Esempio n. 1
        public static async Task <AvailabilityTelemetry> Run(
            [TimerTrigger(AvailabilityTestInterval.Minute01)] TimerInfo notUsed,
            //[TimerTrigger("*/5 * * * * *")] TimerInfo timerInfo,
            [AvailabilityTestInfo] AvailabilityTestInfo testInfo,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"[CatDemo-ExplicitlySpecifyConfig] Run(..): C#  Coded Availability Test Function executed at: {DateTime.Now}."
                               + $" ActivitySpanId = \"{Activity.Current.SpanId.ToHexString() ?? "null"}\";"
                               + $" TestDisplayName = \"{testInfo.TestDisplayName ?? "null"}\";"
                               + $" LocationDisplayName = \"{testInfo.LocationDisplayName ?? "null"}\";"
                               + $" LocationId = \"{testInfo.LocationId ?? "null"}\".");

            string responseContent;

            using (HttpClient http = AvailabilityTest.NewHttpClient())
                using (HttpResponseMessage response = await http.GetAsync(""))
                    responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            bool hasExpectedContent = responseContent.Contains("<title>Monitored Page</title>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                      responseContent.Contains("(App Version Id: 2)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            AvailabilityTelemetry result = testInfo.DefaultAvailabilityResult;

            result.Properties["UserProperty"] = "User Value";
            result.Success = hasExpectedContent;
        public static string AvailabilityTestInfoToString(AvailabilityTestInfo availabilityTestInfo)
            Validate.NotNull(availabilityTestInfo, nameof(availabilityTestInfo));
            string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(availabilityTestInfo, Formatting.Indented);

Esempio n. 3
        public void AttachTestInfo(AvailabilityTestInfo testInfo)
            IList <AvailabilityTestInfo> testInfos = _availabilityTestInfos;

            if (testInfos == null)
                var newTestInfos = new List <AvailabilityTestInfo>();
                IList <AvailabilityTestInfo> prevTestInfos = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _availabilityTestInfos, newTestInfos, null);
                testInfos = prevTestInfos ?? newTestInfos;

Esempio n. 4
        public bool TakeAvailabilityTestInfo(
            [TimerTrigger(AvailabilityTestInterval.Minute01)] TimerInfo _,
            [AvailabilityTestInfo] AvailabilityTestInfo testInfo,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"||||||||||| \"{nameof(AvailabilityMonitoringDemo01)}.{nameof(TakeAvailabilityTestInfo)}\" started.");

            log.LogInformation("||||||||||| testInfo = {{TestDisplayName = \"{TestDisplayName}\", LocationDisplayName = \"{LocationDisplayName}\", LocationId = \"{LocationId}\", StartTime = \"{StartTime}\"}}",
                               testInfo.TestDisplayName, testInfo.LocationDisplayName, testInfo.LocationId, testInfo.StartTime);

Esempio n. 5
        private Task <AvailabilityTestInfo> CreateAvailabilityTestInfo(AvailabilityTestInfoAttribute attribute, ValueBindingContext valueBindingContext)
            // A function is an Availability Test iff is has a return value marked with [AvailabilityTestResult];
            // whereas a [AvailabilityTestInfo] is OPTIONAL to get test information at runtime.
            // User could have marked a parameter with [AvailabilityTestInfo] but no return value with [AvailabilityTestResult]:
            // That does not make sense, but we need to do something graceful.
            // There is no telling what will run first: this method, or CreateAvailabilityTelemetryAsyncCollector(..) above.
            // From here we cannot call _availabilityTestRegistry.Functions.Register(..), becasue the attribute type we get
            // here does not contain any configuration.
            // We will attach a raw test info object to this invocation.
            // If a test-RESULT-attribute is attached to this function later, it will supply configuration eventually.
            // If not, the test info will remain raw and we must remember to clear the invocation from the registry in the post-function filter.

            Validate.NotNull(attribute, nameof(attribute));
            Validate.NotNull(valueBindingContext, nameof(valueBindingContext));

            string functionName = valueBindingContext.FunctionContext.MethodName;

            using (_log.BeginScope(LogMonikers.Scopes.CreateForTestInvocation(functionName)))
                // Register this particular invocation of this function:
                Guid functionInstanceId = valueBindingContext.FunctionInstanceId;
                AvailabilityTestInvocationState invocationState = _availabilityTestRegistry.Invocations.GetOrRegister(functionInstanceId, _log);

                // Create the test info:
                var testInfo = new AvailabilityTestInfo();

                // If the test scope is already set (out-of-proc function), then use it to initialize the test info:
                bool isTestScopeInitialized = invocationState.TryGetTestScope(out AvailabilityTestScope testScope);
                if (isTestScopeInitialized)

                // Attach the test info to the invocation state bag:

                // Done:
 public static AvailabilityTelemetry AvailabilityTestInfoToAvailabilityTelemetry(AvailabilityTestInfo availabilityTestInfo)
     Validate.NotNull(availabilityTestInfo, nameof(availabilityTestInfo));
Esempio n. 7
// Types 'FunctionExecutingContext' and 'IFunctionFilter' (and other Filter-related types) are marked as preview/obsolete,
// but the guidance from the Azure Functions team is to use it, so we disable the warning.
#pragma warning disable CS0618
        public Task OnExecutingAsync(FunctionExecutingContext executingContext, CancellationToken cancelControl)
#pragma warning restore CS0618
            Validate.NotNull(executingContext, nameof(executingContext));

            // Grab the invocation id and the logger:
            Guid    functionInstanceId = executingContext.FunctionInstanceId;
            ILogger log = executingContext.Logger;

            // Check if this is an Availability Test.
            // There are 3 cases:
            //  1) This IS an Availability Test and this is an in-proc/.Net functuion:
            //     This filter runs AFTER the bindings.
            //     The current function was already registered, becasue the attribute binding was already executed.
            //  2) This IS an Availability Test and this is an out-of-proc/non-.Net function:
            //     This filter runs BEFORE the bindings.
            //      a) If this is the first time the filter runs for the current function, TryGetTestConfig(..) will
            //         read the metadata file, extract the config and return True.
            //      b) If this is not the first time, the function is already registered as described in (a).
            //  3) This is NOT an Availability Test:
            //     We will get False here and do nothing.

            bool isAvailabilityTest = _availabilityTestRegistry.Functions.IsAvailabilityTest(executingContext, out string functionName, out IAvailabilityTestConfiguration testConfig);

            if (!isAvailabilityTest)
                if (log != null)
                    using (log.BeginScope(LogMonikers.Scopes.CreateForTestInvocation(functionName)))
                        log.LogDebug($"Availability Test Pre-Function routine was invoked and determned that this function is NOT an Availability Test:"
                                     + " {{FunctionName=\"{FunctionName}\", FunctionInstanceId=\"{FunctionInstanceId}\"}}",
                                     functionName, functionInstanceId);


            // If configured, use a fall-back logger:
            log = AvailabilityTest.Log.CreateFallbackLogIfRequired(log);

            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> logScopeInfo = LogMonikers.Scopes.CreateForTestInvocation(functionName);

            using (log.BeginScopeSafe(logScopeInfo))
                log?.LogDebug($"Availability Test Pre-Function routine was invoked:"
                              + " {{FunctionName=\"{FunctionName}\", FunctionInstanceId=\"{FunctionInstanceId}\","
                              + " TestConfiguration={{TestDisplayNameTemplate=\"{TestDisplayNameTemplate}\" }} }}",
                              functionName, functionInstanceId, testConfig.TestDisplayName);

                // - In case (1) described above, we have already registered this invocation:
                //   The function parameters have been instantiated, and attached to the invocationState.
                //   However, the parameters are NOT yet initialized, as we did not have a AvailabilityTestScope instance yet.
                //   We will set up an AvailabilityTestScope and attach it to the invocationState.
                //   Then we will initialize the parameters using data from that scope.
                // - In case (2) described above, we have not yet registered the invocation:
                //   A new invocationState will end up being created now.
                //   We will set up an AvailabilityTestScope and attach it to the invocationState.
                //   Subsequently, when the binings eventually get invoked by the Functions tuntime,
                //   they will instantiate and initialize the parameters using data from that scope.

                // Get the invocation state bag:

                AvailabilityTestInvocationState invocationState = _availabilityTestRegistry.Invocations.GetOrRegister(functionInstanceId, log);

                // If test configuration makes reference to configuration, resolve the settings
                IAvailabilityTestInternalConfiguration resolvedTestConfig = _availabilityTestScopeSettingsResolver.Resolve(testConfig, functionName);

                // Start the availability test scope (this will start timers and set up the activity span):
                AvailabilityTestScope testScope = AvailabilityTest.StartNew(resolvedTestConfig, _telemetryConfiguration, flushOnDispose: true, log, logScopeInfo);

                // If we have previously instantiated a result collector, initialize it now:
                if (invocationState.TryGetResultCollector(out AvailabilityResultAsyncCollector resultCollector))

                // If we have previously instantiated a test info, initialize it now:
                if (invocationState.TryGetTestInfos(out IEnumerable <AvailabilityTestInfo> testInfos))
                    AvailabilityTestInfo model = testScope.CreateAvailabilityTestInfo();
                    foreach (AvailabilityTestInfo testInfo in testInfos)
