Esempio n. 1
    public void AddBlock(RaycastHit hitInfo, Vector3 direction, bool trueLocation, int blockType)
        Vector3 hitInLocalSpace = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hitInfo.point - direction.normalized * .001f);
        int     xCoord          = (int)hitInLocalSpace.x;
        int     yCoord          = (int)hitInLocalSpace.y;
        int     zCoord          = (int)hitInLocalSpace.z;

        if (hitInLocalSpace.x % 1 > .5f)
        if (hitInLocalSpace.y % 1 > .5f)
        if (hitInLocalSpace.z % 1 > .5f)

        // Debug.Log("x: " + xCoord + ", Y: " + yCoord + "Z: " + zCoord);

        //check if added in next chunk.
        if (xCoord > 15 && !trueLocation)
            rightChunk.AddBlock(hitInfo, direction, true, blockType);
        if (hitInLocalSpace.x < 0 && !trueLocation)
            leftChunk.AddBlock(hitInfo, direction, true, blockType);
        if (zCoord > 15 && !trueLocation)
            forwardChunk.AddBlock(hitInfo, direction, true, blockType);
        if (hitInLocalSpace.z < 0 && !trueLocation)
            backwardChunk.AddBlock(hitInfo, direction, true, blockType);

        if (yCoord > 90)
        if (zCoord > 15)
            zCoord = 15;
        if (zCoord < 0)
            zCoord = 0;
        if (xCoord > 15)
            xCoord = 15;
        if (xCoord < 0)
            xCoord = 0;

        blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord]           = new BlockDataInternal();
        blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord].blockType = blockType;
        blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord]         = true;

        //Check to see if any block will be hidden:
        BlockDataInternal addedBlock = blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord];

        addedBlock.visible = true;

        if (blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord]) //up
            addedBlock.DownExists = true;
            blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord].UpExists = true;
        if (yCoord < 63 && blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord]) // down
            addedBlock.UpExists = true;
            blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord].DownExists = true;

        if (xCoord > 0)
            if (blockExistsArr[xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord]) // left
                addedBlock.LeftExists = true;
                blockDataArr[xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord].RightExists = true;
            if (leftChunk.blockExistsArr[15, yCoord, zCoord])
                addedBlock.LeftExists = true;
                leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, yCoord, zCoord].RightExists = true;
        if (xCoord < 15) //right
            if (blockExistsArr[xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord])
                addedBlock.RightExists = true;
                blockDataArr[xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord].LeftExists = true;
            if (rightChunk.blockExistsArr[0, yCoord, zCoord])
                addedBlock.RightExists = true;
                rightChunk.blockDataArr[0, yCoord, zCoord].LeftExists = true;
        if (zCoord > 0)
            if (blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1]) // backward
                addedBlock.BackExists = true;
                blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1].ForwardExists = true;
            if (backwardChunk.blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, 15])
                addedBlock.BackExists = true;
                backwardChunk.blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, 15].ForwardExists = true;

        if (zCoord < 15)
            if (blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1]) // forward
                addedBlock.ForwardExists = true;
                blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1].BackExists = true;
            if (forwardChunk.blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, 0])
                addedBlock.ForwardExists = true;
                forwardChunk.blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, 0].BackExists = true;
Esempio n. 2
    public void DestroyBlock(RaycastHit hitInfo, Vector3 direction)
        Vector3 hitInLocalSpace = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hitInfo.point + direction.normalized * .001f);
        int     xCoord          = (int)hitInLocalSpace.x;

        if (hitInLocalSpace.x % 1 > .5f)
        int yCoord = (int)hitInLocalSpace.y;

        if (hitInLocalSpace.y % 1 > .5f)
        int zCoord = (int)hitInLocalSpace.z;

        if (hitInLocalSpace.z % 1 > .5f)
        if (!blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord])
            Debug.Log("Garbage hit");
        if (yCoord == 0)

        blockExistsArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord] = false;

        //Check to see if any block will be revealed:
        BlockDataInternal deletedBlock = blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord];

        blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord] = null;

        List <MeshFilter> addedMeshesList = new List <MeshFilter>();

        if (deletedBlock.DownExists)
            blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord].UpExists = false;
            blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord].visible  = true;
        if (deletedBlock.UpExists && yCoord > 0)
            blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord].DownExists = false;
            blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord].visible    = true;

        if (deletedBlock.LeftExists)
            //within this chunk
            if (xCoord > 0)
                blockDataArr[xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord].RightExists = false;
                blockDataArr[xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord].visible     = true;
            //outside this
                leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, yCoord, zCoord].RightExists = false;
                leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, yCoord, zCoord].visible     = true;
        if (deletedBlock.RightExists)
            if (xCoord < 15)
                blockDataArr[xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord].LeftExists = false;
                blockDataArr[xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord].visible    = true;
                rightChunk.blockDataArr[0, yCoord, zCoord].LeftExists = false;
                rightChunk.blockDataArr[0, yCoord, zCoord].visible    = true;
        if (deletedBlock.ForwardExists)
            if (zCoord < 15)
                blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1].BackExists = false;
                blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1].visible    = true;
                forwardChunk.blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, 0].BackExists = false;
                forwardChunk.blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, 0].visible    = true;
        if (deletedBlock.BackExists)
            if (zCoord > 0)
                blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1].ForwardExists = false;
                blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1].visible       = true;
                backwardChunk.blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, 15].ForwardExists = false;
                backwardChunk.blockDataArr[xCoord, yCoord, 15].visible       = true;

        //Update mesh with what we've learned.
Esempio n. 3
    public void GenerateBlocks()
        Vector3 beginning = transform.position;

        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                    if (y < heightMap[x, z] || y == 0 || blockExistsArr[x, y, z])
                        if (trees[x, z] == 1 && y + 1 >= heightMap[x, z] && blockExistsArr[x, y, z] == false)
                            MakeTree(x, y, z);

                        if (!blockExistsArr[x, y, z])
                            blockDataArr[x, y, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
                            blockExistsArr[x, y, z]         = true;
                            blockDataArr[x, y, z].blockType = 0; //natural
                            if (y > 5)
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].blockType = 2;

                        //Now set all blocks neighbor booleans.
                        if (y > 0) //prevents oob
                            if (blockExistsArr[x, y - 1, z])
                                //set for current
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].DownExists = true;
                                //set for below
                                blockDataArr[x, y - 1, z].UpExists = true;
                                if (y > 1 && blockExistsArr[x, y - 2, z] && blockDataArr[x, y, z].blockType == 0)
                                    blockDataArr[x, y - 2, z].blockType = 1; //dirt
                            blockDataArr[x, y, z].DownExists = true;
                        //left check
                        if (x > 0) //prevents oob
                            if (x == 15 && rightChunk == null)
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].RightExists = false;

                            if (blockExistsArr[x - 1, y, z])
                                //set for current
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].LeftExists = true;
                                //set for left
                                blockDataArr[x - 1, y, z].RightExists = true;
                        //Try another chunk!
                            if (leftChunk != null)
                                if (leftChunk.blockExistsArr[15, y, z])
                                    blockDataArr[x, y, z].LeftExists             = true;
                                    leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, y, z].RightExists = true;
                                    leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, y, z].DetermineVisibility();
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].LeftExists = false;
                        if (z > 0) //prevents oob
                            if (z == 15 && forwardChunk == null)
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].ForwardExists = false;
                            if (blockExistsArr[x, y, z - 1])
                                //set for current
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].BackExists = true;
                                //set for back
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z - 1].ForwardExists = true;
                        //Check neighbor Chunk!
                            if (backwardChunk != null)
                                if (backwardChunk.blockExistsArr[x, y, 15])
                                    blockDataArr[x, y, z].BackExists = true;
                                    backwardChunk.blockDataArr[x, y, 15].ForwardExists = true;
                                    backwardChunk.blockDataArr[x, y, 15].DetermineVisibility();
                                blockDataArr[x, y, z].BackExists = false;
Esempio n. 4
    public void MakeTree(int x, int y, int z)
        for (int t = 1; t < 6 && t < 58; t++)
            blockDataArr[x, y + t, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            blockExistsArr[x, y + t, z]         = true;
            blockDataArr[x, y + t, z].blockType = 1;
        blockDataArr[x, y + 6, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
        blockExistsArr[x, y + 6, z]         = true;
        blockDataArr[x, y + 6, z].blockType = 3;

        int first  = Random.Range(2, 5);
        int second = Random.Range(2, 5);
        int third  = Random.Range(2, 5);
        int fourth = Random.Range(2, 5);

        if (x > 0)
            blockDataArr[x - 1, y + first, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            blockExistsArr[x - 1, y + first, z]         = true;
            blockDataArr[x - 1, y + first, z].blockType = 3;
        else if (leftChunk != null)
            leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, y + first, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            leftChunk.blockExistsArr[15, y + first, z]         = true;
            leftChunk.blockDataArr[15, y + first, z].blockType = 3;

        if (x < 15)
            blockDataArr[x + 1, y + second, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            blockExistsArr[x + 1, y + second, z]         = true;
            blockDataArr[x + 1, y + second, z].blockType = 3;
        else if (rightChunk != null)
            rightChunk.blockDataArr[0, y + second, z]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            rightChunk.blockExistsArr[0, y + second, z]         = true;
            rightChunk.blockDataArr[0, y + second, z].blockType = 3;
        if (z < 15)
            blockDataArr[x, y + third, z + 1]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            blockExistsArr[x, y + third, z + 1]         = true;
            blockDataArr[x, y + third, z + 1].blockType = 3;
        else if (forwardChunk != null)
            forwardChunk.blockDataArr[x, y + third, 0]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            forwardChunk.blockExistsArr[x, y + third, 0]         = true;
            forwardChunk.blockDataArr[x, y + third, 0].blockType = 3;
        if (z > 0)
            blockDataArr[x, y + fourth, z - 1]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            blockExistsArr[x, y + fourth, z - 1]         = true;
            blockDataArr[x, y + fourth, z - 1].blockType = 3;
        else if (backwardChunk != null)
            forwardChunk.blockDataArr[x, y + fourth, 15]           = new BlockDataInternal();
            forwardChunk.blockExistsArr[x, y + fourth, 15]         = true;
            forwardChunk.blockDataArr[x, y + fourth, 15].blockType = 3;