Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <BulkInviteResults> ProcessBulkInvitations(BulkInviteSubmission submission)
            var res = new BulkInviteResults(submission.Id);

                var batch          = new GraphBatch();
                int counter        = 0;
                var inviteEndPoint = string.Format("/{0}/invitations", Settings.GraphApiVersion);
                var headerColl     = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Content-Type", "application/json" }

                var items = await BulkInviteSubmission.GetGuestRequestsPending(submission.Id);

                foreach (var item in items)
                    // Setup invitation
                    GraphInvitation invitation = new GraphInvitation()
                        InvitedUserDisplayName  = item.EmailAddress,
                        InvitedUserEmailAddress = item.EmailAddress,
                        InviteRedirectUrl       = _profileUrl,
                        SendInvitationMessage   = (!Settings.UseSMTP),
                        InvitedUserType         = submission.MemberType.ToString()

                    if (submission.InvitationMessage.Length > 0)
                        invitation.InvitedUserMessageInfo = new InvitedUserMessageInfo
                            CustomizedMessageBody = submission.InvitationMessage

                    batch.Requests.Add(new BulkInviteRequest
                        Id             = counter.ToString(),
                        GuestRequestId = item.Id,
                        Request        = item,
                        Method         = "POST",
                        Headers        = headerColl,
                        Url            = inviteEndPoint,
                        Body           = invitation

                /* NOTE:
                 * This process is designed to leverage the Microsoft Graph batch processor:
                 * However, the batch processor is currently (2018) in preview and limited to 20 submissions per request
                 * For the time being, we'll loop the collection and make individual synchronous calls
                //res = SubmitToGraphBatch(batch, submission, userId);

                res = await SubmitLocally(batch, submission);

            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = "Error processing bulk invitation";
                res.ErrorMessage = Logging.WriteToAppLog(msg, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, ex);
                await BulkInviteResults.AddItem(res);
