public async Task Collect(CollectTask collectTask) { var blockFactory = new BlockFactory(collectTask); var blockController = new BlockController(); blockController.Trace = DataCollector.Trace; blockFactory.Trace = DataCollector.Trace; // Create repo for write results var inputRepo = getRepository(collectTask.Input); var outputRepo = getRepository(collectTask.Output); var inputBufferBlock = blockFactory.InputBuffer(); var bacthBlock = blockFactory.Batch<string>(); var processBlock = blockFactory.Process(); var outputBufferBlock = blockFactory.OutputBuffer(); var outputBlock = blockFactory.WriteResults(outputRepo); blockController.LinkWithCompletion(inputBufferBlock, bacthBlock); blockController.LinkWithCompletion(bacthBlock, processBlock); blockController.LinkWithCompletion(processBlock, outputBufferBlock); blockController.LinkWithCompletion(outputBufferBlock, outputBlock); // Read data and send to blocks foreach (var item in inputRepo.GetInputData()) { await inputBufferBlock.SendAsync(item); collectTask.AllItems++; if (collectTask.AllItems % 524288 == 0) Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)); if (collectTask.CancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) break; } inputBufferBlock.Complete(); await outputBlock.Completion; inputRepo.Dispose(); outputRepo.Dispose(); }
void Start() { createdObject = new List<GameObject>(); _instant = this; }
public static Item GetItem(int id, short metadata) { Item item = null; if (CustomItemFactory != null) { item = CustomItemFactory.GetItem(id, metadata); } if (item != null) { return(item); } if (id == 54) { item = new ItemChest(metadata); } else if (id == 44) { item = new ItemSlab(id, metadata); } else if (id == 61) { item = new ItemFurnace(metadata); } else if (id == 63) { item = new ItemSign(metadata); } else if (id == 68) { item = new ItemSign(metadata); } else if (id == 116) { item = new ItemEnchantingTable(metadata); } else if (id == 158) { item = new ItemSlab(id, metadata); } else if (id == 256) { item = new ItemIronShovel(metadata); } else if (id == 258) { item = new ItemIronAxe(metadata); } else if (id == 259) { item = new ItemFlintAndSteel(metadata); } else if (id == 260) { item = new ItemApple(); } else if (id == 261) { item = new ItemBow(metadata); } else if (id == 263) { item = new ItemCoal(metadata); } else if (id == 267) { item = new ItemIronSword(metadata); } else if (id == 268) { item = new ItemWoodenSword(metadata); } else if (id == 269) { item = new ItemWoodenShovel(metadata); } else if (id == 270) { item = new ItemWoodenPickaxe(metadata); } else if (id == 271) { item = new ItemWoodenAxe(metadata); } else if (id == 272) { item = new ItemStoneSword(metadata); } else if (id == 273) { item = new ItemStoneShovel(metadata); } else if (id == 275) { item = new ItemStoneAxe(metadata); } else if (id == 276) { item = new ItemDiamondSword(metadata); } else if (id == 277) { item = new ItemDiamondShovel(metadata); } else if (id == 279) { item = new ItemDiamondAxe(metadata); } else if (id == 280) { item = new ItemStick(metadata); } else if (id == 283) { item = new ItemGoldSword(metadata); } else if (id == 284) { item = new ItemGoldShovel(metadata); } else if (id == 286) { item = new ItemGoldAxe(metadata); } else if (id == 290) { item = new ItemWoodenHoe(metadata); } else if (id == 291) { item = new ItemStoneHoe(metadata); } else if (id == 292) { item = new ItemIronHoe(metadata); } else if (id == 293) { item = new ItemDiamondHoe(metadata); } else if (id == 294) { item = new ItemGoldHoe(metadata); } else if (id == 297) { item = new ItemBread(); } else if (id == 298) { item = new ItemLeatherHelmet(metadata); } else if (id == 299) { item = new ItemLeatherChestplate(metadata); } else if (id == 300) { item = new ItemLeatherLeggings(metadata); } else if (id == 301) { item = new ItemLeatherBoots(metadata); } else if (id == 302) { item = new ItemChainmailHelmet(metadata); } else if (id == 303) { item = new ItemChainmailChestplate(metadata); } else if (id == 304) { item = new ItemChainmailLeggings(metadata); } else if (id == 305) { item = new ItemChainmailBoots(metadata); } else if (id == 309) { item = new ItemIronBoots(metadata); } else if (id == 308) { item = new ItemIronLeggings(metadata); } else if (id == 307) { item = new ItemIronChestplate(metadata); } else if (id == 306) { item = new ItemIronHelmet(metadata); } else if (id == 310) { item = new ItemDiamondHelmet(metadata); } else if (id == 311) { item = new ItemDiamondChestplate(metadata); } else if (id == 312) { item = new ItemDiamondLeggings(metadata); } else if (id == 313) { item = new ItemDiamondBoots(metadata); } else if (id == 314) { item = new ItemGoldHelmet(metadata); } else if (id == 315) { item = new ItemGoldChestplate(metadata); } else if (id == 316) { item = new ItemGoldLeggings(metadata); } else if (id == 317) { item = new ItemGoldBoots(metadata); } else if (id == 319) { item = new ItemRawPorkchop(metadata); } else if (id == 320) { item = new ItemCookedPorkshop(); } else if (id == 322) { item = new ItemGoldenApple(); } else if (id == 323) { item = new ItemSign(metadata); } else if (id == 324) { item = new ItemDoor(metadata); } else if (id == 325) { item = new ItemBucket(metadata); } else if (id == 332) { item = new ItemSnowball(metadata); } else if (id == 344) { item = new ItemEgg(metadata); } else if (id == 355) { item = new ItemBed(metadata); } else if (id == 357) { item = new ItemCookie(); } else if (id == 360) { item = new ItemMelonSlice(); } else if (id == 363) { item = new ItemRawBeef(); } else if (id == 364) { item = new ItemSteak(); } else if (id == 365) { item = new ItemRawChicken(); } else if (id == 366) { item = new ItemCoockedChicken(); } else if (id == 383) { item = new ItemSpawnEgg(metadata); } else if (id == 391) { item = new ItemCarrot(); } else if (id == 392) { item = new ItemPotato(); } else if (id == 393) { item = new ItemBakedPotato(); } else if (id == 397) { item = new ItemMobHead(metadata); } else if (id == 400) { item = new ItemPumpkinPie(); } else if (id <= 255) { Block block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById((byte)id); if (CustomBlockItemFactory == null) { item = new ItemBlock(block, metadata); } else { item = CustomBlockItemFactory.GetBlockItem(block, metadata); } } else { item = new Item(id, metadata); } return(item); }
private void PopulateChunk(ChunkColumn chunk) { var bottom = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(Globals.Seed.GetHashCode(), 8); var overhang = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(Globals.Seed.GetHashCode(), 8); overhang.SetScale(1 / OverhangScale); bottom.SetScale(1 / Groundscale); for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++) { float ox = x + chunk.X * 16; float oz = z + chunk.Z * 16; var cBiome = _biomeManager.GetBiome((int)ox, (int)oz); chunk.BiomeId[x * 16 + z] = cBiome.MinecraftBiomeId; var bottomHeight = (int) ((bottom.Noise(ox, oz, BottomsFrequency, BottomsAmplitude) * BottomsMagnitude) + BottomOffset + cBiome.BaseHeight); var maxHeight = (int) ((overhang.Noise(ox, oz, OverhangFrequency, OverhangAmplitude) * OverhangsMagnitude) + bottomHeight + OverhangOffset); maxHeight = Math.Max(1, maxHeight); for (var y = 0; y < maxHeight && y < 256; y++) { if (y == 0) { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(7)); continue; } if (y > bottomHeight) { //part where we do the overhangs if (EnableOverhang) { var density = overhang.Noise(ox, y, oz, OverhangFrequency, OverhangAmplitude); if (density > Threshold) { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(1)); } } } else { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(1)); } } //Turn the blocks ontop into the correct material for (var y = 0; y < 256; y++) { if (chunk.GetBlock(x, y + 1, z) == 0 && chunk.GetBlock(x, y, z) == 1) { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, cBiome.TopBlock); chunk.SetBlock(x, y - 1, z, cBiome.Filling); chunk.SetBlock(x, y - 2, z, cBiome.Filling); } } foreach (var decorator in cBiome.Decorators) { decorator.Decorate(chunk, cBiome, x, z); } new OreDecorator().Decorate(chunk, cBiome, x, z); //Ores :) new BedrockDecorator().Decorate(chunk, cBiome, x, z); //Random bedrock :) } } new WaterDecorator().Decorate(chunk, new PlainsBiome()); //For now, ALWAYS use the water decorator on all chunks... _cavegen.GenerateCave(chunk); new LavaDecorator().Decorate(chunk, new PlainsBiome()); }
public void Load(Player player, params string[] schematicFile) { string filename = string.Join(" ", schematicFile); NbtFile file = new NbtFile(@"D:\Downloads\schematics\medieval-castle.schematic"); NbtCompound schematic = file.RootTag; var width = schematic["Width"].ShortValue; var length = schematic["Length"].ShortValue; var height = schematic["Height"].ShortValue; bool useAlpha = schematic["Materials"].StringValue.Equals("Alpha"); byte[] blocks = schematic["Blocks"].ByteArrayValue; byte[] blockData = schematic["Data"].ByteArrayValue; var buffer = new List <Block>(); for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < length; ++z) { int index = y * width * length + z * width + x; BlockCoordinates coord = new BlockCoordinates(x, y, z); if (blocks[index] == 0) { continue; } int blockId = blocks[index]; byte data = blockData[index]; Func <int, byte, byte> dataConverter = (i, b) => b; // Default no-op converter if (AnvilWorldProvider.Convert.ContainsKey(blockId)) { dataConverter = AnvilWorldProvider.Convert[blockId].Item2; blockId = AnvilWorldProvider.Convert[blockId].Item1; } else { if (BlockFactory.GetBlockById((byte)blockId).GetType() == typeof(Block)) { Log.Warn($"No block implemented for block ID={blockId}, Meta={data}"); //blockId = 57; } } if (blockId > 255) { Log.Warn($"Failed mapping for block ID={blockId}, Meta={data}"); blockId = 41; } var metadata = dataConverter(blockId, data); Block block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById((byte)blockId); block.Coordinates = coord; block.Metadata = metadata; buffer.Add(block); } } } //NbtList blockEntities = schematic["TileEntities"] as NbtList; //if (blockEntities != null) //{ // foreach (var blockEntity in blockEntities) // { // } //} Clipboard clipboard = new Clipboard(player.Level, buffer); clipboard.Origin = new BlockCoordinates(clipboard.GetMin()); Selector.Clipboard = clipboard; player.SendMessage("Loaded schematic from file"); }
public bool BreakWalls(Vector3 forward, Vector3 right) { BlockFactory blockFactory = Factory.Get <BlockFactory>(); Vector3 basePos = this.Position + new Vector3(0, 0.2f + (this.Height * -0.5f) - this.SupportHeight, 0) + forward * -1.0f; bool broke = false; foreach (Voxel map in Voxel.ActivePhysicsVoxels.ToList()) { List <Voxel.Coord> removals = new List <Voxel.Coord>(); Quaternion mapQuaternion = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(map.Transform); Voxel.Coord top = map.GetCoordinate(basePos + new Vector3(0, this.Height + this.SupportHeight + 0.5f, 0)); Direction upDir = map.GetRelativeDirection(Vector3.Up); Direction rightDir = map.GetRelativeDirection(right); Direction forwardDir = map.GetRelativeDirection(forward); Voxel.Coord center = map.GetCoordinate(basePos); for (Voxel.Coord y = center.Clone(); y.GetComponent(upDir) <= top.GetComponent(upDir); y = y.Move(upDir)) { int minZ = center.GetComponent(rightDir) - 10; int maxZ = minZ + 20; foreach (Voxel.Coord x in this.spreadFromCenter(y, rightDir)) { Voxel.Coord z = x.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Voxel.State state = map[z]; int zRightDimension = z.GetComponent(rightDir); if (zRightDimension > minZ && zRightDimension < maxZ && state.ID != 0 && !removals.Contains(z)) { if (state.Permanent || state.Hard) { if (zRightDimension >= center.GetComponent(rightDir)) { maxZ = zRightDimension; } else { minZ = zRightDimension; } break; } else { broke = true; removals.Add(z); Vector3 cellPos = map.GetAbsolutePosition(z); Vector3 toCell = cellPos - basePos; Entity block = blockFactory.CreateAndBind(this.main); Transform blockTransform = block.Get <Transform>(); blockTransform.Position.Value = cellPos; blockTransform.Quaternion.Value = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(((float)this.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f, ((float)this.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f, ((float)this.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f); state.ApplyToBlock(block); toCell += forward * 4.0f; toCell.Normalize(); PhysicsBlock physicsBlock = block.Get <PhysicsBlock>(); physicsBlock.LinearVelocity.Value = toCell * 15.0f; physicsBlock.AngularVelocity.Value = new Vector3(((float)this.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f * (float)Math.PI, ((float)this.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f * (float)Math.PI, ((float)this.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 2.0f * (float)Math.PI); main.Add(block); } } z = z.Move(forwardDir); } } } if (removals.Count > 0) { map.Empty(removals); map.Regenerate(); } } return(broke); }
public ItemCauldron() : base("minecraft:cauldron", 380, 0) { Block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(118); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var configFilepath = args[0]; var password = args[1]; // config var nodeConfig = ConfigDeserializer.Deserialize <NodeConfig>(configFilepath); var console = ConsoleFactory.Build(nodeConfig.IsMiningNode); var ipAddress = IpAddressProvider.GetLocalIpAddress(); var electionEndTime = nodeConfig.IsClassDemo ? DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120) : nodeConfig.ElectionEndTime; // password check var voterDb = new VoterDatabaseFacade(nodeConfig.VoterDbFilepath); var foundMiner = voterDb.TryGetVoterEncryptedKeyPair(password, out var encryptedKeyPair); if (!foundMiner) { Console.WriteLine("incorrect password: you may not mine!"); return; } // blockchain var blockchain = new Blockchain(); // networking var registrarClientFactory = new RegistrarClientFactory(); var registrarClient = registrarClientFactory.Build(ipAddress, RegistrarPort); var registrationRequestFactory = new RegistrationRequestFactory(); var myConnectionInfo = new NodeConnectionInfo(ipAddress, nodeConfig.Port); var knownNodeStore = new KnownNodeStore(); var nodeClientFactory = new NodeClientFactory(); var handshakeRequestFactory = new HandshakeRequestFactory(blockchain); var nodeClientStore = new NodeClientStore(); var nodeServerFactory = new NodeServerFactory(); // votes var protoVoteFactory = new ProtoVoteFactory(); var voteForwarder = new VoteForwarder(nodeClientStore, protoVoteFactory); var voteMemoryPool = new VoteMemoryPool(voteForwarder, console); // blocks var merkleNodeFactory = new MerkleNodeFactory(); var merkleTreeFactory = new MerkleTreeFactory(merkleNodeFactory); var minerId = encryptedKeyPair.PublicKey.GetBase64String(); var blockFactory = new BlockFactory(merkleTreeFactory, minerId); var protoBlockFactory = new ProtoBlockFactory(protoVoteFactory); var blockForwarder = new BlockForwarder(nodeClientStore, protoBlockFactory); var voteValidator = new VoteValidator(blockchain, voterDb, electionEndTime); var blockValidator = new BlockValidator(blockFactory, voteValidator); var blockchainAdder = new BlockchainAdder(blockchain, voteMemoryPool, blockForwarder, console); // mining var difficultyTarget = TargetFactory.Build(BlockHeader.DefaultBits); var miner = new Miner( blockchain, voteMemoryPool, difficultyTarget, blockFactory, blockchainAdder, console); // interaction var voteSerializer = new VoteSerializer(); var electionAlgorithmFactory = new ElectionAlgorithmFactory(voteSerializer); var electionAlgorithm = electionAlgorithmFactory.Build(nodeConfig.ElectionType); var electionResultProvider = new ElectionResultProvider( electionAlgorithm, electionEndTime, voteMemoryPool, blockchain); var voterTerminal = new VoterTerminal.VoterTerminal( voterDb, nodeConfig.Candidates.ToArray(), voteSerializer, voteMemoryPool, electionResultProvider, blockchain); var votingBooth = new VoterTerminal.VoterBooth(voterTerminal, nodeConfig.ElectionType); // startup var nodeServer = nodeServerFactory.Build( myConnectionInfo, knownNodeStore, nodeClientFactory, nodeClientStore, voteMemoryPool, blockchain, miner, voteValidator, blockValidator, blockchainAdder, console); var boostrapper = new Bootstrapper( MinNetworkSize, knownNodeStore, nodeClientFactory, handshakeRequestFactory, nodeClientStore, registrarClient, registrationRequestFactory, nodeServer); Console.WriteLine("bootstrapping node network..."); boostrapper.Bootstrap(myConnectionInfo); Console.WriteLine($"{MinNetworkSize} nodes in network! bootstrapping complete"); if (nodeConfig.IsMiningNode) { Console.WriteLine("starting miner..."); miner.Start(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { votingBooth.LaunchBooth(); } }
public LevelManager(BlockFactory blockFactory, AsyncProcessor asyncProcessor, GameSettings gameSettings) { _blockFactory = blockFactory; _asyncProcessor = asyncProcessor; _gameSettings = gameSettings; }
public override void PlaceBlock(Level world, Player player, BlockCoordinates blockCoordinates, BlockFace face, Vector3 faceCoords) { ItemBlock itemBlock = new ItemBlock(BlockFactory.GetBlockById(141)); itemBlock.PlaceBlock(world, player, blockCoordinates, face, faceCoords); }
public override void HandleMcpeStartGame(McpeStartGame message) { Client.EntityId = message.runtimeEntityId; Client.NetworkEntityId = message.entityIdSelf; Client.SpawnPoint = message.spawn; Client.CurrentLocation = new PlayerLocation(Client.SpawnPoint, message.rotation.X, message.rotation.X, message.rotation.Y); BlockPalette blockPalette = message.blockPalette; Client.BlockPalette = blockPalette; Log.Warn($"Got position from startgame packet: {Client.CurrentLocation}"); //var fileNameBlockstates = Path.GetTempPath() + "blockstates_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".json"; var fileNameItemstates = Path.GetTempPath() + "itemstates_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".json"; File.WriteAllText(fileNameItemstates, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message.itemstates)); string fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "MissingBlocks_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { var writer = new IndentedTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)); Log.Warn($"Directory:\n{Path.GetTempPath()}"); Log.Warn($"Filename:\n{fileName}"); writer.WriteLine($"namespace MiNET.Blocks"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; var blocks = new List <(int, string)>(); foreach (IGrouping <string, BlockStateContainer> blockstateGrouping in blockPalette.OrderBy(record => record.Name).ThenBy(record => record.Data).GroupBy(record => record.Name)) { var currentBlockState = blockstateGrouping.First(); var defaultBlockState = blockstateGrouping.FirstOrDefault(bs => bs.Data == 0); Log.Debug($"{currentBlockState.RuntimeId}, {currentBlockState.Name}, {currentBlockState.Data}"); Block blockById = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(currentBlockState.Id); bool existingBlock = blockById.GetType() != typeof(Block) && !blockById.IsGenerated; int id = existingBlock ? currentBlockState.Id : -1; string blockClassName = CodeName(currentBlockState.Name.Replace("minecraft:", ""), true); blocks.Add((blockById.Id, blockClassName)); writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public partial class {blockClassName} {(existingBlock ? "" : ": Block")} // {blockById.Id} typeof={blockById.GetType().Name}"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; var bits = new List <BlockStateByte>(); foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { var q = blockstateGrouping.SelectMany(c => c.States); // If this is on base, skip this property. We need this to implement common functionality. Type baseType = blockById.GetType().BaseType; bool propOverride = baseType != null && ("Block" != baseType.Name && baseType.GetProperty(CodeName(state.Name, true)) != null); switch (state) { case BlockStateByte blockStateByte: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateByte)d).Value).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList(); byte defaultVal = ((BlockStateByte)defaultBlockState?.States.First(s => s.Name == state.Name))?.Value ?? 0; if (values.Min() == 0 && values.Max() == 1) { bits.Add(blockStateByte); writer.Write($"[StateBit] "); writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} bool {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {(defaultVal == 1 ? "true" : "false")};"); } else { writer.Write($"[StateRange({values.Min()}, {values.Max()})] "); writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} byte {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {defaultVal};"); } break; } case BlockStateInt blockStateInt: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateInt)d).Value).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList(); int defaultVal = ((BlockStateInt)defaultBlockState?.States.First(s => s.Name == state.Name))?.Value ?? 0; writer.Write($"[StateRange({values.Min()}, {values.Max()})] "); writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} int {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {defaultVal};"); break; } case BlockStateString blockStateString: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateString)d).Value).Distinct().ToList(); string defaultVal = ((BlockStateString)defaultBlockState?.States.First(s => s.Name == state.Name))?.Value ?? ""; if (values.Count > 1) { writer.WriteLine($"[StateEnum({string.Join(',', values.Select(v => $"\"{v}\""))})]"); } writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} string {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = \"{defaultVal}\";"); break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(state)); } } if (id == -1 || blockById.IsGenerated) { writer.WriteLine($""); writer.WriteLine($"public {blockClassName}() : base({currentBlockState.Id})"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"IsGenerated = true;"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); } writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public override void SetState(List<IBlockState> states)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"foreach (var state in states)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"switch(state)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { writer.WriteLine($"case {state.GetType().Name} s when s.Name == \"{state.Name}\":"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"{CodeName(state.Name, true)} = {(bits.Contains(state) ? "Convert.ToBoolean(s.Value)" : "s.Value")};"); writer.WriteLine($"break;"); writer.Indent--; } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // switch"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // foreach"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public override BlockStateContainer GetState()"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"var record = new BlockStateContainer();"); writer.WriteLine($"record.Name = \"{blockstateGrouping.First().Name}\";"); writer.WriteLine($"record.Id = {blockstateGrouping.First().Id};"); foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { string propName = CodeName(state.Name, true); writer.WriteLine($"record.States.Add(new {state.GetType().Name} {{Name = \"{state.Name}\", Value = {(bits.Contains(state) ? $"Convert.ToByte({propName})" : propName)}}});"); } writer.WriteLine($"return record;"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); //writer.WriteLine($""); //writer.WriteLine($"public byte GetMetadataFromState()"); //writer.WriteLine($"{{"); //writer.Indent++; //writer.WriteLine($"switch(this)"); //writer.WriteLine($"{{"); //writer.Indent++; //i = 0; //foreach (var record in message.BlockPalette.Where(b => b.Id == enumerator.Current.Id).OrderBy(b => b.Data)) //{ // //case { } b when b.ButtonPressedBit == 0 && b.FacingDirection == 0: // // return 0; // writer.Write($"case {{ }} b when true"); // string retVal = ""; // foreach (var state in record.States.OrderBy(s => s.Name).ThenBy(s => s.Value)) // { // if (state.Type == (byte) NbtTagType.Byte) // { // writer.Write($" && b.{Client.CodeName(state.Name, true)} == {state.Value}"); // } // else if (state.Type == (byte) NbtTagType.Int) // { // writer.Write($" && b.{Client.CodeName(state.Name, true)} == {state.Value}"); // } // else if (state.Type == (byte) NbtTagType.String) // { // writer.Write($" && b.{Client.CodeName(state.Name, true)} == \"{state.Value}\""); // } // } // writer.WriteLine($":"); // writer.Indent++; // writer.WriteLine($"return { i++ };"); // writer.Indent--; //} //writer.Indent--; //writer.WriteLine($"}} // switch"); //writer.WriteLine($"throw new ArithmeticException(\"Invalid state. Unable to convert state to valid metadata\");"); //writer.Indent--; //writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // class"); } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) { writer.WriteLine($"else if (blockId == {block.Item1}) block = new {block.Item2}();"); } writer.Flush(); } // Log.Debug($@" //StartGame: // entityId: {message.entityIdSelf} // runtimeEntityId: {message.runtimeEntityId} // spawn: {message.spawn} // unknown1: {message.unknown1} // dimension: {message.dimension} // generator: {message.generator} // gamemode: {message.gamemode} // difficulty: {message.difficulty} // hasAchievementsDisabled: {message.hasAchievementsDisabled} // dayCycleStopTime: {message.dayCycleStopTime} // eduMode: {message.eduMode} // rainLevel: {message.rainLevel} // lightnigLevel: {message.lightnigLevel} // enableCommands: {message.enableCommands} // isTexturepacksRequired: {message.isTexturepacksRequired} // secret: {message.levelId} // worldName: {message.worldName} //"); LogGamerules(message.gamerules); Client.LevelInfo.LevelName = "Default"; Client.LevelInfo.Version = 19133; Client.LevelInfo.GameType = message.gamemode; //ClientUtils.SaveLevel(_level); { var packet = McpeRequestChunkRadius.CreateObject(); Client.ChunkRadius = 5; packet.chunkRadius = Client.ChunkRadius; Client.SendPacket(packet); } }
public void EncodePalettedChunk() { //PaletteChunk chunk = new PaletteChunk(); //chunk.GetBytes() uint waste = BlockFactory.GetRuntimeId(0, 0); int[] legacyToRuntimeId = BlockFactory.LegacyToRuntimeId; short[] blocks = new short[4096]; Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++) { blocks[i] = (short)random.Next(8); } //blocks[0] = 0b000; //blocks[1] = 0b111; //blocks[2] = 0b111; //blocks[3] = 0b111; //blocks[4] = 0b111; //blocks[5] = 0b111; //blocks[6] = 0b111; //blocks[7] = 0b001; //blocks[8] = 0b010; //blocks[9] = 0b011; //blocks[10] = 0b100; //blocks[11] = 0b101; byte[] metas = new byte[4096]; int count = 10_000; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int c = 0; c < count; c++) { for (int sc = 0; sc < 8; sc++) { var palette = new Dictionary <uint, byte>(); uint prevHash = uint.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { uint hash = (uint)blocks[i] << 4 | metas[i]; if (hash == prevHash) { continue; } prevHash = hash; palette[hash] = 0; } // log2(number of entries) => bits needed to store them //Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(1, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(1, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(2, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(3, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(4, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(3, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(5, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(3, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(palette.Count, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(3, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(8, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(4, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(9, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(4, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(16, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(5, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(17, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(5, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(32, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(6, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(33, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(6, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(64, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(7, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(65, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(7, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(128, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(8, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(129, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(8, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(256, 2))); //Assert.AreEqual(16, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(ushort.MaxValue, 2))); int bitsPerBlock = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(palette.Count, 2)); switch (bitsPerBlock) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: //Paletted1 = 1, // 32 blocks per word //Paletted2 = 2, // 16 blocks per word //Paletted3 = 3, // 10 blocks and 2 bits of padding per word //Paletted4 = 4, // 8 blocks per word //Paletted5 = 5, // 6 blocks and 2 bits of padding per word //Paletted6 = 6, // 5 blocks and 2 bits of padding per word break; case 7: case 8: //Paletted8 = 8, // 4 blocks per word bitsPerBlock = 8; break; case int i when i > 8: //Paletted16 = 16, // 2 blocks per word bitsPerBlock = 16; break; default: break; } int blocksPerWord = (int)Math.Floor(32f / bitsPerBlock); // Floor to remove padding bits int wordsPerChunk = (int)Math.Ceiling(4096f / blocksPerWord); Assert.AreEqual(10, blocksPerWord); byte t = 0; foreach (var b in palette.ToArray()) { palette[b.Key] = t++; } uint[] indexes = new uint[wordsPerChunk]; int position = 0; for (int w = 0; w < wordsPerChunk; w++) { uint word = 0; for (int block = 0; block < blocksPerWord; block++) { if (position >= 4096) { continue; } uint state = palette[(uint)blocks[position] << 4 | metas[position]]; word |= state << (bitsPerBlock * block); //string bin = Convert.ToString(word, 2); //bin = new string('0', 32 - bin.Length) + bin; //Console.WriteLine($"{bin}"); position++; } indexes[w] = word; } } } Console.WriteLine($"time={sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); }
public void GenerateClassesForBlocks() { BlockPallet pallet = null; var assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Block)); using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(Block).Namespace + ".blockstates.json")) using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { pallet = BlockPallet.FromJson(reader.ReadToEnd()); } List <(int, string)> blocks = new List <(int, string)>(); string fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "MissingBlocks_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { Log.Warn($"Writing new blocks to filename:\n{fileName}"); IndentedTextWriter writer = new IndentedTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)); writer.WriteLine($"namespace MiNET.Blocks"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; foreach (IGrouping <string, BlockRecord> blockstate in pallet.OrderBy(r => r.Name).ThenBy(r => r.Data).GroupBy(r => r.Name)) { var enumerator = blockstate.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); var value = enumerator.Current; if (value == null) { continue; } Log.Debug($"{value.RuntimeId}, {value.Name}, {value.Data}"); int id = BlockFactory.GetBlockIdByName(value.Name.Replace("minecraft:", "")); if (id == 0 && !value.Name.Contains("air")) { string blockName = CodeName(value.Name.Replace("minecraft:", ""), true); blocks.Add((value.Id, blockName)); writer.WriteLine($"public class {blockName}: Block"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"public {blockName}() : base({value.Id})"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"Name = \"{value.Name}\";"); do { writer.WriteLine($"// runtime id: {enumerator.Current.RuntimeId} 0x{enumerator.Current.RuntimeId:X}, data: {enumerator.Current.Data}"); } while (enumerator.MoveNext()); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); } } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) { writer.WriteLine($"else if (blockId == {block.Item1}) block = new {block.Item2}();"); } writer.Flush(); } }
public BlockState Get(uint id) { return(BlockFactory.GetBlockState(id)); }
private void UpdateHandItems() { var s = GetSlot(CurrentSlot + 36); Hand = s.ItemId > 255 ? ItemFactory.GetItemById(s.ItemId, s.MetaData) : BlockFactory.GetBlockById((ushort)s.ItemId, s.MetaData); }
public ItemFrame() : base("minecraft:frame", 389) { Block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(199); }
private void ErosionIteration(int inbrushSize, int erodeFaces, BlockBuffer current, BlockBuffer target) { double brushSizeSquared = inbrushSize * inbrushSize; int brushSize = inbrushSize + 1; Dictionary <int, int> frequency = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int x = -brushSize; x <= brushSize; x++) { for (int y = -brushSize; y <= brushSize; y++) { for (int z = -brushSize; z <= brushSize; z++) { BlockCoordinates coord = new BlockCoordinates(x, y, z); target[coord] = (Block)current[coord]; if (x * x + y * y + z * z >= brushSizeSquared) { continue; } Block state = current[coord]; if (state is Air) { continue; } int total = 0; int highest = 1; int highestState = state.Id; frequency.Clear(); foreach (var offs in FACES_TO_CHECK) { Block next = current[coord + offs]; if (!(next is Air)) { continue; } total++; int count; if (!frequency.ContainsKey(next.Id)) { count = 1; } else { count = frequency[next.Id]; count++; } if (count > highest) { highest = count; highestState = next.Id; } frequency[next.Id] = count; } if (total > erodeFaces) { target[coord] = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(highestState); } } } } }
public static Item GetItem(short id, short metadata = 0, int count = 1) { //if (id != 0 && count == 0) return null; Item item = null; if (CustomItemFactory != null) { item = CustomItemFactory.GetItem(id, metadata, count); } if (item != null) { return(item); } if (id == 0) { item = new ItemAir(); } else if (id == 54) { item = new ItemChest(); } else if (id == 44) { item = new ItemSlab(id, metadata); } else if (id == 61) { item = new ItemFurnace(); } else if (id == 63) { item = new ItemSign(); } else if (id == 68) { item = new ItemSign(); } else if (id == 116) { item = new ItemEnchantingTable(); } else if (id == 158) { item = new ItemSlab(id, metadata); } else if (id == 182) { item = new ItemSlab(id, metadata); } else if (id == 199) { item = new ItemItemFrame(); } else if (id == 256) { item = new ItemIronShovel(); } else if (id == 257) { item = new ItemIronPickaxe(); } else if (id == 258) { item = new ItemIronAxe(); } else if (id == 259) { item = new ItemFlintAndSteel(); } else if (id == 260) { item = new ItemApple(); } else if (id == 261) { item = new ItemBow(); } else if (id == 262) { item = new ItemArrow(); } else if (id == 263) { item = new ItemCoal(); } else if (id == 267) { item = new ItemIronSword(); } else if (id == 268) { item = new ItemWoodenSword(); } else if (id == 269) { item = new ItemWoodenShovel(); } else if (id == 270) { item = new ItemWoodenPickaxe(); } else if (id == 271) { item = new ItemWoodenAxe(); } else if (id == 272) { item = new ItemStoneSword(); } else if (id == 273) { item = new ItemStoneShovel(); } else if (id == 274) { item = new ItemStonePickaxe(); } else if (id == 275) { item = new ItemStoneAxe(); } else if (id == 276) { item = new ItemDiamondSword(); } else if (id == 277) { item = new ItemDiamondShovel(); } else if (id == 278) { item = new ItemDiamondPickaxe(); } else if (id == 279) { item = new ItemDiamondAxe(); } else if (id == 280) { item = new ItemStick(); } else if (id == 283) { item = new ItemGoldSword(); } else if (id == 284) { item = new ItemGoldShovel(); } else if (id == 285) { item = new ItemGoldPickaxe(); } else if (id == 286) { item = new ItemGoldAxe(); } else if (id == 290) { item = new ItemWoodenHoe(); } else if (id == 291) { item = new ItemStoneHoe(); } else if (id == 292) { item = new ItemIronHoe(); } else if (id == 293) { item = new ItemDiamondHoe(); } else if (id == 294) { item = new ItemGoldHoe(); } else if (id == 295) { item = new ItemWheatSeeds(); } else if (id == 296) { item = new ItemWheat(); } else if (id == 297) { item = new ItemBread(); } else if (id == 298) { item = new ItemLeatherHelmet(); } else if (id == 299) { item = new ItemLeatherChestplate(); } else if (id == 300) { item = new ItemLeatherLeggings(); } else if (id == 301) { item = new ItemLeatherBoots(); } else if (id == 302) { item = new ItemChainmailHelmet(); } else if (id == 303) { item = new ItemChainmailChestplate(); } else if (id == 304) { item = new ItemChainmailLeggings(); } else if (id == 305) { item = new ItemChainmailBoots(); } else if (id == 309) { item = new ItemIronBoots(); } else if (id == 308) { item = new ItemIronLeggings(); } else if (id == 307) { item = new ItemIronChestplate(); } else if (id == 306) { item = new ItemIronHelmet(); } else if (id == 310) { item = new ItemDiamondHelmet(); } else if (id == 311) { item = new ItemDiamondChestplate(); } else if (id == 312) { item = new ItemDiamondLeggings(); } else if (id == 313) { item = new ItemDiamondBoots(); } else if (id == 314) { item = new ItemGoldHelmet(); } else if (id == 315) { item = new ItemGoldChestplate(); } else if (id == 316) { item = new ItemGoldLeggings(); } else if (id == 317) { item = new ItemGoldBoots(); } else if (id == 319) { item = new ItemRawPorkchop(); } else if (id == 320) { item = new ItemCookedPorkshop(); } else if (id == 322) { item = new ItemGoldenApple(); } else if (id == 323) { item = new ItemSign(); } else if (id == 324) { item = new ItemWoodenDoor(); } else if (id == 325) { item = new ItemBucket(metadata); } else if (id == 331) { item = new ItemRedstone(); } else if (id == 332) { item = new ItemSnowball(); } else if (id == 344) { item = new ItemEgg(); } else if (id == 345) { item = new ItemCompass(); } else if (id == 351) { item = new ItemDye(); } else if (id == 352) { item = new ItemBone(); } else if (id == 355) { item = new ItemBed(); } else if (id == 357) { item = new ItemCookie(); } else if (id == 358) { item = new ItemMap(); } else if (id == 360) { item = new ItemMelonSlice(); } else if (id == 363) { item = new ItemBeef(); } else if (id == 364) { item = new ItemCookedBeef(); } else if (id == 365) { item = new ItemRawChicken(); } else if (id == 366) { item = new ItemCookedChicken(); } else if (id == 373) { item = new ItemPotion(metadata); } else if (id == 380) { item = new ItemCauldron(); } else if (id == 383) { item = new ItemSpawnEgg(metadata); } else if (id == 391) { item = new ItemCarrot(); } else if (id == 392) { item = new ItemPotato(); } else if (id == 393) { item = new ItemBakedPotato(); } else if (id == 395) { item = new ItemEmptyMap(); } else if (id == 397) { item = new ItemMobHead(metadata); } else if (id == 400) { item = new ItemPumpkinPie(); } else if (id == 423) { item = new ItemMuttonRaw(); } else if (id == 424) { item = new ItemMuttonCooked(); } else if (id == 427) { item = new ItemSpruceDoor(); } else if (id == 428) { item = new ItemBirchDoor(); } else if (id == 429) { item = new ItemJungleDoor(); } else if (id == 430) { item = new ItemAcaciaDoor(); } else if (id == 431) { item = new ItemDarkOakDoor(); } else if (id == 444) { item = new ItemElytra(); } else if (id == 458) { item = new ItemBeetrootSeeds(); } else if (id <= 255) { Block block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById((byte)id); if (CustomBlockItemFactory == null) { item = new ItemBlock(block, metadata); } else { item = CustomBlockItemFactory.GetBlockItem(block, metadata, count); } } else { item = new Item(id, metadata, count); } // This might now be a good idea if the constructor changes these // properties for custom items. item.Metadata = metadata; item.Count = (byte)count; return(item); }
public ChunkColumn GetChunk(int X, int Z) { var width = 32; var depth = 32; var rx = X >> 5; var rz = Z >> 5; var filePath = Path.Combine(_basePath, string.Format(@"region\r.{0}.{1}.mca", rx, rz)); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { return(_backEndGenerator.GenerateChunkColumn(new Vector2(X, Z))); } using (var regionFile = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { var buffer = new byte[8192]; regionFile.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); var xi = (X % width); if (xi < 0) { xi += 32; } var zi = (Z % depth); if (zi < 0) { zi += 32; } var tableOffset = (xi + zi * width) * 4; regionFile.Seek(tableOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var offsetBuffer = new byte[4]; regionFile.Read(offsetBuffer, 0, 3); Array.Reverse(offsetBuffer); var offset = BitConverter.ToInt32(offsetBuffer, 0) << 4; var length = regionFile.ReadByte(); //if (offset == 0 || length == 0) return _backEndGenerator.GenerateChunkColumn(new Vector2(X, Z)); if (offset == 0 || length == 0) { return(_backEndGenerator.GenerateChunkColumn(new Vector2(X, Z))); } regionFile.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var waste = new byte[4]; regionFile.Read(waste, 0, 4); var compressionMode = regionFile.ReadByte(); var nbt = new NbtFile(); nbt.LoadFromStream(regionFile, NbtCompression.ZLib); var dataTag = nbt.RootTag["Level"]; var sections = dataTag["Sections"] as NbtList; var chunk = new ChunkColumn { X = X, Z = Z, BiomeId = dataTag["Biomes"].ByteArrayValue }; for (var i = 0; i < chunk.BiomeId.Length; i++) { if (chunk.BiomeId[i] > 22) { chunk.BiomeId[i] = 0; } } if (chunk.BiomeId.Length > 256) { throw new Exception(); } // This will turn into a full chunk column foreach (var sectionTag in sections) { var sy = sectionTag["Y"].ByteValue * 16; var blocks = sectionTag["Blocks"].ByteArrayValue; var data = sectionTag["Data"].ByteArrayValue; var addTag = sectionTag["Add"]; var adddata = new byte[2048]; if (addTag != null) { adddata = addTag.ByteArrayValue; } var blockLight = sectionTag["BlockLight"].ByteArrayValue; var skyLight = sectionTag["SkyLight"].ByteArrayValue; for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for (var y = 0; y < 16; y++) { var yi = sy + y - _waterOffsetY; if (yi < 0 || yi >= 256) { continue; } var anvilIndex = y * 16 * 16 + z * 16 + x; var blockId = blocks[anvilIndex] + (Nibble4(adddata, anvilIndex) << 8); var b = BlockFactory.GetBlockById((ushort)blockId); b.Metadata = Nibble4(data, anvilIndex); chunk.SetBlock(x, yi, z, b); chunk.SetBlocklight(x, yi, z, Nibble4(blockLight, anvilIndex)); chunk.SetSkylight(x, yi, z, Nibble4(skyLight, anvilIndex)); } } } } var entities = dataTag["Entities"] as NbtList; var tileEntities = dataTag["TileEntities"] as NbtList; if (tileEntities != null) { foreach (var nbtTag in tileEntities) { var blockEntityTag = (NbtCompound)nbtTag; string entityId = blockEntityTag["id"].StringValue; int x = blockEntityTag["x"].IntValue; int y = blockEntityTag["y"].IntValue - _waterOffsetY; int z = blockEntityTag["z"].IntValue; blockEntityTag["y"] = new NbtInt("y", y); TileEntity blockEntity = TileEntityFactory.GetBlockEntityById(entityId); if (blockEntity != null) { blockEntityTag.Name = string.Empty; chunk.SetBlockEntity(new Vector3(x, y, z), blockEntityTag); } } } var tileTicks = dataTag["TileTicks"] as NbtList; chunk.IsDirty = false; return(chunk); } }
public void GeneratePartialBlocksFromBlockstates() { BlockPalette blockPalette = BlockFactory.BlockPalette; string fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "MissingBlocks_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { var blocks = new List <(int, string)>(); var writer = new IndentedTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)); Console.WriteLine($"Directory:\n{Path.GetTempPath()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Filename:\n{fileName}"); Log.Warn($"Writing blocks to filename:\n{fileName}"); writer.WriteLine($"namespace MiNET.Blocks"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; foreach (IGrouping <string, BlockStateContainer> blockstateGrouping in blockPalette.OrderBy(record => record.Name).ThenBy(record => record.Data).GroupBy(record => record.Name)) { var currentBlockState = blockstateGrouping.First(); var defaultBlockState = blockstateGrouping.FirstOrDefault(bs => bs.Data == 0); Log.Debug($"{currentBlockState.RuntimeId}, {currentBlockState.Name}, {currentBlockState.Data}"); Block blockById = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(currentBlockState.Id); bool existingBlock = blockById.GetType() != typeof(Block) && !blockById.IsGenerated; int id = existingBlock ? currentBlockState.Id : -1; string blockClassName = CodeName(currentBlockState.Name.Replace("minecraft:", ""), true); blocks.Add((blockById.Id, blockClassName)); writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public partial class {blockClassName} {(existingBlock ? "" : ": Block")} // {blockById.Id} typeof={blockById.GetType().Name}"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; var bits = new List <BlockStateByte>(); foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { var q = blockstateGrouping.SelectMany(c => c.States); // If this is on base, skip this property. We need this to implement common functionality. Type baseType = blockById.GetType().BaseType; bool propOverride = baseType != null && ("Block" != baseType.Name && baseType.GetProperty(CodeName(state.Name, true)) != null); switch (state) { case BlockStateByte blockStateByte: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateByte)d).Value).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList(); byte defaultVal = ((BlockStateByte)defaultBlockState?.States.First(s => s.Name == state.Name))?.Value ?? 0; if (values.Min() == 0 && values.Max() == 1) { bits.Add(blockStateByte); writer.Write($"[StateBit] "); writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} bool {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {(defaultVal == 1 ? "true" : "false")};"); } else { writer.Write($"[StateRange({values.Min()}, {values.Max()})] "); writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} byte {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {defaultVal};"); } break; } case BlockStateInt blockStateInt: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateInt)d).Value).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList(); int defaultVal = ((BlockStateInt)defaultBlockState?.States.First(s => s.Name == state.Name))?.Value ?? 0; writer.Write($"[StateRange({values.Min()}, {values.Max()})] "); writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} int {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {defaultVal};"); break; } case BlockStateString blockStateString: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateString)d).Value).Distinct().ToList(); string defaultVal = ((BlockStateString)defaultBlockState?.States.First(s => s.Name == state.Name))?.Value ?? ""; if (values.Count > 1) { writer.WriteLine($"[StateEnum({string.Join(',', values.Select(v => $"\"{v}\""))})]"); } writer.WriteLine($"public {(propOverride ? "override" : "")} string {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = \"{defaultVal}\";"); break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(state)); } } if (id == -1 || blockById.IsGenerated) { writer.WriteLine($""); writer.WriteLine($"public {blockClassName}() : base({currentBlockState.Id})"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"IsGenerated = true;"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); } writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public override void SetState(List<IBlockState> states)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"foreach (var state in states)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"switch(state)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { writer.WriteLine($"case {state.GetType().Name} s when s.Name == \"{state.Name}\":"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"{CodeName(state.Name, true)} = {(bits.Contains(state) ? "Convert.ToBoolean(s.Value)" : "s.Value")};"); writer.WriteLine($"break;"); writer.Indent--; } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // switch"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // foreach"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public override BlockStateContainer GetState()"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"var record = new BlockStateContainer();"); writer.WriteLine($"record.Name = \"{blockstateGrouping.First().Name}\";"); writer.WriteLine($"record.Id = {blockstateGrouping.First().Id};"); foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { string propName = CodeName(state.Name, true); writer.WriteLine($"record.States.Add(new {state.GetType().Name} {{Name = \"{state.Name}\", Value = {(bits.Contains(state) ? $"Convert.ToByte({propName})" : propName)}}});"); } writer.WriteLine($"return record;"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); //writer.WriteLine($""); //writer.WriteLine($"public byte GetMetadataFromState()"); //writer.WriteLine($"{{"); //writer.Indent++; //writer.WriteLine($"switch(this)"); //writer.WriteLine($"{{"); //writer.Indent++; //i = 0; //foreach (var record in message.BlockPalette.Where(b => b.Id == enumerator.Current.Id).OrderBy(b => b.Data)) //{ // //case { } b when b.ButtonPressedBit == 0 && b.FacingDirection == 0: // // return 0; // writer.Write($"case {{ }} b when true"); // string retVal = ""; // foreach (var state in record.States.OrderBy(s => s.Name).ThenBy(s => s.Value)) // { // if (state.Type == (byte) NbtTagType.Byte) // { // writer.Write($" && b.{Client.CodeName(state.Name, true)} == {state.Value}"); // } // else if (state.Type == (byte) NbtTagType.Int) // { // writer.Write($" && b.{Client.CodeName(state.Name, true)} == {state.Value}"); // } // else if (state.Type == (byte) NbtTagType.String) // { // writer.Write($" && b.{Client.CodeName(state.Name, true)} == \"{state.Value}\""); // } // } // writer.WriteLine($":"); // writer.Indent++; // writer.WriteLine($"return { i++ };"); // writer.Indent--; //} //writer.Indent--; //writer.WriteLine($"}} // switch"); //writer.WriteLine($"throw new ArithmeticException(\"Invalid state. Unable to convert state to valid metadata\");"); //writer.Indent--; //writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // class"); } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) { writer.WriteLine($"else if (blockId == {block.Item1}) block = new {block.Item2}();"); } writer.Flush(); } }
public BiomeProvider() { //Biomes = BiomeUtils.Biomes.Where(b => b.Terrain != null).ToArray(); Biomes = new BiomeBase[] { new BirchForestBiome(), new BirchForestHillsBiome(), /* new BirchForestHillsMBiome(), * new BirchForestMBiome(), * new ColdTaigaBiome(), * new ColdTaigaHillsBiome(), * new ColdTaigaMBiome(),*/ new DeepOceanBiome(), new DesertBiome(), new DesertHillsBiome(), // new DesertMBiome(), // new ExtremeHillsBiome(), // new ExtremeHillsEdgeBiome(), /* new ExtremeHillsMBiome(), * new ExtremeHillsPlusBiome(), * new ExtremeHillsPlusMBiome(), * new FlowerForestBiome(),*/ new ForestBiome(), new ForestHillsBiome(), new FrozenOceanBiome(), // new IceMountainsBiome(), new IcePlainsBiome(), // new IcePlainsSpikesBiome(), new JungleBiome(), new JungleEdgeBiome(), // new JungleEdgeMBiome(), new JungleHillsBiome(), /*new JungleMBiome(), * new MegaSpruceTaigaBiome(), * new MegaTaigaBiome(), * new MegaTaigaHillsBiome(),*/ new MesaBiome(), // new MesaBryceBiome(), new MesaPlateauBiome(), new MesaPlateauFBiome(), // new MesaPlateauFMBiome(), // new MesaPlateauMBiome(), new MushroomIslandBiome(), new MushroomIslandShoreBiome(), new OceanBiome(), new PlainsBiome(), // new RedwoodTaigaHillsBiome(), // new RoofedForestBiome(), // new RoofedForestMBiome(), new SavannaBiome(), // new SavannaMBiome(), new SavannaPlateauBiome(), // new SavannaPlateauMBiome(), // new SunflowerPlainsBiome(), new SwamplandBiome(), // new SwamplandMBiome(), new TaigaBiome(), new TaigaHillsBiome(), // new TaigaMBiome() new RiverBiome().SetEdgeBiome(true), new FrozenRiverBiome().SetEdgeBiome(true), new BeachBiome().SetEdgeBiome(true), new ColdBeachBiome().SetEdgeBiome(true), new StoneBeachBiome().SetEdgeBiome(true), }; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < Biomes.Length; i++) { var b = Biomes[i]; if (Biomes[i].Terrain != null && Biomes[i].Surface == null) { b.Surface = new SurfaceBase(b.Config, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(b.SurfaceBlock), BlockFactory.GetBlockById(b.SoilBlock)); } if (!b.Color.HasValue) { b.Color = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256)); } Biomes[i] = b; } float minTemp = float.MaxValue; float maxTemp = float.MinValue; float minRain = float.MaxValue; float maxRain = float.MinValue; float minHeight = float.MaxValue; float maxHeight = float.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < Biomes.Length; i++) { var biome = Biomes[i]; var min = MathF.Min(biome.MinHeight, biome.MaxHeight); var max = MathF.Max(biome.MinHeight, biome.MaxHeight); minHeight = Math.Min(minHeight, min); maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, max); // min = MathUtils.ConvertRange(-2f, 2f, 0f, 128f, biome.MinHeight); // max = MathUtils.ConvertRange(-2f, 2f, 0f, 128f, biome.MaxHeight); biome.MinHeight = min; biome.MaxHeight = max; if (biome.Temperature < minTemp) { minTemp = biome.Temperature; } if (biome.Temperature > maxTemp) { maxTemp = biome.Temperature; } if (biome.Downfall < minRain) { minRain = biome.Downfall; } if (biome.Downfall > maxRain) { maxRain = biome.Downfall; } Biomes[i] = biome; } Console.WriteLine($"Temperature (min: {minTemp} max: {maxTemp}) Downfall (min:{minRain} max: {maxRain}) Height (min: {minHeight} max: {maxHeight})"); }
public void GenesisBlock() { Block block = BlockFactory.GenesisBlock(); Assert.IsNotNull(block); }
public override void HandleMcpeStartGame(McpeStartGame message) { Client.EntityId = message.runtimeEntityId; Client.NetworkEntityId = message.entityIdSelf; Client.SpawnPoint = message.spawn; Client.CurrentLocation = new PlayerLocation(Client.SpawnPoint, message.unknown1.X, message.unknown1.X, message.unknown1.Y); Log.Warn($"Got position from startgame packet: {Client.CurrentLocation}"); string fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "MissingBlocks_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { Log.Warn($"Writing new blocks to filename:\n{fileName}"); var legacyIdMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Block)); using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(Block).Namespace + ".legacy_id_map.json")) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { var result = JObject.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd()); foreach (var obj in result) { legacyIdMap.Add(obj.Key, (int)obj.Value); } } IndentedTextWriter writer = new IndentedTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)); writer.WriteLine($"namespace MiNET.Blocks"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; List <(int, string)> blocks = new List <(int, string)>(); foreach (IGrouping <string, KeyValuePair <int, Blockstate> > blockstate in message.blockstates.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Name).ThenBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Data).GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Name)) { var enumerator = blockstate.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); var value = enumerator.Current.Value; if (value == null) { continue; } Log.Debug($"{value.RuntimeId}, {value.Name}, {value.Data}"); int id = BlockFactory.GetBlockIdByName(value.Name.Replace("minecraft:", "")); if (id == 0 && !value.Name.Contains("air")) { if (legacyIdMap.TryGetValue(value.Name, out id)) { value.Id = id; } string blockName = Client.CodeName(value.Name.Replace("minecraft:", ""), true); blocks.Add((value.Id, blockName)); writer.WriteLine($"public class {blockName}: Block"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"public {blockName}() : base({value.Id})"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"Name = \"{value.Name}\";"); do { writer.WriteLine($"// runtime id: {enumerator.Current.Value.RuntimeId} 0x{enumerator.Current.Value.RuntimeId:X}, data: {enumerator.Current.Value.Data}"); } while (enumerator.MoveNext()); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); } } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) { writer.WriteLine($"else if (blockId == {block.Item1}) block = new {block.Item2}();"); } writer.Flush(); } // Log.Debug($@" //StartGame: // entityId: {message.entityIdSelf} // runtimeEntityId: {message.runtimeEntityId} // spawn: {message.spawn} // unknown1: {message.unknown1} // dimension: {message.dimension} // generator: {message.generator} // gamemode: {message.gamemode} // difficulty: {message.difficulty} // hasAchievementsDisabled: {message.hasAchievementsDisabled} // dayCycleStopTime: {message.dayCycleStopTime} // eduMode: {message.eduMode} // rainLevel: {message.rainLevel} // lightnigLevel: {message.lightnigLevel} // enableCommands: {message.enableCommands} // isTexturepacksRequired: {message.isTexturepacksRequired} // secret: {message.levelId} // worldName: {message.worldName} //"); LogGamerules(message.gamerules); Client.LevelInfo.LevelName = "Default"; Client.LevelInfo.Version = 19133; Client.LevelInfo.GameType = message.gamemode; //ClientUtils.SaveLevel(_level); { var packet = McpeRequestChunkRadius.CreateObject(); Client.ChunkRadius = 5; packet.chunkRadius = Client.ChunkRadius; Client.SendPacket(packet); } }
private static void ReadSection(int yoffset, NbtTag sectionTag, ChunkColumn chunk) { int sy = sectionTag["Y"].ByteValue * 16; byte[] blocks = sectionTag["Blocks"].ByteArrayValue; byte[] data = sectionTag["Data"].ByteArrayValue; NbtTag addTag = sectionTag["Add"]; byte[] adddata = new byte[2048]; if (addTag != null) { adddata = addTag.ByteArrayValue; } byte[] blockLight = sectionTag["BlockLight"].ByteArrayValue; byte[] skyLight = sectionTag["SkyLight"].ByteArrayValue; for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { int yi = sy + y - yoffset; if (yi < 0 || yi >= 256) { continue; } int anvilIndex = y * 16 * 16 + z * 16 + x; int blockId = blocks[anvilIndex] + (Nibble4(adddata, anvilIndex) << 8); // Anvil to PE friendly converstion Func <int, byte, byte> dataConverter = (i, b) => b; // Default no-op converter if (Convert.ContainsKey(blockId)) { dataConverter = Convert[blockId].Item2; blockId = Convert[blockId].Item1; } else { if (BlockFactory.GetBlockById((byte)blockId).GetType() == typeof(Block)) { Log.Warn($"No block implemented for block ID={blockId}, Meta={data}"); //blockId = 57; } } chunk.isAllAir = chunk.isAllAir && blockId == 0; if (blockId > 255) { Log.Warn($"Failed mapping for block ID={blockId}, Meta={data}"); blockId = 41; } //if (yi == 127 && blockId != 0) blockId = 30; if (yi == 0 && (blockId == 8 || blockId == 9)) { blockId = 7; } chunk.SetBlock(x, yi, z, (byte)blockId); byte metadata = Nibble4(data, anvilIndex); metadata = dataConverter(blockId, metadata); chunk.SetMetadata(x, yi, z, metadata); chunk.SetBlocklight(x, yi, z, Nibble4(blockLight, anvilIndex)); chunk.SetSkylight(x, yi, z, Nibble4(skyLight, anvilIndex)); var block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(chunk.GetBlock(x, yi, z)); if (block is BlockStairs || block is StoneSlab || block is WoodSlab) { chunk.SetSkylight(x, yi, z, 0xff); } if (blockId == 43 && chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z) == 7) { chunk.SetMetadata(x, yi, z, 6); } else if (blockId == 44 && chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z) == 7) { chunk.SetMetadata(x, yi, z, 6); } else if (blockId == 44 && chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z) == 15) { chunk.SetMetadata(x, yi, z, 14); } else if (blockId == 3 && chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z) == 1) { // Dirt Course => (Grass Path) chunk.SetBlock(x, yi, z, 198); chunk.SetMetadata(x, yi, z, 0); } else if (blockId == 3 && chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z) == 2) { // Dirt Podzol => (Podzol) chunk.SetBlock(x, yi, z, 243); chunk.SetMetadata(x, yi, z, 0); } } } } }
public ItemFrame() : base(389) { Block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(199); }
public static Item GetItem(short id, short metadata = 0, int count = 1) { Item item = null; if (CustomItemFactory != null) { item = CustomItemFactory.GetItem(id, metadata, count); } if (item != null) { return(item); } if (id == 0) { item = new ItemAir(); } else if (id == 256) { item = new ItemIronShovel(); } else if (id == 257) { item = new ItemIronPickaxe(); } else if (id == 258) { item = new ItemIronAxe(); } else if (id == 259) { item = new ItemFlintAndSteel(); } else if (id == 260) { item = new ItemApple(); } else if (id == 261) { item = new ItemBow(); } else if (id == 262) { item = new ItemArrow(); } else if (id == 263) { item = new ItemCoal(); } else if (id == 264) { item = new ItemDiamond(); } else if (id == 265) { item = new ItemIronIngot(); } else if (id == 266) { item = new ItemGoldIngot(); } else if (id == 267) { item = new ItemIronSword(); } else if (id == 268) { item = new ItemWoodenSword(); } else if (id == 269) { item = new ItemWoodenShovel(); } else if (id == 270) { item = new ItemWoodenPickaxe(); } else if (id == 271) { item = new ItemWoodenAxe(); } else if (id == 272) { item = new ItemStoneSword(); } else if (id == 273) { item = new ItemStoneShovel(); } else if (id == 274) { item = new ItemStonePickaxe(); } else if (id == 275) { item = new ItemStoneAxe(); } else if (id == 276) { item = new ItemDiamondSword(); } else if (id == 277) { item = new ItemDiamondShovel(); } else if (id == 278) { item = new ItemDiamondPickaxe(); } else if (id == 279) { item = new ItemDiamondAxe(); } else if (id == 280) { item = new ItemStick(); } else if (id == 283) { item = new ItemGoldenSword(); } else if (id == 284) { item = new ItemGoldenShovel(); } else if (id == 285) { item = new ItemGoldenPickaxe(); } else if (id == 286) { item = new ItemGoldenAxe(); } else if (id == 290) { item = new ItemWoodenHoe(); } else if (id == 291) { item = new ItemStoneHoe(); } else if (id == 292) { item = new ItemIronHoe(); } else if (id == 293) { item = new ItemDiamondHoe(); } else if (id == 294) { item = new ItemGoldenHoe(); } else if (id == 295) { item = new ItemWheatSeeds(); } else if (id == 296) { item = new ItemWheat(); } else if (id == 297) { item = new ItemBread(); } else if (id == 298) { item = new ItemLeatherHelmet(); } else if (id == 299) { item = new ItemLeatherChestplate(); } else if (id == 300) { item = new ItemLeatherLeggings(); } else if (id == 301) { item = new ItemLeatherBoots(); } else if (id == 302) { item = new ItemChainmailHelmet(); } else if (id == 303) { item = new ItemChainmailChestplate(); } else if (id == 304) { item = new ItemChainmailLeggings(); } else if (id == 305) { item = new ItemChainmailBoots(); } else if (id == 309) { item = new ItemIronBoots(); } else if (id == 308) { item = new ItemIronLeggings(); } else if (id == 307) { item = new ItemIronChestplate(); } else if (id == 306) { item = new ItemIronHelmet(); } else if (id == 310) { item = new ItemDiamondHelmet(); } else if (id == 311) { item = new ItemDiamondChestplate(); } else if (id == 312) { item = new ItemDiamondLeggings(); } else if (id == 313) { item = new ItemDiamondBoots(); } else if (id == 314) { item = new ItemGoldHelmet(); } else if (id == 315) { item = new ItemGoldChestplate(); } else if (id == 316) { item = new ItemGoldLeggings(); } else if (id == 317) { item = new ItemGoldBoots(); } else if (id == 319) { item = new ItemRawPorkchop(); } else if (id == 320) { item = new ItemCookedPorkshop(); } else if (id == 321) { item = new ItemPainting(); } else if (id == 322) { item = new ItemGoldenApple(); } else if (id == 323) { item = new ItemSign(); } else if (id == 324) { item = new ItemWoodenDoor(); } else if (id == 325) { item = new ItemBucket(metadata); } else if (id == 329) { item = new ItemSaddle(); } else if (id == 331) { item = new ItemRedstone(); } else if (id == 332) { item = new ItemSnowball(); } else if (id == 333) { item = new ItemBoat(metadata); } else if (id == 344) { item = new ItemEgg(); } else if (id == 345) { item = new ItemCompass(); } else if (id == 351) { item = new ItemDye(); } else if (id == 352) { item = new ItemBone(); } else if (id == 352) { item = new ItemSugar(); } else if (id == 355) { item = new ItemBed(); } else if (id == 357) { item = new ItemCookie(); } else if (id == 358) { item = new ItemMap(); } else if (id == 359) { item = new ItemShears(); } else if (id == 360) { item = new ItemMelonSlice(); } else if (id == 363) { item = new ItemBeef(); } else if (id == 364) { item = new ItemCookedBeef(); } else if (id == 365) { item = new ItemRawChicken(); } else if (id == 366) { item = new ItemCookedChicken(); } else if (id == 369) { item = new ItemBlazeRod(); } else if (id == 371) { item = new ItemGoldNugget(); } else if (id == 373) { item = new ItemPotion(metadata); } else if (id == 377) { item = new ItemBlazePowder(); } else if (id == 380) { item = new ItemCauldron(); } else if (id == 383) { item = new ItemMonsterEgg(metadata); } else if (id == 389) { item = new ItemFrame(); } else if (id == 391) { item = new ItemCarrot(); } else if (id == 392) { item = new ItemPotato(); } else if (id == 393) { item = new ItemBakedPotato(); } else if (id == 395) { item = new ItemEmptyMap(); } else if (id == 395) { item = new ItemGoldenCarrot(); } else if (id == 397) { item = new ItemMobHead(metadata); } else if (id == 400) { item = new ItemPumpkinPie(); } else if (id == 401) { item = new ItemFireworks(); } else if (id == 416) { item = new ItemHorseArmorLeather(); } else if (id == 417) { item = new ItemHorseArmorIron(); } else if (id == 418) { item = new ItemHorseArmorGold(); } else if (id == 419) { item = new ItemHorseArmorDiamond(); } else if (id == 423) { item = new ItemMuttonRaw(); } else if (id == 424) { item = new ItemMuttonCooked(); } else if (id == 427) { item = new ItemSpruceDoor(); } else if (id == 428) { item = new ItemBirchDoor(); } else if (id == 429) { item = new ItemJungleDoor(); } else if (id == 430) { item = new ItemAcaciaDoor(); } else if (id == 431) { item = new ItemDarkOakDoor(); } else if (id == 444) { item = new ItemElytra(); } else if (id == 446) { item = new ItemBanner(); } else if (id == 452) { item = new ItemIronNugget(); } else if (id == 454 && metadata == 0) { item = new ItemSlate(); } else if (id == 454 && metadata == 1) { item = new ItemPoster(); } else if (id == 454 && metadata == 2) { item = new ItemBoard(); } else if (id == 458) { item = new ItemBeetrootSeeds(); } else if (id == 498) { item = new ItemCamera(metadata); } else if (id <= 255) { int blockId = id; if (blockId < 0) { blockId = (short)(Math.Abs(id) + 255); // hehe } Block block = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(blockId); if (CustomBlockItemFactory == null) { item = new ItemBlock(block, metadata); } else { item = CustomBlockItemFactory.GetBlockItem(block, metadata, count); } } else { item = new Item(id, metadata, count); } // This might now be a good idea if the constructor changes these // properties for custom items. item.Metadata = metadata; item.Count = (byte)count; return(item); }
public override void PlaceBlock(Level world, Player player, BlockCoordinates blockCoordinates, BlockFace face, Vector3 faceCoords) { byte direction = player.GetDirection(); var coordinates = GetNewCoordinatesFromFace(blockCoordinates, face); // Base block, meta sets orientation DoorBase block = (DoorBase)BlockFactory.GetBlockById(_blockId); block.Coordinates = coordinates; block.Direction = direction; block.UpperBlockBit = false; int x = blockCoordinates.X; int y = blockCoordinates.Y; int z = blockCoordinates.Z; int xd = 0; int zd = 0; if (direction == 0) { zd = 1; } else if (direction == 1) { xd = -1; } else if (direction == 2) { zd = -1; } else if (direction == 3) { xd = 1; } int i1 = (world.GetBlock(x - xd, y, z - zd).IsSolid ? 1 : 0) + (world.GetBlock(x - xd, y + 1, z - zd).IsSolid ? 1 : 0); int j1 = (world.GetBlock(x + xd, y, z + zd).IsSolid ? 1 : 0) + (world.GetBlock(x + xd, y + 1, z + zd).IsSolid ? 1 : 0); bool flag = world.GetBlock(x - xd, y, z - zd).Id == block.Id || world.GetBlock(x - xd, y + 1, z - zd).Id == block.Id; bool flag1 = world.GetBlock(x + xd, y, z + zd).Id == block.Id || world.GetBlock(x + xd, y + 1, z + zd).Id == block.Id; bool flag2 = false; if (flag && !flag1) { flag2 = true; } else if (j1 > i1) { flag2 = true; } if (!block.CanPlace(world, player, blockCoordinates, face)) { return; } block.DoorHingeBit = flag2; // The upper door block, meta marks upper and // sets orientation based on adjacent blocks DoorBase blockUpper = (DoorBase)BlockFactory.GetBlockById(_blockId); blockUpper.Coordinates = coordinates + Level.Up; blockUpper.Direction = direction; blockUpper.UpperBlockBit = true; blockUpper.DoorHingeBit = flag2; world.SetBlock(block); world.SetBlock(blockUpper); if (player.GameMode == GameMode.Survival) { var itemInHand = player.Inventory.GetItemInHand(); itemInHand.Count--; player.Inventory.SetInventorySlot(player.Inventory.InHandSlot, itemInHand); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(BlockFactory.Hash(this)); }
public override void HandleMcpeUpdateBlock(McpeUpdateBlock message) { if ( != 0) { Log.Warn($"UPDATEBLOCK: Unsupported block storage! {}"); return; } if (_blockStateMap.TryGetValue(message.blockRuntimeId, out var bs)) { IBlockState state = null; var result = BlockFactory.RuntimeIdTable.FirstOrDefault(xx => xx.Name == bs.Name); if (result != null && result.Id >= 0) { var reverseMap = MiNET.Worlds.AnvilWorldProvider.Convert.FirstOrDefault(map => map.Value.Item1 == result.Id); var id = result.Id; if (reverseMap.Value != null) { id = reverseMap.Key; } var res = BlockFactory.GetBlockStateID( (int)id, (byte)bs.Data); if (AnvilWorldProvider.BlockStateMapper.TryGetValue( res, out var res2)) { var t = BlockFactory.GetBlockState(res2); t = ChunkProcessor.TranslateBlockState(t, id, bs.Data); state = t; } else { Log.Info( $"Did not find anvil statemap: {result.Name}"); state = ChunkProcessor.TranslateBlockState( BlockFactory.GetBlockState(result.Name), id, bs.Data); } } if (state == null) { state = ChunkProcessor.TranslateBlockState( BlockFactory.GetBlockState(bs.Name), -1, bs.Data); } if (state != null) { BaseClient.WorldReceiver?.SetBlockState( new BlockCoordinates(message.coordinates.X, message.coordinates.Y, message.coordinates.Z), state); } /* * var result = * BlockFactory.RuntimeIdTable.FirstOrDefault(xx => xx.Name == bs.Name); * * uint res = 0; * bool ss = false; * if (result != null && result.Id >= 0) * { * res = BlockFactory.GetBlockStateID((int) result.Id, (byte) bs.Data); * ss = true; * } * * if (ss && AnvilWorldProvider.BlockStateMapper.TryGetValue(res, out res)) * { * var a = BlockFactory.GetBlockState(res); * BaseClient.WorldReceiver?.SetBlockState( * new BlockCoordinates(message.coordinates.X, message.coordinates.Y, message.coordinates.Z), * a); * } * else * { * * BaseClient.WorldReceiver?.SetBlockState( * new BlockCoordinates(message.coordinates.X, message.coordinates.Y, message.coordinates.Z), * BlockFactory.GetBlockState(bs.Name)); * }*/ } else { Log.Warn($"Received unknown block runtime id."); } }
//explicit binding looks pretty complex and fragile since I didn't use any of packages. public void ConfigureDependencies(DependencyResolver dependencies) { //configure UI manager windows mapping var uiManager = new UIManager(_uiContainer, new Dictionary <string, UIWindowConfiguration>() { { UIWindow.STRING_MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_ID, new UIWindowConfiguration( () => new MainMenuWindowController(), () => new MainMenuWindowModel( dependencies.Resolve <IGameStateManager>(), dependencies.Resolve <LevelManager>()), _mainMenuViewPrefab ) }, { UIWindow.STRING_GAME_WINDOW_ID, new UIWindowConfiguration( () => new GameWindowController(), () => new GameWindowModel(dependencies.Resolve <IInputManager>()), _gameViewPrefab ) } }); var boardManager = new BoardManager(); var blockFactory = new BlockFactory(_blockPrefab); var brickFactory = new BrickFactory(_brickPrefab, blockFactory); var gameManager = new GameManager(brickFactory, boardManager, () => dependencies.Resolve <IGameStateManager>().SetState(GameStateType.MainMenu));//horrible solution but there no time left LevelManager levelManager = new LevelManager(_levels, new CompositeObserver <LevelData>(brickFactory, _gameLoopManager)); //configure MonoBehaviour services _gameLoopManager.Init(new CompositeObserver <TickPassedParams>(gameManager)); _inputManager.Init(new CompositeObserver <InputReceivedParams>(gameManager, _gameLoopManager)); //configure application state machine var gameStateManager = new GameStateManager(new[] { new Tuple <GameStateType, Func <GameState> >(GameStateType.MainMenu, () => new GameState(() => { dependencies.Resolve <IUIManager>().OpenWindow(UIWindow.STRING_MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_ID); }, () => { dependencies.Resolve <IUIManager>().CloseWindow(UIWindow.STRING_MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_ID); })), new Tuple <GameStateType, Func <GameState> >(GameStateType.Game, () => new GameState(() => { dependencies.Resolve <IUIManager>().OpenWindow(UIWindow.STRING_GAME_WINDOW_ID); }, () => { dependencies.Resolve <IUIManager>().CloseWindow(UIWindow.STRING_GAME_WINDOW_ID); })), }, new CompositeObserver <GameStateType>(_gameLoopManager, gameManager)); //bind dependencies in order to retrieve them later in runtime dependencies.Bind <IGameStateManager>(gameStateManager); dependencies.Bind <IUIManager>(uiManager); dependencies.Bind(levelManager); dependencies.Bind <IInputManager>(_inputManager); }
public void GenerateClassesForBlocks() { Dictionary <int, Blockstate> blockstates = new Dictionary <int, Blockstate>(); var assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Block)); var legacyIdMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(Block).Namespace + ".legacy_id_map.json")) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { var result = JObject.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd()); foreach (var obj in result) { legacyIdMap.Add(obj.Key, (int)obj.Value); } } using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(Block).Namespace + ".blockstates.json")) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { dynamic jsonBlockstates = JArray.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd()); int runtimeId = 0; foreach (var obj in jsonBlockstates) { try { var name = (string); if (legacyIdMap.TryGetValue(name, out var id)) { blockstates.Add(runtimeId, new Blockstate() { Id = id, Data = (short), Name = (string), RuntimeId = runtimeId }); runtimeId++; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"{obj}"); throw; } } } List <(int, string)> blocks = new List <(int, string)>(); string fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "MissingBlocks_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { Log.Warn($"Writing new blocks to filename:\n{fileName}"); IndentedTextWriter writer = new IndentedTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)); writer.WriteLine($"namespace MiNET.Blocks"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; foreach (IGrouping <string, KeyValuePair <int, Blockstate> > blockstate in blockstates.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Name).ThenBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Data).GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Name)) { var enumerator = blockstate.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); var value = enumerator.Current.Value; if (value == null) { continue; } Log.Debug($"{value.RuntimeId}, {value.Name}, {value.Data}"); int id = BlockFactory.GetBlockIdByName(value.Name.Replace("minecraft:", "")); if (id == 0 && !value.Name.Contains("air")) { string blockName = CodeName(value.Name.Replace("minecraft:", ""), true); blocks.Add((value.Id, blockName)); writer.WriteLine($"public class {blockName}: Block"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"public {blockName}() : base({value.Id})"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"Name = \"{value.Name}\";"); do { writer.WriteLine($"// runtime id: {enumerator.Current.Value.RuntimeId} 0x{enumerator.Current.Value.RuntimeId:X}, data: {enumerator.Current.Value.Data}"); } while (enumerator.MoveNext()); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); } } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) { writer.WriteLine($"else if (blockId == {block.Item1}) block = new {block.Item2}();"); } writer.Flush(); } }
public override void HandleMcpeStartGame(McpeStartGame message) { Client.EntityId = message.runtimeEntityId; Client.NetworkEntityId = message.entityIdSelf; Client.SpawnPoint = message.spawn; Client.CurrentLocation = new PlayerLocation(Client.SpawnPoint, message.rotation.X, message.rotation.X, message.rotation.Y); BlockPalette blockPalette = message.blockPalette; Client.BlockPalette = message.blockPalette; //var blockPalette = BlockFactory.BlockStates; Log.Warn($"Got position from startgame packet: {Client.CurrentLocation}"); var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Arrays, TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto, Formatting = Formatting.Indented, DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include }; var fileNameItemstates = Path.GetTempPath() + "itemstates_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".json"; File.WriteAllText(fileNameItemstates, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message.itemstates, settings)); string fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "MissingBlocks_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"; using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { var writer = new IndentedTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)); Log.Warn($"BlockPalette ({blockPalette.Count}) Filename:\n{fileName}"); writer.WriteLine($"namespace MiNET.Blocks"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; var blocks = new List <(int, string)>(); foreach (IGrouping <string, BlockStateContainer> blockstateGrouping in blockPalette.OrderBy(record => record.Name).ThenBy(record => record.Data).ThenBy(record => record.RuntimeId).GroupBy(record => record.Name)) { BlockStateContainer currentBlockState = blockstateGrouping.First(); Log.Debug($"{currentBlockState.Name}, Id={currentBlockState.Id}"); BlockStateContainer defaultBlockState = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(currentBlockState.Id, 0)?.GetGlobalState(); if (defaultBlockState == null) { defaultBlockState = blockstateGrouping.FirstOrDefault(bs => bs.Data == 0); } Log.Debug($"{currentBlockState.RuntimeId}, {currentBlockState.Name}, {currentBlockState.Data}"); Block blockById = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(currentBlockState.Id); bool existingBlock = blockById.GetType() != typeof(Block) && !blockById.IsGenerated; int id = existingBlock ? currentBlockState.Id : -1; string blockClassName = CodeName(currentBlockState.Name.Replace("minecraft:", ""), true); blocks.Add((blockById.Id, blockClassName)); writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public partial class {blockClassName} // {blockById.Id} typeof={blockById.GetType().Name}"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"public override string Name => \"{currentBlockState.Name}\";"); writer.WriteLineNoTabs(""); var bits = new List <BlockStateByte>(); foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { var q = blockstateGrouping.SelectMany(c => c.States); // If this is on base, skip this property. We need this to implement common functionality. Type baseType = blockById.GetType().BaseType; bool propOverride = baseType != null && ("Block" != baseType.Name && baseType.GetProperty(CodeName(state.Name, true)) != null); switch (state) { case BlockStateByte blockStateByte: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateByte)d).Value).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList(); byte defaultVal = ((BlockStateByte)defaultBlockState?.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(state.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))?.Value ?? 0; if (values.Min() == 0 && values.Max() == 1) { bits.Add(blockStateByte); writer.Write($"[StateBit] "); writer.WriteLine($"public{(propOverride ? " override" : "")} bool {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {(defaultVal == 1 ? "true" : "false")};"); } else { writer.Write($"[StateRange({values.Min()}, {values.Max()})] "); writer.WriteLine($"public{(propOverride ? " override" : "")} byte {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {defaultVal};"); } break; } case BlockStateInt blockStateInt: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateInt)d).Value).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList(); int defaultVal = ((BlockStateInt)defaultBlockState?.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(state.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))?.Value ?? 0; writer.Write($"[StateRange({values.Min()}, {values.Max()})] "); writer.WriteLine($"public{(propOverride ? " override" : "")} int {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = {defaultVal};"); break; } case BlockStateString blockStateString: { var values = q.Where(s => s.Name == state.Name).Select(d => ((BlockStateString)d).Value).Distinct().ToList(); string defaultVal = ((BlockStateString)defaultBlockState?.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(state.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))?.Value ?? ""; if (values.Count > 1) { writer.WriteLine($"[StateEnum({string.Join(',', values.Select(v => $"\"{v}\""))})]"); } writer.WriteLine($"public{(propOverride ? " override" : "")} string {CodeName(state.Name, true)} {{ get; set; }} = \"{defaultVal}\";"); break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(state)); } } // Constructor //if (id == -1 || blockById.IsGenerated) //{ // writer.WriteLine($""); // writer.WriteLine($"public {blockClassName}() : base({currentBlockState.Id})"); // writer.WriteLine($"{{"); // writer.Indent++; // writer.WriteLine($"IsGenerated = true;"); // writer.WriteLine($"SetGenerated();"); // writer.Indent--; // writer.WriteLine($"}}"); //} writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public override void SetState(List<IBlockState> states)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"foreach (var state in states)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"switch(state)"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { writer.WriteLine($"case {state.GetType().Name} s when s.Name == \"{state.Name}\":"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"{CodeName(state.Name, true)} = {(bits.Contains(state) ? "Convert.ToBoolean(s.Value)" : "s.Value")};"); writer.WriteLine($"break;"); writer.Indent--; } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // switch"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // foreach"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); writer.WriteLineNoTabs($""); writer.WriteLine($"public override BlockStateContainer GetState()"); writer.WriteLine($"{{"); writer.Indent++; writer.WriteLine($"var record = new BlockStateContainer();"); writer.WriteLine($"record.Name = \"{blockstateGrouping.First().Name}\";"); writer.WriteLine($"record.Id = {blockstateGrouping.First().Id};"); foreach (var state in blockstateGrouping.First().States) { string propName = CodeName(state.Name, true); writer.WriteLine($"record.States.Add(new {state.GetType().Name} {{Name = \"{state.Name}\", Value = {(bits.Contains(state) ? $"Convert.ToByte({propName})" : propName)}}});"); } writer.WriteLine($"return record;"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // method"); writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}} // class"); } writer.WriteLine(); foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) { int clazzId = block.Item1; Block blockById = BlockFactory.GetBlockById(clazzId); bool existingBlock = blockById.GetType() != typeof(Block) && !blockById.IsGenerated; if (existingBlock) { continue; } string clazzName = block.Item2; string baseClazz = clazzName.EndsWith("Stairs") ? "BlockStairs" : "Block"; baseClazz = clazzName.EndsWith("Slab") && !clazzName.EndsWith("DoubleSlab")? "SlabBase" : baseClazz; writer.WriteLine($"public partial class {clazzName} : {baseClazz} {{ " + $"public {clazzName}() : base({clazzId}) {{ IsGenerated = true; }} " + $"}}"); } writer.Indent--; writer.WriteLine($"}}"); // namespace //foreach (var block in blocks.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item1)) //{ // // 495 => new StrippedCrimsonStem(), // writer.WriteLine($"\t\t\t\t{block.Item1} => new {block.Item2}(),"); //} writer.Flush(); } LogGamerules(message.gamerules); Client.LevelInfo.LevelName = "Default"; Client.LevelInfo.Version = 19133; Client.LevelInfo.GameType = message.gamemode; //ClientUtils.SaveLevel(_level); { var packet = McpeRequestChunkRadius.CreateObject(); Client.ChunkRadius = 5; packet.chunkRadius = Client.ChunkRadius; Client.SendPacket(packet); } }