SetSourceColor (Styles.SubTabBarActiveTextColor.ToCairoColor ());
				layout.FontDescription = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified (Styles.FontScale11, Pango.Weight.Bold);
			} else {
				cr.SetSourceColor (Styles.SubTabBarTextColor.ToCairoColor ());
				layout.FontDescription = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified (Styles.FontScale11);

			layout.Width = (int)rectangle.Width;

			cr.MoveTo (rectangle.X + (int)(rectangle.Width / 2), (rectangle.Height - h) / 2 - 1);
			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout);
			public override void DrawForeground (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, MarginDrawMetrics metrics)
				cr.Arc (metrics.X + metrics.Width / 2 + 2, metrics.Y + metrics.Height / 2, 7 * editor.Options.Zoom, 0, Math.PI * 2);
				isFailed = false;
				var test = NUnitService.Instance.SearchTestById (unitTest.UnitTestIdentifier);
				bool searchCases = false;

				if (unitTest.IsIgnored) {
					cr.SetSourceRGB (0.9, 0.9, 0);
				} else {

					if (test != null) {
						var result = test.GetLastResult ();
						if (result == null) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
							searchCases = true;

						} else if (result.IsNotRun) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.9, 0.9, 0, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.5 : 1.0);
						} else if (result.IsSuccess) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (0, 1, 0, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.2 : 1.0);
						} else if (result.IsFailure) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (1, 0, 0, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.2 : 1.0);
							failMessage = result.Message;
							isFailed = true;
						} else if (result.IsInconclusive) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (0, 1, 1, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.2 : 1.0);
						} else {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
					} else {
						cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
						searchCases = true;
					if (searchCases) {
						foreach (var caseId in unitTest.TestCases) {
							test = NUnitService.Instance.SearchTestById (unitTest.UnitTestIdentifier + caseId);
							if (test != null) {
								var result = test.GetLastResult ();
								if (result == null || result.IsNotRun || test.IsHistoricResult) {
								} else if (result.IsNotRun) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (0.9, 0.9, 0);
								} else if (result.IsSuccess) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 1, 0);
								} else if (result.IsFailure) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (1, 0, 0);
									failMessage = result.Message;
									isFailed = true;
								} else if (result.IsInconclusive) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 1, 1);

				cr.FillPreserve ();
				if (unitTest.IsIgnored) {
					cr.SetSourceRGB (0.4, 0.4, 0);
					cr.Stroke ();

				} else {
					if (test != null) {
						var result = test.GetLastResult ();
						if (result == null) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsNotRun && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.4, 0.4, 0);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsSuccess && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0.5, 0);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsFailure && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0, 0);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsInconclusive && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0.7, 0.7);
							cr.Stroke ();
				cr.NewPath ();
Esempio n. 10
		public void Render (Cairo.Context context, StatusArea.RenderArg arg)
			context.CachedDraw (surface: ref backgroundSurface, 
			                    region: arg.Allocation,
			                    draw: (c, o) => DrawBackground (c, new Gdk.Rectangle (0, 0, arg.Allocation.Width, arg.Allocation.Height)));

			if (arg.BuildAnimationOpacity > 0.001f)
				DrawBuildEffect (context, arg.Allocation, arg.BuildAnimationProgress, arg.BuildAnimationOpacity);

			if (arg.ErrorAnimationProgress > 0.001 && arg.ErrorAnimationProgress < .999) {
				DrawErrorAnimation (context, arg);

			DrawBorder (context, arg.Allocation);

			if (arg.HoverProgress > 0.001f)
				context.Clip ();
				int x1 = arg.Allocation.X + arg.MousePosition.X - 200;
				int x2 = x1 + 400;
				using (Cairo.LinearGradient gradient = new LinearGradient (x1, 0, x2, 0))
					Cairo.Color targetColor = Styles.StatusBarFill1Color;
					Cairo.Color transparentColor = targetColor;
					targetColor.A = .7;
					transparentColor.A = 0;

					targetColor.A = .7 * arg.HoverProgress;

					gradient.AddColorStop (0.0, transparentColor);
					gradient.AddColorStop (0.5, targetColor);
					gradient.AddColorStop (1.0, transparentColor);

					context.Pattern = gradient;

					context.Rectangle (x1, arg.Allocation.Y, x2 - x1, arg.Allocation.Height);
					context.Fill ();
				context.ResetClip ();
			} else {
				context.NewPath ();

			int progress_bar_x = arg.ChildAllocation.X;
			int progress_bar_width = arg.ChildAllocation.Width;

			if (arg.CurrentPixbuf != null) {
				int y = arg.Allocation.Y + (arg.Allocation.Height - arg.CurrentPixbuf.Height) / 2;
				Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (context, arg.CurrentPixbuf, arg.ChildAllocation.X, y);
				context.Paint ();
				progress_bar_x += arg.CurrentPixbuf.Width + Styles.ProgressBarOuterPadding;
				progress_bar_width -= arg.CurrentPixbuf.Width + Styles.ProgressBarOuterPadding;

			int center = arg.Allocation.Y + arg.Allocation.Height / 2;

			Gdk.Rectangle progressArea = new Gdk.Rectangle (progress_bar_x, center - Styles.ProgressBarHeight / 2, progress_bar_width, Styles.ProgressBarHeight);
			if (arg.ShowProgressBar || arg.ProgressBarAlpha > 0) {
				DrawProgressBar (context, arg.ProgressBarFraction, progressArea, arg);
				ClipProgressBar (context, progressArea);

			int text_x = progress_bar_x + Styles.ProgressBarInnerPadding;
			int text_width = progress_bar_width - (Styles.ProgressBarInnerPadding * 2);

			double textTweenValue = arg.TextAnimationProgress;

			if (arg.LastText != null) {
				double opacity = Math.Max (0.0f, 1.0f - textTweenValue);
				DrawString (arg.LastText, arg.LastTextIsMarkup, context, text_x, 
				            center - (int)(textTweenValue * arg.Allocation.Height * 0.3), text_width, opacity, arg.Pango, arg);

			if (arg.CurrentText != null) {
				DrawString (arg.CurrentText, arg.CurrentTextIsMarkup, context, text_x, 
				            center + (int)((1.0f - textTweenValue) * arg.Allocation.Height * 0.3), text_width, Math.Min (textTweenValue, 1.0), arg.Pango, arg);

			if (arg.ShowProgressBar || arg.ProgressBarAlpha > 0)
				context.ResetClip ();
Esempio n. 11
 protected void paintTrail(Cairo.Context context, int x, int y)
     context.Save ();
     context.SetSourceRGB (0, 1, 0);
     context.Translate (x, y);
     context.Rectangle (new Cairo.Rectangle (0, 0, fieldSize, fieldSize));
     context.SetSourceRGBA (0, 1, 0, 0.3);
     context.FillPreserve ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.Restore ();
Esempio n. 12
        void DrawSerie(Cairo.Context ctx, Serie serie)
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.Rectangle (left, top, width + 1, height + 1);
            ctx.Clip ();

            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.SetSourceColor (serie.Color);
            ctx.LineWidth = serie.LineWidth;

            bool first = true;
            bool blockMode = serie.DisplayMode == DisplayMode.BlockLine;

            double lastY = 0;

            foreach (Data d in serie.GetData (startX, endX)) {
                double x, y;
                GetPoint (d.X, d.Y, out x, out y);
                if (first) {
                    ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
                    lastY = y;
                    first = false;
                } else {
                    if (blockMode) {
                        if (lastY != y)
                            ctx.LineTo (x, lastY);
                        ctx.LineTo (x, y);
                    } else
                        ctx.LineTo (x, y);
                lastY = y;

            ctx.Stroke ();
Esempio n. 13
		void DrawExpander (Cairo.Context ctx, double ex, double ey, bool expanded, bool hilight)
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			ctx.Rectangle (ex, ey, ExpanderSize, ExpanderSize);
			if (hilight)
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.White.ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.FillPreserve ();
			ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.Foreground (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.Stroke ();
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.MoveTo (ex + 2, ey + (ExpanderSize/2));
			ctx.RelLineTo (ExpanderSize - 4, 0);
			if (!expanded) {
				ctx.MoveTo (ex + (ExpanderSize/2), ey + 2);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, ExpanderSize - 4);
			ctx.Stroke ();
Esempio n. 14
        protected void paintWanderer(Cairo.Context context, Monster monster)
            context.Save ();
            context.Translate (monster.X + fieldSize / 2, monster.Y + fieldSize / 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                context.LineTo ((fieldSize / 2) * Math.Cos (i * Math.PI / 6), (fieldSize / 2) * Math.Sin (i * Math.PI / 6));
                context.LineTo ((fieldSize / 3) * Math.Cos (Math.PI / 12 + i * Math.PI / 6), (fieldSize / 3) * Math.Sin (Math.PI / 12 + i * Math.PI / 6));

            context.ClosePath ();
            context.FillPreserve ();
            context.NewPath ();

            context.Restore ();
Esempio n. 15
 protected void paintSniffer(Cairo.Context context, Monster monster)
     context.Save ();
     context.Translate (monster.X, monster.Y);
     rotateContext (context, monster.Direction);
     context.Arc (fieldSize / 2, fieldSize / 2, fieldSize / 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
     context.FillPreserve ();
     context.MoveTo (0, 0);
     context.LineTo (fieldSize, fieldSize);
     context.Stroke ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.MoveTo (fieldSize, 0);
     context.LineTo (0, fieldSize);
     context.Stroke ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.MoveTo (0, fieldSize / 2);
     context.LineTo (fieldSize, fieldSize / 2);
     context.Stroke ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.Restore ();
Esempio n. 16
        protected override bool OnExposed(Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle area)
            Rectangle rectT = new Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, Allocation.Width, EdgeSize);
            Rectangle rectB = new Rectangle(0.0, Allocation.Height - EdgeSize, Allocation.Width, EdgeSize);
            Rectangle rectL = new Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, EdgeSize, Allocation.Height);
            Rectangle rectR = new Rectangle(Allocation.Width - EdgeSize, 0.0, EdgeSize, Allocation.Height);

            Rectangle areaT = Widget.Intersect(area, rectT);
            Rectangle areaB = Widget.Intersect(area, rectB);
            Rectangle areaL = Widget.Intersect(area, rectL);
            Rectangle areaR = Widget.Intersect(area, rectR);

            if(areaT.Width != 0.0 && areaT.Height != 0.0)
                LinearGradient grT = new LinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, EdgeSize);
                grT.AddColorStop(0.0, new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
                grT.AddColorStop(1.0, new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0));
                cr.Pattern = grT;
                cr.MoveTo(0.0, 0.0);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width, 0.0);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width - EdgeSize, EdgeSize);
                cr.LineTo(EdgeSize, EdgeSize);

            if(areaB.Width != 0.0 && areaB.Height != 0.0)
                LinearGradient grB = new LinearGradient(0.0, Allocation.Height, 0.0, Allocation.Height - EdgeSize);
                grB.AddColorStop(0.0, new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
                grB.AddColorStop(1.0, new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                cr.Pattern = grB;
                cr.MoveTo(0.0, Allocation.Height);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width - EdgeSize, Allocation.Height - EdgeSize);
                cr.LineTo(EdgeSize, Allocation.Height - EdgeSize);

            if(areaL.Width != 0.0 && areaL.Height != 0.0)
                LinearGradient grL = new LinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, EdgeSize, 0.0);
                grL.AddColorStop(0.0, new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
                grL.AddColorStop(1.0, new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0));
                cr.Pattern = grL;
                cr.MoveTo(0.0, 0.0);
                cr.LineTo(0.0, Allocation.Height);
                cr.LineTo(EdgeSize, Allocation.Height - EdgeSize);
                cr.LineTo(EdgeSize, EdgeSize);

            if(areaR.Width != 0.0 && areaR.Height != 0.0)
                LinearGradient grR = new LinearGradient(Allocation.Width, 0.0, Allocation.Width - EdgeSize, 0.0);
                grR.AddColorStop(0.0, new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
                grR.AddColorStop(1.0, new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                cr.Pattern = grR;
                cr.MoveTo(Allocation.Width, 0.0);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width - EdgeSize, Allocation.Height - EdgeSize);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width - EdgeSize, EdgeSize);
            return true;
Esempio n. 17
		void DrawButtonTabs (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle rectangle)
			if (IsSeparator) {
				cr.NewPath ();
				double x = Math.Ceiling (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) + 0.5;
				cr.MoveTo (x, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + 2);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, rectangle.Height - 1 - 4);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				cr.Color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Dark (StateType.Normal);
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.Stroke ();
			int topPadding = 2;
			if (Active || HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
				cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1 + topPadding, rectangle.Width - 1, rectangle.Height - topPadding);
				if (Active) {
					cr.Color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Background (StateType.Prelight);
				} else if (HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
					double rx = rectangle.X + HoverPosition.X;
					double ry = rectangle.Y + HoverPosition.Y;
					Cairo.RadialGradient gradient = new Cairo.RadialGradient (rx, ry, rectangle.Height * 1.5, 
						rx, ry, 2);
					var color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Dark (StateType.Normal);
					color.L *= 1.1;
					gradient.AddColorStop (0, color);
					color.L *= 1.1;
					gradient.AddColorStop (1, color);
					cr.Pattern = gradient;
				cr.Fill ();
				if (Active) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X + 0.5, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + topPadding, rectangle.Width - 1, rectangle.Height - topPadding);
					cr.Color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Dark (StateType.Normal);
					cr.LineWidth = 1;
					cr.Stroke ();
			cr.Save ();
			cr.Translate (rectangle.X + (rectangle.Width - w) / 2, (rectangle.Height - h) / 2 + topPadding);
			cr.Color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Text (StateType.Normal);
			cr.ShowLayout (layout);
			cr.Restore ();
Esempio n. 18
		protected override void OnDrawn (Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle rect)
			if (BackgroundColor.HasValue) {
				cr.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
				cr.SetSourceColor (BackgroundColor.Value.ToCairoColor ());
				cr.Fill ();
			if (GradientBackround) {
				Color gcol = Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtValue ();
				cr.NewPath ();
				cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
				cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
				cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom)) {
					Cairo.Color color1 = gcol.ToCairoColor ();
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
					gcol.Light -= 0.1;
					pat.AddColorStop (1, gcol.ToCairoColor ());
					cr.SetSource (pat);
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			cr.SetSourceColor (color.HasValue ? color.Value.ToCairoColor () : Style.Dark (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtValue ().ToCairoColor ());
			cr.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, topMargin);
			cr.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - bottomMargin, rect.Width, bottomMargin);
			cr.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y, leftMargin, rect.Height);
			cr.Rectangle (rect.X + rect.Width - rightMargin, rect.Y, rightMargin, rect.Height);
			cr.Fill ();
Esempio n. 19
		public new void Draw (Cairo.Context cr)
			Gdk.Rectangle rect;
			if (GradientBackround) {
				rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				HslColor gcol = useCustomColor ? customColor : Parent.Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal);

				cr.NewPath ();
				cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
				cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
				cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1)) {
					Cairo.Color color1 = gcol;
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
					gcol.L -= 0.1;
					if (gcol.L < 0)
						gcol.L = 0;
					pat.AddColorStop (1, gcol);
					cr.Pattern = pat;
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			base.Draw (cr);
			//FIXME: Get this drawing properly again!
//			Gdk.Color colour = Parent.Style.Dark (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
//			cr.SetSourceRGB (colour.Red, colour.Green, colour.Blue);
//			rect = Allocation;
//			for (int n=0; n<topMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Y + n, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + n);
//			for (int n=0; n<bottomMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1 - n, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1 - n);
//			for (int n=0; n<leftMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X + n, rect.Y, rect.X + n, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1);
//			for (int n=0; n<rightMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1 - n, rect.Y, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1 - n, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1);
Esempio n. 20
 protected void paintArrow(Cairo.Context context, Direction direction, int x, int y)
     context.Save ();
     context.Translate (x, y);
     rotateContext (context, direction);
     context.MoveTo (fieldSize / 2, 0);
     context.LineTo (fieldSize, fieldSize);
     context.LineTo (fieldSize / 2, 3 * fieldSize / 4);
     context.LineTo (0, fieldSize);
     context.LineTo (fieldSize / 2, 0);
     context.FillPreserve ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.Restore ();
Esempio n. 21
		void DrawTab (Cairo.Context ctx, DockNotebookTab tab, Gdk.Rectangle allocation, Gdk.Rectangle tabBounds, bool highlight, bool active, bool dragging, Pango.Layout la)
			// This logic is stupid to have here, should be in the caller!
			if (dragging) {
				tabBounds.X = (int) (tabBounds.X + (dragX - tabBounds.X) * dragXProgress);
				tabBounds.X = Clamp (tabBounds.X, tabStartX, tabEndX - tabBounds.Width);
			int padding = LeftRightPadding;
			padding = (int) (padding * Math.Min (1.0, Math.Max (0.5, (tabBounds.Width - 30) / 70.0)));

			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			LayoutTabBorder (ctx, allocation, tabBounds.Width, tabBounds.X, 0, active);
			ctx.ClosePath ();
			using (LinearGradient gr = new LinearGradient (tabBounds.X, TopBarPadding, tabBounds.X, allocation.Bottom)) {
				if (active) {
					gr.AddColorStop (0, Styles.BreadcrumbGradientStartColor.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
					gr.AddColorStop (1, Styles.BreadcrumbBackgroundColor.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
				} else {
					gr.AddColorStop (0, CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("f4f4f4").MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
					gr.AddColorStop (1, CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("cecece").MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
				ctx.SetSource (gr);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.SetSourceColor (new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, .5).MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
			LayoutTabBorder (ctx, allocation, tabBounds.Width, tabBounds.X, 1, active);
			ctx.Stroke ();

			ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.BreadcrumbBorderColor.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
			LayoutTabBorder (ctx, allocation, tabBounds.Width, tabBounds.X, 0, active);
			ctx.StrokePreserve ();

			if (tab.GlowStrength > 0) {
				Gdk.Point mouse = tracker.MousePosition;
				using (var rg = new RadialGradient (mouse.X, tabBounds.Bottom, 0, mouse.X, tabBounds.Bottom, 100)) {
					rg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0.4 * tab.Opacity * tab.GlowStrength));
					rg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0));
					ctx.SetSource (rg);
					ctx.Fill ();
			} else {
				ctx.NewPath ();

			// Render Close Button (do this first so we can tell how much text to render)
			var ch = allocation.Height - TopBarPadding - BottomBarPadding + CloseImageTopOffset;
			var crect = new Gdk.Rectangle (tabBounds.Right - padding - CloseButtonSize + 3, 
			                               tabBounds.Y + TopBarPadding + (ch - CloseButtonSize) / 2, 
			                               CloseButtonSize, CloseButtonSize);
			tab.CloseButtonAllocation = crect;
			tab.CloseButtonAllocation.Inflate (2, 2);

			bool closeButtonHovered = tracker.Hovered && tab.CloseButtonAllocation.Contains (tracker.MousePosition) && tab.WidthModifier >= 1.0f;
			bool drawCloseButton = tabBounds.Width > 60 || highlight || closeButtonHovered;
			if (drawCloseButton) {
				DrawCloseButton (ctx, new Gdk.Point (crect.X + crect.Width / 2, crect.Y + crect.Height / 2), closeButtonHovered, tab.Opacity, tab.DirtyStrength);

			// Render Text
			int w = tabBounds.Width - (padding * 2 + CloseButtonSize);
			if (!drawCloseButton)
				w += CloseButtonSize;

			int textStart = tabBounds.X + padding;

			ctx.MoveTo (textStart, tabBounds.Y + TopPadding + TextOffset + VerticalTextSize);
			if (!MonoDevelop.Core.Platform.IsMac && !MonoDevelop.Core.Platform.IsWindows) {
				// This is a work around for a linux specific problem.
				// A bug in the proprietary ATI driver caused TAB text not to draw. 
				// If that bug get's fixed remove this HACK asap.
				la.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
				la.Width = (int)(w * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
				ctx.SetSourceColor (tab.Notify ? new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 1) : Styles.TabBarActiveTextColor);
				Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayoutLine (ctx, la.GetLine (0));
			} else {
				// ellipses are for space wasting ..., we cant afford that
				using (var lg = new LinearGradient (textStart + w - 5, 0, textStart + w + 3, 0)) {
					var color = tab.Notify ? new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 1) : Styles.TabBarActiveTextColor;
					color = color.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity);
					lg.AddColorStop (0, color);
					color.A = 0;
					lg.AddColorStop (1, color);
					ctx.SetSource (lg);
					Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayoutLine (ctx, la.GetLine (0));
			la.Dispose ();
Esempio n. 22
 void DrawShadow(Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.Rectangle ar, PositionType pos, List<Section> secs)
     foreach (Section s in secs) {
         Cairo.Gradient pat = null;
         Gdk.Rectangle r = ar;
         switch (pos) {
             case PositionType.Top:
                 r.Height = shadowSize > r.Height ? r.Height / 2 : shadowSize;
                 r.X += s.Offset;
                 r.Width = s.Size;
                 pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (r.X, r.Y, r.X, r.Bottom);
             case PositionType.Bottom:
                 r.Y = r.Bottom - shadowSize;
                 r.Height = shadowSize > r.Height ? r.Height / 2 : shadowSize;
                 r.X = r.X + s.Offset;
                 r.Width = s.Size;
                 pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (r.X, r.Bottom, r.X, r.Y);
             case PositionType.Left:
                 r.Width = shadowSize > r.Width ? r.Width / 2 : shadowSize;
                 r.Y += s.Offset;
                 r.Height = s.Size;
                 pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (r.X, r.Y, r.Right, r.Y);
             case PositionType.Right:
                 r.X = r.Right - shadowSize;
                 r.Width = shadowSize > r.Width ? r.Width / 2 : shadowSize;
                 r.Y += s.Offset;
                 r.Height = s.Size;
                 pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (r.Right, r.Y, r.X, r.Y);
         Cairo.Color c = darkColor.ToCairoColor ();
         pat.AddColorStop (0, c);
         c.A = 0;
         pat.AddColorStop (1, c);
         ctx.NewPath ();
         ctx.Rectangle (r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
         ctx.Pattern = pat;
         ctx.Fill ();
         pat.Destroy ();
Esempio n. 23
		public void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle rectangle)
			if (IsSeparator) {
				cr.NewPath ();
				double x = Math.Ceiling (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) + 0.5;
				cr.MoveTo (x, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + 2);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, rectangle.Height - 1 - 4);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				cr.Color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Dark (StateType.Normal);
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.Stroke ();
			if (Active || HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
				if (Active) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
					using (var gr = new LinearGradient (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) {
						gr.AddColorStop (0, Tabstrip.ActiveGradientStart);
						gr.AddColorStop (1, Tabstrip.ActiveGradientEnd);
						cr.Pattern = gr;
					cr.Fill ();
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X + 0.5, rectangle.Y + 0.5, rectangle.Width - 1, rectangle.Height - 1);
					cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0.05);
					cr.LineWidth = 1;
					cr.Stroke ();
				} else if (HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
					using (var gr = new LinearGradient (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) {
						var c1 = Tabstrip.ActiveGradientStart;
						var c2 = Tabstrip.ActiveGradientEnd;
						c1.A = 0.2;
						c2.A = 0.2;
						gr.AddColorStop (0, c1);
						gr.AddColorStop (1, c2);
						cr.Pattern = gr;
					cr.Fill ();
			if (Active)
				cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
				cr.Color = parent.Style.Text (StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ();

			cr.MoveTo (rectangle.X + (rectangle.Width - w) / 2, (rectangle.Height - h) / 2);
			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout);
Esempio n. 24
		CanvasElement GetInputElementAt (Cairo.Context context, CanvasElement root, double x, double y)
			if (root.InputTransparent)
				return null;

			var children = root.Children;

			if (children != null) {
				// Manual loop to avoid excessive creation of iterators
				for (int i = children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					var result = GetInputElementAt (context, children[i], x, y);
					if (result != null)
						return result;

			context.Save ();
			root.LayoutOutline (context);
			var point = TransformPoint (root, x, y);
			if (context.InFill (point.X, point.Y)) {
				context.NewPath ();
				context.Restore ();
				return root;
			context.NewPath ();
			context.Restore ();
			return null;
Esempio n. 25
		void DrawValue (Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.GC gc, DateTime initialTime, int ytop, int lx, int tx, ref int ty, ref int maxx, ref int maxy, int indent, CounterValueInfo val)
			Gdk.Color color;
			if (val.Counter != null)
				color = val.Counter.GetColor ();
				color = Style.Black;
			// Draw text
			gc.RgbFgColor = color;
			double ms = (val.Time - initialTime).TotalMilliseconds;
			string txt = (ms / 1000).ToString ("0.00000") + ": " + (val.Duration.TotalMilliseconds / 1000).ToString ("0.00000") + " " + val.Trace;
			layout.SetText (txt);
			GdkWindow.DrawLayout (gc, tx + indent, ty, layout);
			int tw, th;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th);
			if (tx + tw + indent > maxx)
				maxx = tx + tw + indent;
			HotSpot hp = AddHotSpot (tx + indent, ty, tw, th);
			int tempTy = ty;
			hp.Action = delegate {
				int ytm = ytop + (int) ((ms * scale) / 1000);
				SetBaseTime ((int) (tempTy + (th / 2) + 0.5) - ytm);
			hp.OnMouseOver += delegate {
				overValue = val;
				QueueDraw ();
			hp.Action += delegate {
				focusedValue = val;
				QueueDraw ();
			// Draw time marker
			int ytime = ytop + (int) ((ms * scale) / 1000) + baseTime;
			if (val == focusedValue || val == overValue) {
				ctx.NewPath ();
				double dx = val == focusedValue ? 0 : 2;
				ctx.Rectangle (lx + 0.5 + dx - SelectedValuePadding, ytime + 0.5, LineEndWidth - dx*2 + SelectedValuePadding, ((val.Duration.TotalMilliseconds * scale) / 1000));
				Mono.TextEditor.HslColor hsl = color;
				hsl.L = val == focusedValue ? 0.9 : 0.8;
				ctx.SetSourceColor (hsl);
				ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			ctx.MoveTo (lx + 0.5, ytime + 0.5);
			ctx.LineTo (lx + LineEndWidth + 0.5, ytime + 0.5);
			ctx.LineTo (tx - 3 - LineEndWidth + 0.5, ty + (th / 2) + 0.5);
			ctx.LineTo (tx + indent - 3 + 0.5, ty + (th / 2) + 0.5);
			ctx.SetSourceColor (color.ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.Stroke ();
			// Expander
			bool incLine = true;
			if (val.CanExpand) {
				double ex = tx + indent - 3 - ExpanderSize - 2 + 0.5;
				double ey = ty + (th / 2) - (ExpanderSize/2) + 0.5;
				hp = AddHotSpot (ex, ey, ExpanderSize, ExpanderSize);
				DrawExpander (ctx, ex, ey, val.Expanded, false);
				hp.OnMouseOver = delegate {
					using (Cairo.Context c = CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
						DrawExpander (c, ex, ey, val.Expanded, true);
				hp.OnMouseLeave = delegate {
					using (Cairo.Context c = CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
						DrawExpander (c, ex, ey, val.Expanded, false);
				hp.Action = delegate {
					ToggleExpand (val);
				if (val.Expanded && val.ExpandedTimerTraces.Count > 0) {
					ty += th + LineSpacing;
					foreach (CounterValueInfo cv in val.ExpandedTimerTraces)
						DrawValue (ctx, gc, initialTime, ytop, lx, tx, ref ty, ref maxx, ref maxy, indent + ChildIndent, cv);
					incLine = false;
			if (incLine)
				ty += th + LineSpacing;
			if (ytime > maxy)
				maxy = ytime;
Esempio n. 26
		void DrawGradient (Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle rect, int fx, int fy, int fw, int fh, Cairo.Color c1, Cairo.Color c2)
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
			cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
			cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
			cr.ClosePath ();
			Cairo.LinearGradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X + rect.Width*fx, rect.Y + rect.Height*fy, rect.X + rect.Width*fw, rect.Y + rect.Height*fh);
			pat.AddColorStop (0, c1);
			pat.AddColorStop (1, c2);
			cr.Pattern = pat;
			cr.FillPreserve ();
Esempio n. 27
		protected void DrawArrow (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double size)
			y += 2.5;
			x += 2.5;
			size -= 4;
			double awidth = 0.5;
			double aheight = 0.4;
			double pich = (size - (size * aheight)) / 2;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + size * awidth, y);
			cr.LineTo (x + size, y + size / 2);
			cr.LineTo (x + size * awidth, y + size);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -pich);
			cr.RelLineTo (-size * awidth, 0);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -size * aheight);
			cr.RelLineTo (size * awidth, 0);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -pich);
			cr.ClosePath ();
		public static void DrawRoundRectangle (Cairo.Context cr, bool topLeftRound, bool topRightRound, bool bottomLeftRound, bool bottomRightRound,  double x, double y, double r, double w, double h)
			//  UA****BQ
			//  H      C
			//  *      *
			//  G      D
			//  TF****ES
			cr.NewPath ();
			if (topLeftRound) {
				cr.MoveTo (x + r, y);                 // Move to A
			} else {
				cr.MoveTo (x, y);             // Move to U
			if (topRightRound) {
				cr.LineTo (x + w - r, y);             // Straight line to B
				cr.CurveTo (x + w, y, 
				            x + w, y,
				            x + w, y + r); // Curve to C, Control points are both at Q
			} else {
				cr.LineTo (x + w, y);         // Straight line to Q
			if (bottomRightRound) {
				cr.LineTo (x + w, y + h - r);                              // Move to D

				cr.CurveTo (x + w, y + h, 
				            x + w, y + h, 
				            x + w - r, y + h); // Curve to E
			} else {
				cr.LineTo (x + w, y + h); // Move to S
			if (bottomLeftRound) {
				cr.LineTo (x + r, y + h);                      // Line to F
				cr.CurveTo (x, y + h, 
				            x, y + h , 
				            x, y + h - r); // Curve to G
			} else {
				cr.LineTo (x, y + h); // Line to T
			if (topLeftRound) {
				cr.LineTo (x, y + r);              // Line to H
				cr.CurveTo (x, y, 
				            x , y, 
				            x + r, y); // Curve to A
			} else {
				cr.LineTo (x, y); // Line to U
			cr.ClosePath ();
Esempio n. 29
		private void DrawShape (Cairo.Context g, int width, int height)
			int inner_x = radius + border + inner;
			int cx = Center.X;
			int cy = Center.Y;
			g.Operator = Operator.Source;
			g.Source = new SolidPattern (new Cairo.Color (0,0,0,0));
			g.Rectangle (0, 0, width, height);
			g.Paint ();

			g.NewPath ();
			g.Translate (cx, cy);
			g.Rotate (angle);
			g.Source = new SolidPattern (new Cairo.Color (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, .6));
			g.Operator = Operator.Over;
			g.Rectangle (0, - (border + inner), inner_x, 2 * (border + inner));
			g.Arc (inner_x, 0, inner + border, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			g.Arc (0, 0, radius + border, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			g.Fill ();

			g.Source = new SolidPattern (new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 1.0));
			g.Operator = Operator.DestOut;
			g.Arc (inner_x, 0, inner, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
#if true
			g.Fill ();
			g.FillPreserve ();

			g.Operator = Operator.Over;
			RadialGradient rg = new RadialGradient (inner_x - (inner * 0.3), inner * 0.3 , inner * 0.1, inner_x, 0, inner);
			rg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (0.0, 0.2, .8, 0.5)); 
			rg.AddColorStop (0.7, new Cairo.Color (0.0, 0.2, .8, 0.1)); 
			rg.AddColorStop (1.0, new Cairo.Color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
			g.Source = rg;
			g.Fill ();
			rg.Destroy ();
			g.Operator = Operator.Over;
			g.Matrix = new Matrix ();
			g.Translate (cx, cy);
			if (source != null)
				SetSourcePixbuf (g, source, -source.Width / 2, -source.Height / 2);

			g.Arc (0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			g.Fill ();

			if (overlay != null) {
				SetSourcePixbuf (g, overlay, -overlay.Width / 2, -overlay.Height / 2);
				g.Arc (0, 0, radius, angle, angle + Math.PI);
				g.ClosePath ();
				g.FillPreserve ();
				g.Source = new SolidPattern (new Cairo.Color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
				g.Stroke ();
Esempio n. 30
 protected void paintSquare(Cairo.Context context, int x, int y, bool fill)
     context.Save ();
     context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 1);
     context.Translate (x, y);
     context.Rectangle (new Cairo.Rectangle (0, 0, fieldSize, fieldSize));
     context.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0, 0, fill ? 0.5 : 0.3);
     context.FillPreserve ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.Restore ();