public override void OnOpen()
            this.NeedsUpdate = true;

            iCampaignName.Instance.CampaignName = Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName;
            if (debug)
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Overall campaign is: " + Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
            //pause the game once we enter the save game menu. I think this is a nice
            //quality of life improvement for the player. If the game is already paused,
            //do nothing
            if (!World_AIW2.Instance.IsPaused)
                GameCommand command = GameCommand.Create(GameCommandType.TogglePause);
                World_AIW2.Instance.QueueGameCommand(command, true);
            public override MouseHandlingResult HandleClick()
                bool   debug       = false;
                string SaveName    = this.SaveGame.ToString();
                string oldSaveName = this.SaveGame.saveName;
                string path        = Engine_Universal.CurrentPlayerDataDirectory + "Save/" + SaveName + Engine_Universal.SaveExtension;
                string oldPath     = Engine_Universal.CurrentPlayerDataDirectory + "Save/" + oldSaveName + Engine_Universal.SaveExtension;

                //if ( path.Contains( " " ) )
                //    path = "\"" + path + "\"";
                if (debug)
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Trying to load from " + path, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName = this.SaveGame.campaignName;
                else if (File.Exists(oldPath))
                    Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName = this.SaveGame.campaignName;
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("File does not exist" + Environment.NewLine + "path=" + path + Environment.NewLine + "oldPath=" + oldPath, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
        /* This is shared between the SaveGameMenu and LoadGameMenu
         * classes, hence having its own class. This function will
         * read all the on-disk data and store it in a Dictionary
         * whose keys are the campaign names, and whose value is
         * a list of all Saved Games from that campaign */
        internal static Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> > parseOnDiskSaveGames()
            bool debug = false;
            Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> > gameDict = new Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> >(); //this maps from a campaignName to the list of save games for that campaign
            string directoryPath = Engine_Universal.CurrentPlayerDataDirectory + "Save/";

            string[] files         = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*" + Engine_Universal.SaveExtension);
            string[] fullSaveNames = new string[files.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                string file = files[i];

                string fullSaveName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                fullSaveNames[i] = fullSaveName;
                DateTime     dt       = File.GetLastWriteTime(file);
                SaveGameData saveGame = new SaveGameData(fullSaveName, dt);
                if (debug)
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Parsing save game " + i + " of " + files.Length + " --> " + saveGame.ToString() + "And adding to campaign " + saveGame.campaignName, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                List <SaveGameData> list;
                if (!gameDict.ContainsKey(saveGame.campaignName))
                    //If this is the first save file seen from a given campaign,
                    //create the list
                    list = new List <SaveGameData>();
                    gameDict[saveGame.campaignName] = list;
                    //Add a saved game to a pre-existing campaign
            /* These buttons are either Campaign Buttons or Load buttons.
             * I tried 2 different classes, but I couldn't figure out how
             * to make the old buttons disappear once I changed screens.
             * This way works though */
            public override void OnUpdate()
                if (Instance.HasUpdatedSinceLastClose)
                bool debug = false;

                Instance.HasUpdatedSinceLastClose = true;

                ArcenUI_ButtonSet elementAsType = (ArcenUI_ButtonSet)Element;


                Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> > gameDict = SaveLoadMethods.parseOnDiskSaveGames();

                if (!Instance.showCampaignButtons)
                    //these are Load Game buttons
                    if (Window_LoadGameMenu.Instance.campaignName == "")
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("WARNING: campaign name is null ", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    if (debug)
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Showing saved games in LoadGames from campaign " + Window_LoadGameMenu.Instance.campaignName, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    //get the saved games for this campaign
                    List <SaveGameData> list = gameDict[Window_LoadGameMenu.Instance.campaignName];
                    //sort saved games by elapsed in game time
                    list.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)

                    //This code allows for multiple columns to automatically wrap
                    int     maxHeightPerColumn = 80;
                    int     xModForLoadButtons = -4; //Load buttons are a bit smaller than campaign buttons
                    int     yModForLoadButtons = -4;
                    int     gamesPerColumn     = (int)maxHeightPerColumn / (int)(elementAsType.ButtonHeight + yModForLoadButtons);
                    int     distBetweenColumns = 2;
                    Vector2 sizeForLoadButtons;
                    sizeForLoadButtons.x = elementAsType.ButtonWidth + xModForLoadButtons;
                    sizeForLoadButtons.y = elementAsType.ButtonHeight + yModForLoadButtons;
                    if (debug)
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("gamesPerColumn " + gamesPerColumn + "botton  height " + elementAsType.ButtonHeight + "maxHeight " + maxHeightPerColumn, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                        Vector2 offset;
                        offset.y = (k % gamesPerColumn) * (elementAsType.ButtonHeight + yModForLoadButtons);
                        offset.x = (k / gamesPerColumn) * (elementAsType.ButtonWidth + xModForLoadButtons) + distBetweenColumns * (k / gamesPerColumn);
                        AddLoadButton(elementAsType, list[k], offset, sizeForLoadButtons);
                    //these are campaign buttons
                    List <SaveGameData> campaignList = new List <SaveGameData>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <SaveGameData> > entry in gameDict)
                        //Campaign buttons are sorted by "Last save Wall Clock date"
                        //Find the furthest-in game from each campaign to check for the
                        //Wall Clock time and add it to the campaignList
                        List <SaveGameData> list = entry.Value;
                        list.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)
                    //Now sort by Wall Clock
                    campaignList.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)

                    //Allow columns to wrap nicely
                    int maxHeightPerColumn = 80;
                    int gamesPerColumn     = (int)maxHeightPerColumn / (int)elementAsType.ButtonHeight;
                    int distBetweenColumns = 2;
                    for (int k = 0; k < campaignList.Count; k++)
                        Vector2 offset;
                        offset.y = (k % gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonHeight;
                        offset.x = (k / gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonWidth + distBetweenColumns * (k / gamesPerColumn);
                        AddCampaignButton(elementAsType, campaignList[k], offset);
Esempio n. 5
        public void DoPerSimStepLogic(WorldSide side, ArcenSimContext Context)
            //NOTE: this is not "real" logic, just a demo of how to use custom xml data; it will fire right after you start a new game, if you have the Devourer enabled
            //if ( World_AIW2.Instance.GameSecond <= 1 && World_AIW2.Instance.IsFirstFrameOfSecond )
            //    //this just dumps all custom data attached to the external constants object, regardless of who put it there
            //    //Useful if something isn't working right and you want to check to see if you have a typo in an attribute name, etc.
            //    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine( ExternalConstants.Instance.DebugCustomData_GetAllKeysInAllNamespaces(), Verbosity.ShowAsInfo );

            //    //this corresponds to the "custom_int_examplemod_test_custom_number" attribute in the external constants xml file; here are the pieces:
            //    //"custom_" always have to have this prefix
            //    //"int_" tells it this is a 32-bit int value; other valid options are bool, float, FInt, and string
            //    //"examplemod_" is whatever you want to put in there, with no _ characters in the middle, and this functions as the "namespace" to differentiate the field from others in case some other modder has a "test_custom_number"
            //    //"test_custom_number" is just the rest of the attribute name, and functions as the actual name of the field
            //    CustomDataSet externalConstantsCustomData = ExternalConstants.Instance.GetCustomData( "examplemod" );
            //    int testCustomNumber = externalConstantsCustomData.GetInt( "test_custom_number" );
            //    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine( testCustomNumber.ToString(), Verbosity.ShowAsInfo );

            //NOTE: there's no "real" logic here, it's just a demo of how to use external data
            if (!DoomData.DoDebugTestingLogic)
            if (!World_AIW2.Instance.IsFirstFrameOfSecond)

            DoomData.Primitives doomDataPrimitives = World.Instance.GetDoomData_Primitives();
            if (World.Instance.GetDoomData_DoomedPlanetIndices() == null)
                World.Instance.SetDoomData_DoomedPlanetIndices(new List <int>());
            List <int> doomedPlanetIndices = World.Instance.GetDoomData_DoomedPlanetIndices();

            if (doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomPlanetPick == 0)
                doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomPlanetPick = 10;

            if (doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomPlanetPick <= 0)
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Picking Planet To Doom", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomPlanetPick = 5;

                List <Planet> candidates = new List <Planet>();
                List <Planet> allPlanets = World_AIW2.Instance.SetOfGalaxies.Galaxies[0].Planets;
                for (int i = 0; i < allPlanets.Count; i++)
                    Planet planet = allPlanets[i];
                    if (doomedPlanetIndices.ContainsValueType(planet.PlanetIndex))

                if (candidates.Count > 0)
                    Planet target = candidates[Context.QualityRandom.Next(0, candidates.Count)];
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Dooming " + target.Name, Verbosity.DoNotShow);

            if (doomedPlanetIndices.Count > 0)
                if (doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomAttack == 0)
                    doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomAttack = 11;

                if (doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomAttack <= 0)
                    doomDataPrimitives.SecondsUntilNextDoomAttack = 6;

                    int    targetIndex = doomedPlanetIndices[Context.QualityRandom.Next(0, doomedPlanetIndices.Count)];
                    Planet target      = World_AIW2.Instance.GetPlanetByIndex(targetIndex);

                    // cause some entities to spawn on the target planet, or elsewhere and have them travel to the target, etc
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Doom attack against " + target.Name, Verbosity.DoNotShow);

                    doomDataPrimitives.LastDoomAttackLaunchedAgainstPlayer = target.GetControllingSide().Type == WorldSideType.Player;
Esempio n. 6
        public static void HandleInner(Int32 Int1, string InputActionInternalName)
            if (ArcenUI.CurrentlyShownWindowsWith_PreventsNormalInputHandlers.Count > 0)

            switch (InputActionInternalName)
            case "Debug_ToggleConsole":
                ArcenUI.Instance.ShowingConsole = !ArcenUI.Instance.ShowingConsole;
                if (ArcenUI.Instance.ShowingConsole)

            case "Debug_ConsoleAutocomplete":
                if (ArcenUI.Instance.ShowingConsole)

            if (ArcenUI.Instance.ShowingConsole)

            switch (InputActionInternalName)
            case "Debug_StartTestChamber":
                GameSettings_AIW2.Current.LastSetup.MapType = MapTypeDataTable.Instance.GetRowByName("TestChamber", false, null);
                while (Engine_Universal.WorkThreadIsRunning)
                GameCommand command = GameCommand.Create(GameCommandType.TogglePause);
                World_AIW2.Instance.QueueGameCommand(command, true);

            case "Debug_InstantStopSim":
                Engine_Universal.DebugTimeMode = DebugTimeMode.StopSim;

            case "Debug_InstantStopSimAndVisualUpdates":
                Engine_Universal.DebugTimeMode = DebugTimeMode.StopSimAndVisualUpdates;

            case "Debug_ResumeFromInstantStop":
                Engine_Universal.DebugTimeMode = DebugTimeMode.Normal;

            case "Debug_RunExactlyNMoreSimSteps":
                Engine_Universal.DebugSimStepsToRun = 1;
                Engine_Universal.DebugTimeMode      = DebugTimeMode.Normal;

            case "Debug_RunNMoreVisualUpdateSeconds":
                Engine_Universal.DebugVisualUpdateSecondsToRun = GameSettings.Current.DebugVisualUpdateSecondsIntervalLength;
                switch (Engine_Universal.DebugTimeMode)
                case DebugTimeMode.StopSimAndVisualUpdates:
                    Engine_Universal.DebugTimeMode = DebugTimeMode.StopSim;

            case "Debug_BarfSquadData":
                if (!World_AIW2.Instance.IsPaused)
                    GameCommand command = GameCommand.Create(GameCommandType.TogglePause);
                    World_AIW2.Instance.QueueGameCommand(command, true);
                ArcenCharacterBuffer buffer = new ArcenCharacterBuffer();
                int count = 0;
                Engine_AIW2.Instance.DoForSelected(SelectionCommandScope.CurrentPlanet_UnlessViewingGalaxy, delegate(GameEntity selected)
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Squad Data Dump from " + count + " entities:" + buffer.ToString(), Verbosity.DoNotShow);
 public void RunInitialSetup()
     ArcenInput.PreInput = new PreInputHandler();
     ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("RunInitialSetup for AIWarExternalCode.", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
            public override void OnUpdate()
                if (!Instance.NeedsUpdate)
                Instance.NeedsUpdate = false;
                bool debug = false;

                if (debug)
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Reading directory to generate buttons", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                ArcenUI_ButtonSet elementAsType = (ArcenUI_ButtonSet)Element;


                Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> > gameDict = SaveLoadMethods.parseOnDiskSaveGames();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <SaveGameData> > entry in gameDict)
                    //Don't show any saves from other campaigns
                    if (entry.Key != Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName || Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName == "")
                    if (debug)
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Parsing list from  " + entry.Key, Verbosity.DoNotShow);

                    List <SaveGameData> list = entry.Value;
                    //Sort the found saved games by elapsed in game time
                    list.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)

                    //Allow for multiple columns
                    int maxHeightPerColumn = 80;
                    int gamesPerColumn     = (int)maxHeightPerColumn / (int)elementAsType.ButtonHeight;
                    int distBetweenColumns = 5;

                    //This section here adds a big button at the top
                    //to display information about the campaign
                    Vector2 offset;
                    offset.y = 0;
                    offset.x = 40;
                    string output = getCampaignLabel(list[0]);
                    AddHeaderButton(elementAsType, output, offset);

                    int offsetForHeader = (int)elementAsType.ButtonHeight + 5;
                    //Now print the found saved games underneath the header
                    for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                        offset.y = (k % gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonHeight + offsetForHeader;
                        offset.x = (k / gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonWidth + distBetweenColumns * (k / gamesPerColumn);
                        AddSaveButton(elementAsType, list[k], offset);
        public SaveGameData(string fullSaveName, DateTime dt)
            //This is for a save file name (ie it has metadata encoded in it). Parse it and populate the struct
            debug         = false;
            metadataStart = '~';
            metadataDelim = '#';

            mapType               = "Unknown";
            mapTypeShort          = "UK";
            seed                  = -1;
            secondsSinceGameStart = -1;
            campaignName          = "Unknown";
            masterAIType          = "";
            difficulty            = "";
            this.lastModified     = dt;
            string[] splitNameAndMeta = fullSaveName.Split(metadataStart);
            this.saveName = splitNameAndMeta[0];
            if (splitNameAndMeta.Length > 1)
                //if there is metadata, parse it now
                string[] tokens = (splitNameAndMeta[1]).Split(metadataDelim);
                if (debug)
                    string s = "numTokens: " + tokens.Length + " --> " + splitNameAndMeta[1];
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    if (debug)
                        string s;
                        s = i + " :: " + tokens[i];
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    //the first token should be a ~, which marks the end of the save name
                    //if that doesn't exist,
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:

                    case 1:

                    case 2:
                        this.seed = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[i]);

                    case 3:
                        this.secondsSinceGameStart = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[i]);

                    case 4:
                        this.campaignName = tokens[i];

                    case 5:
                        this.masterAIType = tokens[i];

                    case 6:
                        this.difficulty = tokens[i];

                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG: too many tokens in SaveGameData constructor; next was " + tokens[i], Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                if (this.campaignName == "")
                    this.campaignName = this.mapType + "." + this.seed; //the # indicates that the campaign type was not set by the user
 public void setShortMapType(string mapType)
     //transforms the full map type name into a
     //shortened version
     this.mapType = mapType;
     if (debug)
         ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("setting short map type based on short  " + mapType, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
     if (mapType == "Clusters")
         mapTypeShort = "CL";
     else if (mapType == "Lattice")
         mapTypeShort = "LT";
     else if (mapType == "Concentric")
         mapTypeShort = "CO";
     else if (mapType == "Snake")
         mapTypeShort = "SP";
     else if (mapType == "X")
         mapTypeShort = "X0";
     else if (mapType == "Grid")
         mapTypeShort = "GR";
     else if (mapType == "Crosshatch")
         mapTypeShort = "CR";
     else if (mapType == "MazeA")
         mapTypeShort = "MA";
     else if (mapType == "MazeB")
         mapTypeShort = "MB";
     else if (mapType == "MazeC")
         mapTypeShort = "MC";
     else if (mapType == "MazeD")
         mapTypeShort = "MD";
     else if (mapType == "ClustersMicrocosm")
         mapTypeShort = "CM";
     else if (mapType == "Wheel")
         mapTypeShort = "WH";
     else if (mapType == "Honeycomb")
         mapTypeShort = "HO";
     else if (mapType == "Encapsulated")
         mapTypeShort = "EN";
     else if (mapType == "Nebula")
         mapTypeShort = "NB";
     else if (mapType == "Geode")
         mapTypeShort = "GE";
     else if (mapType == "Haystack")
         mapTypeShort = "HA";
     else if (mapType == "DreamCatcher")
         mapTypeShort = "DC";
     else if (mapType == "Simple")
         mapTypeShort = "SI";
     else if (mapType == "Constellation")
         mapTypeShort = "CN";
     else if (mapType == "Octopus")
         mapTypeShort = "OC";
     else if (mapType == "ClustersMini")
         mapTypeShort = "CI";
     else if (mapType == "Solar_Systems_Lite")
         mapTypeShort = "SS";
         mapTypeShort = "UK"; //unknown
 public void setFullMapType(string shortMapType)
     //Translates the shortType (what's part of the file name)
     //into the full name
     this.mapTypeShort = shortMapType;
     if (debug)
         ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("setting full map type based on short  " + shortMapType, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
     if (shortMapType == "CL")
         mapType = "Cluster";
     else if (shortMapType == "LT")
         mapType = "Lattice";
     else if (shortMapType == "CO")
         mapType = "Concentric";
     else if (shortMapType == "SP")
         mapType = "Spiral";
     else if (shortMapType == "X0")
         mapType = "X";
     else if (shortMapType == "GR")
         mapType = "Grid";
     else if (shortMapType == "CR")
         mapType = "Crosshatch";
     else if (shortMapType == "MA")
         mapType = "MazeA";
     else if (shortMapType == "MB")
         mapType = "MazeB";
     else if (shortMapType == "MC")
         mapType = "MazeC";
     else if (shortMapType == "MD")
         mapType = "MazeD";
     else if (shortMapType == "CM")
         mapType = "ClustersMicrocosm";
     else if (shortMapType == "WH")
         mapType = "Wheel";
     else if (shortMapType == "HO")
         mapType = "Honeycomb";
     else if (shortMapType == "EN")
         mapType = "Encapsulated";
     else if (shortMapType == "NB")
         mapType = "Nebula";
     else if (shortMapType == "GE")
         mapType = "Geode";
     else if (shortMapType == "HA")
         mapType = "Haystack";
     else if (shortMapType == "DC")
         mapType = "DreamCatcher";
     else if (shortMapType == "SI")
         mapType = "Simple";
     else if (shortMapType == "CN")
         mapType = "Constellation";
     else if (shortMapType == "OC")
         mapType = "Octopus";
     else if (shortMapType == "CI")
         mapType = "ClustersMini";
     else if (shortMapType == "SS")
         mapType = "Solar_Systems_Lite";
         mapType = "Unknown";