Esempio n. 1
        public Sprite6()
            // small capacity. Testing resizing
            // Don't use capacity=1 in your real game. It is expensive to resize the capacity
            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = CCSpriteBatchNode.batchNodeWithFile("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", 1);

            addChild(batch, 0, kTagSpriteBatchNode);
            batch.isRelativeAnchorPoint = false;

            CCSize s = CCDirector.sharedDirector().getWinSize();

            batch.anchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
            batch.contentSize = (new CCSize(s.width, s.height));

            // SpriteBatchNode actions
            CCActionInterval rotate = CCRotateBy.actionWithDuration(5, 360);
            CCAction         action = CCRepeatForever.actionWithAction(rotate);

            // SpriteBatchNode actions
            CCActionInterval rotate_back    = (CCActionInterval)rotate.reverse();
            CCActionInterval rotate_seq     = (CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.actions(rotate, rotate_back));
            CCAction         rotate_forever = CCRepeatForever.actionWithAction(rotate_seq);

            CCActionInterval scale         = CCScaleBy.actionWithDuration(5, 1.5f);
            CCActionInterval scale_back    = (CCActionInterval)scale.reverse();
            CCActionInterval scale_seq     = (CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.actions(scale, scale_back));
            CCAction         scale_forever = CCRepeatForever.actionWithAction(scale_seq);

            float step = s.width / 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                CCSprite sprite = CCSprite.spriteWithTexture(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * i, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
                sprite.position = (new CCPoint((i + 1) * step, s.height / 2));

                batch.addChild(sprite, i);

        public SpriteBatchNodeZVertex()
            // This test tests z-order
            // If you are going to use it is better to use a 3D projection
            // WARNING:
            // The developer is resposible for ordering it's sprites according to it's Z if the sprite has
            // transparent parts.

            CCSize s    = CCDirector.sharedDirector().getWinSize();
            float  step = s.width / 12;

            // small capacity. Testing resizing.
            // Don't use capacity=1 in your real game. It is expensive to resize the capacity
            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = CCSpriteBatchNode.batchNodeWithFile("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", 1);

            // camera uses the center of the image as the pivoting point
            batch.contentSize = new CCSize(s.width, s.height);
            batch.anchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            batch.position    = (new CCPoint(s.width / 2, s.height / 2));

            addChild(batch, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                CCSprite sprite = CCSprite.spriteWithTexture(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
                sprite.position = (new CCPoint((i + 1) * step, s.height / 2));
                sprite.vertexZ  = (10 + i * 40);
                batch.addChild(sprite, 0);

            for (int i = 5; i < 11; i++)
                CCSprite sprite = CCSprite.spriteWithTexture(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 0, 85, 121));
                sprite.position = (new CCPoint((i + 1) * step, s.height / 2));
                sprite.vertexZ  = 10 + (10 - i) * 40;
                batch.addChild(sprite, 0);

            batch.runAction(CCOrbitCamera.actionWithDuration(10, 1, 0, 0, 360, 0, 0));