public static void Init() { Queue = new BufferQueue <SystemLogEntity>(); var td = new System.Threading.Thread(() => { using (var scope = new ScopeDbContext()) { var db = scope.GetDbContext(); db.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; while (true) { Queue.Read((item, index) => { item.Node = ConfigurationCache.NodeSetting?.IdentityName; db.SystemLogs.Add(item); }); if (db.ChangeTracker.HasChanges()) { db.SaveChanges(); } foreach (var item in db.ChangeTracker.Entries()) { item.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Detached; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } }); td.IsBackground = true; td.Start(); }
private bool InitData() { byte[] data; if (BufferQueue.TryDequeue(out data)) { if (BufferLenght <= 0) { _send.SetBuffer(data, 0, data.Length); return(true); } else { int length = BufferLenght; if (length > data.Length) { length = data.Length; } _send.SetBuffer(data, 0, length); return(true); } } else { return(false); } }
public static void Init() { Queue = new BufferQueue <SystemLogEntity>(); var td = new System.Threading.Thread(() => { using (var scope = new ScopeDbContext()) { var db = scope.GetDbContext(); while (true) { Queue.Read((item, index) => { item.Node = ConfigurationCache.NodeSetting?.IdentityName; ///item.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; db.SystemLogs.Add(item); }); db.SaveChanges(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } }); td.IsBackground = true; td.Start(); }
private void InitConsumer() { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.Uri = connString; conn = factory.CreateConnection(); channel = conn.CreateModel(); channel.BasicQos(0, prefetchCount, false); buffer = new BufferQueue(); consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel); channel.BasicConsume(queueName, false, consumer); // when message is recieved do following consumer.Received += (model, message) => { if (buffer.Count() > DEFAULT_ACK_COUNT) { Thread.Sleep(3000); } buffer.Enqueue(message); if (buffer.Count() == 0 || buffer.Count() == ackCount) { channel.BasicAck(message.DeliveryTag, true); } }; }
internal char this[int index] { get { char ch = '\0'; if (_CurrentBuffer == null) { if (BufferQueue.Count > 0) { _CurrentBuffer = (Buffer)BufferQueue.Dequeue(); } else { return(ch); } } if (!((_CurrentBuffer._offset + index - Offset) < _CurrentBuffer._size)) { Offset = index; _CurrentBuffer = (BufferQueue.Count > 0) ? (Buffer)BufferQueue.Dequeue() : null; } if (_CurrentBuffer != null) { ch = _CurrentBuffer._charBuffer[_CurrentBuffer._offset + (index - Offset)]; } return(ch); } }
public FileStreamingServer(int receiveBufferSize) { m_bufQueue = new BufferQueue(receiveBufferSize); clientList = new ArrayList(); byteData = new byte[receiveBufferSize]; readBuffer = new byte[receiveBufferSize]; m_receiveBufferSize = receiveBufferSize; }
public TrainPlugin(PluginLoadData pluginLoadData) : base(pluginLoadData) { worldTrains = new List <WorldTrain>(); queue = new BufferQueue(); playerHasInitializedTrain = new List <IClient>(); ClientManager.ClientConnected += OnClientConnected; ClientManager.ClientDisconnected += OnClientDisconnect; }
internal Udp(LoopContext loop, ByteBufferAllocator allocator) : base(loop, uv_handle_type.UV_UDP) { Contract.Requires(allocator != null); this.allocator = allocator; this.bufferQueue = new BufferQueue(); }
internal BufferedOutputAsyncStream(Stream stream, int bufferSize, int bufferLimit) { = stream; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.bufferLimit = bufferLimit; this.buffers = new BufferQueue(this.bufferLimit); this.buffers.Add(new ByteBuffer(this, this.bufferSize, stream)); this.availableBufferCount = 1; }
public void Load() { _bufferQueue = new BufferQueue <MessageLogRecord>("MessageBufferQueue", BrokerController.Instance.Setting.MessageWriteQueueThreshold, PersistMessages, _logger); _chunkManager = new ChunkManager("MessageChunk", BrokerController.Instance.Setting.MessageChunkConfig, BrokerController.Instance.Setting.IsMessageStoreMemoryMode); _chunkWriter = new ChunkWriter(_chunkManager); _chunkReader = new ChunkReader(_chunkManager, _chunkWriter); _chunkManager.Load(ReadMessage); }
private void Client_BinaryInput(byte[] buffer) { BufferQueue.Write(buffer); byte[] datax; while (BufferQueue.Read(out datax)) { BufferIn(datax); } }
private void Free() { _send.SetBuffer(null, 0, 0); byte[] tmp; for (int i = 0; i < BufferQueue.Count; i++) { BufferQueue.TryDequeue(out tmp); } }
public UdpClientBase(int id = -1, SendType type = SendType.Normal) : base() { _tempRecvBuffer = new byte[1024000];//1MByte _id = id; _sendType = type; //_isEndConnection = true; _callBackFunc = null; _queue = new BufferQueue(); _functions = new InterfaceFunctions(this, _queue); }
internal Pipeline(StreamHandle streamHandle, ByteBufferAllocator allocator) { Contract.Requires(streamHandle != null); Contract.Requires(allocator != null); this.streamHandle = streamHandle; this.allocator = allocator; this.receiveBufferSizeEstimate = new ReceiveBufferSizeEstimate(); this.bufferQueue = new BufferQueue(); }
public UdpClientBase(Byte[] tempRecvBuffer, SendType type = SendType.Normal, int id = -1) : base() { _tempRecvBuffer = tempRecvBuffer; _id = id; _sendType = type; //_isEndConnection = true; _callBackFunc = null; _queue = new BufferQueue(); _functions = new InterfaceFunctions(this, _queue); }
public void Load() { var messageWriteQueueThreshold = BrokerController.Instance.Setting.MessageWriteQueueThreshold; _bufferQueue = new BufferQueue <MessageLogRecord>("MessageBufferQueue", messageWriteQueueThreshold, PersistMessages, _logger); _chunkManager = new ChunkManager(this.GetType().Name, BrokerController.Instance.Setting.MessageChunkConfig); _chunkWriter = new ChunkWriter(_chunkManager); _chunkReader = new ChunkReader(_chunkManager, _chunkWriter); _chunkManager.Load(ReadMessage); }
public SendMessageRequestHandler(BrokerController brokerController) { _brokerController = brokerController; _suspendedPullRequestManager = ObjectContainer.Resolve <SuspendedPullRequestManager>(); _messageStore = ObjectContainer.Resolve <IMessageStore>(); _queueStore = ObjectContainer.Resolve <IQueueStore>(); _notifyWhenMessageArrived = _brokerController.Setting.NotifyWhenMessageArrived; _logger = ObjectContainer.Resolve <ILoggerFactory>().Create(GetType().FullName); var messageWriteQueueThreshold = brokerController.Setting.MessageWriteQueueThreshold; _bufferQueue = new BufferQueue <StoreContext>("QueueBufferQueue", messageWriteQueueThreshold, AddQueueMessage, _logger); }
public void StartFile(uint width, uint height, uint framesPerSecond) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.framesPerSecond = framesPerSecond; bufferQueue = new BufferQueue(); bufferQueue.WorkAvailable += OnBufferQueueWorkAvailable; bufferQueue.Shutdown += OnBufferQueueShutdown; SyncWriteFileHeader(); }
public SendMessageRequestHandler(BrokerController brokerController) { _brokerController = brokerController; _suspendedPullRequestManager = ObjectContainer.Resolve<SuspendedPullRequestManager>(); _messageStore = ObjectContainer.Resolve<IMessageStore>(); _queueStore = ObjectContainer.Resolve<IQueueStore>(); _tpsStatisticService = ObjectContainer.Resolve<ITpsStatisticService>(); _notifyWhenMessageArrived = _brokerController.Setting.NotifyWhenMessageArrived; _logger = ObjectContainer.Resolve<ILoggerFactory>().Create(GetType().FullName); _sendRTLogger = ObjectContainer.Resolve<ILoggerFactory>().Create("SendRT"); var messageWriteQueueThreshold = brokerController.Setting.MessageWriteQueueThreshold; _bufferQueue = new BufferQueue<StoreContext>("QueueBufferQueue", messageWriteQueueThreshold, OnQueueMessageCompleted, _logger); }
public BatchSendMessageRequestHandler(BrokerController brokerController) { _brokerController = brokerController; _suspendedPullRequestManager = ObjectContainer.Resolve <SuspendedPullRequestManager>(); _messageStore = ObjectContainer.Resolve <IMessageStore>(); _queueStore = ObjectContainer.Resolve <IQueueStore>(); _tpsStatisticService = ObjectContainer.Resolve <ITpsStatisticService>(); _notifyWhenMessageArrived = _brokerController.Setting.NotifyWhenMessageArrived; _logger = ObjectContainer.Resolve <ILoggerFactory>().Create(GetType().FullName); _sendRTLogger = ObjectContainer.Resolve <ILoggerFactory>().Create("BatchSendRT"); var messageWriteQueueThreshold = brokerController.Setting.BatchMessageWriteQueueThreshold; _bufferQueue = new BufferQueue <StoreContext>("QueueBufferQueue", messageWriteQueueThreshold, OnQueueMessageCompleted, _logger); }
void ProcessQueue() { while (End != true) { if (BufferQueue.Count != 0) { var buffer = BufferQueue.Dequeue(); while (ProcessBuffer(ref buffer) > 0) { ; } } } }
private void SendMessage() { while (IsWorking) { SendMREvent.Reset(); var queue = (BufferQueue.GetMessage()); while (queue != null && queue.Count > 0) { var de = queue.Dequeue(); SendMessage(de.Client, de.Message.ToBytes()); } SendMREvent.WaitOne(); } }
public bool Send(byte[] data) { if (_sock == null) { return(false); } if (data == null) { return(false); } BufferQueue.Enqueue(data); return(SendComputer()); }
/// <summary> /// Performs pre-processing using parallelization. Up to <paramref name="maxThreads"/> threads will be used to process data prior to it being requested by (and simultaneous with) the enumerable consumer. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">source enumerable; preferably something like a list of file that need to be loaded</param> /// <param name="processFunction">Transform function from <paramref name="source"/> to return type; should involve heavy processing (if x => x, you may see a performance penalty)</param> /// <param name="maxThreads">Max number of <paramref name="source"/> items to process simultaneously</param> /// <param name="maxPreprocessed">Max number of items to allow being preprocessed or completed-but-not-consumed at any time; defaults to <paramref name="maxThreads"/></param> /// <param name="checkIntervalSeconds">How often to check for completion of the preprocessing</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token</param> /// <returns>IEnumerable of items that have been processed via <paramref name="processFunction"/></returns> public ParallelPreprocessor(IEnumerable <T> source, Func <T, TResult> processFunction, int maxThreads, int maxPreprocessed = -1, double checkIntervalSeconds = 1, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { cancelToken = cancellationToken; if (maxPreprocessed < 1) { maxPreprocessed = maxThreads; } preprocessedLimiter = new SemaphoreSlim(maxPreprocessed, maxPreprocessed); buffer = new BufferQueue <TResult>(maxPreprocessed + 1); Start(source, processFunction, maxThreads, checkIntervalSeconds); }
public bool Send(byte[] data) { BufferQueue.Enqueue(data); if (!SendIng) { if (InitData()) { SendIng = true; sock.SendAsync(_send); return(true); } } return(false); }
public void BufferQueue_Test() { var r = 0; var queue = new BufferQueue <int>("q1", 2, v => { r = v; }); queue.EnqueueMessage(1); queue.EnqueueMessage(2); queue.EnqueueMessage(3); queue.EnqueueMessage(4); queue.EnqueueMessage(5); Assert.True(r > 0); }
private void AllocateBuffers(IEnumerable <BufferQueueSetting> settings) { foreach (var setting in settings) { BufferQueue queue; if (queues.ContainsKey(setting.ChunkSize)) { queue = queues[setting.ChunkSize]; } else { queue = new BufferQueue(); queues.AddOrUpdate(setting.ChunkSize, queue, (i, bufferQueue) => bufferQueue); } for (int i = 0; i < setting.InitialPoolSize; i++) { queue.Enqueue(new byte[setting.ChunkSize]); } } }
public void EnqueueBufferQueue(int length, int index = 0) { if (index + length > BufferSize) { throw new Exception("超过Buffer长度"); } BufferQueue.Lock(); try { for (var i = index; i < length; i++) { BufferQueue.Enqueue(Buffer[i], true); } } catch { } BufferQueue.UnLock(); BufferQueue.EnqueueEvent.Set(); }
public CompileOutputComponent() { _control = new RichTextBox { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Multiline = true, Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8), BackColor = Color.White, ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both, WordWrap = false, ReadOnly = true }; _buffer = new BufferQueue <Output>(); Oy.Subscribe <Batch>("Compile:Started", async b => { Clear(); await Oy.Publish("?", this); }); Oy.Subscribe <string>("Compile:Output", async data => Append(Color.Black, data)); Oy.Subscribe <string>("Compile:Error", async data => Append(Color.Red, data)); Oy.Subscribe <string>("Compile:Information", async data => Append(Color.DodgerBlue, data)); Oy.Subscribe <string>("Compile:Success", async data => Append(Color.Green, data)); Oy.Subscribe <string>("Compile:Debug", async data => Append(Color.Magenta, data)); Oy.Subscribe <Batch>("Compile:Finished", async b => { var msg = b.Successful ? CompileCompletedSuccessfully : CompileFailed; var col = b.Successful ? Color.Green : Color.Red; var flowerbox = new string('*', msg.Length + 4); Append(col, $"{flowerbox}\r\n* {msg} *\r\n{flowerbox}\r\n"); }); _queue = new Subject <int>(); _queue.Publish().RefCount() .Sample(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) .Subscribe(_ => _control.InvokeLater(UpdateText)); }
public static void Init() { Queue = new BufferQueue <SystemLogEntity>(); var td = new System.Threading.Thread(() => { using (TaskDbContext db = new TaskDbContext()) { while (true) { Queue.Read((item, index) => { db.SystemLog.Add(item); }); db.SaveChanges(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } }); td.IsBackground = true; td.Start(); }
void init(SendType type, int clients) { _listener = null; _sendType = type; _totalSize = new int[clients]; //_sh = null; _client = new TcpClient[clients]; _recvThreads = new Thread[clients]; _isEndServer = true; _isEndConnection = new bool[clients]; _callBackFunc = null; _queue = new BufferQueue[clients]; _functions = new InterfaceFunctions[clients]; for (int i = 0; i < clients; i++) { _client[i] = null; _queue[i] = new BufferQueue(); _functions[i] = new InterfaceFunctions(this, _queue[i]); _totalSize[i] = 0; _isEndConnection[i] = false; } }
public RiffAviFileWriter(Stream stream) { = stream; bufferQueue = new BufferQueue(); }
private void Clear() { _buffer = new BufferQueue <Output>(); _queue.OnNext(0); }
public void Load() { _bufferQueue = new BufferQueue<MessageLogRecord>("MessageBufferQueue", BrokerController.Instance.Setting.MessageWriteQueueThreshold, PersistMessages, _logger); _chunkManager = new ChunkManager("MessageChunk", BrokerController.Instance.Setting.MessageChunkConfig, BrokerController.Instance.Setting.IsMessageStoreMemoryMode); _chunkWriter = new ChunkWriter(_chunkManager); _chunkReader = new ChunkReader(_chunkManager, _chunkWriter); _chunkManager.Load(ReadMessage); }