Esempio n. 1
        private void FillGrid(string name, BaseUtils.SortedListDoubleDuplicate <ISystem> csl)

            if (csl != null && csl.Any())
                SetControlText(string.Format("From {0}".Tx(this, "From"), name));
                foreach (KeyValuePair <double, ISystem> tvp in csl)
                    double dist = Math.Sqrt(tvp.Key);   // distances are stored squared for speed, back to normal.

                    if (tvp.Value.Name != name && (checkBoxCube.Checked || (dist >= textMinRadius.Value && dist <= textMaxRadius.Value)))
                        int      visits = discoveryform.history.GetVisitsCount(tvp.Value.Name, tvp.Value.EDSMID);
                        object[] rowobj = { tvp.Value.Name, $"{dist:0.00}", $"{visits:n0}" };

                        int rowindex = dataGridViewNearest.Rows.Add(rowobj);
                        dataGridViewNearest.Rows[rowindex].Tag = tvp.Value;
        private void FillGrid(string name, BaseUtils.SortedListDoubleDuplicate <ISystem> csl)
            DataGridViewColumn sortcolprev   = dataGridViewNearest.SortedColumn != null ? dataGridViewNearest.SortedColumn : dataGridViewNearest.Columns[1];
            SortOrder          sortorderprev = dataGridViewNearest.SortedColumn != null ? dataGridViewNearest.SortOrder : SortOrder.Ascending;


            if (csl != null && csl.Any())
                SetControlText(string.Format("From {0}".T(EDTx.UserControlStarDistance_From), name));

                int maxdist = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <double, ISystem> tvp in csl)
                    double dist = Math.Sqrt(tvp.Key);   // distances are stored squared for speed, back to normal.

                    maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (int)dist);

                    if (tvp.Value.Name != name && (checkBoxCube.Checked || (dist >= textMinRadius.Value && dist <= textMaxRadius.Value)))
                        int      visits = discoveryform.history.GetVisitsCount(tvp.Value.Name);
                        object[] rowobj = { tvp.Value.Name, $"{dist:0.00}", $"{visits:n0}" };

                        int rowindex = dataGridViewNearest.Rows.Add(rowobj);
                        dataGridViewNearest.Rows[rowindex].Tag = tvp.Value;

                if (csl.Count > maxitems / 2)           // if we filled up at least half the list, we limit to max distance plus
                    lookup_limit = maxdist * 11 / 10;   // lookup limit is % more than max dist, to allow for growth
                else if (csl.Count > maxitems / 10)
                    lookup_limit = maxdist * 2;         // else we did not get close to filling the list, so double the limit and try again
                    lookup_limit = 100;                 // got so few, lets reset
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Star distance Lookup " + name + " found " + csl.Count + " max was " + maxdist + " New limit " + lookup_limit);

            dataGridViewNearest.Sort(sortcolprev, (sortorderprev == SortOrder.Descending) ? ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending);
            dataGridViewNearest.Columns[sortcolprev.Index].HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = sortorderprev;