Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This routine takes a row from the starting (or barrier) point table and converts it to a [Network] Element that we can use for tracing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointRow">The Row (either starting point or barrier point)</param>
        /// <param name="utilityNetwork">Utility Network to be used</param>
        /// <param name="definition">Utility Network definition to be used</param>
        /// <returns>newly created element</returns>
        private static Element GetElementFromPointRow(Row pointRow,
                                                      UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, UtilityNetworkDefinition definition)
            // Fetch the SourceID, AssetGroupCode, AssetType, GlobalID, and TerminalID values from the starting point row
            int    sourceID     = (int)pointRow[PointsSourceIDFieldName];
            int    assetGroupID = (int)pointRow[PointsAssetGroupFieldName];
            int    assetTypeID  = (int)pointRow[PointsAssetTypeFieldName];
            Guid   globalID     = new Guid(pointRow[PointsGlobalIDFieldName].ToString());
            int    terminalID   = (int)pointRow[PointsTerminalFieldName];
            double percentAlong = (double)pointRow[PointsPercentAlong];

            // Fetch the NetworkSource, AssetGroup, and AssetType objects
            NetworkSource networkSource = definition.GetNetworkSources().First(x => x.ID == sourceID);
            AssetGroup    assetGroup    = networkSource.GetAssetGroups().First(x => x.Code == assetGroupID);
            AssetType     assetType     = assetGroup.GetAssetTypes().First(x => x.Code == assetTypeID);

            // Fetch the Terminal object from the ID
            Terminal terminal = null;

            if (assetType.IsTerminalConfigurationSupported())
                TerminalConfiguration terminalConfiguration = assetType.GetTerminalConfiguration();
                terminal = terminalConfiguration.Terminals.First(x => x.ID == terminalID);

            // Create and return a FeatureElement object
            // If we have an edge, set the PercentAlongEdge property; otherwise set the Terminal property
            if (networkSource.Type == SourceType.Edge)
                Element element = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(assetType, globalID);
                element.PercentAlongEdge = percentAlong;
                Element element = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(assetType, globalID, terminal);
        /// <summary>
        /// GetNetworkElementFromStartingPoint
        /// This routine takes a row from the starting point table and converts it to a NetworkElement that we can use for tracing
        /// </summary>

        private Element GetElementFromStartingPointRow(Row startingPointRow, UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, UtilityNetworkDefinition definition)
            // Fetch the SourceID, AssetGroupCode, AssetType, GlobalID, and TerminalID values from the starting point row

            object vSourceID = startingPointRow[StartingPointsSourceIDFieldName];
            int    sourceID  = (int)vSourceID;

            object vAssetGroupID = startingPointRow[StartingPointsAssetGroupFieldName];
            int    assetGroupID  = (int)vAssetGroupID;

            object vAssetTypeID = startingPointRow[StartingPointsAssetTypeFieldName];
            int    assetTypeID  = (int)vAssetTypeID;

            object vGlobalID = startingPointRow[StartingPointsGlobalIDFieldName];
            Guid   globalID  = new Guid(vGlobalID.ToString());

            object vTerminalID = startingPointRow[StartingPointsTerminalFieldName];
            int    terminalID  = (int)vTerminalID;

            // Fetch the NetworkSource, AssetGroup, and AssetType objects

            NetworkSource networkSource = definition.GetNetworkSources().First(x => x.ID == sourceID);
            AssetGroup    assetGroup    = networkSource.GetAssetGroups().First(x => x.Code == assetGroupID);
            AssetType     assetType     = assetGroup.GetAssetTypes().First(x => x.Code == assetTypeID);

            // Fetch the Terminal object from the ID
            Terminal terminal = null;

            if (assetType.IsTerminalConfigurationSupported())
                TerminalConfiguration terminalConfiguration = assetType.GetTerminalConfiguration();
                terminal = terminalConfiguration.Terminals.First(x => x.ID == terminalID);

            // Create and return a Element object

            return(utilityNetwork.CreateElement(assetType, globalID, terminal));
        private static void ExecuteTrace(Guid traceStartGuid, string geodatabasePath)
            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(geodatabasePath))))
                IReadOnlyList <UtilityNetworkDefinition> utilityNetworkDefinitions = geodatabase.GetDefinitions <UtilityNetworkDefinition>();

                string utilityNetworkName = string.Empty;

                if (utilityNetworkDefinitions.Count < 0 || utilityNetworkDefinitions.Count > 1)

                // Get utility network name from the dataset
                foreach (UtilityNetworkDefinition definition in utilityNetworkDefinitions)
                    utilityNetworkName = definition.GetName();

                    Console.WriteLine($"Utility network name: {utilityNetworkName}");

                // Open utility network
                using (UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = geodatabase.OpenDataset <UtilityNetwork>(utilityNetworkName))
                    using (UtilityNetworkDefinition utilityNetworkDefinition = utilityNetwork.GetDefinition())
                        using (NetworkSource networkSource = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkSource("ElectricDevice"))
                            using (AssetGroup assetGroup = networkSource.GetAssetGroup("Medium Voltage Transformer"))
                                using (AssetType assetType = assetGroup.GetAssetType("Overhead Single Phase"))
                                    DomainNetwork      domainNetwork      = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetDomainNetwork("Electric");
                                    Tier               sourceTier         = domainNetwork.GetTier("Electric Distribution");
                                    TraceConfiguration traceConfiguration = sourceTier.GetTraceConfiguration();

                                    // Get downstream side of the terminal
                                    Terminal terminal = null;
                                    if (assetType.IsTerminalConfigurationSupported())
                                        TerminalConfiguration    terminalConfiguration = assetType.GetTerminalConfiguration();
                                        IReadOnlyList <Terminal> terminals             = terminalConfiguration.Terminals;
                                        terminal = terminals.First(t => !t.IsUpstreamTerminal);

                                    // Create an element to begin a trace
                                    Element startingPointElement = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(assetType, traceStartGuid, terminal);

                                    List <Element> startingPoints = new List <Element>();

                                    // Get trace manager
                                    using (TraceManager traceManager = utilityNetwork.GetTraceManager())
                                        // Set trace configurations
                                        TraceArgument traceArgument = new TraceArgument(startingPoints);
                                        traceArgument.Configuration = traceConfiguration;

                                        // Get downstream tracer
                                        Tracer tracer = traceManager.GetTracer <DownstreamTracer>();

                                        // Execuate downstream trace
                                        IReadOnlyList <Result> traceResults = tracer.Trace(traceArgument);

                                        // Display trace results in console
                                        foreach (Result result in traceResults)
                                            if (result is ElementResult)
                                                ElementResult           elementResult = result as ElementResult;
                                                IReadOnlyList <Element> elements      = elementResult.Elements;

                                                Console.WriteLine("Trace result elements:");
                                                foreach (Element element in elements)
                                                    Console.WriteLine($"\t OID: {element.ObjectID}, Name:{element.AssetType.Name}");
                                            else if (result is FunctionOutputResult)
                                                FunctionOutputResult           functionResult  = result as FunctionOutputResult;
                                                IReadOnlyList <FunctionOutput> functionOutputs = functionResult.FunctionOutputs;

                                                Console.WriteLine("Trace result function outputs:");
                                                foreach (FunctionOutput functionOut in functionOutputs)
                                                    Console.WriteLine($"\t Function result:{functionOut.Value}, name: {functionOut.Function}");
                                            else if (result is AggregatedGeometryResult)
                                                AggregatedGeometryResult aggResults = result as AggregatedGeometryResult;
                                                Polyline   aggregatedLine           = aggResults.Line as Polyline;
                                                Multipoint aggregatedPoint          = aggResults.Point as Multipoint;
                                                Polygon    aggregatedPolygon        = aggResults.Polygon as Polygon;