protected void _Init(BeamUserSettings settings) { fe = new BeamCliFrontend(settings); bgn = new BeamGameNet(); // TODO: config/settings? appl = new BeamApplication(bgn, fe); appl.Start(settings.startMode); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; // Semi-presistent Main-owned objects // TODO: Should be in Awake()? frontend = (BeamFrontend)utils.findObjectComponent("BeamFrontend", "BeamFrontend"); uiController = (GameUiController)utils.findObjectComponent("GameUiController", "GameUiController"); gameCamera = (GameCamera)utils.findObjectComponent("GameCamera", "GameCamera"); gameNet = new BeamGameNet(); beamApp = new BeamApplication(gameNet, frontend); beamApp.Start(BeamModeFactory.kSplash); inputDispatch = new InputDispatch(this); // TODO: get rid of this Eth stuff (goes in GameNet) //eth = new EthereumProxy(); //eth.ConnectAsync(EthereumProxy.InfuraRinkebyUrl); // consumers should check eth.web3 before using }