protected Tile GetTile(int index)
        if (index >= Count || index < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("Index:{0}, Length:{1}", index, Count));
        int?           TrueIndex;
        HexCoordinates trueCoords = IndexToCoords(index);

        TrueIndex = BaseList.CoordsToIndex(trueCoords);
        if (!TrueIndex.HasValue)
            string errorstring = String.Format("Index:{0}, TrueIndex:null, TileHeight:{4}, trueCoords:{2}, TrueListCount:{3} Offsets:{5}", index, TrueIndex, trueCoords.ToString(), BaseList.Count, "n/a", BaseList.CoordsToOffsets(trueCoords));
            throw new Exception(errorstring);                                 //I dont know if this ever comes up.
        Tile ret = BaseList.GetTile(BaseList.IndexToCoords(TrueIndex.Value)); //converting it to this then converting right back... oi.

        if (ret == null)                                                      //Also never comes up, but STILL...
            string errorstring = String.Format("Index:{0}, TrueIndex:{1}, TileHeight:{4}, trueCoords:{2}, TrueListCount:{3}", index, TrueIndex, trueCoords.ToString(), BaseList.Count, "n/a");
            throw new Exception(errorstring);
 override public bool ValidDirection(HexCoordinates coords, HexDirection direction) //Valid query
    public void SetTileHeight(int x, int z, int newHeight)
        //Place the highest tile at the x,z offset at the stated height, and ensure it remains the highest tile at said location
        //This operation will null out all tiles between old and new if new height is less than the old height

        int oldHeight = TileHeight(x, z); //prior height of highest tile at XZ

        if (oldHeight == newHeight)
        }                                                                         //if height is not actually being changed, stop

        int?DesiredIndex = BaseList.OffsetsToIndex(new Vector3(x, newHeight, z)); //index new tile will be placed at in BaseList

        if (!DesiredIndex.HasValue)
        }                                                                                      //if outside the correct range, do nothing

        Tile           OldTile        = GetTile(x, z);                                         //Gets the highest tile at XZ
        HexCoordinates OldCoords      = HexCoordinates.FromOffsetCoordinates(x, z, oldHeight); //coords of tile
        HexCoordinates OldCoordsAbove = OldCoords.Above;
        Tile           OldTileAbove   = GetTrueTile(OldCoordsAbove);                           //Since things could be "on top" of the old tile, it should be moved as well
        HexCoordinates NewCoords      = HexCoordinates.FromOffsetCoordinates(x, z, newHeight);
        HexCoordinates NewCoordsAbove = NewCoords.Above;

        if (oldHeight < newHeight)
            BaseList.SetTile(NewCoordsAbove, OldTileAbove);
            BaseList.SetTile(OldCoordsAbove, null);
            BaseList.SetTile(NewCoords, OldTile);
            BaseList.SetTile(OldCoords, null);
            BaseList.SetTile(NewCoords, OldTile);
            BaseList.SetTile(NewCoordsAbove, OldTileAbove);
            BaseList.SetTile(OldCoordsAbove, null);
            while (true)
                NewCoordsAbove = NewCoordsAbove.Above;
                if (BaseList.CoordsToIndex(NewCoordsAbove).HasValue)
                    BaseList.SetTile(NewCoordsAbove, null);
        // OldTile = GetTile(DesiredIndex); //should be the "moved" tile
        //  OldTileAbove = GetTrueTile(NewAbove);

         *  if (tile.HasActor) { PlaceTransformsOnTile(index, tile.Actor.transform); }
         *  if (tile.Features != null && tile.Features.Count>0) { for (int i = 0; i < tile.Features.Count; i++) { tile.Features[i].Location = Coords; _TrueList.PlaceTransformsOnTile(_TrueList.CoordsToIndex(Coords).Value, tile.Features[i].transform); } }
         *  if (abovetile.HasActor) { PlaceTransformsOnTile(_TrueList.CoordsToIndex(NewAbove).Value, abovetile.Actor.transform); }
         *  if (abovetile.Features != null && abovetile.Features.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < abovetile.Features.Count; i++) { abovetile.Features[i].Location = NewAbove; _TrueList.PlaceTransformsOnTile(_TrueList.CoordsToIndex(NewAbove).Value, abovetile.Features[i].transform); } }