public void DrawScreen() { for (int i = 0; i < _gameMain.ScreenWidth; i += (int)_nebulaBackground.Width) { for (int j = 0; j < _gameMain.ScreenHeight; j += (int)_nebulaBackground.Height) { _nebulaBackground.Draw(i, j); } } _background.Draw(); _playerBackground.Draw(); _playerInfoBackground.Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < _playerLabels.Length; i++) { _playerLabels[i].Draw(); } _playerRaceButton.Draw(); _raceSprites[0].Draw(_xPos + 350, _yPos + 51); _playerRaceDescription.Draw(); _playerEmperorName.Draw(); _playerHomeworldName.Draw(); _AIBackground.Draw(); _difficultyLabel.Draw(); _numberOfAILabel.Draw(); _numericUpDownAI.Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < _numericUpDownAI.Value; i++) { _AIRaceButtons[i].Draw(); _raceSprites[i + 1].Draw(_xPos + 51 + (i * 155), _yPos + 271); } _galaxyBackground.Draw(); //if (GameConfiguration.AllowGalaxyPreview) { DrawGalaxyPreview(); } _okButton.Draw(); _cancelButton.Draw(); //Comboboxes should be drawn last, due to their "drop-down" feature _galaxyComboBox.Draw(); _difficultyComboBox.Draw(); if (_showingSelection) { _raceSelection.Draw(); } if (_generatingGalaxy) { _busyImage.Draw(); _busyText.Draw(); } }
public override void Draw() { base.Draw(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { _shipNames[i].Draw(); } _statusLabels[0].Draw(); for (i = 0; i < _maxVisible; i++) { _planetBackgrounds[i].Draw(); _planetNames[i].Draw(); _statusLabels[i + 1].Draw(); for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (_shipAmountLabels[i][j].Enabled) { _shipAmountLabels[i][j].Draw(); } } } for (; i < 10; i++) { _planetBackgrounds[i].Draw(); } _scrollBar.Draw(); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { _scrapButtons[i].Draw(); } _maintenanceCostBackground.Draw(); _maintenanceLabel.Draw(); _maintenanceAmountLabel.Draw(); _viewSpecsButton.Draw(); if (_fleetSpecsShowing) { _fleetSpecsWindow.Draw(); } }
public override void Draw() { base.Draw(); _raceBackground.Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < _maxVisible; i++) { _raceButtons[i].Draw(); } _raceScrollBar.Draw(); if (_whichRaceSelected == null) { _randomSprite.Draw(_xPos + 315, _yPos + 15, 300 / _randomSprite.Width, 300 / _randomSprite.Height); } else { _whichRaceSelected.NeutralAvatar.Draw(_xPos + 315, _yPos + 15, 300 / _whichRaceSelected.NeutralAvatar.Width, 300 / _whichRaceSelected.NeutralAvatar.Height); } _raceDescription.Draw(); _okButton.Draw(); }
public override void Draw() { base.Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < _columnHeaders.Length; i++) { _columnHeaders[i].Draw(); } for (int i = 0; i < _columnCells.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _columnCells[i].Length; j++) { _columnCells[i][j].Draw(); } } _expensesBackground.Draw(); _incomeBackground.Draw(); _reserves.Draw(); _expenseTitle.Draw(); _incomeTitle.Draw(); _scrollBar.Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _expenses[i].Draw(); _expenseLabels[i].Draw(); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { _incomes[i].Draw(); _incomeLabels[i].Draw(); } _reserveSlider.Draw(); _reservesLabel.Draw(); _reservesAmount.Draw(); _transferSlider.Draw(); _transferLabel.Draw(); _transferAmount.Draw(); _transferReserves.Draw(); }
public override void Draw() { base.Draw(); _name.Draw(); if (_isExplored) { _currentSystem.Planets[0].SmallSprite.Draw(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 60); _popLabel.Draw(); _terrainLabel.Draw(); if (_isOwnedSystem) { if (IsTransferring) { _generalPurposeBackground.Draw(); _generalPurposeText.Draw(); _popTransferSlider.Draw(); _transferLabel.Draw(); _transferToButton.Draw(); _transferToButton.DrawToolTip(); } else if (IsRelocating) { _generalPurposeBackground.Draw(); _generalPurposeText.Draw(); _relocateToButton.Draw(); _relocateToButton.DrawToolTip(); } else { _productionLabel.Draw(); _infrastructureBackground.Draw(); _researchBackground.Draw(); _environmentBackground.Draw(); _defenseBackground.Draw(); _constructionProjectButton.Draw(); _infrastructureIcon.Draw(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 140); _researchIcon.Draw(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 200); _environmentIcon.Draw(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 260); _defenseIcon.Draw(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 320); _constructionIcon.Draw(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 380); _infrastructureLabel.Draw(); _infrastructureSlider.Draw(); _infrastructureLockButton.Draw(); _researchLabel.Draw(); _researchSlider.Draw(); _researchLockButton.Draw(); _environmentLabel.Draw(); _environmentSlider.Draw(); _environmentLockButton.Draw(); _defenseLabel.Draw(); _defenseSlider.Draw(); _defenseLockButton.Draw(); _constructionLabel.Draw(); _constructionSlider.Draw(); _constructionLockButton.Draw(); _relocateToButton.Draw(); _transferToButton.Draw(); _relocateToButton.DrawToolTip(); _transferToButton.DrawToolTip(); if (_currentSystem.Planets[0].TransferSystem.Key.StarSystem != null) { _transferLabel.Draw(); } } } else { _generalPurposeBackground.Draw(); _generalPurposeText.Draw(); } } else { _generalPurposeBackground.Draw(); _generalPurposeText.Draw(); } }