/// <summary> /// Init code to be called on the application startup. /// Return false if no merge utility was found and user wanted to quit the app. /// </summary> public bool Initialize() { // Verify the application default merge utility AppHelper app = new AppHelper(Properties.Settings.Default.MergeAppHelper); if (File.Exists(app.Path)) { Configure(app); return true; } // Search for any of the predefined tools merge = GetDetected(); // If none of the pre-set merge apps are present, show the missing merge dialog // and return with its selection of whether to continue or quit the app if (merge.Count == 0) { FormMergeMissing formMergeMissing = new FormMergeMissing(); return formMergeMissing.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK; } // Otherwise, at least one merge app is present, select it as default Properties.Settings.Default.MergeAppHelper = merge[0].ToString(); Configure(merge[0]); return true; }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); DISPATCHER.Initialize(); helper = new AppHelper(); ShowLoadingBar(); this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Required; }
/// <summary> /// Return a proper diff command. /// This function is called from the actual menu item to diff files. /// </summary> public static string GetDiffCmd() { // Get the application default visual diff utility AppHelper app = new AppHelper(Properties.Settings.Default.DiffAppHelper); string cmd = string.Format(" --tool={0} --no-prompt ", app.Name); return cmd; }
/// <summary> /// Apply changed settings /// </summary> public void ApplyChanges() { if (comboBoxPath.Tag != null || textArgs.Tag !=null) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(comboBoxPath.Text.Trim()); AppHelper app = new AppHelper(name, comboBoxPath.Text, textArgs.Text.Trim()); Properties.Settings.Default.DiffAppHelper = app.ToString(); ClassDiff.Configure(app); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize pertinent settings /// </summary> /// <param name="options">All git global settings</param> public void Init(string[] options) { // Detect all diff utilities on the system and populate a listbox helpers = ClassDiff.GetDetected(); comboBoxPath.Items.Clear(); foreach (var appHelper in helpers) comboBoxPath.Items.Add(appHelper.Path); // Get our program default diff tool and set the listbox text AppHelper app = new AppHelper(Properties.Settings.Default.DiffAppHelper); comboBoxPath.Text = app.Path; textArgs.Text = app.Args; // Add the dirty (modified) value changed helper comboBoxPath.TextChanged += ControlDirtyHelper.ControlDirty; textArgs.TextChanged += ControlDirtyHelper.ControlDirty; }
/// <summary> /// Configure a given application helper to be a Git diff utility /// </summary> public static void Configure(AppHelper app) { // Configure application only if it is valid if (app.Name!=string.Empty) { string path = app.Path.Replace('\\', '/'); string usr = app.Args. Replace("%1", "$LOCAL"). Replace("%2", "$REMOTE"); string arg = "'" + path + "' " + usr; ClassConfig.SetGlobal("difftool." + app.Name + ".path", path); ClassConfig.SetGlobal("difftool." + app.Name + ".cmd", arg); // TODO: This might be an option: Set our default tool to be the Git gui tool? // ClassConfig.SetGlobal("diff.guitool", app.Name); } }
/// <summary> /// Configure a given application helper to be a Git merge utility /// </summary> public static void Configure(AppHelper app) { // Configure application only if it is valid if (app.Name != string.Empty) { string path = app.Path.Replace('\\', '/'); string usr = app.Args. Replace("%1", "$BASE"). Replace("%2", "$LOCAL"). Replace("%3", "$REMOTE"). Replace("%4", "$MERGED"); string arg = "'" + path + "' " + usr; ClassConfig.SetGlobal("mergetool." + app.Name + ".path", path); ClassConfig.SetGlobal("mergetool." + app.Name + ".cmd", arg); ClassConfig.SetGlobal("mergetool." + app.Name + ".trustExitCode", "false"); // Set the default merge tool ClassConfig.SetGlobal("merge.tool", app.Name); ClassConfig.SetGlobal("mergetool.keepBackup", "false"); } }
public AltaRefacciones() { InitializeComponent(); AppHelper.AddTextBoxOnlyNumbersValidation(ref this.anioTextBox); }
public void save(FaktorBorongan dbitem, int id, FaktorBoronganHistory fbh) { string hstq = "INSERT INTO dbo.\"FaktorBoronganHistory\" (\"IdFaktorBorongan\", \"IdMasterPool\", \"IdJenisTruck\", \"RasioDlmKota\", \"RasioDlmKota2\", \"RasioJawaBali\", \"RasioSumatra\", \"RasioKosong\", " + "\"RasioSolar\", \"UangMakanJawaBali\", \"UangMakanSumatra\", \"FaktorPengaliGaji\", \"FaktorPengaliTips\", \"PotonganDriver1\", \"PotonganDriver2\", \"BiayaKapalBali\", \"BiayaKapalBaliNTB\", " + "\"BiayaKapalSumatra\", \"BiayaKapalKalimantan\", \"BiayaKapalSulawesi\", \"Tanggal\", username) VALUES (" + fbh.IdFaktorBorongan + ", " + fbh.IdMasterPool + ", " + fbh.IdJenisTruck + ", " + fbh.RasioDlmKota + ", " + fbh.RasioDlmKota2 + ", " + fbh.RasioJawaBali + ", " + fbh.RasioSumatra + ", " + fbh.RasioKosong + ", " + fbh.RasioSolar + ", " + fbh.UangMakanJawaBali + ", " + fbh.UangMakanSumatra + ", " + fbh.FaktorPengaliGaji + ", " + fbh.FaktorPengaliTips + ", " + fbh.PotonganDriver1 + ", " + fbh.PotonganDriver2 + ", " + fbh.BiayaKapalBali + ", " + fbh.BiayaKapalBaliNTB + ", " + fbh.BiayaKapalSumatra + ", " + fbh.BiayaKapalKalimantan + ", " + fbh.BiayaKapalSulawesi + ", " + fbh.Tanggal + ", " + fbh.username + ");"; if (dbitem.Id == 0) //create { context.FaktorBorongan.Add(dbitem); var query = "INSERT INTO dbo.\"FaktorBorongan\" (\"IdMasterPool\", \"IdJenisTruck\", \"RasioDlmKota\", \"RasioDlmKota2\", \"RasioJawaBali\", \"RasioSumatra\", \"RasioKosong\", \"UangMakanJawaBali\", " + "\"UangMakanSumatra\", \"FaktorPengaliGaji\", \"FaktorPengaliTips\", \"PotonganDriver1\", \"PotonganDriver2\", \"BiayaKapalBali\", \"BiayaKapalBaliNTB\", \"BiayaKapalSumatra\", " + "\"BiayaKapalKalimantan\", \"BiayaKapalSulawesi\") VALUES (" + dbitem.IdMasterPool + ", " + dbitem.IdJenisTruck + ", " + dbitem.RasioDlmKota + ", " + dbitem.RasioDlmKota2 + ", " + dbitem.RasioJawaBali + ", " + dbitem.RasioSumatra + ", " + dbitem.RasioKosong + ", " + dbitem.UangMakanJawaBali + ", " + dbitem.UangMakanSumatra + ", " + dbitem.FaktorPengaliGaji + ", " + dbitem.FaktorPengaliTips + ", " + dbitem.PotonganDriver1 + ", " + dbitem.PotonganDriver2 + ", " + dbitem.BiayaKapalBali + ", " + dbitem.BiayaKapalBaliNTB + ", " + dbitem.BiayaKapalSumatra + ", " + dbitem.BiayaKapalKalimantan + ", " + dbitem.BiayaKapalSulawesi + ");"; var auditrail = new Auditrail { Actionnya = "Add", EventDate = DateTime.Now, Modulenya = "Faktor Borongan", QueryDetail = query + hstq, RemoteAddress = AppHelper.GetIPAddress(), IdUser = id }; context.Auditrail.Add(auditrail); } else //edit { context.FaktorBorongan.Attach(dbitem); var query = "UPDATE dbo.\"FaktorBorongan\" SET \"IdMasterPool\" = " + dbitem.IdMasterPool + ", \"IdJenisTruck\" = " + dbitem.IdJenisTruck + ", \"RasioDlmKota\" = " + dbitem.RasioDlmKota + ", \"RasioDlmKota2\" = " + dbitem.RasioDlmKota2 + ", \"RasioJawaBali\" = " + dbitem.RasioJawaBali + ", \"RasioSumatra\" = " + dbitem.RasioSumatra + ", \"RasioKosong\" = " + dbitem.RasioKosong + ", \"UangMakanJawaBali\" = " + dbitem.UangMakanJawaBali + ", \"UangMakanSumatra\" = " + dbitem.UangMakanSumatra + ", \"FaktorPengaliGaji\" = " + dbitem.FaktorPengaliGaji + ", \"FaktorPengaliTips\" = " + dbitem.FaktorPengaliTips + ", \"PotonganDriver1\" = " + dbitem.PotonganDriver1 + ", \"PotonganDriver2\" = " + dbitem.PotonganDriver2 + ", \"BiayaKapalBali\" = " + dbitem.BiayaKapalBali + ", \"BiayaKapalBaliNTB\" = " + dbitem.BiayaKapalBaliNTB + ", \"BiayaKapalSumatra\" = " + dbitem.BiayaKapalSumatra + ", \"BiayaKapalKalimantan\" = " + dbitem.BiayaKapalKalimantan + ", \"BiayaKapalSulawesi\" = " + dbitem.BiayaKapalSulawesi + " WHERE \"Id\" = " + dbitem.Id + ";"; var auditrail = new Auditrail { Actionnya = "Edit", EventDate = DateTime.Now, Modulenya = "Faktor Borongan", QueryDetail = query + hstq, RemoteAddress = AppHelper.GetIPAddress(), IdUser = id }; context.Auditrail.Add(auditrail); var entry = context.Entry(dbitem); entry.State = EntityState.Modified; } context.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Maneja el evento KeyUp en la caja de texto NumeroEconomico /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void NumeroEconomicoTextBox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { try { // Al hacer enter en "NumeroEconomico" o "Unidad" // Validar dato de unidad if (NumeroEconomicoTextBox.Text != "" && e.KeyData == Keys.Enter) { // Consultar la información y desplegarla mediante el binding ya configurado int numeroeconomico = DB.GetNullableInt32(NumeroEconomicoTextBox.Text).Value; // Obtenemos la estación int estacion; if (this.estacion_IDComboBox.SelectedItem != null) { estacion = Convert.ToInt32(this.estacion_IDComboBox.SelectedValue); } else { throw new Exception("Debe seleccionar una estación"); } // Buscamos la unidad Entities.Unidades unidad = Entities.Unidades.Read( DB.Param("NumeroEconomico", numeroeconomico), DB.Param("EstatusUnidad_ID",2), DB.Param("Estacion_ID", estacion)); // Verificamos que exista if (unidad == null) throw new Exception("Unidad no existe o no tiene contrato activo"); // Consultamos el contrato Entities.Contratos contrato = Entities.Contratos.Read(DB.Param("Unidad_ID", unidad.Unidad_ID), DB.Param("EstatusContrato_ID", 1)); // Verificamos que exista el contrato if (contrato == null) throw new Exception("El contrato de la unidad no está activo"); // Obtenemos el conductor Entities.Conductores conductor = Entities.Conductores.Read(contrato.Conductor_ID); // Verifcamos que la configuración del contrato // concuerde if (Sesion.Empresa_ID != null) { if (contrato.Empresa_ID != Sesion.Empresa_ID.Value) { throw new Exception("No tiene permisos para consultar la unidad"); } else { if (Sesion.Estacion_ID != null) { if (contrato.Estacion_ID != Sesion.Estacion_ID.Value) { throw new Exception("No tiene permisos para consultar la unidad"); } } } } // Configuramos el conductor y la unidad Conductor_ID = conductor.Conductor_ID; Unidad_ID = unidad.Unidad_ID; // Actualizamos el nombre this.ConductorTextBox.Text = conductor.Apellidos + " " + conductor.Nombre; // Consultar los saldos get_SaldosConductorTableAdapter.Fill(sICASCentralQuerysDataSet.Get_SaldosConductor, Conductor_ID); // Colorear los saldos ColorGrid(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppHelper.Error(ex.Message); } }
void ScanGames(object state) { string[] paths = null; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { ScanProgressLabel.Visible = true; ScanGamesButton.Enabled = false; paths = MainForm.Current.OptionsPanel.GameScanLocationsListBox.Items.Cast <string>().ToArray(); ScanProgressLabel.Text = "Scanning..."; }); var skipped = 0; var added = 0; var updated = 0; for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++) { var path = (string)paths[i]; // Don't allow to scan windows folder. var winFolder = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows); if (path.StartsWith(winFolder)) { continue; } var di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path); // Skip folders if don't exists. if (!di.Exists) { continue; } var exes = new List <FileInfo>(); AppHelper.GetFiles(di, ref exes, "*.exe", true); for (int f = 0; f < exes.Count; f++) { var exe = exes[f]; var exeName = exe.Name.ToLower(); var program = SettingManager.Programs.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FileName.ToLower() == exeName); // If file doesn't exist in the game list then continue. if (program == null) { skipped++; } else { // Get game by executable name. var game = SettingManager.Games.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FileName.ToLower() == exeName); // If file doesn't exist in the game list then continue. if (game == null) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { game = x360ce.Engine.Data.UserGame.FromDisk(exe.FullName); game.LoadDefault(program); SettingManager.Games.Items.Add(game); added++; }); } else { game.FullPath = exe.FullName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.FileProductName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(program.FileProductName)) { game.FileProductName = program.FileProductName; } updated++; } } Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { ScanProgressLabel.Text = string.Format("Scanning Path ({0}/{1}): {2}\r\nSkipped = {3}, Added = {4}, Updated = {5}", i + 1, paths.Length, path, skipped, added, updated); }); } SettingManager.Save(); } Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { ScanGamesButton.Enabled = true; ScanProgressLabel.Visible = false; ShowHideAndSelectGridRows(); }); }
private void getSavedOptions() { appSettings = AppHelper.LoadOptions(); // Reading Saved Options: switch (appSettings.TimeIntervalMode) { default: case 1: timer1.Interval = appSettings.TimeInterval * 1000; break; case 2: timer1.Interval = appSettings.TimeInterval * 1000 * 60; break; case 3: timer1.Interval = appSettings.TimeInterval * 1000 * 3600; break; } if (appSettings.AutoStart) { timer1.Enabled = true; timer2.Enabled = true; scanButton.Visible = false; stopScanButton.Visible = true; } else { timer1.Enabled = false; timer2.Enabled = false; scanButton.Visible = true; stopScanButton.Visible = false; } switch (appSettings.IPService) { case 1: urlForIPCheck = "https://dynamix.run/ip.php"; break; case 3: urlForIPCheck = "http://dinofly.com/misc/ipcheck.php"; break; case 2: urlForIPCheck = "http://grabip.tk"; break; default: urlForIPCheck = "https://dynamix.run/ip.php"; break; } if (File.Exists(phpPathFile)) { phpPath = File.ReadAllText(phpPathFile); } if (appSettings.RunDynamicServices) { XpertDNSSettings = XpertDNSHelper.LoadOptions(); dynamixSettings = DynamixHelper.LoadOptions(); afraidDNSSettings = AfraidDNSHelper.LoadOptions(); noIPDNSSettings = NoIPHelper.LoadOptions(); } }
/// <summary> /// Al hacer clic en "Buscar", consultamos el reporte en la base de datos /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void BuscarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppHelper.DoMethod(DoQuery, this); }
/// <summary> /// Enable or disable virtual controllers depending on game settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> void UpdateVirtualDevices(UserGame game) { // Allow if not testing or testing with option enabled. var o = SettingsManager.Options; var allow = !o.TestEnabled || o.TestSetXInputStates; if (!allow) { return; } // If virtual driver is missing then return. if (!ViGEmClient.isVBusExists(true)) { return; } var isVirtual = ((EmulationType)game.EmulationType).HasFlag(EmulationType.Virtual); // If game does not use virtual emulation then... if (!isVirtual) { ViGEmClient.DisposeCurrent(); return; } var client = ViGEmClient.Current; if (client.Targets == null) { client.Targets = new Xbox360Controller[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var controller = new Xbox360Controller(client); client.Targets[i] = controller; controller.FeedbackReceived += Controller_FeedbackReceived; } } for (uint i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { var mapTo = (MapTo)i; var flag = AppHelper.GetMapFlag(mapTo); var value = (MapToMask)game.EnableMask; var virtualEnabled = value.HasFlag(flag); var feedingState = FeedingState[i - 1]; if (virtualEnabled) { // If feeding status unknown or not enabled then... if (!feedingState.HasValue || !feedingState.Value || !client.IsControllerConnected(i)) { var success = EnableFeeding(i) == VirtualError.None; if (!success) { return; } FeedingState[i - 1] = true; } FeedDevice(i); } else { // If feeding status unknown or enabled then... if (!feedingState.HasValue || feedingState.Value || client.IsControllerConnected(i)) { var success = DisableFeeding(i) == VirtualError.None; if (!success) { return; } FeedingState[i - 1] = false; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Maneja el evento "Click" del botón "Buscar" /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void BuscarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppHelper.DoMethod(new AppHelper.HelperDelegate(DoQuery), this); }
public SmartCrawler() { Http = new HttpItem(); CrawlItems = new ObservableCollection <CrawlItem>(); helper = new HttpHelper(); URL = ""; HtmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); SelectText = ""; IsMultiData = ScriptWorkMode.List; IsAttribute = true; URL = "www.cnblogs.com"; ShareCookie = new TextEditSelector(); ShareCookie.GetItems = AppHelper.GetAllCrawlerNames(null); Commands2 = CommandBuilder.GetCommands( this, new[] { new Command(GlobalHelper.Get("key_302"), obj => AddNewItem(), obj => string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectName) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectXPath) == false, "add"), new Command(GlobalHelper.Get("search"), obj => GetXPathAsync(), obj => currentXPaths != null, "magnify"), new Command(GlobalHelper.Get("feellucky"), obj => FeelLucky(), obj => IsMultiData != ScriptWorkMode.NoTransform && isBusy == false, "smiley_happy" ), new Command(GlobalHelper.Get("key_624"), obj => { if (!(CrawlItems.Count > 0).SafeCheck(GlobalHelper.Get("key_625"))) { return; } if (IsMultiData == ScriptWorkMode.List && CrawlItems.Count < 2) { MessageBox.Show(GlobalHelper.Get("key_626"), GlobalHelper.Get("key_99")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.URLHTML)) { this.VisitUrlAsync(); } var datas = HtmlDoc.DocumentNode.GetDataFromXPath(CrawlItems, IsMultiData, RootXPath, RootFormat).Take(20) .ToList(); var view = PluginProvider.GetObjectInstance <IDataViewer>(GlobalHelper.Get("key_230")); var r = view.SetCurrentView(datas); ControlExtended.DockableManager.AddDockAbleContent( FrmState.Custom, r, GlobalHelper.Get("key_627")); var rootPath = XPath.GetMaxCompareXPath(CrawlItems.Select(d => d.XPath)); if (datas.Count > 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(RootXPath) && rootPath.Length > 0 && IsMultiData == ScriptWorkMode.List && MessageBox.Show(string.Format(GlobalHelper.Get("key_628"), rootPath), GlobalHelper.Get("key_99"), MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { RootXPath = rootPath; RootFormat = SelectorFormat.XPath; HtmlDoc.CompileCrawItems(CrawlItems); OnPropertyChanged("RootXPath"); } }, icon: "page_search") }); }
// Check game settings against folder. public GameRefreshStatus GetGameStatus(x360ce.Engine.Data.UserGame game, bool fix = false) { var fi = new FileInfo(game.FullPath); // Check if game file exists. if (!fi.Exists) { return(GameRefreshStatus.ExeNotExist); } // Check if game is not enabled. else if (!game.IsEnabled) { return(GameRefreshStatus.OK); } else { var gameVersion = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(fi.FullName); var xiValues = ((XInputMask[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(XInputMask))).Where(x => x != XInputMask.None).ToArray(); // Create dictionary from XInput type and XInput file name. var dic = new Dictionary <XInputMask, string>(); foreach (var value in xiValues) { dic.Add(value, Attributes.GetDescription(value)); } var xiFileNames = dic.Values.Distinct(); // Loop through all files. foreach (var xiFileName in xiFileNames) { var x64Value = dic.First(x => x.Value == xiFileName && x.ToString().Contains("x64")).Key; var x86Value = dic.First(x => x.Value == xiFileName && x.ToString().Contains("x86")).Key; var xiFullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(fi.Directory.FullName, xiFileName); var xiFileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(xiFullPath); var xiArchitecture = ProcessorArchitecture.None; var x64Enabled = ((uint)game.XInputMask & (uint)x64Value) != 0;; var x86Enabled = ((uint)game.XInputMask & (uint)x86Value) != 0;; if (x86Enabled && x64Enabled) { xiArchitecture = ProcessorArchitecture.MSIL; } else if (x86Enabled) { xiArchitecture = ProcessorArchitecture.X86; } else if (x64Enabled) { xiArchitecture = ProcessorArchitecture.Amd64; } // If x360ce emulator for this game is disabled or both CheckBoxes are disabled or then... if (xiArchitecture == ProcessorArchitecture.None) // !game.IsEnabled || { // If XInput file exists then... if (xiFileInfo.Exists) { if (fix) { // Delete unnecessary XInput file. xiFileInfo.Delete(); continue; } else { return(GameRefreshStatus.UnnecessaryLibraryFile); } } } else { // If XInput file doesn't exists then... if (!xiFileInfo.Exists) { // Create XInput file. if (fix) { AppHelper.WriteFile(EngineHelper.GetXInputResoureceName(xiArchitecture), xiFileInfo.FullName); continue; } else { return(GameRefreshStatus.XInputFilesNotExist); } } // Get current architecture. var xiCurrentArchitecture = PEReader.GetProcessorArchitecture(xiFullPath); // If processor architectures doesn't match then... if (xiArchitecture != xiCurrentArchitecture) { // Create XInput file. if (fix) { AppHelper.WriteFile(EngineHelper.GetXInputResoureceName(xiArchitecture), xiFileInfo.FullName); continue; } else { return(GameRefreshStatus.XInputFilesWrongPlatform); } } bool byMicrosoft; var dllVersion = EngineHelper.GetDllVersion(xiFullPath, out byMicrosoft); var embededVersion = EngineHelper.GetEmbeddedDllVersion(xiCurrentArchitecture); // If file on disk is older then... if (dllVersion < embededVersion) { // Overwrite XInput file. if (fix) { AppHelper.WriteFile(EngineHelper.GetXInputResoureceName(xiArchitecture), xiFileInfo.FullName); continue; } return(GameRefreshStatus.XInputFilesOlderVersion); } else if (dllVersion > embededVersion) { // Allow new version. // return GameRefreshStatus.XInputFileNewerVersion; } } } } return(GameRefreshStatus.OK); }
protected List <ArticleJson> ArticleListInfo(List <Article> list, string usernumber = "") { if (list == null) { return(new List <ArticleJson>()); } if (list.Count == 0) { return(new List <ArticleJson>()); } //文章编号集合 var array = list.Select(x => x.Number).ToArray(); var articletypes = AppHelper.GetArticleType(); var parts = new SubSonic.Query.Select(provider).From <ArticlePart>().Where <ArticlePart>(x => x.Types == Enum_ArticlePart.Pic).And("ArticleNumber").In(array).OrderAsc("SortID").ExecuteTypedList <ArticlePart>(); List <string> userids = new List <string>(); list.ForEach(x => { userids.Add(x.CreateUserNumber); }); List <string> articleids = new List <string>(); list.ForEach(x => { articleids.Add(x.Number); }); var users = new SubSonic.Query.Select(provider, "ID", "NickName", "Avatar", "Cover", "Signature", "Number", "IsPay").From <User>().Where("Number").In(userids.ToArray()).ExecuteTypedList <User>(); var comments = new SubSonic.Query.Select(provider, "ID", "ArticleNumber", "ParentCommentNumber").From <Comment>().Where("ArticleNumber").In(articleids.ToArray()).And("ParentCommentNumber").IsEqualTo("").ExecuteTypedList <Comment>(); //判断是否关注、判断是否点赞、判断是否收藏 var fans = new List <Fan>(); var zans = new List <ArticleZan>(); var keeps = new List <Keep>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usernumber)) { fans = db.Find <Fan>(x => x.CreateUserNumber == usernumber).ToList(); zans = db.Find <ArticleZan>(x => x.CreateUserNumber == usernumber).ToList(); keeps = db.Find <Keep>(x => x.CreateUserNumber == usernumber).ToList(); } var tags = GetTag(); List <ArticleJson> newlist = new List <ArticleJson>(); list.ForEach(x => { var user = users.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Number == x.CreateUserNumber); if (user != null) { ArticleJson model = new ArticleJson(); var articletype = articletypes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.TypeID); model.UserID = user.ID; model.NickName = user.NickName; model.Avatar = user.Avatar; model.UserCover = user.Cover; model.Signature = user.Signature; model.IsPay = user.IsPay; model.ArticleID = x.ID; model.ArticleNumber = x.Number; model.Title = x.Title; model.Views = x.Views; model.Goods = x.Goods; //标签 model.TagList = new List <Tag>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Tag)) { var tag = x.Tag.Split(',').ToList(); tag.ForEach(y => { var id = Tools.SafeInt(y); var item = tags.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ID == id); if (item != null) { model.TagList.Add(item); } }); } model.Comments = comments.Count(y => y.ArticleNumber == x.Number); model.IsFollow = fans.Count(y => y.ToUserNumber == x.CreateUserNumber); model.IsZan = zans.Count(y => y.ArticleNumber == x.Number); model.IsKeep = keeps.Count(y => y.ArticleNumber == x.Number); model.UserNumber = x.CreateUserNumber; model.Cover = x.Cover; model.CreateDate = FormatTime(x.CreateDate); model.TypeName = articletype == null ? "" : articletype.Name; model.ArticlePart = parts.Where(y => y.ArticleNumber == x.Number).OrderBy(y => y.ID).Take(3).ToList(); model.ArticlePower = x.ArticlePower; model.Recommend = x.Recommend; model.Province = x.Province; model.City = x.City; model.Submission = x.Submission; newlist.Add(model); } }); return(newlist); }
public ActionResult Index() { // get me all objects inside a given folder Dictionary <string, double> images = null; var request = new ListObjectsRequest(); request.BucketName = AWSBucket; request.WithPrefix(AWSFolder); using (AmazonS3 client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretKey)) { using (ListObjectsResponse response = client.ListObjects(request)) { images = response.S3Objects.Where(x => x.Key != AWSFolder).ToDictionary(obj => obj.Key, obj => AppHelper.ConvertBytesToMegabytes(obj.Size)); } } return(View(images)); }
public JsonResult GetConsignNowImages(string tmpID) { string path = ImageRepository.GetTempImagePath(tmpID); return(JSON(Directory.GetFiles(path, "thmb_*.*").Select(file => new FileInfo(file)).Select(fileInfo => new { ID = 0, Title = fileInfo.Name.Remove(0, 5), Description = AppHelper.TempImage(tmpID, fileInfo.Name) }))); }
public ActionResult ConsignNow(ConsignNowForm form) { try { form.FileLinks = Directory.GetFiles(ImageRepository.GetTempImagePath(form.ID), "sf_*.*").Select(file => new FileInfo(file)).Select(fileInfo => string.Format("{0}{1}", Consts.ResourceHostName, AppHelper.TempImage(form.ID, fileInfo.Name))).ToList(); form.Attachments = Directory.GetFiles(ImageRepository.GetTempImagePath(form.ID), "thmb_*.*").ToList(); var isValidCaptchaValue = CaptchaController.IsValidCaptchaValue(form.CaptchaValue); if (!isValidCaptchaValue) { throw new Exception("Invalid captcha!"); } string sendEmails = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsignorMessagesEmail"]; List <string> emails = new List <string>(sendEmails.Split(',')); foreach (string email in emails.Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t)).Distinct()) { Mail.SendMessageFromConsignor(email, form); } InitCurrentEvent(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewData["Error"] = ex.Message; form.CaptchaValue = string.Empty; return(View(form)); } return(View("ConsignNowSuccess")); }
/* * Esta region contiene los eventos * de los controles de la forma */ #region Eventos /// <summary> /// Al teclear el nombre de la zona, /// buscamos sus coincidencias y las /// desplegamos /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void NombreZonaTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.buscarZonasBindingSource.DataSource = Entities.BuscarZonas.Get(AppHelper.IsNull(this.NombreZonaTextBox.Text, "").ToString()); }
public Bitmap CreatePDF() { Document doc = _pdfHelper.CreateDocumentA4(10, 10, 30, 10); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, memoryStream); doc.Open(); doc.NewPage(); doc.Add(_pdfHelper.CreateTitleParagraph($"机动车牌证申请表", BoldFont)); doc.Add(_pdfHelper.CreateTitleParagraph($" 排队票号:{_ticketNo}", NormalFont)); PdfPCell pdfPCell = null; PdfPTable table = _pdfHelper.CreateTable(new float[] { 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }, doc); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("申请人信息栏", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 6)); pdfPCell = _pdfHelper.CreateCell("机动车所有人", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdfPCell.Rowspan = 3; table.AddCell(pdfPCell); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("姓名/名称", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(_carInfo?.Owner, NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 2)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("邮政编码", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("100010", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("邮寄地址", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("手机号码", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 2)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("固定电话", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("代理人", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("姓名/名称", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("手机号码", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 1)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 2)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("申请业务事项", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 6)); doc.Add(table); table = _pdfHelper.CreateTable(new float[] { 0.3F, 0.7F, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, doc); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("号牌种类", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 2)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(AppHelper.GetNameByCode(_carInfo?.PlateType, "HPZL"), NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 2)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("号牌号码", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(_carInfo?.PlateNo, NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("申请事项", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 2)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("申请原因及声明", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)); PdfPTable table1; pdfPCell = _pdfHelper.CreateCell("号牌", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdfPCell.Rowspan = 2; table.AddCell(pdfPCell); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□补领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□丢失 □灭失 □前号牌 □后号牌 ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□换领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□前号牌 □后号牌 ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4)); pdfPCell = _pdfHelper.CreateCell("行驶证", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdfPCell.Rowspan = 2; table.AddCell(pdfPCell); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□补领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□丢失 □灭失 ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□换领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(" ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)); pdfPCell = _pdfHelper.CreateCell("登记证书", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdfPCell.Rowspan = 3; table.AddCell(pdfPCell); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□申领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(" ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□补领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□丢失 □灭失 □未获得", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□换领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)); pdfPCell = _pdfHelper.CreateCell("检验合格标志", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdfPCell.Rowspan = 3; table.AddCell(pdfPCell); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□申请", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□在登记地车辆管理所申请 □在登记地以外车辆管理所申请 ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□补领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□丢失 □灭失 ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("□换领", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(" ", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)); doc.Add(table); table = _pdfHelper.CreateTable(new float[] { 3, 3 }, doc); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(" 机动车所有人及代理人对申请材料的真实有效性负责", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("机动车所有人(代理人签字):" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日").PadLeft("机动车所有人(代理人签字):".Length * 3, ' '), NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT)); //table1 = _pdfHelper.CreateTable(new float[] { 1 }, doc); //table1.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateNoWidthCell("机动车所有人(代理人签字):", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT)); //table1.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateNoWidthCell("", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT)); //table1.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateNoWidthCell(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT)); //PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(table1); //table.AddCell(cell1); doc.Add(table); table = _pdfHelper.CreateTable(new float[] { 1, 4 }, doc); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell("公安交警" + Environment.NewLine + "部门提示", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_CENTER)); table.AddCell(_pdfHelper.CreateCell(" 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第十六条规定,任何单位或者个人不得" + "拼装机动车或者擅自改变机动车已登记的结构、构造或者特征。构造或者特征。《机动车登记规公安交管定》" + " (公安部令第124号)第五十七条规定,擅自改变机动车外形和已登记的有部门提示关技术数据的, 由公安机关交通管理部门责令恢复原状," + "并处警告或者五百元以下罚款。擅自改装机动车属于违法行为,应承担法律责任,因非法改装造成交通事故的," + "还应承担相应交通事故责任。", NormalFont, Element.ALIGN_LEFT)); doc.Add(table); doc.Close(); MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray()); O2S.Components.PDFRender4NET.PDFFile pdfFile = O2S.Components.PDFRender4NET.PDFFile.Open(memoryStream1); System.Drawing.Bitmap pageImage = pdfFile.GetPageImage(0, 56 * (int)PdfHelper.Definition.Six); PrinterSettings settings = new PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); settings.PrinterName = AppHelper.AppSetting.PrinterName; settings.PrintToFile = false; PDFPrintSettings pdfPrintSettings = new PDFPrintSettings(settings); pdfPrintSettings.PageScaling = PageScaling.MultiplePagesPerSheetProportional; pdfPrintSettings.PrinterSettings.Copies = 1; LogHelper.Trace("开始打印" + AppHelper.AppSetting.PrinterName); pdfFile.Print(pdfPrintSettings); LogHelper.Trace("打印完成" + AppHelper.AppSetting.PrinterName); memoryStream.Close(); memoryStream.Dispose(); memoryStream1.Close(); memoryStream1.Dispose(); return(pageImage); }
public IEnumerable <DataAccess.App> Get(string id) => AppHelper.RetrievesByRoleId(id);
private void GuardarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppHelper.DoMethod(new AppHelper.HelperDelegate(DoSave), this); }
/// <summary> /// Al hacer clic en "Expotar", exportamos la información /// del reporte a formato MS Excel /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ExportarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppHelper.ExportDataGridViewExcel(this.reporte_CobranzaAtencionYControlDataGridView, this); }
/// <summary> /// Asigna las comisiones correspondientes al servicio a partir de la configuración por zona /// </summary> private void GetComisiones() { // Instanciamos el listado Comisiones = new List <Entities.Servicios_Comisiones>(); // Configuramos el pago a 0 Servicio.PagoComisiones = 0; // Configuramos el pago al conductor como el precio total del boleto Servicio.PagoConductor = Servicio.Precio; // Obtenemos la zona Entities.Zonas zona = Entities.Zonas.Read((int)Servicio.Zona_ID); // Si es comisionada if (!AppHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(zona.ComisionServicio_ID)) { // Obtenemos la comisión Entities.ComisionesServicios comisionServicio = Entities.ComisionesServicios.Read((int)zona.ComisionServicio_ID); // Calcular comision CalcularComision(comisionServicio); switch (zona.Zona_ID) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: break; default: // Calculamos Comision pronatura Entities.ComisionesServicios comisionPronatura = Entities.ComisionesServicios.Read(COMISIONPRONATURA_ID); // Calcular comision CalcularComision(comisionPronatura); // Comision de regresos Entities.ComisionesServicios comisionRegresos = Entities.ComisionesServicios.Read(COMISIONREGRESOS_ID); // Calcular comision CalcularComision(comisionRegresos); break; } } else { // Comision de regresos Entities.ComisionesServicios comisionRegresos = Entities.ComisionesServicios.Read(COMISIONREGRESOS_ID); // Calcular comision CalcularComision(comisionRegresos); // Calculamos Comision pronatura Entities.ComisionesServicios comisionPronatura = Entities.ComisionesServicios.Read(COMISIONPRONATURA_ID); // Calcular comision CalcularComision(comisionPronatura); } // Asignar el porcentaje a la unidad Entities.VariablesNegocio varneg = Entities.VariablesNegocio.Read("PorcentajeBoletosRegresos"); decimal porcentajeregresos = Convert.ToDecimal(varneg.Valor); Servicio.ComisionRegreso = Servicio.Precio * (porcentajeregresos / 100); Servicio.PorcentajeRegreso = porcentajeregresos; }
public static void SendReport(string exceptionMessage, int crashLocation, string[] logs, string threadName) { var crashReport = new CrashReportData { ["Application"] = "GameStudio", ["UserEmail"] = "", ["UserMessage"] = "", ["XenkoVersion"] = XenkoVersion.NuGetVersion, ["GameStudioVersion"] = DebugVersion.ToString(), ["ThreadName"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(threadName) ? "" : threadName, #if DEBUG ["CrashLocation"] = crashLocation.ToString(), ["ProcessID"] = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString() #endif }; try { // Add session-specific information in this try/catch block var gameSettingsAsset = SessionViewModel.Instance?.CurrentProject?.Package.GetGameSettingsAsset(); if (gameSettingsAsset != null) { crashReport["DefaultGraphicProfile"] = gameSettingsAsset.GetOrCreate <RenderingSettings>().DefaultGraphicsProfile.ToString(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.Ignore(); } // opened assets try { var manager = SessionViewModel.Instance?.Dialogs?.AssetEditorsManager as AssetEditorsManager; if (manager != null) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var asset in manager.GetCurrentlyOpenedAssets()) { sb.AppendLine($"{asset.Id}:{asset.Name} ({asset.TypeDisplayName})"); } crashReport["OpenedAssets"] = sb.ToString(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.Ignore(); } // action history try { // Add session-specific information in this try/catch block var actionsViewModel = SessionViewModel.Instance?.ActionHistory; if (actionsViewModel != null) { var actions = actionsViewModel.Transactions.ToList(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = Math.Max(0, actions.Count - 5); i < actions.Count; ++i) { ExpandAction(actions[i], sb, 4); } crashReport["LastActions"] = sb.ToString(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.Ignore(); } // transaction in progress try { // Add session-specific information in this try/catch block var actionService = SessionViewModel.Instance?.UndoRedoService; if (actionService != null && actionService.TransactionInProgress) { // FIXME: expose some readonly properties/methods from ITransactionStack or ITransaction to reduce reflection var stackField = typeof(UndoRedoService).GetField("stack", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (stackField != null) { var transactionsInProgressField = typeof(ITransactionStack).Assembly.GetType("Xenko.Core.Transactions.TransactionStack")?.GetField("transactionsInProgress", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (transactionsInProgressField != null) { var stack = stackField.GetValue(actionService); var transactionsInProgress = transactionsInProgressField.GetValue(stack) as IEnumerable <IReadOnlyTransaction>; if (transactionsInProgress != null) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Transactions in progress:"); foreach (var transaction in transactionsInProgress) { PrintTransaction(transaction, sb, 4); } crashReport["TransactionInProgress"] = sb.ToString(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.Ignore(); } crashReport["CurrentDirectory"] = Environment.CurrentDirectory; crashReport["CommandArgs"] = string.Join(" ", AppHelper.GetCommandLineArgs()); var osVersion = CrashReportUtils.GetOsVersionAndCaption(); crashReport["OsVersion"] = $"{osVersion.Key} {osVersion.Value} {(Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "x64" : "x86")}"; crashReport["ProcessorCount"] = Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString(); crashReport["Exception"] = exceptionMessage; var videoConfig = AppHelper.GetVideoConfig(); foreach (var conf in videoConfig) { crashReport.Data.Add(Tuple.Create(conf.Key, conf.Value)); } var nonFatalReport = new StringBuilder(); for (var index = 0; index < logs.Length; index++) { var log = logs[index]; nonFatalReport.AppendFormat($"{index + 1}: {log}\r\n"); } crashReport["Log"] = nonFatalReport.ToString(); // Try to anonymize reports // It also makes it easier to copy and paste paths for (var i = 0; i < crashReport.Data.Count; i++) { var data = crashReport.Data[i].Item2; data = Regex.Replace(data, Regex.Escape(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE")), Regex.Escape("%USERPROFILE%"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); data = Regex.Replace(data, $@"\b{Regex.Escape(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME"))}\b", Regex.Escape("%USERNAME%"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); crashReport.Data[i] = Tuple.Create(crashReport.Data[i].Item1, data); } var reporter = new CrashReportForm(crashReport, new ReportSettings()); var result = reporter.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnExportar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppHelper.ExportDataGridViewExcel(this.dgvConductores, this); }
/// <summary> /// Crea una nueva instancia del reporte de servicios de sesion /// </summary> public ServiciosDeSesion() { InitializeComponent(); AppHelper.SetStylish(this); }
/// <summary> /// 保存上载文件的内容。 /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">保存的文件的名称(必须是绝对路径,不能是网址。)。</param> public void SaveAs(string filename) { AppHelper.DeleteFile(filename); System.IO.StreamExtensions.ToFile(_inputStream, filename); //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filename, _inputStream.ToArray()); }
private void InitializeForm() { AppHelper.ApplyVisualStyle(this.Controls); // transaction type ModulePrefix = TransactionTypes.TX_SALES_PAYMENT; // grid event handlers _grid.Enter += new EventHandler(_grid_Enter); _grid.AfterEdit += new RowColEventHandler(_grid_AfterEdit); _grid.GetUnboundValue += new UnboundValueEventHandler(_grid_GetUnboundValue); _grid.AfterAddRow += new RowColEventHandler(_grid_AfterAddRow); _grid.KeyDownEdit += new KeyEditEventHandler(_grid_KeyDownEdit); _grid.CellButtonClick += new RowColEventHandler(_grid_CellButtonClick); _grid.BeforeAddRow += new RowColEventHandler(_grid_BeforeAddRow); // grid column setting try { // column headers _grid.Cols["ID"].Caption = "ID"; _grid.Cols["OrderID"].Caption = "Order ID"; _grid.Cols["ItemID"].Caption = "Item ID"; _grid.Cols["ItemCode"].Caption = "Item Code"; _grid.Cols["ItemName"].Caption = "Item Name"; _grid.Cols["Quantity"].Caption = "Quantity"; _grid.Cols["MeasureCode"].Caption = "UoM"; _grid.Cols["MeasureName"].Caption = "Measure Name"; _grid.Cols["UnitPrice"].Caption = "Payment"; _grid.Cols["TrxType"].Caption = "Trx Type"; _grid.Cols["TaxPct"].Caption = "Tax (%)"; _grid.Cols["ReferenceID"].Caption = "Invoice ID"; _grid.Cols["ReferenceNo"].Caption = "Invoice Num."; _grid.Cols["ReferenceDate"].Caption = "Invoice Date"; _grid.Cols["ReferenceValue"].Caption = "Outstanding"; // read only columns _grid.Cols["ID"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["OrderID"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["ItemID"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["ItemName"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["MeasureCode"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["MeasureName"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["ReferenceID"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["ReferenceNo"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["ReferenceDate"].AllowEditing = false; _grid.Cols["ReferenceValue"].AllowEditing = false; // hide columns _grid.Cols["ID"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["ItemID"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["ItemCode"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["ItemName"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["OrderID"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["MeasureCode"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["MeasureName"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["UnitPrice"].Visible = true; _grid.Cols["TaxPct"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["TrxType"].Visible = true; _grid.Cols["Quantity"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["ReferenceID"].Visible = false; _grid.Cols["ReferenceNo"].Visible = true; _grid.Cols["ReferenceDate"].Visible = true; _grid.Cols["ReferenceValue"].Visible = true; // number format _grid.Cols["ID"].Format = "N2"; _grid.Cols["OrderID"].Format = "N2"; _grid.Cols["ItemID"].Format = "N2"; _grid.Cols["Quantity"].Format = "N2"; _grid.Cols["UnitPrice"].Format = "N2"; _grid.Cols["TaxPct"].Format = "N2"; _grid.Cols["ReferenceValue"].Format = "N2"; // COmbo option _grid.Cols["ItemCode"].ComboList = "|..."; _grid.Cols["ReferenceNo"].ComboList = "..."; // column width _grid.Cols["ID"].Width = -1; _grid.Cols["OrderID"].Width = -1; _grid.Cols["ItemID"].Width = -1; _grid.Cols["ItemCode"].Width = 120; _grid.Cols["ItemName"].Width = 150; _grid.Cols["Quantity"].Width = 70; _grid.Cols["MeasureCode"].Width = 50; _grid.Cols["MeasureName"].Width = -1; _grid.Cols["UnitPrice"].Width = 120; _grid.Cols["ReferenceNo"].Width = 120; _grid.Cols["ReferenceValue"].Width = 120; _grid.Cols["TrxType"].Width = 70; _grid.Cols["TaxPct"].Width = 50; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorRoutine(ex); RibbonMessageBox.Show("ERROR Loading Data!\n" + ex.Message); } }
public void delete(FaktorBorongan dbitem, int id) { context.FaktorBorongan.Remove(dbitem); var query = "DELETE FROM dbo.\"FaktorBorongan\" WHERE \"Id\" = " + dbitem.Id + ";"; var auditrail = new Auditrail { Actionnya = "Delete", EventDate = DateTime.Now, Modulenya = "Faktor Borongan", QueryDetail = query, RemoteAddress = AppHelper.GetIPAddress(), IdUser = id }; context.Auditrail.Add(auditrail); context.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Selecciona el valor del tipo de servicio /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void TiposServiciosComboBox_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppHelper.Try(delegate { SelectTipoServicio(); }); }
void ShowDeviceInfo(Joystick device, UserDevice dInfo) { if (device == null) { // clean everything here. AppHelper.SetText(DeviceProductNameTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceVendorNameTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceProductGuidTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceInstanceGuidTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DiCapFfStateTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DiCapAxesTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DiCapButtonsTextBox, ""); AppHelper.SetText(DiCapDPadsTextBox, ""); if (DiEffectsTable.Rows.Count > 0) { DiEffectsTable.Rows.Clear(); } return; } lock (MainForm.XInputLock) { var isLoaded = XInput.IsLoaded; if (isLoaded) { XInput.FreeLibrary(); } device.Unacquire(); device.SetCooperativeLevel(MainForm.Current, CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.Exclusive); effects = new List <EffectInfo>(); try { device.Acquire(); var forceFeedback = device.Capabilities.Flags.HasFlag(DeviceFlags.ForceFeedback); forceFeedbackState = forceFeedback ? "YES" : "NO"; effects = device.GetEffects(EffectType.All); } catch (Exception) { forceFeedbackState = "ERROR"; } DiEffectsTable.Rows.Clear(); foreach (var eff in effects) { DiEffectsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { eff.Name, ((EffectParameterFlags)eff.StaticParameters).ToString(), ((EffectParameterFlags)eff.DynamicParameters).ToString() }); } device.Unacquire(); device.SetCooperativeLevel(MainForm.Current, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive); if (isLoaded) { Exception error; XInput.ReLoadLibrary(XInput.LibraryName, out error); } } AppHelper.SetText(DiCapFfStateTextBox, forceFeedbackState); AppHelper.SetText(DiCapButtonsTextBox, device.Capabilities.ButtonCount.ToString()); AppHelper.SetText(DiCapDPadsTextBox, device.Capabilities.PovCount.ToString()); var objects = AppHelper.GetDeviceObjects(device); DiObjectsDataGridView.DataSource = objects; var actuators = objects.Where(x => x.Flags.HasFlag(DeviceObjectTypeFlags.ForceFeedbackActuator)); AppHelper.SetText(ActuatorsTextBox, actuators.Count().ToString()); var di = device.Information; var slidersCount = objects.Where(x => x.GuidValue.Equals(SharpDX.DirectInput.ObjectGuid.Slider)).Count(); // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/microsoft.directx_sdk.reference.dijoystate2(v=vs.85).aspx AppHelper.SetText(DiCapAxesTextBox, (device.Capabilities.AxeCount - slidersCount).ToString()); AppHelper.SetText(SlidersTextBox, slidersCount.ToString()); // Update PID and VID always so they wont be overwritten by load settings. short vid = BitConverter.ToInt16(di.ProductGuid.ToByteArray(), 0); short pid = BitConverter.ToInt16(di.ProductGuid.ToByteArray(), 2); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceVidTextBox, "0x{0:X4}", vid); AppHelper.SetText(DevicePidTextBox, "0x{0:X4}", pid); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceProductNameTextBox, di.ProductName); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceVendorNameTextBox, dInfo == null ? "" : dInfo.HidManufacturer); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceRevTextBox, "0x{0:X4}", dInfo == null ? 0 : dInfo.HidRevision); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceProductGuidTextBox, di.ProductGuid.ToString()); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceInstanceGuidTextBox, di.InstanceGuid.ToString()); AppHelper.SetText(DeviceTypeTextBox, di.Type.ToString()); }
private void simpleButtonConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (xtraTabControlMain.SelectedTabPageIndex == 0) // Postgresql { var model = new DbConnectionModel(); model.Alias = textEditAliasPostgres.Text.Trim(); model.Database = textEditDatabasePostgres.Text.Trim(); model.HostOrIp = textEditHostOrIPPostgres.Text.Trim(); model.Password = textEditPasswordPostgres.Text.Trim(); model.Port = int.Parse(textEditPortPostgres.Text.Trim()); model.Username = textEditUsernamePostgres.Text.Trim(); string _connectionString = "Server = " + model.HostOrIp + "; Port = " + model.Port + "; Database = " + model.Database + "; User Id = " + model.Username + "; Password = "******";"; try { using (NpgsqlConnection cnn = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString)) { cnn.Open(); NpgsqlDataAdapter da = new NpgsqlDataAdapter("Select 1", cnn); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (toggleSwitchSaveConnectionPostgres.IsOn) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_selectedConnectionId)) { AppHelper.RemoveConnection(_selectedConnectionId); } model.DatabaseType = Models.DbType.PostgreSQL; AppHelper.SaveConnection(model); this.Close(); } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database. Please check"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; } } } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database. Please check"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; } } else if (xtraTabControlMain.SelectedTabPageIndex == 1) // Oracle { var tns = DxHelper.GetSelectedItem(comboBoxEditTnsNamesOracle); if (tns.Value.ToString() != "-1") { var model = new DbConnectionModel(); model.Alias = textEditAliasOracle.Text.Trim(); model.HostOrIp = tns.Text.Trim(); model.Password = textEditPasswordOracle.Text.Trim(); model.Username = textEditUsernameOracle.Text.Trim(); string _connectionString = "User Id=" + model.Username + ";Password="******";Data Source=" + model.HostOrIp + ";"; try { using (OracleConnection cnn = new OracleConnection(_connectionString)) { cnn.Open(); OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter("Select 1 from dual", cnn); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (toggleSwitchIsSaveConnectionOracle.IsOn) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_selectedConnectionId)) { AppHelper.RemoveConnection(_selectedConnectionId); } model.DatabaseType = Models.DbType.Oracle; AppHelper.SaveConnection(model); this.Close(); } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database. Please check"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; } } } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database. Please check"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; } } } }
public ActionResult Index() { ViewData["Title"] = AppHelper.GetResource("DEVTREKS_TITLE"); return(View()); }