void InvokeNative (Atk.Object arg1, Atk.PropertyValues arg2)
			IntPtr native_arg2 = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (arg2);
			native_cb (arg1 == null ? IntPtr.Zero : arg1.Handle, native_arg2);
			arg2 = Atk.PropertyValues.New (native_arg2);
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_arg2);
Esempio n. 2
		public void GetPosition (out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
			x = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.X;
			y = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.Y;
			if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
				resource.ConvertCoords (ref x, ref y, false);
Esempio n. 3
		internal new void NotifyStateChange (Atk.StateType state, bool val)
			GLib.Timeout.Add (0, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (delegate {
				base.NotifyStateChange (state, val);
				return false;
Esempio n. 4
        public override string ToString()
            string ret = "";

            ret += "CardTemplate{[" + Id + "][" + Name + "][" + Cost.ToString() + "][" + Type + "]";

            if (Type == "Minion")
                if (Race != String.Empty)
                    ret += "[" + Race + "]";
                ret += "[" + Atk.ToString() + "]";
                ret += "[" + Health.ToString() + "]";
            else if (Type == "Weapon")
                ret += "[" + Atk.ToString() + "]";
                ret += "[" + Durability.ToString() + "]";

            ret += "}";

Esempio n. 5
		public Atk.Object RefAccessibleAtPoint (int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
			Console.WriteLine("RefAccessibleAtPoint({0},{1})", x, y);
			//this is still not implemented, but better to return null to prevent crash
			//throw new System.NotImplementedException();
			return null;
Esempio n. 6
		public override void OnRefStateSet (ref Atk.StateSet states)
			IExpandCollapseProvider expandCollapse
				= peer.GetPattern (PatternInterface.ExpandCollapse)
					as IExpandCollapseProvider;
			if (expandCollapse != null) {
				var state = expandCollapse.ExpandCollapseState;

				// If it's not a leaf, it can be expanded
				if (state != ExpandCollapseState.LeafNode)
					states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Expandable);

				if (state == ExpandCollapseState.Expanded
				    || state == ExpandCollapseState.PartiallyExpanded)
					states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Expanded);
					states.RemoveState (Atk.StateType.Expanded);

			IToggleProvider toggle
				= peer.GetPattern (PatternInterface.Toggle)
					as IToggleProvider;
			if (toggle != null) {
				states.RemoveState (Atk.StateType.Checked);
				states.RemoveState (Atk.StateType.Indeterminate);

				var state = toggle.ToggleState;
				if (state == ToggleState.On)
					states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Checked);
				else if (state == ToggleState.Indeterminate)
					states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Indeterminate);
		public EditableTextImplementorHelper (Adapter adapter, Atk.ITextImplementor textImplementor, ITextImplementor textExpert)
			this.adapter = adapter;

				= adapter.Provider.GetPatternProvider (ValuePatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id)
					as IValueProvider;

			this.textExpert = textExpert;

			if (valueProvider != null)
				editable = !valueProvider.IsReadOnly;

				= adapter.Provider.GetPatternProvider (InsertDeleteTextPatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id)
					as IInsertDeleteTextProvider;

			oldText = textExpert.Text;

				= adapter.Provider.GetPatternProvider (ClipboardPatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id)
					as IClipboardProvider;

			// We are keeping a private caret reference to validate the change
			// of value
				= adapter.Provider.GetPatternProvider (CaretPatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id)
					as ICaretProvider;
			caretOffset = (caretProvider != null ? caretProvider.CaretOffset : textExpert.Length);

			RefreshEditable ();
Esempio n. 8
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     //MoveId1 = Random.Range(1, 6);
     //MoveId2 = Random.Range(6, 11);
     //MoveId3 = Random.Range(11, 16);
     //MoveId4 = Random.Range(16, 21);
     name = "The Player";
     //    es = Enemy.GetComponent<EnemyScr>();
     //we are going to want to start the player off with two random moves, one to attack, one to defend
     Stuntime        = -1;
     Muck            = -1;
     IsCharacterTurn = true;
     StartAtk        = 10;
     StartDef        = 10;
     StartLuck       = 10;
     AtkText.text    = "Atk X " + Atk.ToString();
     DefText.text    = "Def X " + Def.ToString();
     LuckText.text   = "Luck X " + Luck.ToString();
     LvlText.text    = "Lvl X " + Lvl.ToString();
     ChipsText.text  = "Chips X " + Chips.ToString();
     //   MoveId1 = 0; //id for first move
     // MoveId2 = 0; //id for second move
     // MoveId3 = 0; //id for third move
     // MoveId4 = 0; //id for fourth move
Esempio n. 9
		internal override void RemoveChild (Atk.Object childToRemove)
			RadioButton rad = childToRemove as RadioButton;
			if (rad != null)
				RadioButtons.Remove (rad);

			base.RemoveChild (childToRemove);
		int InvokeNative (Atk.KeyEventStruct evnt)
			IntPtr native_evnt = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (evnt);
			int __result = native_cb (native_evnt, __data);
			evnt = Atk.KeyEventStruct.New (native_evnt);
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_evnt);
			return __result;
Esempio n. 11
		protected override void OnSetParent (Atk.Object parent)
			// Allow the web browser's plugin host to set our
			// parent
			this.parent = parent;

			DynamicAdapterFactory.Instance.MarkExternalReference (this.parent);
Esempio n. 12
		protected void ExpectEvents (int count, Atk.Role role, string evType)
			if (events == null)
				events = EventMonitor.Pause ();
			EventCollection evs = events.FindByRole (role).FindByType (evType);
			string eventsInXml = String.Format (" events in XML: {0}", Environment.NewLine + events.OriginalGrossXml);
			Assert.AreEqual (count, evs.Count, "bad number of " + evType + " events: " + eventsInXml);
Esempio n. 13
        public void GetExtents(out int x, out int y, out int w, out int h, Atk.CoordType coordType)
            Gdk.Rectangle rectangle = cell_parent.GetCellExtents(this, coordType);

            x = rectangle.X;
            y = rectangle.Y;
            w = rectangle.Width;
            h = rectangle.Height;
Esempio n. 14
		public virtual uint AddFocusHandler (Atk.FocusHandler handler)
			if (focusHandlers.ContainsValue(handler))
				return 0;
			focusHandlers[lastFocusHandlerId] = handler;
			return lastFocusHandlerId;
Esempio n. 15
		public void GetExtents (out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
			//coord_type specifies to which concept the coords are relative to
			x = 30;
			y = 40;
			width = 300;
			height = 400;
Esempio n. 16
		public void GetExtents (out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, Atk.CoordType coordType)
			x = int.MinValue;
			y = int.MinValue;
			if (resource.RefStateSet ().ContainsState (Atk.StateType.Showing))
				GetPosition (out x, out y, coordType);
			width = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.Width;
			height = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.Height;
 public void GetImagePosition (out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (cell.GetTextAlternative (bound_object))) {
         GetPosition (out x, out y, coordType);
         x += 4;
         y += 4;
     } else {
         x = y = Int32.MinValue;
Esempio n. 18
		internal override void AddOneChild (Atk.Object child)
			base.AddOneChild (child);

			RadioButton rad = child as RadioButton;
			if (rad == null)

			RadioButtons.Add (rad);
Esempio n. 19
		public Relation (Atk.Object[] targets, Atk.RelationType relationship) : base (IntPtr.Zero)
			if (GetType () != typeof (Relation)) {
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
			int cnt_targets = targets == null ? 0 : targets.Length;
			IntPtr[] native_targets = new IntPtr [cnt_targets];
			for (int i = 0; i < cnt_targets; i++)
				native_targets [i] = targets[i] == null ? IntPtr.Zero : targets[i].Handle;
			Raw = atk_relation_new(native_targets, (targets == null ? 0 : targets.Length), (int) relationship);
Esempio n. 20
		public void GetImagePosition (out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
			if (HasImage) {
				x = (int) embeddedImageProvider.Bounds.X;
				y = (int) embeddedImageProvider.Bounds.Y;
				if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
					adapter.ConvertCoords (ref x, ref y, false);
			} else {
				x = Int32.MinValue;
				y = Int32.MinValue;
Esempio n. 21
		public override void OnRefStateSet (ref Atk.StateSet states)
			var selectionItem = peer.GetPattern (
					as ISelectionItemProvider;
			if (selectionItem == null)

			if (selectionItem.IsSelected)
				states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Checked);
				states.RemoveState (Atk.StateType.Checked);
Esempio n. 22
		public override void OnRefStateSet (ref Atk.StateSet states)
			bool? isSelected = IsSelected;
			if (!isSelected.HasValue)

			states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Selectable);

			if (isSelected.Value)
				states.AddState (Atk.StateType.Selected);
				states.RemoveState (Atk.StateType.Selected);
Esempio n. 23
        public BattleStats GetStats()
            var stats = new BattleStats(baseStats)
                Atk            = (decimal)Atk.GetResult(),
                Splash         = (byte)Splash.GetResult(),
                Rng            = (byte)Rng.GetResult(),
                Spd            = (byte)Spd.GetResult(),
                Stl            = (byte)Stl.GetResult(),
                Carry          = (ushort)Carry.GetResult(),
                MaxHp          = (decimal)MaxHp.GetResult(),
                NormalizedCost = baseStats.NormalizedCost

Esempio n. 24
		protected void Label (Atk.Object accessible, BasicWidgetType type)
			PropertyRole (type, accessible);
			//a label always contains this state, not because it's multi_line, but because it can be multi_line
			States (accessible,
			Assert.AreEqual (0, accessible.NAccessibleChildren, "Label numChildren");
			//TODO: check parent (it seems it only works for real objects)
			//Assert.IsNotNull (accessible.Parent, "Label parent");
Esempio n. 25
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (TrainerId != 0L)
                hash ^= TrainerId.GetHashCode();
            if (TrainerBuildupConfigId != 0)
                hash ^= TrainerBuildupConfigId.GetHashCode();
            if (Hp != 0)
                hash ^= Hp.GetHashCode();
            if (Atk != 0)
                hash ^= Atk.GetHashCode();
            if (Def != 0)
                hash ^= Def.GetHashCode();
            if (Spa != 0)
                hash ^= Spa.GetHashCode();
            if (Spd != 0)
                hash ^= Spd.GetHashCode();
            if (Spe != 0)
                hash ^= Spe.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
Esempio n. 26
        public Image GetPreview()
            ControlPlus.TipImage tipData = new ControlPlus.TipImage(160);
            tipData.AddTextNewLine(string.Format("{0} Lv{1}", Name, Level.ToString()), Camp == CampConfig.Indexer.Reborn ? "Lime" : "Red", 20);

            tipData.AddTextNewLine("", "White", 20);
            tipData.AddImageXY(HSIcons.GetIconsByEName("hatt1"), 0, 0, 32, 32, 5, 20, 20, 20);
            tipData.AddTextOff(Atk.ToString(), "White", 30);
            tipData.AddImageXY(HSIcons.GetIconsByEName("hatt2"), 0, 0, 32, 32, 5 + 80, 20, 20, 20);
            tipData.AddTextOff(Def.ToString(), "White", 30 + 80);

            tipData.AddTextNewLine("", "White", 20);
            tipData.AddImageXY(HSIcons.GetIconsByEName("hatt5"), 0, 0, 32, 32, 5, 40, 20, 20);
            tipData.AddTextOff(Mov.ToString(), "White", 30);
            tipData.AddImageXY(HSIcons.GetIconsByEName("hatt8"), 0, 0, 32, 32, 5 + 80, 40, 20, 20);
            tipData.AddTextOff(Range.ToString(), "White", 30 + 80);

            tipData.AddTextNewLine("", "White", 20);
            tipData.AddImageXY(HSIcons.GetIconsByEName("hatt7"), 0, 0, 32, 32, 5, 60, 20, 20);
            tipData.AddTextOff(string.Format("{0}/{1}", LeftHp, baseAttr.Hp), "White", 30);

Esempio n. 27
		public virtual int GetIndexOfChild (Atk.Object child)
			return children.IndexOf (child);
Esempio n. 28
 public string StatLine()
     return("HP: " + maxHP.ToString() + ", IV: " + HPIV.ToString() + ", EV: " + HPEV.ToString() + " Attack: " + Atk.ToString() + ", IV: " + AtkIV.ToString() + ", EV: " + AtkEV.ToString() + " Defense: " + Def.ToString() + ", IV: " + DefIV.ToString() + ", EV: " + DefEV.ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine + "Special Attack: " + SpA.ToString() + ", IV: " + SpAIV.ToString() + ", EV: " + SpAEV.ToString() + " Special Defense: " + SpD.ToString() + ", IV: " + SpDIV.ToString() + ", EV: " + SpDEV.ToString() + " Speed: " + Spe.ToString() + ", IV: " + SpeIV.ToString() + ", EV: " + SpeEV.ToString());
Esempio n. 29
		public virtual Atk.Object RefAccessibleAtPoint (int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
			//TODO: check for children at this point? (maybe use ElementProviderFromPoint ? )
			Log.Warn (this.resource.GetType ().Name + ":RefAccessibleAtPoint not implemented");
			return this.resource;
Esempio n. 30
		public bool Contains (int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
			if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
				resource.ConvertCoords (ref x, ref y, true);
			return resource.BoundingRectangle.Contains (new System.Windows.Point (x, y));
Esempio n. 31
    public IEnumerator CreateEnemy()
        TraitScr.ShouldSpin   = false;
        ElementScr.ShouldSpin = false;
        MonsterScr.ShouldSpin = false;
        IsCharacterTurn       = false;
        ps.IsCharacterTurn    = true;
        wait = false;
        pc   = ps.GetComponent <Character>();
        ec   = es.GetComponent <Character>();

        //new ids and stats
        ElementId = Random.Range(1, 6);
        TraitId   = Random.Range(6, 11);
        MonsterId = Random.Range(11, 16);
        Muck      = -1;
        Chips     = 100 + (ps.Lvl * 10);
        Atk       = 0;
        Def       = 0;
        Luck      = 0;
        Frozen    = false;
        float a = (float)Atk * (((float)ps.Lvl * 0.1f) + 0.2f);
        float d = (float)Def * (((float)ps.Lvl * 0.1f) + 0.2f);
        float l = (float)Luck * (((float)ps.Lvl * 0.1f) + 0.2f);

        Atk      = (int)a;
        Def      = (int)d;
        Luck     = (int)l;
        Stuntime = -1;

        AtkText.text   = "Atk X " + Atk.ToString();
        DefText.text   = "Def X " + Def.ToString();
        LuckText.text  = "Luck X " + Luck.ToString();
        ChipsText.text = "Chips X " + Chips.ToString();
        name           = NameText.text;

        //declare the monster
        Description.text        = "A " + name + " appears!";
        mm.b1.interactable      = true;
        mm.b2.interactable      = true;
        mm.b3.interactable      = true;
        mm.b4.interactable      = true;
        Description.text       += "\nIt is your turn!";
        mm.MoveBtn.interactable = true;

        if (mm.PlayerID == 1)
            mm.b1.interactable = false;
        if (mm.PlayerID == 2)
            mm.b2.interactable = false;
        if (mm.PlayerID == 3)
            mm.b3.interactable = false;
        if (mm.PlayerID == 4)
            mm.b4.interactable = false;

        //        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
        TraitScr.SetImage(TraitId - 6);

//        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
        ElementScr.SetImage(ElementId - 1);

//        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
        MonsterScr.SetImage(MonsterId - 11);
        yield return(null);
Esempio n. 32
		public bool SetPosition (int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
			if (transformProvider == null)
				transformProvider = (ITransformProvider) resource.Provider.GetPatternProvider (TransformPatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id);
			if ((transformProvider != null) && (transformProvider.CanMove)) {
				try {
					transformProvider.Move (x, y);
				} catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
					Log.Debug (e);
				return true;
			return false;
Esempio n. 33
		internal virtual void AddOneChild (Atk.Object child)
			//Console.WriteLine ("AddOneChild: " + Role + " -> " + child.Role);
			lock (syncRoot) {
				children.Add (child);
			//we may want that a child has 2 parents
			if (child.Parent == null)
				SetParent (child, this);
			EmitChildrenChanged (Atk.Object.ChildrenChangedDetail.Add, (uint)(children.Count - 1), child);
			Adapter adapter = child as Adapter;
			if (adapter != null)
				adapter.PostInit ();
Esempio n. 34
		protected new void EmitChildrenChanged (ChildrenChangedDetail detail, uint child_index, Atk.Object child)
			GLib.Timeout.Add (0, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (delegate {
			base.EmitChildrenChanged (detail, child_index, child);
				return false;
Esempio n. 35
		// Note: Only called if an object is explicitly removed, not
		// when removed as a result of recursion.  Useful if the atk
		// hierarchy needs to be adjusted (ie, for Splitter)
		internal virtual void PreRemoveChild (Atk.Object childToRemove)
Esempio n. 36
		internal virtual void RemoveChild (Atk.Object childToRemove, bool terminate)
			if (childToRemove == null) {
				//FIXME: better throw an ArgumentNullException

			//Console.WriteLine ("RemoveChild: {0}", childToRemove.GetType ());
			if (childToRemove is ParentAdapter) {
				((ParentAdapter)childToRemove).RemoveUnmanagedChildren ();

			Adapter adapter = childToRemove as Adapter;
			if (adapter != null)
				adapter.RemoveFromParent (this, terminate);

			int childIndex;
			lock (syncRoot) {
				childIndex = children.IndexOf (childToRemove);
				children.Remove (childToRemove);
			EmitChildrenChanged (Atk.Object.ChildrenChangedDetail.Remove, (uint)childIndex, childToRemove);
Esempio n. 37
		internal virtual void RemoveChild (Atk.Object childToRemove)
			RemoveChild (childToRemove, true);
Esempio n. 38
 public string Print()
     return("Name: " + Pokemon + ", National Pokedex Number: " + Per.ToString() + ", Regional Pokedex Number: " + Nat + ", Base HP: " + HP.ToString() + ", Base Attack: " + Atk.ToString() + ", Base Defense: " + Def.ToString() + ", Base Sp.Attack: "
            + SpA.ToString() + ", Base Sp.Def: " + SpD.ToString() + ", Base Speed: " + Spe.ToString() + ", Total Base Stats: " + Total.ToString() + ", Type I: " + Type_I + ", Type II: " + Type_II + ", Tier: " + Tier + ", Ability I: "
            + Ability_I + ", Ability II: " + Ability_II + ", Hidden Ability: " + Hidden_Ability + ", Mass: " + Mass + ", Low Kick/Grass Knot damage: " + LK_GK.ToString() + ", EV Worth: " + EV_Worth + ", Exp Value: " + EXPV.ToString()
            + ", Pokedex Color: " + Color + ", Hatch: " + Hatch.ToString() + ", Gender" + Gender + ", Egg Group I: " + Egg_Group_I + ", Egg Group II: " + Egg_Group_II + ", Catch Rate: " + Catch.ToString() + ", Leveling Rate: " + LevelingRate());
 public void UpdateStats()
     cultistCountText.text = units.ToString();
     terAtkText.text       = Atk.ToString();
     terDefText.text       = Def.ToString();
Esempio n. 40
        // This method is only called when a frame is going to be displayed
        // Avoids unnecessary costly functions
        public void DisplayPrep()
            if (FrameType != FrameType.Method5Natures &&
                FrameType != FrameType.BredAlternate &&
                FrameType != FrameType.BredSplit &&
                FrameType != FrameType.Bred &&
                FrameType != FrameType.DPPtBred &&
                FrameType != FrameType.HGSSBred &&
                FrameType != FrameType.BWBred &&
                FrameType != FrameType.BWBredInternational &&
                FrameType != FrameType.RSBredUpper &&
                FrameType != FrameType.RSBredUpperSplit)
                DisplayHp  = Hp.ToString();
                DisplayAtk = Atk.ToString();
                DisplayDef = Def.ToString();
                DisplaySpa = Spa.ToString();
                DisplaySpd = Spd.ToString();
                DisplaySpe = Spe.ToString();

            if (FrameType == FrameType.BWBred ||
                FrameType == FrameType.BWBredInternational)
                var rngArray = new uint[6];
                rngArray[0] = inh1;
                rngArray[1] = inh2;
                rngArray[2] = inh3;
                rngArray[3] = par1;
                rngArray[4] = par2;
                rngArray[5] = par3;

                DisplayHpAlt  = Hp.ToString();
                DisplayAtkAlt = Atk.ToString();
                DisplayDefAlt = Def.ToString();
                DisplaySpaAlt = Spa.ToString();
                DisplaySpdAlt = Spd.ToString();
                DisplaySpeAlt = Spe.ToString();

                for (uint cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++)
                    uint parent = rngArray[3 + cnt] & 1;

                    //  We have our parent and we have our slot, so lets
                    //  put them in the correct place here
                    string parentString = (parent == 1 ? "Fe" : "Ma");

                    switch (rngArray[cnt])
                    case 0:
                        DisplayHp = parentString;

                    case 1:
                        DisplayAtk = parentString;

                    case 2:
                        DisplayDef = parentString;

                    case 3:
                        DisplaySpa = parentString;

                    case 4:
                        DisplaySpd = parentString;

                    case 5:
                        DisplaySpe = parentString;