Esempio n. 1
 private static void InitializeDatabase(IWebHost host)
     using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
         var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
             //Only dbcontext needs to be sent, not the whole IServiceProvider
             //Loosly coupled. We dont have to know the implementation of ISeedData, impl is dependency injected instead.
             BovenContext bovenContext = services.GetRequiredService <BovenContext>();
             ISeedBoven   seedBoven    = services.GetRequiredService <ISeedBoven>();
         catch (Exception e)
             var logger = services.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >();
             logger.LogError(e, "An error occured while seeding the database.");
Esempio n. 2
 public PictureService(BovenContext context)
     _context = context;
 public SampleService(BovenContext context)
     _context = context;
 public EmployeeService(BovenContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 5
 public ErrandService(BovenContext context)
     _context = context;
        public void EnsurePopulated(BovenContext context)
            if (!context.Departments.Any())
                    new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "D00", DepartmentName = "Småstads kommun"
                    new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "D01", DepartmentName = "Tekniska Avloppshanteringen"
                    new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "D02", DepartmentName = "Klimat och Energi"
                    new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "D03", DepartmentName = "Miljö och Hälsoskydd"
                    new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "D04", DepartmentName = "Natur och Skogsvård"
                    new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "D05", DepartmentName = "Renhållning och Avfall"
                context.SaveChanges(); //spara tabellen

            if (!context.ErrandStatuses.Any())
                    new ErrandStatus {
                    StatusId = "S_A", StatusName = "Inrapporterad"
                    new ErrandStatus {
                    StatusId = "S_B", StatusName = "Ingen åtgärd"
                    new ErrandStatus {
                    StatusId = "S_C", StatusName = "Påbörjad"
                    new ErrandStatus {
                    StatusId = "S_D", StatusName = "Klar"

            if (!context.Sequences.Any())
                    new Sequence {
                    CurrentValue = 200

            if (!context.Employees.Any())
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E001", EmployeeName = "Östen Ärling", RoleTitle = "Coordinator", DepartmentId = "D00"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E100", EmployeeName = "Anna Åkerman", RoleTitle = "Manager", DepartmentId = "D01"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E101", EmployeeName = "Fredrik Roos", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D01"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E102", EmployeeName = "Gösta Qvist", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D01"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E103", EmployeeName = "Hilda Persson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D01"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E200", EmployeeName = "Bengt Viik", RoleTitle = "manager", DepartmentId = "D02"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E201", EmployeeName = "Ivar Oscarsson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D02"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E202", EmployeeName = "Jenny Nordström", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D02"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E203", EmployeeName = "Kurt Mild", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D02"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E300", EmployeeName = "Cecilia Unosson", RoleTitle = "Manager", DepartmentId = "D03"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E301", EmployeeName = "Lena Larsson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D03"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E302", EmployeeName = "Martin Kvist", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D03"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E303", EmployeeName = "Nina Jansson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D03"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E400", EmployeeName = "David Trastlund", RoleTitle = "Manager", DepartmentId = "D04"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E401", EmployeeName = "Oskar Ivarsson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D04"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E402", EmployeeName = "Petra Hermansdotter", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D04"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E403", EmployeeName = "Rolf Gunnarsson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D04"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E500", EmployeeName = "Emma Svanberg", RoleTitle = "Manager", DepartmentId = "D05"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E501", EmployeeName = "Susanne Fred", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D05"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E502", EmployeeName = "Torsten Embjörn", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D05"
                    new Employee {
                    EmployeeId = "E503", EmployeeName = "Ulla Davidsson", RoleTitle = "Investigator", DepartmentId = "D05"

            if (!context.Errands.Any())
                    new Errand {
                    RefNumber = "2018-45-195", Place = "Skogslunden vid Jensens gård", TypeOfCrime = "Sopor", DateOfObservation = new DateTime(2018, 04, 24), Observation = "Anmälaren var på promeand i skogslunden när hon upptäckte soporna", InvestigatorInfo = "Undersökning har gjorts och bland soporna hittades bl.a ett brev till Gösta Olsson", InvestigatorAction = "Brev har skickats till Gösta Olsson om soporna och anmälan har gjorts till polisen 2018-05-01", InformerName = "Ada Bengtsson", InformerPhone = "0432-5545522", StatusId = "S_D", DepartmentId = "D05", EmployeeId = "E501"

                    new Errand {
                    RefNumber = "2018-45-196", Place = "Småstadsjön", TypeOfCrime = "Oljeutsläpp", DateOfObservation = new DateTime(2018, 04, 29), Observation = "Jag såg en oljefläck på vattnet när jag var där för att fiska", InvestigatorInfo = "Undersökning har gjorts på plats, ingen fläck har hittas", InvestigatorAction = "", InformerName = "Bengt Svensson", InformerPhone = "0432-5152255", StatusId = "S_B", DepartmentId = "D04", EmployeeId = "E401"

                    new Errand {
                    RefNumber = "2018-45-197", Place = "Ödehuset", TypeOfCrime = "Skrot", DateOfObservation = new DateTime(2018, 05, 02), Observation = "Anmälaren körde förbi ödehuset och upptäcker ett antal bilar och annat skrot", InvestigatorInfo = "Undersökning har gjorts och bilder har tagits", InvestigatorAction = "", InformerName = "Olle Pettersson", InformerPhone = "0432-5255522", StatusId = "S_C", DepartmentId = "D03", EmployeeId = "E301"

                    new Errand {
                    RefNumber = "2018-45-198", Place = "Restaurang Krögaren", TypeOfCrime = "Buller", DateOfObservation = new DateTime(2018, 06, 04), Observation = "Restaurangen hade för högt ljud på så man inte kunde sova", InvestigatorInfo = "Bullermätning har gjorts. Man håller sig inom riktvärden", InvestigatorAction = "Meddelat restaurangen att tänka på ljudet i fortsättning", InformerName = "Roland Jönsson", InformerPhone = "0432-5322255", StatusId = "S_D", DepartmentId = "D03", EmployeeId = "E302"

                    new Errand {
                    RefNumber = "2018-45-199", Place = "Torget", TypeOfCrime = "Klotter", DateOfObservation = new DateTime(2018, 07, 10), Observation = "Samtliga skräpkorgar och bänkar är nedklottrade", InvestigatorInfo = "", InvestigatorAction = "", InformerName = "Peter Svensson", InformerPhone = "0432-5322555", StatusId = "S_A"
Esempio n. 7
 public DepartmentService(BovenContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 8
 public BovenRepositoryService(BovenContext ctx)
     this._context = ctx;