public void SaveBiome() { BiomeController bc = biomeManager.GetBiome(; if (bc == null) { return; } string path = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Resources/Biomes/" + inputField.text + ".bytes"); using ( BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(path, FileMode.Create)) ) { bc.Save(writer, true); } }
public void OnConstructedChanged(bool constructed) { QuickLogger.Debug($"Constructed - {constructed}"); if (IsBeingDeleted) { return; } if (constructed) { _seaBase = gameObject?.transform?.parent?.gameObject; if (isActiveAndEnabled) { if (IsOperational()) { if (!IsInitialized) { Initialize(); } if (_display != null) { _display.Setup(this); _runStartUpOnEnable = false; } _currentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); RotateToMag(); SetCurrentRotation(); QuickLogger.Debug($"Turbine Constructed Rotation Set {_rotor.transform.rotation.ToString()} ", true); } else { QuickLogger.Message(DisplayLanguagePatching.NotOperational(), true); } } else { _runStartUpOnEnable = true; } } }
public void Generate(Action callback, NoiseData inNoiseData, World.WorldGenData inWorldGenData, ChunkGenerator inChunkGenerator) { int textureSize = inWorldGenData.chunkSize; float[,] heightMap = inNoiseData.heightMap.noise; float[,] humidMap = inNoiseData.humidMap.noise; BiomeManager biomeManager = inChunkGenerator.biomeManager; // Calculate colormap _colorMap = new Color[textureSize * textureSize]; for (int y = 0; y < textureSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < textureSize; x++) { _colorMap[y * textureSize + x] = biomeManager.GetBiome(heightMap[x, y], humidMap[x, y]).color; } } lock (inChunkGenerator.textureDataThreadInfoQueue) inChunkGenerator.textureDataThreadInfoQueue.Enqueue(callback); }
public override void OnConstructedChanged(bool constructed) { QuickLogger.Info("In Constructed Changed"); IsConstructed = constructed; if (constructed) { if (isActiveAndEnabled) { if (!IsInitialized) { Initialize(); } CurrentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); StartCoroutine(TryGetLoot()); } else { _runStartUpOnEnable = true; } } }
public override void OnConstructedChanged(bool constructed) { QuickLogger.Info("In Constructed Changed"); IsConstructed = constructed; if (constructed) { var seaBase = gameObject?.transform?.parent?.gameObject; if (seaBase != null) { QuickLogger.Debug($"Base Name: {}", true); if ("Base", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { QuickLogger.Debug("Is a base"); _invalidPlacement = true; } } if (isActiveAndEnabled) { if (!IsInitialized) { Initialize(); } CurrentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); StartCoroutine(TryGetLoot()); } else { _runStartUpOnEnable = true; } } }
private void PopulateChunk(ChunkColumn chunk) { var bottom = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(ServerSettings.Seed.GetHashCode(), 8); var overhang = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(ServerSettings.Seed.GetHashCode(), 8); overhang.SetScale(1 / OverhangScale); bottom.SetScale(1 / Groundscale); for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++) { float ox = x + chunk.X * 16; float oz = z + chunk.Z * 16; var cBiome = _biomeManager.GetBiome((int)ox, (int)oz); chunk.BiomeId[x * 16 + z] = cBiome.MinecraftBiomeId; var bottomHeight = (int) ((bottom.Noise(ox, oz, BottomsFrequency, BottomsAmplitude) * BottomsMagnitude) + BottomOffset + cBiome.BaseHeight); var maxHeight = (int) ((overhang.Noise(ox, oz, OverhangFrequency, OverhangAmplitude) * OverhangsMagnitude) + bottomHeight + OverhangOffset); maxHeight = Math.Max(1, maxHeight); for (var y = 0; y < maxHeight && y < 256; y++) { if (y == 0) { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(7)); continue; } if (y > bottomHeight) { //part where we do the overhangs if (EnableOverhang) { var density = overhang.Noise(ox, y, oz, OverhangFrequency, OverhangAmplitude); if (density > Threshold) { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(1)); } } } else { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockFactory.GetBlockById(1)); } } //Turn the blocks ontop into the correct material for (var y = 0; y < 256; y++) { if (chunk.GetBlock(x, y + 1, z) == 0 && chunk.GetBlock(x, y, z) == 1) { chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, cBiome.TopBlock); chunk.SetBlock(x, y - 1, z, cBiome.Filling); chunk.SetBlock(x, y - 2, z, cBiome.Filling); } } foreach (var decorator in cBiome.Decorators) { decorator.Decorate(chunk, cBiome, x, z); } new OreDecorator().Decorate(chunk, cBiome, x, z); //Ores :) new BedrockDecorator().Decorate(chunk, cBiome, x, z); //Random bedrock :) } } new WaterDecorator().Decorate(chunk, new PlainsBiome()); //For now, ALWAYS use the water decorator on all chunks... _cavegen.GenerateCave(chunk); new LavaDecorator().Decorate(chunk, new PlainsBiome()); }
private void OnEnable() { if (!_runStartUpOnEnable) { return; } if (!IsInitialized) { Initialize(); } if (_display != null) { _display.Setup(this); } if (_seaBase != null) { _currentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); RotateToMag(); SetCurrentRotation(); QuickLogger.Debug($"World Rotation {AISolutionsData.StartingRotation} ", true); QuickLogger.Debug($"Turbine Constructed Rotation Set {_rotor.transform.rotation.ToString()} ", true); } if (_data == null) { ReadySaveData(); } if (_data != null) { QuickLogger.Debug("// ****************************** Load Data *********************************** //"); if (_prefabID != null) { QuickLogger.Info($"Loading JetStream {_prefabID.Id}"); PowerManager.SetHasBreakerTripped(_data.HasBreakerTripped); HealthManager.SetHealth(_data.Health); PowerManager.SetCharge(_data.Charge); _currentSpeed = _data.CurrentSpeed; //RotateTurbine(savedData.DegPerSec); _targetRotation = _data.TurbineRot.TargetRotationToQuaternion(); QuickLogger.Debug($"Target Rotation Set {_targetRotation}", true); _currentBiome = _data.Biome; HealthManager.SetPassedTime(_data.PassedTime); AISolutionsData.StartingRotation = _targetRotation; PowerManager.SetStoredPower(_data.StoredPower); if (_display != null) { _display.SetCurrentPage(); } } else { QuickLogger.Error("PrefabIdentifier is null"); } QuickLogger.Debug("// ****************************** Loaded Data *********************************** //"); } _runStartUpOnEnable = false; }
private void Initialize() { _buildable = GetComponent <Constructable>() ?? GetComponentInParent <Constructable>(); if (FindComponents()) { QuickLogger.Debug($"Turbine Components Found", true); _prefabID = GetComponentInParent <PrefabIdentifier>(); var currentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentBiome)) { var data = BiomeManager.GetBiomeData(currentBiome); } AISolutionsData.Instance.OnRotationChanged += AiSolutionsDataOnOnRotationChanged; if (HealthManager == null) { HealthManager = gameObject.GetComponent <AIJetStreamT242HealthManager>() ?? GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242HealthManager>(); } HealthManager.Initialize(this); HealthManager.SetHealth(100); HealthManager.SetDamageModel(_damage); if (PowerManager == null) { PowerManager = GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242PowerManager>() ?? GetComponent <AIJetStreamT242PowerManager>(); PowerManager.maxPower = 300; } if (PowerRelay == null) { PowerRelay = gameObject.AddComponent <PowerRelay>(); PowerRelay.internalPowerSource = PowerManager; PowerRelay.maxOutboundDistance = 15; PowerRelay.dontConnectToRelays = false; PowerFX yourPowerFX = gameObject.AddComponent <PowerFX>(); PowerRelay powerRelay = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechType(TechType.SolarPanel).GetComponent <PowerRelay>(); yourPowerFX.vfxPrefab = powerRelay.powerFX.vfxPrefab; yourPowerFX.attachPoint = gameObject.transform; PowerRelay.powerFX = yourPowerFX; Resources.UnloadAsset(powerRelay); } PowerManager.Initialize(this); AnimationManager = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242AnimationManager>(); BeaconManager = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <BeaconController>(); if (_display == null) { _display = GetComponent <AIJetStreamT242Display>() ?? GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242Display>(); } IsInitialized = true; //_currentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); } else { IsInitialized = false; throw new MissingComponentException("Failed to find all components"); } if (!IsInitialized) { return; } PowerManager.OnKillBattery += Unsubscribe; }
private void Initialize() { _buildable = GetComponent <Constructable>() ?? GetComponentInParent <Constructable>(); if (FindComponents()) { QuickLogger.Debug($"Turbine Components Found", true); _prefabID = GetComponentInParent <PrefabIdentifier>(); var currentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentBiome)) { var data = BiomeManager.GetBiomeData(currentBiome); } AISolutionsData.Instance.OnRotationChanged += AiSolutionsDataOnOnRotationChanged; if (HealthManager == null) { HealthManager = gameObject.GetComponent <AIJetStreamT242HealthManager>() ?? GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242HealthManager>(); } HealthManager.Initialize(this); HealthManager.SetHealth(100); HealthManager.SetDamageModel(_damage); if (PowerManager == null) { PowerManager = GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242PowerManager>() ?? GetComponent <AIJetStreamT242PowerManager>(); } PowerManager.Initialize(this); AnimationManager = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242AnimationManager>(); BeaconManager = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <BeaconController>(); if (_display == null) { _display = GetComponent <AIJetStreamT242Display>() ?? GetComponentInParent <AIJetStreamT242Display>(); } IsInitialized = true; //_currentBiome = BiomeManager.GetBiome(); } else { IsInitialized = false; throw new MissingComponentException("Failed to find all components"); } if (!IsInitialized) { return; } PowerManager.OnKillBattery += Unsubscribe; }