Esempio n. 1
        private void EmitSequencePointStatement(BoundSequencePoint node)
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = node.Syntax;

            if (_emitPdbSequencePoints)
                if (syntax == null) //Null syntax indicates hidden sequence point (not equivalent to WasCompilerGenerated)

            BoundStatement statement           = node.StatementOpt;
            int            instructionsEmitted = 0;

            if (statement != null)
                instructionsEmitted = this.EmitStatementAndCountInstructions(statement);

            if (instructionsEmitted == 0 && syntax != null && _ilEmitStyle == ILEmitStyle.Debug)
                // if there was no code emitted, then emit nop
                // otherwise this point could get associated with some random statement, possibly in a wrong scope
Esempio n. 2
        private void EmitSequencePointStatement(BoundSequencePoint node)

            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = node.Syntax;

            if (this.emitSequencePoints)
                if (syntax == null) //Null syntax indicates hidden sequence point (not equivalent to WasCompilerGenerated)

            BoundStatement statement           = node.StatementOpt;
            int            instructionsEmitted = 0;

            if (statement != null)
                instructionsEmitted = -builder.InstructionsEmitted;
                instructionsEmitted += builder.InstructionsEmitted;

            if (instructionsEmitted == 0 && syntax != null && noOptimizations)
                // if there was no code emitted, then emit nop
                // otherwise this point could get associated with some random statement, possibly in a wrong scope
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Add sequence point |here|:
 /// foreach (Type var in |expr|) { }
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Hit once, before looping begins.
 /// </remarks>
 private void AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax, ref BoundStatement collectionVarDecl)
     if (this.generateDebugInfo)
         // NOTE: This is slightly different from Dev10.  In Dev10, when you stop the debugger
         // on the collection expression, you can see the (uninitialized) iteration variable.
         // In Roslyn, you cannot because the iteration variable is re-declared in each iteration
         // of the loop and is, therefore, not yet in scope.
         collectionVarDecl = new BoundSequencePoint(forEachSyntax.Expression, collectionVarDecl);
Esempio n. 4
        private BoundStatement RewriteWhileStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            TextSpan conditionSequencePointSpan,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var            startLabel           = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            BoundStatement ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, ifConditionGotoStart, conditionSequencePointSpan);

            // while (condition)
            //   body;
            // becomes
            // goto continue;
            // start:
            // body
            // continue:
            // GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:

            BoundStatement gotoContinue = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, continueLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                //mark the initial jump as hidden.
                //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previou statement.
                //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make
                //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
                gotoContinue = new BoundSequencePoint(null, gotoContinue);

            return(BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel)));
Esempio n. 5
        private void EmitSequencePointStatement(BoundSequencePoint node)
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = node.Syntax;
            if (_emitPdbSequencePoints)
                if (syntax == null) //Null syntax indicates hidden sequence point (not equivalent to WasCompilerGenerated)

            BoundStatement statement = node.StatementOpt;
            int instructionsEmitted = 0;
            if (statement != null)
                instructionsEmitted = this.EmitStatementAndCountInstructions(statement);

            if (instructionsEmitted == 0 && syntax != null && _ilEmitStyle == ILEmitStyle.Debug)
                // if there was no code emitted, then emit nop 
                // otherwise this point could get associated with some random statement, possibly in a wrong scope
Esempio n. 6
        private void EmitSequencePointStatement(BoundSequencePoint node)

            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = node.Syntax;
            if (this.emitSequencePoints)
                if (syntax == null) //Null syntax indicates hidden sequence point (not equivalent to WasCompilerGenerated)

            BoundStatement statement = node.StatementOpt;
            int instructionsEmitted = 0;

            if (statement != null)
                instructionsEmitted = -builder.InstructionsEmitted;
                instructionsEmitted += builder.InstructionsEmitted;

            if (instructionsEmitted == 0 && syntax != null && noOptimizations)
                // if there was no code emitted, then emit nop 
                // otherwise this point could get associated with some random statement, possibly in a wrong scope
 /// <summary>
 /// Add sequence point |here|:
 /// foreach (Type var in |expr|) { }
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Hit once, before looping begins.
 /// </remarks>
 private void AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax, ref BoundStatement collectionVarDecl)
     if (this.generateDebugInfo)
         // NOTE: This is slightly different from Dev10.  In Dev10, when you stop the debugger
         // on the collection expression, you can see the (uninitialized) iteration variable.
         // In Roslyn, you cannot because the iteration variable is re-declared in each iteration
         // of the loop and is, therefore, not yet in scope.
         collectionVarDecl = new BoundSequencePoint(forEachSyntax.Expression, collectionVarDecl);
Esempio n. 8
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            ReadOnlyArray <LocalSymbol> locals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            SyntaxNodeOrToken conditionSyntax,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            var endLabel   = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with
            // block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;
            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            //mark the initial jump as hidden.
            //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement.
            //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make
            //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
            var gotoEnd = new BoundSequencePoint(null, new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel));


            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;

            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                if (conditionSyntax.IsToken)
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, branchBack, conditionSyntax.Span);
                    //if there is no condition, make this a hidden point so that
                    //it does not count as a part of previous statement
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePoint(conditionSyntax.AsNode(), branchBack);


            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToReadOnlyAndFree();

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax, locals, statements, hasErrors));
Esempio n. 9
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            ReadOnlyArray<LocalSymbol> locals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            SyntaxNodeOrToken conditionSyntax,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            var endLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with
            // block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;
            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();
            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            //mark the initial jump as hidden.
            //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement.
            //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make 
            //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
            var gotoEnd = new BoundSequencePoint(null, new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel));

            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;
            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                if (conditionSyntax.IsToken)
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, branchBack, conditionSyntax.Span);
                    //if there is no condition, make this a hidden point so that 
                    //it does not count as a part of previous statement
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePoint(conditionSyntax.AsNode(), branchBack);


            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToReadOnlyAndFree();
            return new BoundBlock(syntax, locals, statements, hasErrors);
Esempio n. 10
        private BoundStatement RewriteWhileStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            TextSpan conditionSequencePointSpan,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            BoundStatement ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, ifConditionGotoStart, conditionSequencePointSpan);

            // while (condition) 
            //   body;
            // becomes
            // goto continue;
            // start: 
            // body
            // continue:
            // GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:

            BoundStatement gotoContinue = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, continueLabel);
            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                //mark the initial jump as hidden.
                //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previou statement.
                //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make 
                //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
                gotoContinue = new BoundSequencePoint(null, gotoContinue);

            return BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));
Esempio n. 11
 public override object VisitSequencePoint(BoundSequencePoint node, object arg)