Esempio n. 1
    void BuildBack(CardMesh card, Dictionary <Texture2D, SubMesh> table, CardShape paper)
        CardShape back = Atlas.FindById(Stock.Back);

        if (back != null)
            Vector3[] v = RectPoints(Stock.Size * Stock.Scale, Stock.BackBorder * Stock.Scale);

            SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, back);
            // middle
            if (Stock.HalfBack)
                Square4(core, back, v[1], v[0], v[12], v[13], Color.white, false, false);
                Square4(core, back, v[13], v[12], v[3], v[2], Color.white, true, true);
                Square4(core, back, v[1], v[0], v[3], v[2], Color.white, false, false);
            // top
            Square4(core, paper, v[5], v[4], v[0], v[1], Color.white, false, false);
            // back-left
            Square5(core, paper, v[2], v[7], v[6], v[1], v[13], Color.white, false);
            // bottom
            Square4(core, paper, v[2], v[3], v[9], v[8], Color.white, false, false);
            // back-right
            Square5(core, paper, v[0], v[11], v[10], v[3], v[12], Color.white, false);

            BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[1], v[6], v[5]);
            BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[2], v[8], v[7]);
            BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[3], v[10], v[9]);
            BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[0], v[4], v[11]);
Esempio n. 2
    public void Rebuild()
        if (!IsValid())
            Debug.LogError("The card definition is not valid.");


        Dictionary <Texture2D, SubMesh> table = new Dictionary <Texture2D, SubMesh>();

        CardMesh  card  = new CardMesh();
        CardShape paper = Definition.Atlas.FindById(Definition.Stock.Paper);

        if (paper == null)
            Debug.LogError("Paper does not exist in atlas = " + + "::" + Definition.Stock.Paper);
        SubMesh data = GetMesh(card, table, paper);

        float x = Stock.Size.x / 2;
        float y = Stock.Size.y / 2;

        float   cx = x - Stock.Border.x;
        float   cy = y - Stock.Border.y;
        Vector3 v0 = new Vector2(-cx, +cy);        // middle
        Vector3 v1 = new Vector2(+cx, +cy);
        Vector3 v2 = new Vector2(+cx, -cy);
        Vector3 v3 = new Vector2(-cx, -cy);
        Vector3 v4 = new Vector2(-cx, +y);         // top edge
        Vector3 v5 = new Vector2(+cx, +y);
        Vector3 v6 = new Vector2(+x, +cy);         // right edge
        Vector3 v7 = new Vector2(+x, -cy);
        Vector3 v8 = new Vector2(+cx, -y);         // bot edge
        Vector3 v9 = new Vector2(-cx, -y);
        Vector3 vA = new Vector2(-x, -cy);         // left edge
        Vector3 vB = new Vector2(-x, +cy);
        //   4  5
        // B 0  1 6
        //   C  D
        // A 3  2 7
        //   9  8
        Vector3 vC = new Vector2(-cx, 0);        // mid
        Vector3 vD = new Vector2(+cx, 0);

        if (Stock.Smooth > 0)
            // middle
            Square4(data, paper, v0, v1, v2, v3, Color.white, false, false);
            // top
            Square4(data, paper, v4, v5, v1, v0, Color.white, false, false);
            // right
            Square4(data, paper, v1, v6, v7, v2, Color.white, false, false);
            // bottom
            Square4(data, paper, v3, v2, v8, v9, Color.white, false, false);
            // left
            Square4(data, paper, vB, v0, v3, vA, Color.white, false, false);

            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v0, vB, v4);
            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v1, v5, v6);
            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v2, v7, v8);
            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v3, v9, vA);
        else         // simple rectangle
            Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(-x, +y, 0);
            Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(+x, +y, 0);
            Vector3 p3 = new Vector3(+x, -y, 0);
            Vector3 p4 = new Vector3(-x, -y, 0);
            Square4(data, paper, p1, p2, p3, p4, Color.white, false, false);

        Vector2 textSize = new Vector2(0.175f, 0.175f);
        Vector2 symSize  = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f);
        float   symW     = symSize.x * 0.5f;
        float   symH     = symSize.y * 0.5f;
        float   rimX     = Mathf.Max(textSize.x, symW);
        float   rimY     = Mathf.Max(textSize.y, symH);

        CardShape symbol = Atlas.FindById(Definition.Symbol);

        if (symbol == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Definition.Symbol))
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Symbol shape '{0}' is not defined in atlas.", Definition.Symbol));
        CardShape fullImage = Definition.FullImage ? Atlas.FindById(Definition.Image) : null;
        CardShape halfImage = !Definition.FullImage ? Atlas.FindById(Definition.Image) : null;

        if (fullImage != null)
            SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, fullImage);
            Square4(core, fullImage, v0, v1, v2, v3, Color.white, false, false);
        else if (halfImage != null)
            SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, halfImage);
            Vector3 lift = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.01f);
            Square4(core, halfImage, v0 + lift, v1 + lift, vD + lift, vC + lift, Color.white, false, false);
            Square4(core, halfImage, vC + lift, vD + lift, v2 + lift, v3 + lift, Color.white, true, true);
        else if (Definition.Pattern != 0 && symbol != null)
            if (Definition.Pattern >= 1 && Definition.Pattern < patternBits.Length)
                SubMesh core  = GetMesh(card, table, symbol);
                Vector2 ssize = symSize;
                int     bits  = patternBits[Definition.Pattern];
                float   x0    = -x + Stock.Border.x;
                float   x1    = +x - Stock.Border.x;
                float   y0    = +y - Stock.Border.y;
                float   y1    = -y + Stock.Border.y;
                for (int b = 0; b < 17; b++)
                    if ((bits & (1 << b)) != 0)
                        float px    = Mathf.Lerp(x0, x1, patternPos[b].x);
                        float py    = Mathf.Lerp(y0, y1, patternPos[b].y);
                        float scale = (Definition.Pattern == 1) ? 2.5f:1;
                        Square(core, symbol, new Vector3(px, py, -0.01f), scale * ssize, Color.white);
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Pattern value '{0}' is not valid.", Definition.Pattern));

        CardShape text = Atlas.FindById(Definition.Text);

        if (text == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Definition.Text))
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Text shape '{0}' is not defined in atlas.", Definition.Text));
        if (text != null)
            SubMesh sub   = GetMesh(card, table, text);
            float   x0    = -x + (Stock.Border.x + rimX) * 0.5f;
            float   x1    = +x - (Stock.Border.x + rimX) * 0.5f;
            float   y0    = +y - Stock.Border.y;
            float   y1    = -y + Stock.Border.y;
            Color   color = GetSymbolColor(Definition.Symbol);
            Square(sub, text, new Vector3(x0, y0, -0.01f), textSize, color);
            Square(sub, text, new Vector3(x1, y1, -0.01f), textSize, color);
        if (symbol != null)
            SubMesh sub   = GetMesh(card, table, symbol);
            Vector2 ssize = symSize * 0.5f;
            float   gapY  = ssize.y / 3;
            float   x0    = -x + (Stock.Border.x + rimX) * 0.5f;
            float   x1    = +x - (Stock.Border.x + rimX) * 0.5f;
            float   y0    = +y - Stock.Border.y - textSize.y - gapY - ssize.y;
            float   y1    = -y + Stock.Border.y + textSize.y + gapY + ssize.y;
            Color   color = GetSymbolColor(Definition.Symbol);
            Square(sub, symbol, new Vector3(x0, y0, -0.01f), ssize, color);
            Square(sub, symbol, new Vector3(x1, y1, -0.01f), ssize, color);

        if (Stock.TwoSided)
            CardShape back = Atlas.FindById(Stock.Back);
            if (back != null)
                SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, back);
                // middle
                Square4(core, back, v1, v0, vC, vD, Color.white, false, false);
                Square4(core, back, vD, vC, v3, v2, Color.white, true, true);
                // top
                Square4(core, paper, v5, v4, v0, v1, Color.white, false, false);
                // back-left
                Square5(core, paper, v2, v7, v6, v1, vD, Color.white, false);
                // bottom
                Square4(core, paper, v2, v3, v9, v8, Color.white, false, false);
                // back-right
                Square5(core, paper, v0, vB, vA, v3, vC, Color.white, false);

                BuildCorner3(core, paper, v1, v6, v5);
                BuildCorner3(core, paper, v2, v8, v7);
                BuildCorner3(core, paper, v3, vA, v9);
                BuildCorner3(core, paper, v0, v4, vB);

        Mesh mesh = SetupMesh();

        mesh.vertices  = card.GetCombinedVertices().ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = data.IndexList.ToArray();
        mesh.uv        = card.GetCombinedTexCoords().ToArray();
        mesh.colors    = card.GetCombinedColors().ToArray();

        if (card.MeshList.Count > 1)
            mesh.subMeshCount = card.MeshList.Count;
            int vbase = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < card.MeshList.Count; ++i)
                SubMesh sub  = card.MeshList[i];
                int []  tris = sub.IndexList.ToArray();
                vbase += card.MeshList[i - 1].VertexList.Count;
                for (int t = 0; t < tris.Length; ++t)
                    tris[t] += vbase;
                mesh.SetTriangles(tris, i);


        this.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials = card.Materials.ToArray();
Esempio n. 3
    public void Rebuild()
        if (!IsValid())
            Debug.LogError("The card definition is not valid. " +;


        Dictionary <Texture2D, SubMesh> table = new Dictionary <Texture2D, SubMesh>();

        CardMesh  card  = new CardMesh();
        CardShape paper = Definition.Atlas.FindById(Definition.Stock.Paper);

        if (paper == null)
            Debug.LogError("Paper does not exist in atlas = " + + "::" + Definition.Stock.Paper);
        SubMesh data = GetMesh(card, table, paper);

        float x = Stock.Size.x * Stock.Scale / 2;
        float y = Stock.Size.y * Stock.Scale / 2;

        float bx = Mathf.Max(Stock.CornerSize, Stock.Border.x) * Stock.Scale;
        float by = Mathf.Max(Stock.CornerSize, Stock.Border.y) * Stock.Scale;

        //float cx = x-bx;
        //float cy = y-by;

        //   4  5
        // B 0  1 6
        //   C  D
        // A 3  2 7
        //   9  8
        float   crad = Stock.CornerSize;
        Vector2 cxy  = new Vector2(crad, crad);

        Vector3[] v = RectPoints(Stock.Size * Stock.Scale, Stock.Scale * cxy);

        Vector3 c0 = new Vector3(-x + bx, +y - by, 0);
        Vector3 c1 = new Vector3(+x - bx, +y - by, 0);
        Vector3 c2 = new Vector3(+x - bx, -y + by, 0);
        Vector3 c3 = new Vector3(-x + bx, -y + by, 0);

        if (Stock.Smooth > 0)
            // middle
            Square4(data, paper, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], Color.white, false, false);
            // top
            Square4(data, paper, v[4], v[5], v[1], v[0], Color.white, false, false);
            // right
            Square4(data, paper, v[1], v[6], v[7], v[2], Color.white, false, false);
            // bottom
            Square4(data, paper, v[3], v[2], v[8], v[9], Color.white, false, false);
            // left
            Square4(data, paper, v[11], v[0], v[3], v[10], Color.white, false, false);

            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v[0], v[11], v[4]);
            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v[1], v[5], v[6]);
            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v[2], v[7], v[8]);
            BuildCorner3(data, paper, v[3], v[9], v[10]);
        else // simple rectangle
            Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(-x, +y, 0);
            Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(+x, +y, 0);
            Vector3 p3 = new Vector3(+x, -y, 0);
            Vector3 p4 = new Vector3(-x, -y, 0);
            Square4(data, paper, p1, p2, p3, p4, Color.white, false, false);

        Vector2 textSize = Stock.TextSize * Stock.Scale;

        float s1 = Stock.BigSymbolSize * Stock.Scale;
        float s2 = Stock.SymbolSize * Stock.Scale;
        float s3 = Stock.CornerSymbolSize * Stock.Scale;
        //float symW = s2;
        //float symH = s2;
        //float rimX = Mathf.Max(textSize.x,symW);
        //float rimY = Mathf.Max(textSize.y,symH);

        CardShape symbol = Atlas.FindById(Definition.Symbol);

        if (symbol == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Definition.Symbol))
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Symbol shape '{0}' is not defined in atlas.", Definition.Symbol));

        // Full Image is used by cards like ACE/JOKER that might want a fully unique face image
        // Half Image is used by cards like JQK where half image is flipped and reflected for the top/bottom of the face image
        // Pattern is used to form standard layout of suit symbols for 2-10 cards
        CardShape fullImage = Definition.FullImage ? Atlas.FindById(Definition.Image) : null;
        CardShape halfImage = !Definition.FullImage ? Atlas.FindById(Definition.Image) : null;

        if (fullImage != null)
            SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, fullImage);
            //Square4 (core,fullImage,v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3],Color.white,false,false);
            Square4(core, fullImage, c0, c1, c2, c3, Color.white, false, false);
        else if (halfImage != null)
            SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, halfImage);
            Vector3 lift = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.01f);
            Square4(core, halfImage, v[0] + lift, v[1] + lift, v[13] + lift, v[12] + lift, Color.white, false, false);
            Square4(core, halfImage, v[12] + lift, v[13] + lift, v[2] + lift, v[3] + lift, Color.white, true, true);
        else if (Definition.Pattern != 0 && symbol != null)
            if (Definition.Pattern >= 1 && Definition.Pattern < patternBits.Length)
                SubMesh core = GetMesh(card, table, symbol);
                int     bits = patternBits[Definition.Pattern];
                float   x0   = -x + bx;
                float   x1   = +x - bx;
                float   y0   = +y - by;
                float   y1   = -y + by;
                for (int b = 0; b < 17; b++)
                    if ((bits & (1 << b)) != 0)
                        float   px      = Mathf.Lerp(x0, x1, patternPos[b].x);
                        float   py      = Mathf.Lerp(y0, y1, patternPos[b].y);
                        Vector2 symSize = (Definition.Pattern == 1) ? new Vector2(s1, s1) : new Vector2(s2, s2);
                        if (Stock.AlwaysUpright || patternUpper[b])
                            Square(core, symbol, new Vector3(px, py, -0.01f), symSize, Color.white);
                            SquareFlip(core, symbol, new Vector3(px, py, -0.01f), symSize, Color.white, true, true);
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Pattern value '{0}' is not valid.", Definition.Pattern));

        // Text is used for number/letter in corner of card (ex. A for Ace)
        CardShape text = Atlas.FindById(Definition.Text);

        if (text == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Definition.Text))
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Text shape '{0}' is not defined in atlas.", Definition.Text));
        if (text != null)
            float   tx    = Stock.TextOffset.x * Stock.Scale;
            float   ty    = Stock.TextOffset.y * Stock.Scale;
            SubMesh sub   = GetMesh(card, table, text);
            float   x0    = -x + tx; // + (bx+rimX)*0.5f;
            float   x1    = +x - tx; // - (bx+rimX)*0.5f;
            float   y0    = +y - ty; //by;
            float   y1    = -y + ty; //by;
            Color   color = GetSymbolColor(Definition.Symbol);
            Square(sub, text, new Vector3(x0, y0, -0.01f), textSize, color);
            if (Stock.AlwaysUpright)
                Square(sub, text, new Vector3(x1, y1, -0.01f), textSize, color);
                SquareFlip(sub, text, new Vector3(x1, y1, -0.01f), textSize, color, true, true);

        // Symbol is used for corner suit icons (heart,diamond,spade,club)
        if (symbol != null)
            float   sx  = Stock.SymbolOffset.x * Stock.Scale;
            float   sy  = Stock.SymbolOffset.y * Stock.Scale;
            SubMesh sub = GetMesh(card, table, symbol);
            //float gapY = s3/3;
            float   x0      = -x + sx; //(bx+rimX)*0.5f;
            float   x1      = +x - sx; //(bx+rimX)*0.5f;
            float   y0      = +y - sy; //by - textSize.y - gapY - rad;
            float   y1      = -y + sy; //by + textSize.y + gapY + rad;
            Color   color   = GetSymbolColor(Definition.Symbol);
            Vector2 halfSym = new Vector2(s3, s3);

            // Top-left corner symbol
            Square(sub, symbol, new Vector3(x0, y0, -0.01f), halfSym, color);

            // Bottom-right symbol can be up-right or upside-down depending on preferences
            if (Stock.AlwaysUpright)
                Square(sub, symbol, new Vector3(x1, y1, -0.01f), halfSym, color);
                SquareFlip(sub, symbol, new Vector3(x1, y1, -0.01f), halfSym, color, true, true);

        if (Stock.TwoSided)
            BuildBack(card, table, paper);

             *          CardShape back = Atlas.FindById(Stock.Back);
             *          if (back != null)
             *          {
             *                  Vector3 [] v = RectPoints(Stock.Size*Stock.Scale,Stock.BackBorder*Stock.Scale);
             *                  SubMesh core = GetMesh(card,table,back);
             *                  // middle
             *                  if (Stock.HalfBack)
             *                  {
             *                          Square4(core,back,v[1],v[0],v[12],v[13],Color.white,false,false);
             *                          Square4(core,back,v[13],v[12],v[3],v[2],Color.white,true,true);
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                          Square4(core,back,v[1],v[0],v[3],v[2],Color.white,false,false);
             *                  }
             *                  // top
             *                  Square4(core,paper,v[5],v[4],v[0],v[1],Color.white,false,false);
             *                  // back-left
             *                  Square5(core,paper,v[2],v[7],v[6],v[1],v[13],Color.white,false);
             *                  // bottom
             *                  Square4(core,paper,v[2],v[3],v[9],v[8],Color.white,false,false);
             *                  // back-right
             *                  Square5(core,paper,v[0],v[11],v[10],v[3],v[12],Color.white,false);
             *                  BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[1],v[6],v[5]);
             *                  BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[2],v[8],v[7]);
             *                  BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[3],v[10],v[9]);
             *                  BuildCorner3(core, paper, v[0],v[4],v[11]);
             *          }

        Mesh mesh = SetupMesh();

        mesh.vertices  = card.GetCombinedVertices().ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = data.IndexList.ToArray();
        mesh.uv        = card.GetCombinedTexCoords().ToArray();
        mesh.colors    = card.GetCombinedColors().ToArray();

        if (card.MeshList.Count > 1)
            mesh.subMeshCount = card.MeshList.Count;
            int vbase = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < card.MeshList.Count; ++i)
                SubMesh sub  = card.MeshList[i];
                int[]   tris = sub.IndexList.ToArray();
                vbase += card.MeshList[i - 1].VertexList.Count;
                for (int t = 0; t < tris.Length; ++t)
                    tris[t] += vbase;
                mesh.SetTriangles(tris, i);


        this.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials = card.Materials.ToArray();

        // Setup Collider
        this.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();

        // Mark as not clicked
        this.Clicked = false;