public async Task <ActionResult> Result(IndexFitLocationViewModel viewModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("Index", viewModel)); } BoxLocation boxLocation = new BoxLocation() { Location = new Location() { Length = viewModel.LocL, Width = viewModel.LocW, Height = viewModel.LocH }, Box = new Box() { Length = viewModel.BoxL, Width = viewModel.BoxW, Height = viewModel.BoxH } }; string result = await SaveProduct(boxLocation); result = result.Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '"' }); result = result.Replace(@"\n", Environment.NewLine); return(View(new ResultFixLocationViewModel() { Result = result //Result = "Location: LWH\nBox : LWH\n\n52 ÷ 5 = 10 go back\n10 ÷ 5 = 2 go across\n15 ÷ 5 = 3 go up\n\nNumber total of boxes: 60\n\nInches Left\nL: 2\nW: 0\nH: 0\n" })); }
public ColorInformationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader sr) : base(location) { ColorType = sr.GetUInt32(); switch (ColorType) { case NclxTag: { ColorPrimaries = sr.GetUInt16(); TransferCharacteristics = sr.GetUInt16(); MatrixCharacteristics = sr.GetUInt16(); FullRangeFlag = (sr.GetByte() & 128) == 128; IccProfile = _emptyByteArray; break; } case RICCTag: case ProfTag: { IccProfile = ReadRemainingData(sr); break; } default: { IccProfile = _emptyByteArray; break; } } }
public DecoderConfigurationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader sr) : base(location) { var bitReader = new BitReader(sr); ConfigurationVersion = bitReader.GetByte(8); GeneralProfileSpace = bitReader.GetByte(2); GeneralTierTag = bitReader.GetByte(1); GeneralProfileIdc = bitReader.GetByte(5); GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags = bitReader.GetUInt32(32); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags[i] = bitReader.GetByte(8); } GeneralLevelIdc = bitReader.GetByte(8); bitReader.GetUInt32(4); // reserved should be all 1's MinSpacialSegmentationIdc = bitReader.GetUInt16(12); bitReader.GetUInt32(6); // reserved should be all 1's ParallelismType = bitReader.GetByte(2); bitReader.GetUInt32(6); // reserved should be all 1's ChromaFormat = bitReader.GetByte(2); bitReader.GetUInt32(5); // reserved should be all 1's BitDepthLumaMinus8 = bitReader.GetByte(3); bitReader.GetUInt32(5); // reserved should be all 1's BitDepthChromaMinus8 = bitReader.GetByte(3); AvgFrameRate = bitReader.GetUInt16(16); ConstantFrameRate = bitReader.GetByte(2); NumTemporalLayers = bitReader.GetByte(3); TemporalIdNested = bitReader.GetByte(1); LengthSizeMinus1 = bitReader.GetByte(2); }
public void CameraEnteredBox(BoxLocation type) { Debug.Log("Camera entered box with type: " + type); switch (type) { case BoxLocation.empty: break; case break; case BoxLocation.bottom: break; case BoxLocation.forward: break; case BoxLocation.backward: break; case BoxLocation.left: break; case BoxLocation.right: break; default: break; } }
public HandlerBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { reader.GetUInt32(); // should be Zero HandlerType = reader.GetUInt32(); reader.GetUInt32(); // should be Zero reader.GetUInt32(); // should be Zero reader.GetUInt32(); // should be Zero TrackType = reader.GetString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); }
public async Task <IActionResult> BestWayToFit([FromBody] BoxLocation boxLocation) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } BoxWay bestFit = FindTheBestWay(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box); return(Ok(bestFit.ToString())); }
public async Task <IActionResult> InchesLeft([FromBody] BoxLocation boxLocation) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } BoxWay bestFit = FindTheBestWay(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box); return(Ok(InchesLeft(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box, bestFit))); }
public SingleItemTypeReferenceBox(BoxLocation loc, SequentialReader sr, byte parentVersion) : base(loc) { FromItemId = parentVersion == 0 ? sr.GetUInt16() : sr.GetUInt32(); ReferenceCount = sr.GetUInt16(); ToItemIds = new uint[ReferenceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < ReferenceCount; i++) { ToItemIds[i] = parentVersion == 0 ? sr.GetUInt16() : sr.GetUInt32(); } }
public FileTypeBox(BoxLocation loc, SequentialReader sr) : base(loc) { MajorBrand = sr.GetUInt32(); MinorBrand = sr.GetUInt32(); var cBrands = new List <uint>(); CompatibleBrands = cBrands; while (sr.IsWithinBox(loc)) { cBrands.Add(sr.GetUInt32()); } }
public ItemReferenceBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { var list = new List <SingleItemTypeReferenceBox>(); while (reader.IsWithinBox(location)) { var box = BoxReader.ReadBox(reader, (l, r) => new SingleItemTypeReferenceBox(l, r, Version)); if (box != null) { list.Add((SingleItemTypeReferenceBox)box); } } Boxes = list; }
private const uint UriTag = 0x75726920; // fdel public ItemInfoEntryBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { if (Version <= 1) { ItemId = reader.GetUInt16(); ItemProtectionIndex = reader.GetUInt16(); ItemName = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); } if (Version == 1) { ExtensionType = reader.GetUInt32(); if (ExtensionType == FdelTag) { Location = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); MD5 = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); ContentLength = reader.GetUInt64(); TransferLength = reader.GetUInt64(); GroupIdCount = reader.GetByte(); GroupIds = new uint[GroupIdCount]; for (int i = 0; i < GroupIdCount; i++) { GroupIds[i] = reader.GetUInt32(); } } } if (Version >= 2) { ItemId = Version == 2 ? reader.GetUInt16() : reader.GetUInt32(); ItemProtectionIndex = reader.GetUInt16(); ItemType = reader.GetUInt32(); ItemName = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); if (ItemType == MimeTag) { ContentType = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); ContentEncoding = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); } if (ItemType == UriTag) { ItemUri = reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); } } }
public ItemLocationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { var bitReader = new BitReader(reader); OffsetSize = bitReader.GetByte(4); LengthSize = bitReader.GetByte(4); BaseOffsetSize = bitReader.GetByte(4); if (Version == 1 || Version == 2) { IndexSize = bitReader.GetByte(4); } else { bitReader.GetByte(4); } ItemCount = Version < 2 ? bitReader.GetUInt32(16) : bitReader.GetUInt32(32); ItemLocations = ParseLocationArray(reader); }
public async Task <string> SaveProduct(BoxLocation boxLocation) { string data = "null"; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); StringContent content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(boxLocation), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); // HTTP POST HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("api/core/v1/CompleteReport", content); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } } return(data); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CompleteReport([FromBody] BoxLocation boxLocation) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } BoxWay bestFit = FindTheBestWay(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box); string temp = ""; temp += "Location: LWH\n"; temp += "Box : " + bestFit + "\n\n"; temp += ShowBestWayCalcutions(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box, bestFit) + "\n"; temp += "Number total of boxes: " + HowManyCanFit(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box, bestFit) + "\n\n"; Location locationLeft = InchesLeft(boxLocation.Location, boxLocation.Box, bestFit); temp += "Inches Left\n"; temp += "L: " + locationLeft.Length + "\n"; temp += "W: " + locationLeft.Width + "\n"; temp += "H: " + locationLeft.Height + "\n"; return(Ok(temp)); }
} // rotation is anti-clockwise and valid values are 0,90,180, and 270 public ImageRotationBox(BoxLocation boxLocation, SequentialReader sr) : base(boxLocation) { Rotation = (uint)((sr.GetByte() & 3) * 90); }
private void Start() { if (OccupiedBoxes.Contains( { _boxcond = BoxCondition.Occupied; _furniture = gameObject; //GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = true; //GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; } if (", 0")) { _boxloc = BoxLocation.South; } else if (", 7")) { _boxloc = BoxLocation.North; } else if ("7, ")) { _boxloc = BoxLocation.East; } else if ("0, ")) { _boxloc = BoxLocation.West; } else { _boxloc = BoxLocation.Middle; } }
public override async void OnLocationResult(LocationResult result) { base.OnLocationResult(result); try { if (result == null) { return; } StaticBox.Latitude = result.LastLocation.Latitude; StaticBox.Longitude = result.LastLocation.Longitude; s_longitude.Text = result.LastLocation.Latitude.ToString(); s_latitude.Text = result.LastLocation.Longitude.ToString(); s_date_time.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); // Получаю информацию о клиенте. BoxLocation gpsLocation = new BoxLocation { id = StaticBox.DeviceId, lat1 = result.LastLocation.Latitude.ToString().Replace(",", "."), lon1 = result.LastLocation.Longitude.ToString().Replace(",", "."), date = DateTime.Now, }; int signal = 0; var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); // var uri = new Uri("" + + "&lat1=" + gpsLocation.lat1 + "&lon1=" + gpsLocation.lon1 + "&date=" +; var uri2 = new Uri(""); //json структура. FormUrlEncodedContent formUrlEncodedContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Id", }, { "Lon1", gpsLocation.lon1.ToString().Replace(",", ".") }, { "Lat1", gpsLocation.lat1.ToString().Replace(",", ".") }, { "Date", DateTime.Now.ToString() } }); var formContent = formUrlEncodedContent; // HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri.ToString(), formContent);// !!!! HttpResponseMessage responseFromAnotherServer = await myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri2.ToString(), formContent); AuthApiData <BaseResponseObject> o_data = new AuthApiData <BaseResponseObject>(); //string s_result; //using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) //{ // s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); //} string s_result_from_another_server; using (HttpContent responseContent = responseFromAnotherServer.Content) { s_result_from_another_server = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } if (responseFromAnotherServer.IsSuccessStatusCode) { o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <BaseResponseObject> >(s_result_from_another_server); Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } else { ErrorResponseObject error = new ErrorResponseObject(); error = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ErrorResponseObject>(s_result_from_another_server); Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, error.Errors[0], ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, ex.Message, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }
protected FullBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location) { _typeAndFlags = reader.GetUInt32(); }
public ItemDataBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader sr) : base(location) { Data = ReadRemainingData(sr); }
public PixelInformationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { ChannelCount = reader.GetByte(); BitsPerChannel = reader.GetBytes(ChannelCount); }
public override async void OnLocationResult(LocationResult result) { base.OnLocationResult(result); try { StaticBox.Latitude = result.LastLocation.Latitude; StaticBox.Longitude = result.LastLocation.Longitude; StaticBox.Signal = 0; StaticBox.Date = DateTime.Now; // Получаю информацию о клиенте. BoxLocation gpsLocation = new BoxLocation { id = StaticBox.SmartBoxId, lat1 = StaticBox.Latitude, lon1 = StaticBox.Longitude, signal = StaticBox.Signal, date = StaticBox.Date }; var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); var uri = new Uri("" + + "&lat1=" + gpsLocation.lat1 + "&lon1=" + gpsLocation.lon1 + "&signal=" + gpsLocation.signal + "&date=" +; var uri2 = new Uri("" + + "&lat1=" + gpsLocation.lat1 + "&lon1=" + gpsLocation.lon1 + "&signal=" + gpsLocation.signal + "&date=" +; //json структура. var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Id", }, { "Lon1", gpsLocation.lon1.ToString() }, { "Lat1", gpsLocation.lat1.ToString() }, { "Signal", "0" }, { "Date", DateTime.Now.ToString() } }); HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri.ToString(), formContent);// !!!! HttpResponseMessage responseFromAnotherServer = await myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri2.ToString(), new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gpsLocation), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); AuthApiData <BaseResponseObject> o_data = new AuthApiData <BaseResponseObject>(); string s_result; using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) { s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } string s_result_from_another_server; using (HttpContent responseContent = responseFromAnotherServer.Content) { s_result_from_another_server = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <BaseResponseObject> >(s_result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public DataInformationBox(BoxLocation loc, SequentialReader sr) : base(loc) { Boxes = BoxReader.ReadBoxes(sr, loc); }
public ImageSpatialExtentsBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { X = reader.GetUInt32(); Y = reader.GetUInt32(); }
public DataReferenceBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { BoxCount = reader.GetUInt32(); Boxes = BoxReader.ReadBoxes(reader, location); }
public ItemInformationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { Count = Version == 0 ? reader.GetUInt16() : reader.GetUInt32(); Boxes = BoxReader.ReadBoxes(reader, location); }
public ItemPropertyAssociationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { EntryCount = reader.GetUInt32(); Entries = ParseEntries(reader); }
public DataEntryLocationBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader, bool hasName) : base(location, reader) { Name = hasName ? reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8) : ""; Location = !reader.IsWithinBox(location) ? "" : reader.GetNullTerminatedString((int)reader.BytesRemainingInBox(location), Encoding.UTF8); }
public PrimaryItemBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { PrimaryItem = Version == 0 ? reader.GetUInt16() : reader.GetUInt32(); }
public ItemPropertyBox(BoxLocation loc, SequentialReader sr) : base(loc) { Boxes = BoxReader.ReadBoxes(sr, loc); }
public MetaBox(BoxLocation location, SequentialReader reader) : base(location, reader) { Boxes = BoxReader.ReadBoxes(reader, location); }