public void BindToStackOverFlowTest()
            new TestScheduler().With(sched =>
                var fixturea = new TestFixture();
                var fixtureb = new TestFixture();

                var source = new BehaviorSubject <List <string> >(new List <string>());

                source.BindTo(fixturea, x => x.StackOverflowTrigger);
        public void BindToStackOverFlowTest()
            // Before the code changes packed in the same commit
            // as this test the test would go into an infinite
            // event storm. The critical issue is that the
            // property StackOverflowTrigger will clone the
            // value before setting it.
            // If this test executes through without hanging then
            // the problem has been fixed.
            (new TestScheduler()).With(sched => {
                var fixturea = new TestFixture();
                var fixtureb = new TestFixture();

                var source = new BehaviorSubject<List<string>>(new List<string>());

                source.BindTo(fixturea, x => x.StackOverflowTrigger);
        public void BindToStackOverFlowTest()
            // Before the code changes packed in the same commit
            // as this test the test would go into an infinite
            // event storm. The critical issue is that the
            // property StackOverflowTrigger will clone the
            // value before setting it.
            // If this test executes through without hanging then
            // the problem has been fixed.
            (new TestScheduler()).With(sched => {
                var fixturea = new TestFixture();
                var fixtureb = new TestFixture();

                var source = new BehaviorSubject <List <string> >(new List <string>());

                source.BindTo(fixturea, x => x.StackOverflowTrigger);