Esempio n. 1
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
//        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        data     = _data;
        mesh     = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex = 0;

        numberOfFacades = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;


        //define rectangles that represent the facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int      indexA = f;
                int      indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector2z p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]];
                Vector2z p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]];

                float facadeWidth = Vector2z.Distance(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                int   floorBase   = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);

                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                float floorHeight  = data.floorHeight;
                float facadeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase) * floorHeight * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                if (facadeHeight < 0)
                    facadeWidth  = 0;
                    facadeHeight = 0;

                Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);


        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();         = "Roof Mesh";
        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = textures.Length;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);
        LogTimer("Roof A");

        foreach (BuildrRoofDesign roofDesign in data.roofs)
            foreach (int textureIndex in roofDesign.textureValues)
                if (!roofTextureIndex.Contains(textureIndex))
                    BuildrTexture bTexture = data.textures[textureIndex];
                    Vector2       largestSubmeshPlaneSize = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    Vector2       minWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MinWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    Vector2       maxWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MaxWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x = maxWorldUvSize.x - minWorldUvSize.x;
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y = maxWorldUvSize.y - minWorldUvSize.y;
                    int  roofTextureWidth    = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    int  roofTextureHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    Rect newRoofTexutureRect = new Rect(0, 0, roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight);

        //run a custom packer to define their postions
        textureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        packedScale = 1;
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (textureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)textureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
                //Debug.Log("Rects "+roofTextures[i-+packedTexturePositions[i]);
            textureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * textureWidth);
            textureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(textureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two
        //Debug.Log("Texture Width "+textureWidth);
        //TODO: maybe restrict the resize to a power of two?
        LogTimer("Packed Rect Generated");

        textureSize = textureWidth * textureWidth;
        colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];
        //TestRectColours();//this test paints all the facades with rainbow colours - real pretty

        LogTimer("texture created");
        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        if (data.LODTextureAtlas != null)
        data.LODTextureAtlas      = packedTexture; = "Low Detail Texture";

        //build the model with new uvs

        if (data.drawUnderside)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
                Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
                    newEndUVs[i]   =;

                List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
                mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);

        //Build facades
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int     indexA = f;
                int     indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                Rect facadeRect = packedTexturePositions[facadeIndex];

                float   imageSize = textureWidth;
                Vector2 uvMin     = new Vector2(facadeRect.xMin / imageSize, facadeRect.yMin / imageSize);
                Vector2 uvMax     = new Vector2(facadeRect.xMax / imageSize, facadeRect.yMax / imageSize);

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, uvMin, uvMax, 0);

        //ROOF Textures
        int         roofRectBase  = numberOfFacades;
        List <Rect> newAtlasRects = new List <Rect>();

        for (int i = roofRectBase; i < packedTexturePositions.Count; i++)
            Rect uvRect = new Rect();//generate a UV based rectangle off the packed one
            uvRect.x      = packedTexturePositions[i].x / textureWidth;
            uvRect.y      = packedTexturePositions[i].y / textureWidth;
            uvRect.width  = packedTexturePositions[i].width / textureWidth;
            uvRect.height = packedTexturePositions[i].height / textureWidth;
        dynMeshRoof.Atlas(roofTextureIndex.ToArray(), newAtlasRects.ToArray(), data.textures.ToArray());
        //Add the atlased mesh data to the main model data at submesh 0
        mesh.AddData(dynMeshRoof.vertices, dynMeshRoof.uv, dynMeshRoof.triangles, 0);

        LogTimer("Roof B");

        data     = null;
        mesh     = null;
        textures = null;
        //atlasRects = null;


Esempio n. 2
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        //        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        data     = _data;
        mesh     = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

//        int facadeIndex = 0;
        numberOfFacades = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        //define rectangles that represent the facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int      indexA = f;
                int      indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector2z p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]];
                Vector2z p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]];

                float facadeWidth = Vector2z.Distance(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                int   floorBase   = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);

                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                float floorHeight  = data.floorHeight;
                float facadeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase) * floorHeight * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                if (facadeHeight < 0)
                    facadeWidth  = 0;
                    facadeHeight = 0;

                Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);


        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();         = "Roof Mesh";
        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = textures.Length;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);

        foreach (BuildrRoofDesign roofDesign in data.roofs)
            foreach (int textureIndex in roofDesign.textureValues)
                if (!roofTextureIndex.Contains(textureIndex))
                    BuildrTexture bTexture = data.textures[textureIndex];
                    Vector2       largestSubmeshPlaneSize = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    Vector2       minWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MinWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    Vector2       maxWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MaxWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x = maxWorldUvSize.x - minWorldUvSize.x;
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y = maxWorldUvSize.y - minWorldUvSize.y;
                    int  roofTextureWidth    = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    int  roofTextureHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    Rect newRoofTexutureRect = new Rect(0, 0, roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight);

        //run a custom packer to define their postions
        textureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        packedScale = 1;
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (textureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)textureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
                //Debug.Log("Rects "+roofTextures[i-+packedTexturePositions[i]);
            textureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * textureWidth);
            textureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(textureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two

        textureSize = textureWidth * textureWidth;
        colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];
        //TestRectColours();//this test paints all the facades with rainbow colours - real pretty

        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        if (data.OneDrawCallTexture != null)
        data.OneDrawCallTexture      = packedTexture; = "One Draw Call Texture";

        int         numberOfRoofTextures   = roofTextures.Count - 1;
        List <Rect> facadeTexturePositions = new List <Rect>(packedTexturePositions);

        facadeTexturePositions.RemoveRange(packedTexturePositions.Count - numberOfRoofTextures, numberOfRoofTextures);

        BuildrBuilding.Build(mesh, data, facadeTexturePositions.ToArray());

        data     = null;
        mesh     = null;
        textures = null;

Esempio n. 3
    private static void BuildTextures()
        List <TexturePaintObject> buildSourceTextures = new List <TexturePaintObject>();

        foreach (BuildrTexture btexture in data.textures)//Gather the source textures, resized into Color32 arrays
            TexturePaintObject texturePaintObject = new TexturePaintObject();
            texturePaintObject.pixels = ((Texture2D)btexture.texture).GetPixels32();
            texturePaintObject.width  = btexture.texture.width;
            texturePaintObject.height = btexture.texture.height;
            texturePaintObject.tiles  = new Vector2(btexture.tiledX, btexture.tiledY);
            if (btexture.tiled)
                int resizedTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(btexture.textureUnitSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER * packedScale);
                int resizedTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(btexture.textureUnitSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER * packedScale);
                texturePaintObject.pixels = TextureScale.NearestNeighbourSample(texturePaintObject.pixels, texturePaintObject.width, texturePaintObject.height, resizedTextureWidth, resizedTextureHeight);
                texturePaintObject.width  = resizedTextureWidth;
                texturePaintObject.height = resizedTextureHeight;
                texturePaintObject.tiled = false;
        LogTimer("Gather Source into Arrays");
        TexturePaintObject[] sourceTextures = buildSourceTextures.ToArray();
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrFacadeDesign facadeDesign = data.facades[0];
        BuildrPlan         plan         = data.plan;

        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;
        int facadeNumber    = 0;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int     indexA, indexB;
                Vector3 p0, p1;
                indexA = f;
                indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
                Rect packedPosition = packedTexturePositions[facadeNumber];

                float facadeWidth    = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);
                int   floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int   numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                BuildrVolumeStylesUnit[] styleUnits = volume.styles.GetContentsByFacade(volume.points[indexA]);
                int        floorPatternSize         = 0;
                List <int> facadePatternReference   = new List <int>();  //this contains a list of all the facade style indices to refence when looking for the appropriate style per floor
                int        patternCount             = 0;
                foreach (BuildrVolumeStylesUnit styleUnit in styleUnits) //need to knw how big all the styles are together so we can loop through them
                    floorPatternSize += styleUnit.floors;
                    for (int i = 0; i < styleUnit.floors; i++)

                int rows = numberOfFloors;

                Vector2 bayBase          =;
                float   currentFloorBase = 0;
                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                    currentFloorBase = floorHeight * r;
                    int modFloor = (r % floorPatternSize);

                    facadeDesign = data.facades[styleUnits[facadePatternReference[modFloor]].styleID];

                    bool isBlankWall = !facadeDesign.hasWindows;
                    if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                        BuildrBay firstBay = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[0]];
                        if (firstBay.openingWidth > facadeWidth)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                        if (facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                        if (facadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth + facadeDesign.simpleBay.minimumBayWidth > facadeWidth)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                    if (!isBlankWall)
                        float       patternSize  = 0;//the space the pattern fills, there will be a gap that will be distributed to all bay styles
                        int         numberOfBays = 0;
                        BuildrBay[] bays;
                        int         numberOfBayDesigns = 0;
                        if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                            numberOfBayDesigns = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                            bays = new BuildrBay[numberOfBayDesigns];
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBayDesigns; i++)
                                bays[i] = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[i]];
                            bays = new[] { facadeDesign.simpleBay };
                            numberOfBayDesigns = 1;
                        //start with first window width - we'll be adding to this until we have filled the facade width
                        int it = 100;
                        while (true)
                            int   patternModIndex = numberOfBays % numberOfBayDesigns;
                            float patternAddition = bays[patternModIndex].openingWidth + bays[patternModIndex].minimumBayWidth;
                            if (patternSize + patternAddition < facadeWidth)
                                patternSize += patternAddition;
                            if (it < 0)
                        float perBayAdditionalSpacing = (facadeWidth - patternSize) / numberOfBays;

                        float windowXBase = 0;
                        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfBays; c++)
                            BuildrBay bayStyle;
                            if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                                int numberOfBayStyles = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                                bayStyle = bays[c % numberOfBayStyles];
                                bayStyle = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                            float actualWindowSpacing = bayStyle.minimumBayWidth + perBayAdditionalSpacing;
                            float leftSpace           = actualWindowSpacing * bayStyle.openingWidthRatio;
                            float rightSpace          = actualWindowSpacing - leftSpace;
                            float openingSpace        = bayStyle.openingWidth;

                            Vector3 bayDimensions;
                            int     subMesh;
                            bool    flipped;

                            if (!bayStyle.isOpening)
                                subMesh   = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                                flipped   = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                                bayBase.x = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y = currentFloorBase;
                                float bayWidth  = (openingSpace + actualWindowSpacing);
                                float bayHeight = floorHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(bayWidth, bayHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                                windowXBase += bayWidth; //move base vertor to next bay
                                continue;                //bay filled - move onto next bay

                            float rowBottomHeight = ((floorHeight - bayStyle.openingHeight) * bayStyle.openingHeightRatio);
                            float rowTopHeight    = (floorHeight - rowBottomHeight - bayStyle.openingHeight);

                            subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                            flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                            bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace;
                            bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight;
                            bayDimensions = new Vector2(bayStyle.openingWidth, bayStyle.openingHeight);
                            DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Column Left
                            if (leftSpace > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(leftSpace, bayStyle.openingHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Column Right
                            if (rightSpace > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace + openingSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(rightSpace, bayStyle.openingHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Row Bottom
                            if (rowBottomHeight > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(openingSpace, rowBottomHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Row Top
                            if (rowTopHeight > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight + bayStyle.openingHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(openingSpace, rowTopHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Cross Left
                            if (leftSpace > 0)
                                //Cross Left Bottom
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(leftSpace, rowBottomHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                                //Cross Left Top
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight + bayStyle.openingHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(leftSpace, rowTopHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Cross Right
                            if (rightSpace > 0)
                                //Cross Left Bottom
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace + openingSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(rightSpace, rowBottomHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                                //Cross Left Top
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace + openingSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight + bayStyle.openingHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(rightSpace, rowTopHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            windowXBase += leftSpace + openingSpace + rightSpace;//move base vertor to next bay
                        // windowless wall
                        int  subMesh = facadeDesign.simpleBay.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                        bool flipped = facadeDesign.simpleBay.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                        bayBase.x = 0;
                        bayBase.y = currentFloorBase;
                        Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2(facadeWidth, floorHeight);
                        DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, dimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);
        LogTimer("generate facade textures");

        //add roof textures
        int numberOfroofTextures = roofTextures.Count;
        int scaledPadding        = Mathf.FloorToInt(ATLAS_PADDING * packedScale);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfroofTextures; i++)
            Rect          roofTexturePosition = packedTexturePositions[i + facadeNumber];
            BuildrTexture bTexture            = roofTextures[i];
            int           roofTextureWidth    = bTexture.texture.width;
            int           roofTextureHeight   = bTexture.texture.height;
            int           targetTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(roofTexturePosition.width);
            int           targetTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(roofTexturePosition.height);
            if (bTexture.maxUVTile ==
                LogTimer("BuildTextures: Skip texture " + + " as it appears it's not used");
            int sourceTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetTextureWidth / (bTexture.tiled ? bTexture.maxUVTile.x : bTexture.tiledX));
            int sourceTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetTextureHeight / (bTexture.tiled ? bTexture.maxUVTile.y : bTexture.tiledY));
            int sourceTextureSize   = sourceTextureWidth * sourceTextureHeight;
            if (sourceTextureSize == 0)
                //Debug.Log(sourceTextureWidth+" "+sourceTextureHeight+" "+bTexture.tiledX+" "+bTexture.maxUVTile+" "+bTexture.tiledX+","+bTexture.tiledY);
            Color32[] roofColourArray = TextureScale.NearestNeighbourSample(((Texture2D)bTexture.texture).GetPixels32(), roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight, sourceTextureWidth, sourceTextureHeight);
            //Color32[] roofColourArray = bTexture.texture.GetPixels32();

            for (int x = 0; x < targetTextureWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < targetTextureHeight; y++)
                    int drawX       = Mathf.FloorToInt(x + roofTexturePosition.x);
                    int drawY       = Mathf.FloorToInt(y + roofTexturePosition.y);
                    int colourIndex = drawX + drawY * textureWidth;

                    int sx          = x % sourceTextureWidth;
                    int sy          = y % sourceTextureHeight;
                    int sourceIndex = sx + sy * sourceTextureWidth;
                    if (sourceIndex >= sourceTextureSize)
                        Debug.Log("Source Index too big " + sx + " " + sy + " " + sourceTextureWidth + " " + sourceTextureSize + " " + bTexture.maxUVTile + " " +;
                    Color32 sourceColour = roofColourArray[sourceIndex];
                    if (colourIndex >= textureSize)
                        Debug.Log("Output Index Too big " + drawX + " " + drawY + " " + colourIndex + " " + textureSize + " " + roofTexturePosition);
                    colourArray[colourIndex] = sourceColour;

                    if (x == 0)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex - p] = sourceColour;
                    if (x == targetTextureWidth - 1)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex + p] = sourceColour;

                    if (y == 0)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex - (p * textureWidth)] = sourceColour;

                    if (y == targetTextureHeight - 1)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex + (p * textureWidth)] = sourceColour;
        LogTimer("generate roof textures");
Esempio n. 4
    private static void BuildSimple(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        BuildrData data = _data;
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh mesh = _mesh;
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex     = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        //Build Floor
        if (data.drawUnderside)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
                Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
                    newEndUVs[i]   =;

                List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
                mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);

        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();

        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = data.textures.Count;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);
        mesh.AddData(dynMeshRoof.vertices, dynMeshRoof.uv, dynMeshRoof.triangles, 0);

        Vector3 foundationVector = Vector3.down * data.foundationHeight;

        //Build facades
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)
                int     indexA = l;
                int     indexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                if (floorBase == 0)
                    w0 += foundationVector;
                    w1 += foundationVector;

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3,,, 0);

        data = null;
        mesh = null;
Esempio n. 5
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data, int volumeIndex)
        data      = _data;
        mesh      = _mesh; = "Interior Mesh Volume " + volumeIndex;
        textures  = data.textures.ToArray();

        if (!data.renderInteriors)

        float largestDepthValue = 0;//deepest value of a bay design in the building
        float tallestBay        = 0;

        foreach (BuildrBay bay in data.bays)
            largestDepthValue = Mathf.Max(largestDepthValue, bay.deepestValue);//get the deepest value
            tallestBay        = Mathf.Max(tallestBay, bay.openingHeight + (data.floorHeight - bay.openingHeight) * bay.openingHeightRatio);
        foreach (BuildrFacadeDesign facade in data.facades)
            if (facade.type != BuildrFacadeDesign.types.simple)
            largestDepthValue = Mathf.Max(largestDepthValue, facade.simpleBay.deepestValue);//get the deepest value
            if (facade.simpleBay.isOpening)
                tallestBay = Mathf.Max(tallestBay, facade.simpleBay.openingHeight + (data.floorHeight - facade.simpleBay.openingHeight) * facade.simpleBay.openingHeightRatio);

        BuildrFacadeDesign facadeDesign = data.facades[0];
        BuildrPlan         plan         = data.plan;
        BuildrVolume       volume       = plan.volumes[volumeIndex];
        int     numberOfFloors          = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float   floorHeight             = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 floorHeightVector       = Vector3.up * floorHeight;
        float   ceilingHeight           = tallestBay + (floorHeight - tallestBay) * data.interiorCeilingHeight;

        //Calculate the internal floor plan points
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

        Vector2z[] interiorVolumePoints = new Vector2z[numberOfVolumePoints];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
            Vector3 lastPoint = plan.points[volume.points[(i > 0) ? i - 1 : numberOfVolumePoints - 1]].vector3;
            Vector3 thisPoint = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
            Vector3 nextPoint = plan.points[volume.points[(i + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints]].vector3;
            Vector3 normalA   = Vector3.Cross(thisPoint - lastPoint, Vector3.up).normalized;
            Vector3 normalB   = Vector3.Cross(nextPoint - thisPoint, Vector3.up).normalized;

            Vector2z facadeALine = new Vector2z(thisPoint - lastPoint);
            Vector2z facadeBLine = new Vector2z(thisPoint - nextPoint);
            //Calculate facade inner origins for floors
            Vector3  facadeOriginV3A        = lastPoint + normalA * largestDepthValue;
            Vector3  facadeOriginV3B        = nextPoint + normalB * largestDepthValue;
            Vector2z facadeOriginA          = new Vector2z(facadeOriginV3A);
            Vector2z facadeOriginB          = new Vector2z(facadeOriginV3B);
            Vector2z facadeLineIntersection = BuildrUtils.FindIntersection(facadeALine, facadeOriginA, facadeBLine, facadeOriginB);

            interiorVolumePoints[i] = facadeLineIntersection;
        List <Vector2z> interiorVolumePointList = new List <Vector2z>(interiorVolumePoints);
        List <Rect>     volumeCores             = new List <Rect>();
        List <int>      linkedPoints            = new List <int>();

        foreach (Rect core in plan.cores)
            Vector2z coreCenter = new Vector2z(;
            if (BuildrUtils.PointInsidePoly(coreCenter, interiorVolumePoints))
        int  numberOfVolumeCores = volumeCores.Count;
        bool print = plan.volumes.IndexOf(volume) == 3;

        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfVolumeCores; c++)
            int        numberOfInteriorPoints = interiorVolumePointList.Count;
            Rect       coreBounds             = volumeCores[c];
            Vector2z   coreCenter             = new Vector2z(;
            Vector2z   coreBL = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMin, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector2z   coreBR = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMax, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector2z   coreTL = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMin, coreBounds.yMax);
            Vector2z   coreTR = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMax, coreBounds.yMax);
            Vector2z[] corePointArray;
            corePointArray = new[] { coreBL, coreBR, coreTR, coreTL };
            //Find the nearest legal cut we can make to join the core and interior point poly
            int   connectingPoint         = -1;
            float connectingPointDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfInteriorPoints; p++)
                if (linkedPoints.Contains(p))
                Vector2z thisPoint         = interiorVolumePointList[p];
                float    thisPointDistance = Vector2z.SqrMag(thisPoint, coreCenter);
                if (thisPointDistance < connectingPointDistance)
                    bool legalCut = true;
                    for (int pc = 0; pc < numberOfInteriorPoints; pc++)
                        Vector2z p0 = interiorVolumePointList[pc];
                        Vector2z p1 = interiorVolumePointList[(pc + 1) % numberOfInteriorPoints];
                        if (BuildrUtils.FastLineIntersection(coreCenter, thisPoint, p0, p1))//check against all lines that this new cut doesn't intersect
                            if (print)
                                Debug.Log("FLI " + pc + " " + coreCenter + " " + thisPoint + " " + p0 + " " + p1);
                            legalCut = false;
                    if (legalCut)
                        connectingPoint         = p;
                        connectingPointDistance = thisPointDistance;
            if (connectingPoint == -1)
                Debug.Log("Buildr Could not place core");
            Vector2z chosenPoint                 = interiorVolumePointList[connectingPoint];
            int      connectingCorePoint         = 0;
            float    connectingCorePointDistance = Mathf.Infinity; // Vector2z.SqrMag(corePointArray[0], chosenPoint);
            for (int cp = 0; cp < 4; cp++)                         //find the core point to make the cut
                float thisCorePointDistance = Vector2z.SqrMag(corePointArray[cp], chosenPoint);
                if (thisCorePointDistance < connectingCorePointDistance)
                    connectingCorePoint         = cp;
                    connectingCorePointDistance = thisCorePointDistance;
            interiorVolumePointList.Insert(connectingPoint, chosenPoint); //loop back on the floorplan to close it
            for (int acp = 0; acp < 5; acp++)                             //loop back on itself to close the core
                interiorVolumePointList.Insert(connectingPoint + 1, corePointArray[(connectingCorePoint + acp) % 4]);
            for (int i = 0; i < linkedPoints.Count; i++)
                if (linkedPoints[i] > connectingPoint)
                    linkedPoints[i] += 7;
            linkedPoints.AddRange(new[] { connectingPoint, connectingPoint + 1, connectingPoint + 2, connectingPoint + 3, connectingPoint + 4, connectingPoint + 5, connectingPoint + 6 });
//            linkedPoints.AddRange(new []{connectingPoint,connectingPoint+6});
//        if(linkedPoints.Count > 0)
//        Debug.Log(linkedPoints.Count+" "+linkedPoints[0]);
        Vector2z[] interiorPointListCore = interiorVolumePointList.ToArray();

        for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)

            int indexAM = Mathf.Abs((f - 1) % numberOfVolumePoints);
            int indexA  = f;
            int indexB  = (f + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints;
            int indexBP = (f + 2) % numberOfVolumePoints;

            Vector3 p0m        = plan.points[volume.points[indexAM]].vector3;
            Vector3 p0         = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
            Vector3 p1         = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
            Vector3 p1p        = plan.points[volume.points[indexBP]].vector3;
            Vector3 p0interior = interiorVolumePoints[indexA].vector3;
            Vector3 p1interior = interiorVolumePoints[indexB].vector3;

            float   facadeWidth         = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1) - largestDepthValue * 2.0f;
            Vector3 facadeDirection     = (p1 - p0).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeCross         = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 lastFacadeDirection = (p0 - p0m).normalized;
            Vector3 nextFacadeDirection = (p1p - p1).normalized;

            //only bother with facade directions when facade may intersect inverted geometry
            float facadeDirDotL   = Vector3.Dot(-facadeDirection, lastFacadeDirection);
            float facadeCrossDotL = Vector3.Dot(-facadeCross, lastFacadeDirection);
            if (facadeDirDotL <= 0 || facadeCrossDotL <= 0)
                lastFacadeDirection = -facadeCross;

            float facadeDirDotN   = Vector3.Dot(-facadeDirection, nextFacadeDirection);
            float facadeCrossDotN = Vector3.Dot(-facadeCross, nextFacadeDirection);
            if (facadeDirDotN <= 0 || facadeCrossDotN <= 0)
                nextFacadeDirection = facadeCross;

            int floorBase = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
            BuildrVolumeStylesUnit[] styleUnits = volume.styles.GetContentsByFacade(volume.points[indexA]);
            int        floorPatternSize         = 0;
            List <int> facadePatternReference   = new List <int>();  //this contains a list of all the facade style indices to refence when looking for the appropriate style per floor
            int        patternCount             = 0;
            foreach (BuildrVolumeStylesUnit styleUnit in styleUnits) //need to knw how big all the styles are together so we can loop through them
                floorPatternSize += styleUnit.floors;
                for (int i = 0; i < styleUnit.floors; i++)

            int rows = numberOfFloors;

            Vector2 facadeUV =;

            for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                float   currentFloorHeight       = floorHeight * r;
                Vector3 currentFloorHeightVector = Vector3.up * (data.floorHeight * r);
                Vector3 facadeFloorBaseVector    = p0 + Vector3.up * currentFloorHeight;
                Vector3 ceilingVector            = Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
                if (r < floorBase)
                    //no facade rendered
                    //facade gap filler

                    //interior gap points
                    Vector3 i0 = p1 - facadeDirection.normalized * largestDepthValue;
                    Vector3 i1 = p0 + facadeDirection.normalized * largestDepthValue;

                    Vector3 w0  = i0 + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w1  = i1 + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w2  = w0 + facadeCross * largestDepthValue;
                    Vector3 w3  = w1 + facadeCross * largestDepthValue;
                    Vector3 w4  = w0 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w5  = w1 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w6  = w2 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w7  = w3 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w8  = p1interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w9  = p0interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w10 = w8 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w11 = w9 + ceilingVector;

                    AddData(new[] { w0, w1, w2, w3 }, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }, volume.FloorTexture(r), false);

                    AddData(new[] { w5, w4, w7, w6 }, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }, volume.CeilingTexture(r), false);

                    int wallSubmesh = volume.WallTexture(r);
                    AddPlane(w0, w2, w4, w6, wallSubmesh, false,, new Vector2(largestDepthValue, floorHeight));
                    AddPlane(w3, w1, w7, w5, wallSubmesh, false,, new Vector2(largestDepthValue, floorHeight));

                    //other gaps
                    float uvWidth1 = Vector3.Distance(w2, w8);
                    AddPlane(w2, w8, w6, w10, wallSubmesh, false,, new Vector2(uvWidth1, floorHeight));
                    float uvWidth2 = Vector3.Distance(w3, w9);
                    AddPlane(w9, w3, w11, w7, wallSubmesh, false,, new Vector2(uvWidth2, floorHeight));


                //Get the facade style id
                //need to loop through the facade designs floor by floor until we get to the right one
                int modFloor = ((r - floorBase) % floorPatternSize);

                facadeDesign = data.facades[styleUnits[facadePatternReference[modFloor]].styleID];

                bool isBlankWall = !facadeDesign.hasWindows;
                if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                    if (data.bays.Count == 0 || facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                        data.illegal = true;

                    BuildrBay firstBay = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[0]];
                    if (firstBay.openingWidth > facadeWidth)
                        isBlankWall = true;
                    if (facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                        isBlankWall = true;
                    if (facadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth + facadeDesign.simpleBay.minimumBayWidth > facadeWidth)
                        isBlankWall = true;

                if (!isBlankWall)
                    float       patternSize  = 0;//the space the pattern fills, there will be a gap that will be distributed to all bay styles
                    int         numberOfBays = 0;
                    BuildrBay[] bayDesignPattern;
                    int         numberOfBayDesigns;
                    if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                        numberOfBayDesigns = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                        bayDesignPattern   = new BuildrBay[numberOfBayDesigns];
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBayDesigns; i++)
                            bayDesignPattern[i] = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[i]];
                        bayDesignPattern   = new[] { facadeDesign.simpleBay };
                        numberOfBayDesigns = 1;
                    //start with first window width - we'll be adding to this until we have filled the facade width
                    int it = 100;
                    while (true)
                        int   patternModIndex = numberOfBays % numberOfBayDesigns;
                        float patternAddition = bayDesignPattern[patternModIndex].openingWidth + bayDesignPattern[patternModIndex].minimumBayWidth;
                        if (patternSize + patternAddition < facadeWidth)
                            patternSize += patternAddition;
                        if (it < 0)

                    Vector3 windowBase = facadeFloorBaseVector;
                    facadeUV.x  = 0;
                    facadeUV.y += floorHeight;
                    float perBayAdditionalSpacing = (facadeWidth - patternSize) / numberOfBays;
                    for (int c = 0; c < numberOfBays; c++)
                        BuildrBay bayStyle;
                        BuildrBay lastBay;
                        BuildrBay nextBay;
                        bool      firstColumn = c == 0;
                        bool      lastColumn  = c == numberOfBays - 1;
                        if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                            int numberOfBayStyles = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                            bayStyle = bayDesignPattern[c % numberOfBayStyles];
                            int lastBayIndex = (c > 0) ? (c - 1) % numberOfBayStyles : 0;
                            lastBay = bayDesignPattern[lastBayIndex];
                            nextBay = bayDesignPattern[(c + 1) % numberOfBayStyles];
                            bayStyle = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                            lastBay  = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                            nextBay  = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                        float actualWindowSpacing = bayStyle.minimumBayWidth + perBayAdditionalSpacing;
                        float leftWidth           = actualWindowSpacing * bayStyle.openingWidthRatio;
                        float rightWidth          = actualWindowSpacing - leftWidth;
                        float openingWidth        = bayStyle.openingWidth;

                        if (firstColumn)
                            leftWidth += largestDepthValue;
                        if (lastColumn)
                            rightWidth += largestDepthValue;

                        BuildrTexture columnTexture = textures[bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture)];
                        Vector2       columnuvunits = columnTexture.tileUnitUV;
                        float         openingHeight = bayStyle.openingHeight;
                        if (columnTexture.patterned)
                            openingHeight = Mathf.Ceil(bayStyle.openingHeight / columnuvunits.y) * columnuvunits.y;
                        if (bayStyle.openingHeight == floorHeight)
                            bayStyle.openingHeight = floorHeight;

                        float rowBottomHeight = ((floorHeight - openingHeight) * bayStyle.openingHeightRatio);
                        if (columnTexture.patterned)
                            rowBottomHeight = Mathf.Ceil(rowBottomHeight / columnuvunits.y) * columnuvunits.y;

                        float rowTopHeight = (floorHeight - rowBottomHeight - openingHeight);

                        bool previousBayIdentical = bayStyle == lastBay;
                        bool nextBayIdentical     = bayStyle == nextBay;
                        if (previousBayIdentical && !firstColumn)
                            leftWidth = actualWindowSpacing;//if next design is identical - add the two parts together the reduce polycount
                        Vector3 w0, w1, w2, w3;

                        int  wallSubmesh = volume.WallTexture(r);
                        bool wallFlipped = false;
                        if (!bayStyle.isOpening)
                            float bayWidthSize = openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing;
                            if (firstColumn || lastColumn)
                                bayWidthSize += largestDepthValue;
                            Vector3 bayWidth  = facadeDirection * bayWidthSize;
                            Vector3 bayHeight = Vector3.up * floorHeight;
                            Vector3 bayDepth  = facadeCross * largestDepthValue;
                            w0 = windowBase + bayDepth;
                            w1 = windowBase + bayWidth + bayDepth;
                            w2 = windowBase + bayHeight + bayDepth;
                            w3 = windowBase + bayWidth + bayHeight + bayDepth;
                            Vector2 bayOpeningUVEnd = facadeUV + new Vector2(openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing, floorHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, facadeUV, bayOpeningUVEnd);

                            windowBase  = windowBase + bayWidth; //move base vertor to next bay
                            facadeUV.x += openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing;
                            continue;                            //bay filled - move onto next bay

                        var verts = new Vector3[16];
                        verts[0]    = windowBase;
                        verts[1]    = verts[0] + leftWidth * facadeDirection;
                        verts[2]    = verts[1] + openingWidth * facadeDirection;
                        verts[3]    = verts[2] + rightWidth * facadeDirection;
                        windowBase  = (nextBayIdentical) ? verts[2] : verts[3];//move to next window - if next design is identical - well add the two parts together the reduce polycount
                        facadeUV.x += (nextBayIdentical) ? openingWidth : openingWidth + rightWidth;

                        Vector3 rowBottomVector = Vector3.up * rowBottomHeight;
                        verts[4] = verts[0] + rowBottomVector;
                        verts[5] = verts[1] + rowBottomVector;
                        verts[6] = verts[2] + rowBottomVector;
                        verts[7] = verts[3] + rowBottomVector;

                        Vector3 openingVector = Vector3.up * openingHeight;
                        verts[8]  = verts[4] + openingVector;
                        verts[9]  = verts[5] + openingVector;
                        verts[10] = verts[6] + openingVector;
                        verts[11] = verts[7] + openingVector;

                        Vector3 rowTopVector = Vector3.up * rowTopHeight;
                        verts[12] = verts[8] + rowTopVector;
                        verts[13] = verts[9] + rowTopVector;
                        verts[14] = verts[10] + rowTopVector;
                        verts[15] = verts[11] + rowTopVector;

                        //Realign facade end points
                        if (firstColumn)
                            verts[0]  = p0interior - facadeCross * largestDepthValue + currentFloorHeightVector;
                            verts[4]  = verts[0] + rowBottomVector;
                            verts[8]  = verts[4] + openingVector;
                            verts[12] = verts[8] + rowTopVector;

                        if (lastColumn)
                            verts[3]  = p1interior - facadeCross * largestDepthValue + currentFloorHeightVector;
                            verts[7]  = verts[3] + rowBottomVector;
                            verts[11] = verts[7] + openingVector;
                            verts[15] = verts[11] + rowTopVector;

                        Vector3 openingDepthVector = facadeCross * bayStyle.openingDepth;
                        Vector3 wallDepthVecotr    = facadeCross * largestDepthValue;

                        int  windowSubmesh = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                        bool windowFlipped = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                        w0 = verts[10] + openingDepthVector;
                        w1 = verts[9] + openingDepthVector;
                        w2 = verts[6] + openingDepthVector;
                        w3 = verts[5] + openingDepthVector;
                        Vector2 windowUVStart = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        Vector2 windowUVEnd   = new Vector2(openingWidth, openingHeight);
                        if (bayStyle.renderBack && !data.cullBays)
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, windowSubmesh, windowFlipped, windowUVStart, windowUVEnd);

                        //Column Face
                        if (leftWidth > 0)//Column Face Left
                            w0 = verts[4] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[5] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[8] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[9] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 leftColumnUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(0, rowBottomHeight);
                            Vector2 leftColumnUVEnd   = leftColumnUVStart + new Vector2(leftWidth, openingHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, leftColumnUVStart, leftColumnUVEnd);
                        if ((!nextBayIdentical || lastColumn) && rightWidth > 0)//Column Right
                            w0 = verts[6] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[7] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[10] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[11] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 rightColumnUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth + openingWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                            Vector2 rightColumnUVEnd   = rightColumnUVStart + new Vector2(rightWidth, openingHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, rightColumnUVStart, rightColumnUVEnd);
                        //Row Bottom
                        if (rowBottomHeight > 0)
                            w0 = verts[1] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[2] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[5] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[6] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 bottomRowUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth, 0);
                            Vector2 bottomRowUVEnd   = bottomRowUVStart + new Vector2(openingWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, bottomRowUVStart, bottomRowUVEnd);
                        //Row Top
                        if (rowTopHeight > 0)
                            w0 = verts[9] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[10] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[13] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[14] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 topRowUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth, rowBottomHeight + openingHeight);
                            Vector2 topRowUVEnd   = topRowUVStart + new Vector2(openingWidth, rowTopHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, topRowUVStart, topRowUVEnd);

                        //Cross Left Bottom
                        w0 = verts[0] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w1 = verts[1] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w2 = verts[4] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w3 = verts[5] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        Vector2 crossLBUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(0, 0);
                        Vector2 crossLBUVEnd   = crossLBUVStart + new Vector2(leftWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                        AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossLBUVStart, crossLBUVEnd);

                        //Cross Left Top
                        w0 = verts[8] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w1 = verts[9] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w2 = verts[12] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w3 = verts[13] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        Vector2 crossLTUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(0, rowBottomHeight + openingHeight);
                        Vector2 crossLTUVEnd   = crossLTUVStart + new Vector2(leftWidth, rowTopHeight);
                        AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossLTUVStart, crossLTUVEnd);

                        if ((!nextBayIdentical || lastColumn) && rightWidth > 0)
                            //Cross Right Bottom
                            w0 = verts[2] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[3] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[6] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[7] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 crossRBUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth + openingWidth, 0);
                            Vector2 crossRBUVEnd   = crossRBUVStart + new Vector2(rightWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossRBUVStart, crossRBUVEnd);

                            //Cross Right Top
                            w0 = verts[10] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[11] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[14] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[15] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 crossRTUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth + openingWidth, rowBottomHeight + openingHeight);
                            Vector2 crossRTUVEnd   = crossRTUVStart + new Vector2(rightWidth, rowTopHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossRTUVStart, crossRTUVEnd);
                    // windowless wall
                    Vector3 interiorStart = p0interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 interiorEnd   = p1interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    //                        Vector3 wallVector = (facadeDirection * facadeWidth);
                    Vector3       wallHeightVector = Vector3.up * floorHeight;
                    Vector3       w0      = interiorStart;
                    Vector3       w1      = interiorEnd;
                    Vector3       w2      = interiorStart + wallHeightVector;
                    Vector3       w3      = interiorEnd + wallHeightVector;
                    BuildrTexture texture = textures[facadeDesign.simpleBay.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture)];
                    var           uvSize  = new Vector2(facadeWidth * (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x), floorHeight * (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y));
                    Vector2       uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                    uvSize.x = Mathf.Ceil(uvSize.x / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                    uvSize.y = Mathf.Ceil(uvSize.y / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
                    int     wallSubmesh = 0;
                    bool    flipped     = false;
                    Vector2 wallUVStart = facadeUV;
                    Vector2 wallUVEnd   = facadeUV + new Vector2(facadeWidth, floorHeight);
                    AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, flipped, wallUVStart, wallUVEnd);

        int numberOfBasements   = volume.numberOfBasementFloors;
        int numberOfFloorPoints = interiorVolumePoints.Length;

        int[]   baseFloorPlanTriangles = EarClipper.Triangulate(interiorVolumePoints);
        int     baseFloorVectors       = interiorVolumePoints.Length;
        var     newEndVerts            = new Vector3[baseFloorVectors];
        Vector3 basementBaseDrop       = -floorHeightVector * numberOfBasements;

        for (int i = 0; i < baseFloorVectors; i++)
            newEndVerts[i] = interiorVolumePoints[i].vector3 + basementBaseDrop;
        var tris = new List <int>(baseFloorPlanTriangles);

        //Bottom Floor
        int floorSubmesh = volume.FloorTexture(-numberOfBasements);

        AddData(newEndVerts, baseFloorPlanTriangles, floorSubmesh, false);

        //Top Ceiling
        if (true)//Todo: add conditional for roof opening
            Vector3 ceilingHeightVector = floorHeightVector * (numberOfFloors - 1 + numberOfBasements) + Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
            for (int i = 0; i < baseFloorVectors; i++)
                newEndVerts[i] += ceilingHeightVector;
            AddData(newEndVerts, tris.ToArray(), volume.CeilingTexture(numberOfFloors - 1), false);

        //inner floors
        int[] floorPlanTriangles   = EarClipper.Triangulate(interiorPointListCore);
        int   numberOfFloorVectors = interiorPointListCore.Length;

        for (int floorIndex = -numberOfBasements; floorIndex < numberOfFloors; floorIndex++)
            Vector3 floorVectorHeight = floorHeightVector * floorIndex;
            newEndVerts = new Vector3[numberOfFloorVectors];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFloorVectors; i++)
                newEndVerts[i] = interiorPointListCore[i].vector3 + floorVectorHeight;
            tris = new List <int>(floorPlanTriangles);

            if (floorIndex > -numberOfBasements)
                AddData(newEndVerts, tris.ToArray(), volume.FloorTexture(floorIndex), false);

            if (floorIndex < numberOfFloors - 1)
                Vector3 ceilingHeightVector = Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFloorVectors; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] += ceilingHeightVector;
                AddData(newEndVerts, tris.ToArray(), volume.CeilingTexture(floorIndex), false);

            //basement walls
            if (floorIndex < 0)
                for (int f = 0; f < numberOfFloorPoints; f++)
                    Vector3 basementVector = floorHeightVector * floorIndex;
                    int     indexA         = f;
                    int     indexB         = (f + 1) % numberOfFloorPoints;

                    Vector3 p0  = interiorVolumePoints[indexA].vector3 + basementVector;
                    Vector3 p1  = interiorVolumePoints[indexB].vector3 + basementVector;
                    Vector3 p2  = p0 + floorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 p3  = p1 + floorHeightVector;
                    Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(Vector3.Distance(p0, p1), floorHeight);
                    AddPlane(p0, p1, p2, p3, volume.WallTexture(floorIndex), false,, uv1);

        //Core walls
        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfVolumeCores; c++)
            Rect    coreBounds = volumeCores[c];
            Vector3 coreBL     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMin, 0, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector3 coreBR     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMax, 0, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector3 coreTL     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMin, 0, coreBounds.yMax);
            Vector3 coreTR     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMax, 0, coreBounds.yMax);

            for (int floorIndex = -numberOfBasements; floorIndex < numberOfFloors - 1; floorIndex++)
                Vector3 c0        = floorHeightVector * floorIndex + Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
                Vector3 f0        = floorHeightVector * floorIndex + Vector3.up * floorHeight;
                float   gapHeight = floorHeight - ceilingHeight;
                AddPlane(coreBL + c0, coreBR + c0, coreBL + f0, coreBR + f0, 0, false,, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
                AddPlane(coreBR + c0, coreTR + c0, coreBR + f0, coreTR + f0, 0, false,, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
                AddPlane(coreTR + c0, coreTL + c0, coreTR + f0, coreTL + f0, 0, false,, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
                AddPlane(coreTL + c0, coreBL + c0, coreTL + f0, coreBL + f0, 0, false,, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
Esempio n. 6
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        data = _data;
        mesh = _mesh;
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex     = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
            Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
            Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
            Vector3      volumeHeight         = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3 + volumeHeight;
                newEndUVs[i]   =;

            List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
            mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);
        //Build ROOF

        //Build facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])

                int     indexA = f;
                int     indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;
                float   facadeWidth      = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                Vector2 uvMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                Vector2 uvMax = new Vector2(facadeWidth, floorHeight);

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, uvMin, uvMax, 0);

        data = null;
        mesh = null;
Esempio n. 7
    private static void Parapet(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int volumeIndex = area.volumes.IndexOf(volume);
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);

        for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)

            int indexA, indexB, indexA0, indexB0;
            Vector3 p0, p1, p00, p10;
            indexA = l;
            indexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
            indexA0 = (l > 0) ? l - 1 : numberOfVolumePoints - 1;
            indexB0 = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 2) ? l + 2 : l + 2 - numberOfVolumePoints;

            int adjacentFloorHeight = area.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
            bool leftParapet = area.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexA0], volume.points[indexA]) < numberOfFloors;
            bool rightParapet = area.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexB], volume.points[indexB0]) < numberOfFloors;

            if (adjacentFloorHeight >= numberOfFloors)
                continue;//do not draw a roof edge

            p0 = area.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
            p1 = area.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
            p00 = area.points[volume.points[indexA0]].vector3;
            p10 = area.points[volume.points[indexB0]].vector3;

            float facadeWidth = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);
            Vector3 facadeDirection = (p1 - p0).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionLeft = (p0 - p00).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionRight = (p10 - p1).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeNormal = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalLeft = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionLeft, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalRight = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionRight, Vector3.up);

            float parapetHeight = design.parapetHeight;
            float parapetFrontDepth = design.parapetFrontDepth;
            float parapetBackDepth = design.parapetBackDepth;

            Vector3 w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7;
            Vector3 pr = facadeDirection * facadeWidth;
            Vector3 pu = Vector3.up * parapetHeight;

            Vector3 pbdl, pbdr, pfdl, pfdr;
            if (leftParapet)
                pbdl = -(facadeNormal + facadeNormalLeft).normalized * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdl = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalLeft).normalized * parapetBackDepth;
                pbdl = facadeDirectionLeft * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdl = -facadeDirectionLeft * parapetBackDepth;
            if (rightParapet)
                pbdr = -(facadeNormal + facadeNormalRight).normalized * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdr = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalRight).normalized * parapetBackDepth;
                pbdr = -facadeDirectionRight * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdr = facadeDirectionRight * parapetBackDepth;

            p0 += volumeFloorHeight;
            p1 += volumeFloorHeight;

            w2 = p0 + pbdl;//front left
            w3 = p0 + pr + pbdr;//front right
            w0 = p0 + pfdl;//back left
            w1 = p0 + pr + pfdr;//back right
            w6 = p0 + pbdl + pu;//front left top
            w7 = p0 + pr + pbdr + pu;//front right top
            w4 = p0 + pfdl + pu;//back left top
            w5 = p0 + pr + pfdr + pu;//back right top

            int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.parapet);
            bool flipped = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.parapet);
            AddPlane(design, w1, w0, w5, w4, subMesh, flipped);//front
            AddPlaneComplex(design, w6, w7, w4, w5, subMesh, flipped, facadeNormal);//top
            AddPlane(design, w2, w3, w6, w7, subMesh, flipped);//back

            if (parapetFrontDepth > 0)
                AddPlaneComplex(design, w3, w2, w1, w0, subMesh, flipped, facadeNormal);//bottom

            if (!leftParapet)
                AddPlane(design, w0, w2, w4, w6, subMesh, flipped);//left cap

            if (!rightParapet)
                AddPlane(design, w3, w1, w7, w5, subMesh, flipped);//left cap
Esempio n. 8
    public static GameObject[] Place(BuildrData data)
        BuildrPlan plan            = data.plan;
        int        numberOfVolumes = plan.numberOfVolumes;

        BuildrTexture[]   textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        List <GameObject> output   = new List <GameObject>();

        float largestDepthValue = 0;//deepest value of a bay design in the building

        foreach (BuildrBay bay in data.bays)
            largestDepthValue = Mathf.Max(largestDepthValue, bay.deepestValue);//get the deepest value
        foreach (BuildrFacadeDesign facade in data.facades)
            largestDepthValue = Mathf.Max(largestDepthValue, facade.simpleBay.deepestValue);//get the deepest value
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])

                int     indexAM = Mathf.Abs((f - 1) % numberOfVolumePoints);
                int     indexA  = f;
                int     indexB  = (f + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints;
                int     indexBP = (f + 2) % numberOfVolumePoints;
                Vector3 p0m     = plan.points[volume.points[indexAM]].vector3;
                Vector3 p0      = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1      = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1p     = plan.points[volume.points[indexBP]].vector3;

                float   facadeWidth         = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1) - largestDepthValue * 2.0f;
                Vector3 facadeDirection     = (p1 - p0).normalized;
                Vector3 facadeCross         = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up).normalized;
                Vector3 lastFacadeDirection = (p0 - p0m).normalized;
                Vector3 nextFacadeDirection = (p1p - p1).normalized;

                //only bother with facade directions when facade may intersect inverted geometry
                float facadeDirDotL   = Vector3.Dot(-facadeDirection, lastFacadeDirection);
                float facadeCrossDotL = Vector3.Dot(-facadeCross, lastFacadeDirection);
                if (facadeDirDotL <= 0 || facadeCrossDotL <= 0)
                    lastFacadeDirection = -facadeCross;

                float facadeDirDotN   = Vector3.Dot(-facadeDirection, nextFacadeDirection);
                float facadeCrossDotN = Vector3.Dot(-facadeCross, nextFacadeDirection);
                if (facadeDirDotN <= 0 || facadeCrossDotN <= 0)
                    nextFacadeDirection = facadeCross;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float   floorHeight      = data.floorHeight;
                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                BuildrVolumeStylesUnit[] styleUnits = volume.styles.GetContentsByFacade(volume.points[indexA]);
                int        floorPatternSize         = 0;
                List <int> facadePatternReference   = new List <int>();  //this contains a list of all the facade style indices to refence when looking for the appropriate style per floor
                int        patternCount             = 0;
                foreach (BuildrVolumeStylesUnit styleUnit in styleUnits) //need to knw how big all the styles are together so we can loop through them
                    floorPatternSize += styleUnit.floors;
                    for (int i = 0; i < styleUnit.floors; i++)

                int rows = numberOfFloors;

                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                    //Get the facade style id
                    //need to loop through the facade designs floor by floor until we get to the right one
                    float   currentHeight         = floorHeight * r;
                    Vector3 facadeFloorBaseVector = p0 + Vector3.up * currentHeight;
                    int     modFloor = (r % floorPatternSize);

                    BuildrFacadeDesign facadeDesign = data.facades[styleUnits[facadePatternReference[modFloor]].styleID];

                    bool isBlankWall = !facadeDesign.hasWindows;
                    if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                        if (data.bays.Count == 0 || facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                            data.illegal = true;

                        BuildrBay firstBay = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[0]];
                        if (firstBay.openingWidth > facadeWidth)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                        if (facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                        if (facadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth + facadeDesign.simpleBay.minimumBayWidth > facadeWidth)
                            isBlankWall = true;

                    if (!isBlankWall)
                        float patternSize  = 0;//the space the pattern fills, there will be a gap that will be distributed to all bay styles
                        int   numberOfBays = 0;
                        //float actualWindowSpacing;
                        BuildrBay[] bayDesignPattern;
                        int         numberOfBayDesigns;
                        if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                            numberOfBayDesigns = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                            bayDesignPattern   = new BuildrBay[numberOfBayDesigns];
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBayDesigns; i++)
                                bayDesignPattern[i] = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[i]];
                            bayDesignPattern   = new[] { facadeDesign.simpleBay };
                            numberOfBayDesigns = 1;
                        //start with first window width - we'll be adding to this until we have filled the facade width
                        int it = 100;
                        while (true)
                            int   patternModIndex = numberOfBays % numberOfBayDesigns;
                            float patternAddition = bayDesignPattern[patternModIndex].openingWidth + bayDesignPattern[patternModIndex].minimumBayWidth;
                            if (patternSize + patternAddition < facadeWidth)
                                patternSize += patternAddition;
                            if (it < 0)

                        Vector3 windowBase = facadeFloorBaseVector;
                        float   perBayAdditionalSpacing = (facadeWidth - patternSize) / numberOfBays;
                        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfBays; c++)
                            BuildrBay bayStyle;

                            if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                                int numberOfBayStyles = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                                bayStyle = bayDesignPattern[c % numberOfBayStyles];
                                bayStyle = facadeDesign.simpleBay;

                            GameObject bayModel = bayStyle.bayModel;

                            BuildrTexture columnTexture = textures[bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture)];
                            Vector2       columnuvunits = columnTexture.tileUnitUV;
                            float         openingWidth  = bayStyle.openingWidth;
                            float         openingHeight = bayStyle.openingHeight;
                            if (columnTexture.patterned)
                                openingHeight = Mathf.Ceil(bayStyle.openingHeight / columnuvunits.y) * columnuvunits.y;
                            if (bayStyle.openingHeight == floorHeight)
                                bayStyle.openingHeight = floorHeight;
                            float actualWindowSpacing = bayStyle.minimumBayWidth + perBayAdditionalSpacing;
                            float leftWidth           = actualWindowSpacing * bayStyle.openingWidthRatio;
                            bool  firstColumn         = c == 0;
                            if (firstColumn)
                                leftWidth += largestDepthValue;

                            float rowBottomHeight = ((floorHeight - openingHeight) * bayStyle.openingHeightRatio);
                            if (columnTexture.patterned)
                                rowBottomHeight = Mathf.Ceil(rowBottomHeight / columnuvunits.y) * columnuvunits.y;

                            float   bayWidthSize = openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing;
                            Vector3 bayWidth     = facadeDirection * bayWidthSize;
                            if (!bayStyle.isOpening || bayModel == null)
                                windowBase += bayWidth;//move base vertor to next bay
                                if (firstColumn)
                                    windowBase += facadeDirection * (largestDepthValue);
                                continue;//bay filled - move onto next bay

                            GameObject     newInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(bayModel);
                            MeshRenderer[] rends       = newInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
                            Bounds         modelBounds = rends[0].bounds;
                            foreach (MeshRenderer meshRenderer in rends)

                            if (rends.Length == 0)

                            Vector3 modelSize = modelBounds.size;
                            Vector3 baySize   = new Vector3(openingWidth, openingHeight, modelSize.z);
                            Vector3 modelScale;
                            modelScale.x = baySize.x / modelSize.x;
                            modelScale.y = baySize.y / modelSize.y;
                            modelScale.z = baySize.z / modelSize.z;
                            newInstance.transform.localScale = modelScale;

                            Vector3 upVector      = Vector3.up * rowBottomHeight;
                            Vector3 leftVector    = leftWidth * facadeDirection;
                            Vector3 modelPosition = windowBase + leftVector + upVector;

                            modelBounds = rends[0].bounds;
                            foreach (MeshRenderer meshRenderer in rends)
                            modelPosition += Quaternion.LookRotation(facadeCross) * (-modelBounds.min);
                            newInstance.transform.position = modelPosition;
                            newInstance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-facadeCross);

                            windowBase += bayWidth;//move base vertor to next bay
                            if (firstColumn)
                                windowBase += facadeDirection * (largestDepthValue);