        //Фильтрация по максимальному значению спектра
        public Complex[] FilterByMaxSpectrumValue(Complex[] fourierTransformValues)
            double[] spectrumValues = this.GetFourierTransformSpectrum(fourierTransformValues);

            int maxValueIndex1 = ArrayOperator.GetMaxValueIndex(spectrumValues);

            spectrumValues[maxValueIndex1] = 0;

            int maxValueIndex2 = ArrayOperator.GetMaxValueIndex(spectrumValues);

            spectrumValues[maxValueIndex2] = 0;

            int maxValueIndex3 = ArrayOperator.GetMaxValueIndex(spectrumValues);

            spectrumValues[maxValueIndex3] = 0;

            Complex[] resultValues = new Complex[fourierTransformValues.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < fourierTransformValues.Length; index++)
                resultValues[index] = new Complex(0, 0);

            resultValues[maxValueIndex1] = fourierTransformValues[maxValueIndex1];
            resultValues[maxValueIndex2] = fourierTransformValues[maxValueIndex2];
            resultValues[maxValueIndex3] = fourierTransformValues[maxValueIndex3];

Esempio n. 2
        public void ExtactColFromMatrixMethodReturnsSpecificSymbolInsteadOfNullOnSpecificPosition()
            var arrOperator = new ArrayOperator();
            var randomGen   = new RandomGenerator();

            var fakeAlphabet = new string[]
                null, null, null, null, null, null, "a"

            var fakeMatrix = new string[5, 5];

            fakeMatrix[0, 0] = "a";
            fakeMatrix[1, 0] = "b";
            fakeMatrix[2, 0] = null;
            fakeMatrix[3, 0] = null;
            fakeMatrix[4, 0] = "a";

            var counter = 0;

            var stringToCompare = arrOperator.ExtractColFromMatrix(fakeMatrix, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < stringToCompare.Length; i++)
                if (stringToCompare[i].ToString() == GlobalConstants.SpecificSymbolToReplaceNull)
            Assert.AreEqual(2, counter);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>復号化</summary>
        /// <param name="input">AeadResult</param>
        /// <returns>平文(plaintext)</returns>
        public override byte[] Decrypt(AeadResult input)
            // 初期化

            // Concatenate the [AAD], the [Initialization Vector], the [ciphertext], and the [AL value].
            byte[] temp = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(this.AAD, this.IV);
            temp = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(temp, input.Ciphert);
            temp = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(temp, this.AL);
            byte[] tag = this._hmac.ComputeHash(temp);
            Array.Resize(ref tag, TAG_LEN);

            // タグの確認
            if (!tag.SequenceEqual(input.Tag))

            // CCM操作の実行
            byte[] plaint = new byte[this._aesCBC.GetOutputSize(input.Ciphert.Length)];
            int    len    = this._aesCBC.ProcessBytes(input.Ciphert, 0, input.Ciphert.Length, plaint, 0);

            len += this._aesCBC.DoFinal(plaint, len);
            Array.Resize(ref plaint, len);

            // 平文を返す。
Esempio n. 4
        public void ExtactColFromMatrixMethodReturnsSpecificSymbolInsteadOfNull()
            var arrOperator = new ArrayOperator();
            var randomGen   = new RandomGenerator();

            var fakeAlphabet = new string[]
                null, null, null, null, null, null, "a"

            var fakeMatrix = new string[10, 7];

            for (int i = 0; i < fakeMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int col = 0; col < fakeMatrix.GetLength(1); col++)
                    fakeMatrix[i, col] = randomGen.GenerateRandomLetter(fakeAlphabet);

            var stringToCompare = arrOperator.ExtractColFromMatrix(fakeMatrix, 3);

            StringAssert.Contains(stringToCompare, GlobalConstants.SpecificSymbolToReplaceNull);
        //Скалярное произведение
        public static int operator *(IntegerVector operandOne, IntegerVector operandTwo)
            int scalarProduct = ArrayOperator.ScalarProduct
                                    (operandOne.dataArray, operandTwo.dataArray);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>BouncyCastleでMacのハッシュ値を計算して返す。</summary>
        /// <param name="data">データ(バイト配列)</param>
        /// <param name="key">キー(バイト配列)</param>
        /// <param name="mac">IMac</param>
        /// <returns>ハッシュ値(バイト配列)</returns>
        public static byte[] GetMacBytesByBC(byte[] data, byte[] key, IMac mac)
            mac.Init(new KeyParameter(key));
            mac.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);

            byte[] rtnVal = new byte[mac.GetMacSize()];
            mac.DoFinal(rtnVal, 0);

            if (mac.AlgorithmName == "DESede/CBC" &&
                8 < rtnVal.Length)
                rtnVal = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(rtnVal, 8);


            // <HMAC>
            // mac = new HMac(new RipeMD160Digest());

            // <MACTripleDES>
            // mac = new CbcBlockCipherMac(new DesEdeEngine(), 64));
            // https://www.go4expert.com/articles/bouncy-castle-net-implementation-triple-t24829/
            //   ECBモードのDESEDEと、CBCモードのTriple DESがある。
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34660907/how-to-encrypt-decrypt-string-using-mactripledes
            //   MACTripleDESはCBC-MACを使用します。 CBC-MACは、メッセージにゼロを埋め込んだ後にCBCモードを使用します。
Esempio n. 7
        public RealMatrix[] GetCorrectedInterferograms(RealMatrix[] interferograms, double[] gammaValues)
            int width  = interferograms[0].ColumnCount;
            int height = interferograms[0].RowCount;

            RealMatrix[] gammaCorrectedInterferograms = new RealMatrix[interferograms.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < gammaCorrectedInterferograms.Length; index++)
                gammaCorrectedInterferograms[index] = new RealMatrix(height, width);

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    double[] intensities               = MatricesManager.GeValuesFromMatrices(y, x, interferograms);
                    int      cyclingShiftsCount        = 0;
                    double[] intensitiesByCyclingShift =
                        ArrayOperator.GetArrayByCyclingShiftWithMinimumValueInOrigin(intensities, out cyclingShiftsCount);

                    int    optimalGammaValueIndex = this.GetOptimalGammaValueIndex(intensitiesByCyclingShift, gammaValues);
                    double gamma = gammaValues[optimalGammaValueIndex];

                    double[] gammaCorrectedIntensities = ArrayOperator.GetValuesInPower(intensities, gamma);

                    double[] resultValues =
                        ArrayOperator.GetArrayByReverseCyclingShift(gammaCorrectedIntensities, cyclingShiftsCount);
                    MatricesManager.SetValuesInMatrices(gammaCorrectedInterferograms, resultValues, y, x);

 public ActionResult <string> DeletePart(int position, int[] productIds)
         if (productIds != null && productIds.Count() > 0)
             if (position > 0 && position - 1 < productIds.Count())
                 ArrayOperator arrayOperator = new ArrayOperator();
                 return(Content($"[{string.Join(",", arrayOperator.RemoveElementAt(position, productIds))}]"));
                 return(Content($"[{string.Join(",", productIds)}]"));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(BadRequest("Sorry!An error occurred while deleting the productId!\nError: " + ex.Message));
        //Вектор синусов значений
        private RealVector GetSinVector(double[] values)
            double[]   sinValues = ArrayOperator.ComputeFunction(values, Math.Sin);
            RealVector sinVector = new RealVector(sinValues);

        //Вектор косинусов значений
        private RealVector GetCosVector(double[] values)
            double[]   cosValues = ArrayOperator.ComputeFunction(values, Math.Cos);
            RealVector cosVector = new RealVector(cosValues);

Esempio n. 11
        //Индексы интервалов с наибольшими значениями частот
        public int[] GetMaxFrequencyIntervalsIndecies(int count)
            int[] intervalsIndecies = new int[count];
            Dictionary <int, double> frequenciesDictionary = ArrayOperator.GetDictionary(this.frequencyValues);
            int index = 0;

            while (index < count)
                double maxFrequencyValue = 0;
                int    maxFrequencyIndex = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> keyValuePair in frequenciesDictionary)
                    double value          = keyValuePair.Value;
                    int    frequencyIndex = keyValuePair.Key;
                    if (maxFrequencyValue < value)
                        maxFrequencyValue = value;
                        maxFrequencyIndex = frequencyIndex;
                intervalsIndecies[index] = maxFrequencyIndex;
Esempio n. 12
        //Индекс оптимального значения гаммы
        private int GetOptimalGammaValueIndex(double[] intensitiesByCyclingShift, double[] gammaValues)
            Dictionary <int, double> rootMeanSquareErrors = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            for (int index = 0; index < gammaValues.Length; index++)
                double   gamma = gammaValues[index];
                double[] correctedIntensities = ArrayOperator.GetValuesInPower(intensitiesByCyclingShift, gamma);
                double   rootMeanSquareError  = Statistician.GetRootMeanSquareError(intensitiesByCyclingShift, correctedIntensities);
                rootMeanSquareErrors.Add(index, rootMeanSquareError);

            int    optimalIndex = 0;
            double optimalError = rootMeanSquareErrors[0];

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> pair in rootMeanSquareErrors)
                if (pair.Value < optimalError)
                    optimalIndex = pair.Key;

Esempio n. 13
        //Умножение матриц
        public static IntegerMatrix operator *(IntegerMatrix matrixOne, IntegerMatrix matrixTwo)
            int rowCountMatrixOne    = matrixOne.rowCount;
            int rowCountMatrixTwo    = matrixTwo.rowCount;
            int columnCountMatrixOne = matrixOne.columnCount;
            int columnCountMatrixTwo = matrixTwo.columnCount;

            if (columnCountMatrixOne != rowCountMatrixTwo)
                throw new MatrixException();

            IntegerMatrix resultMatrix =
                new IntegerMatrix(rowCountMatrixOne, columnCountMatrixTwo);

            for (int row = 0; row < rowCountMatrixOne; row++)
                int[] dataRow = matrixOne.GetRow(row);
                for (int column = 0; column < columnCountMatrixTwo; column++)
                    int[] dataColumn = matrixTwo.GetColumn(column);
                    int   result     = ArrayOperator.ScalarProduct(dataRow, dataColumn);
                    resultMatrix[row, column] = result;
        //Вычисление матрицы фаз
        private RealMatrix CalculatePhaseMatrixByCirclePoints(
            Point3D[] circlePoints, Point[] imagePoints, int sizeX, int sizeY
            bool sizeEuqality = ArrayOperator.IsArraySizesEqual(circlePoints, imagePoints);

            if (!sizeEuqality)
                throw new Exception();
            ThreePointInterferogramDecoder decoder = new ThreePointInterferogramDecoder();

            double[] phaseShifts = this.GetPhaseShifts();

            RealMatrix phaseMatrix = new RealMatrix(sizeY, sizeX, this.DefaultPhaseValue);

            for (int index = 0; index < circlePoints.Length; index++)
                Point3D  point       = circlePoints[index];
                Point    imagePoint  = imagePoints[index];
                double[] intensities = new double[] { point.X, point.Y, point.Z };

                double phase = decoder.Decode(intensities, phaseShifts);
                //double phase = 2 * Math.PI - decoder.Decode( intensities, phaseShifts );

                phaseMatrix[imagePoint.Y, imagePoint.X] = phase;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>暗号化</summary>
        /// <param name="plaint">平文(plaintext)</param>
        /// <returns>AEAD実行結果オブジェクト</returns>
        public override void Encrypt(byte[] plaint)
            // 初期化

            // CCM操作の実行
            byte[] ciphert = new byte[this._aesCBC.GetOutputSize(plaint.Length)];
            int    len     = this._aesCBC.ProcessBytes(plaint, 0, plaint.Length, ciphert, 0);

            len += this._aesCBC.DoFinal(ciphert, len);

            // 認証タグ(MAC)を取得
            // Concatenate the [AAD], the [IV], the [ciphertext], and the [AL value].
            byte[] temp = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(this.AAD, this.IV);
            temp = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(temp, ciphert);
            temp = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(temp, this.AL);
            byte[] tag = this._hmac.ComputeHash(temp);
            Array.Resize(ref tag, TAG_LEN);

            // 結果を返す
            this._result = new AeadResult()
                Aead    = ArrayOperator.CombineArray(ciphert, tag),
                Ciphert = ciphert,
                Tag     = tag,
        //Скалярное произведение
        public static double operator *(RealVector operandOne, RealVector operandTwo)
            double scalarProduct = ArrayOperator.ScalarProduct
                                       (operandOne.dataArray, operandTwo.dataArray);

Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>コンストラクタ</summary>
        public CheckCharCode(string startChar, string endChar, Encoding stringEncoding)
            this.StartChar      = startChar;
            this.EndChar        = endChar;
            this.StringEncoding = stringEncoding;

            // 1文字のバイトデータを数値データ(long)に変換
            this.StartCode = ArrayOperator.GetLongFromByte(stringEncoding.GetBytes(startChar));
            this.EndCode   = ArrayOperator.GetLongFromByte(stringEncoding.GetBytes(endChar));
        //Случайные фазовые сдвиги
        private double[] GetRandomPhaseShifts(int count)
            double[] phaseShifts           = ArrayCreator.CreateRandomArray(count);
            ComputationalFunction function = new ComputationalFunction(delegate(double x) {
                return(x * 2 * Math.PI);

            phaseShifts = ArrayOperator.ComputeFunction(phaseShifts, function);

            phaseShifts = new double[] { 0, 2 * Math.PI / 3, 4 * Math.PI / 3 };
Esempio n. 19
 public CrosswordGenerator(string[,] crossword, WordsOperator wordsOperator)
     this.crossword       = crossword;
     this.wordsOperator   = wordsOperator;
     this.listOfAllWords  = wordsOperator.ListOfAllWords;
     this.randomGenerator = new RandomGenerator();
     this.arrayOperator   = new ArrayOperator();
     this.wordVerificator = new WordsVerificator();
     this.painter         = new Painter();
     this.matrixWriter    = new MatrixWriter(wordsOperator);
     this.crosswordSolver = new CrosswordSolver();
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// at_hash, c_hash, s_hashを作成
        /// (SHA256→HS256,RS256,ES256対応可能)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">string</param>
        /// <returns>hash</returns>
        public static string CreateHash(string input)
            // ID Token の JOSE Header にある
            // alg Header Parameterのアルゴリズムで使用されるハッシュアルゴリズムを用い、
            // input(access_token や code) のASCII オクテット列からハッシュ値を求め、
            byte[] bytes = GetHash.GetHashBytes(
                CustomEncode.StringToByte(input, CustomEncode.us_ascii),

            // 左半分を base64url エンコードした値。
                       ArrayOperator.ShortenByteArray(bytes, (bytes.Length / 2))));
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>バイト配列のハッシュ値を計算して返す。</summary>
        /// <param name="data">データ(バイト配列)</param>
        /// <param name="ekha">ハッシュ(キー付き)アルゴリズム列挙型</param>
        /// <param name="key">キー(バイト配列)</param>
        /// <returns>ハッシュ値(バイト配列)</returns>
        public static byte[] GetKeyedHashBytes(byte[] data, EnumKeyedHashAlgorithm ekha, byte[] key)
            // HMACMD5      :どのサイズのキーでも受け入れる ◯
            // HMACRIPEMD160:どのサイズのキーでも受け入れる ◯
            // HMACSHA1     :どのサイズのキーでも受け入れる ◯
            // HMACSHA256   :どのサイズのキーでも受け入れる ◯
            // HMACSHA384   :どのサイズのキーでも受け入れる ◯
            // HMACSHA512   :どのサイズのキーでも受け入れる ◯
            // MACTripleDES :長さが 16 または 24 バイトのキーを受け入れる
            if (ekha == EnumKeyedHashAlgorithm.MACTripleDES)
                if (24 <= key.Length)
                    key = ArrayOperator.ShortenByteArray(key, 24);
                else if (16 <= key.Length)
                    key = ArrayOperator.ShortenByteArray(key, 16);
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              PublicExceptionMessage.ARGUMENT_INCORRECT, "byte[] key");

            // NETSTDの場合の実装
            if (ekha == EnumKeyedHashAlgorithm.HMACRIPEMD160)
                           data, key, new HMac(new RipeMD160Digest())));
            else if (ekha == EnumKeyedHashAlgorithm.MACTripleDES)
                           data, key, new CbcBlockCipherMac(new DesEdeEngine(), 64)));

            // ハッシュ(キー付き)サービスプロバイダを生成
            KeyedHashAlgorithm kha = HashAlgorithmCmnFunc.
                                     CreateKeyedHashAlgorithmSP(ekha, key);

            // ハッシュ(キー付き)を生成して返す。
            byte[] temp = kha.ComputeHash(data);

            kha.Clear(); // devps(1725)

Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// 文字コード範囲チェック
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch">
        /// チェックする文字(1文字)
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true:範囲内
        /// false:範囲外
        /// </returns>
        public bool IsInRange(string ch)
            // 1文字のバイトデータを数値データ(long)に変換
            long charCode = ArrayOperator.GetLongFromByte(StringEncoding.GetBytes(ch));

            // 範囲チェック
            if (charCode >= this.StartCode && charCode <= this.EndCode)
Esempio n. 23
        //Умножение на вектор
        public static IntegerVector operator *(IntegerMatrix matrix, IntegerVector vector)
            int columnCountMatrix = matrix.columnCount;
            int sizeVector        = vector.Size;

            if (columnCountMatrix != sizeVector)
                throw new MatrixException();
            IntegerVector newVector      = new IntegerVector(sizeVector);
            int           rowCountMatrix = matrix.rowCount;

            int[] dataVector = vector.GetDataArray();
            for (int row = 0; row < rowCountMatrix; row++)
                int[] dataRow = matrix.GetRow(row);
                int   value   = ArrayOperator.ScalarProduct(dataRow, dataVector);
                newVector[row] = value;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>初期化(プロバイダ)</summary>
        /// <param name="forEncrypt">bool</param>
        private void InitAesCbc(bool forEncrypt)
            // PaddedBufferedBlockCipher
            this._aesCBC = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(
                new CbcBlockCipher(new AesEngine()), new Pkcs7Padding());

            // Initialization Vector.
            // IV must be the same length as block size
            this.IV = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(this.IV, this._aesCBC.GetBlockSize());

            // 初期化

            // EncKey length is 128 / 192 / 256 bits.
            this._aesCBC.Init(forEncrypt, new ParametersWithIV(
                                  new KeyParameter(this.EncKey, 0, this.EncKey.Length), this.IV));

            // MacKey
            this._hmac.Key = this.MacKey;
        //Вычисление матрицы фаз
        private RealMatrix CalculatePhaseMatrix(
            Point2D[] points, Point[] imagePoints,
            int sizeX, int sizeY
            bool sizeEuqality = ArrayOperator.IsArraySizesEqual(points, imagePoints);

            if (!sizeEuqality)
                throw new Exception();
            RealMatrix phaseMatrix = new RealMatrix(sizeY, sizeX, this.DefaultPhaseValue);

            for (int index = 0; index < points.Length; index++)
                Point2D point      = points[index];
                Point   imagePoint = imagePoints[index];
                double  phase      = this.CalculatePhase(point.X, point.Y);
                phaseMatrix[imagePoint.Y, imagePoint.X] = phase;
 public ActionResult <string> Reverse(int[] productIds)
         if (productIds != null && productIds.Count() > 0)
             ArrayOperator arrayOperator = new ArrayOperator();
             //Reversing the array
             //Returns the reversed array
             return(Content($"[{string.Join(",", productIds)}]"));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(BadRequest("Sorry! An error occurred while reversing the product!\nError:" + ex.Message));
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>constructor</summary>
        /// <param name="cek">コンテンツ暗号化キー(CEK)</param>
        /// <param name="iv">初期化ベクトル</param>
        /// <param name="aad">追加認証データ(AAD)</param>
        public AeadAesGcm(byte[] cek, byte[] iv, byte[] aad) : base(cek, iv, aad)
            // 各種サイズの初期化

            if (cek.Length < CEK_LEN)
                throw new ArgumentException("Length is less than 128 bits.", "cek");
            else if (cek.Length == CEK_LEN)
                this.Cek = cek;
                this.Cek = ArrayOperator.CopyArray(cek, CEK_LEN);

            // Use of an IV of size 96 bits is REQUIRED with this algorithm.
            this._iv = iv;
            // The requested size of the Authentication Tag output MUST be 128 bits, regardless of the key size.
            this._aad = aad;
Esempio n. 28
        public EllipseDescriptor Approximate(Point2D[] points)
            RealMatrix matrixD           = this.CreateMatrixD(points);
            RealMatrix transposedMatrixD = matrixD.GetTransposedMatrix();
            RealMatrix matrixS           = transposedMatrixD * matrixD;

            double[] eigenValues         = this.CalculateEigenValues(matrixS);
            double[] absoluteEigenValues = ArrayOperator.GetAbsoluteValues(eigenValues);

            int minAbsoluteEigenValueIndex = ArrayOperator.GetMinValueIndex(absoluteEigenValues);

            double     lambda  = eigenValues[minAbsoluteEigenValueIndex];
            RealMatrix matrixA = this.CreateMatrixA(matrixS, lambda);

            double[ , ] dataArrayMatrixA = matrixA.GetDataArray();
            double[] dataArrayVectorB = new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            double[] values           =
                this.SolveLinearSystem(dataArrayMatrixA, dataArrayVectorB);

            EllipseDescriptor ellipse = this.CreateEllipseDescriptor(values);

Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>constructor</summary>
        /// <param name="cek">コンテンツ暗号化キー(CEK)</param>
        /// <param name="iv">初期化ベクトル</param>
        /// <param name="aad">追加認証データ(AAD)</param>
        public AeadAesCbc(byte[] cek, byte[] iv, byte[] aad) : base(cek, iv, aad)
            // 各種サイズの初期化

            // CEK -> MacKey & EncKey
            if (cek.Length < CEK_LEN)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Length is less than {0} bytes.", this.CEK_LEN), "cek");

            this.MacKey = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(cek, MAC_KEY_LEN);
            this.EncKey = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(cek, ENC_KEY_LEN, ENC_KEY_LEN, 0);

            // Initialization Vector.
            this.IV = iv;

            // Additional Authenticated Data
            this.AAD = aad;

            // HMac
            this.AL = this.InitAL();
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>暗号化</summary>
        /// <param name="plaint">平文(plaintext)</param>
        /// <returns>AEAD実行結果オブジェクト</returns>
        public override void Encrypt(byte[] plaint)
            // AesGcm実装を初期化

            // GCM操作の実行
            byte[] aead = new byte[this._aesGcm.GetOutputSize(plaint.Length)];
            int    len  = this._aesGcm.ProcessBytes(plaint, 0, plaint.Length, aead, 0);

            len += this._aesGcm.DoFinal(aead, len);

            // GetMacで認証タグ(MAC)を取得
            byte[] tag = this._aesGcm.GetMac();

            // 結果を返す
            this._result = new AeadResult()
                Aead = aead, // aead = ciphert + tag
                // <ciphertの抽出>
                // plaint.Lengthと、ciphert.Length - tag.Length を使う方法がある。
                Ciphert = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(aead, plaint.Length),
                Tag     = tag,