static CsgObject DialGaugeMount()
            // CSG object is a Constructive Solid Geometry Object (a basic part in our system for doing boolean operations).
            CsgObject dialGauge;  // the csg object we will use as the master part.

            CsgObject frontBarRide = new Box(50, xCarriageBarWidth + 4, xCarriageBarWidth / 2 + 4);
            CsgObject barGroove    = new Cylinder(xCarriageBarWidth / 2, frontBarRide.XSize + .2, Alignment.x);

            barGroove     = new Translate(barGroove, 0, 0, -barGroove.ZSize / 2);
            frontBarRide -= barGroove;
            dialGauge     = frontBarRide;

            CsgObject backBarRide = frontBarRide.NewMirrorAccrossY();

            backBarRide = new Translate(backBarRide, 0, xCarriageSeparation, 0);
            dialGauge  += backBarRide;

            CsgObject frontSideWall = new Box(frontBarRide.XSize, wallWidth, wallHeight);

            frontSideWall = new Align(frontSideWall, Face.Front | Face.Top, frontBarRide, Face.Back | Face.Top, offsetY: -.02); // offset it to ensure good stl geometry
            dialGauge    += frontSideWall;

            CsgObject backSideWall = new Box(frontBarRide.XSize, wallWidth, wallHeight);

            backSideWall = new Align(backSideWall, Face.Back | Face.Top, backBarRide, Face.Front | Face.Top, offsetY: .02); // offset it to ensure good stl geometry
            dialGauge   += backSideWall;

            // make the plate on the bottom
            double    distanceAccrossBottom = backSideWall.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox().minXYZ.y - frontSideWall.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox().maxXYZ.y;
            CsgObject dialBase = new Box(frontBarRide.XSize, distanceAccrossBottom + .02, wallWidth); // make it bigger so it is manifold

            dialBase   = new Align(dialBase, Face.Front | Face.Bottom, frontSideWall, Face.Back | Face.Bottom, offsetY: .01);
            dialGauge += dialBase;

            // an some side walls for strength
            CsgObject leftSideWall = new Box(wallWidth, dialBase.YSize, frontSideWall.ZSize, "#leftsidewall");

            leftSideWall = new Align(leftSideWall, Face.Left | Face.Bottom | Face.Front, dialBase, Face.Left | Face.Bottom | Face.Front);
            dialGauge   += leftSideWall;

            CsgObject rightSideWall = new Box(wallWidth, dialBase.YSize, frontSideWall.ZSize, "#rightsidewall");

            rightSideWall = new Align(rightSideWall, Face.Right | Face.Bottom | Face.Front, dialBase, Face.Right | Face.Bottom | Face.Front);
            dialGauge    += rightSideWall;

            CsgObject dialGaugeHole = new Cylinder(diameterOfDialGaugeBar / 2, dialBase.ZSize + .02, Alignment.z);

            dialGaugeHole = new SetCenter(dialGaugeHole, dialBase.GetCenter() + new Vector3(0, dialGaugeBarOffsetFromCenter, 0));
            dialGauge    -= dialGaugeHole;

            CsgObject bridgeSupport = new Box(dialBase.XSize, dialBase.YSize, .5, "#test");

            bridgeSupport = new SetCenter(bridgeSupport, dialBase.GetCenter());
            bridgeSupport = new Align(bridgeSupport, Face.Top, dialBase, Face.Top);
            dialGauge    += bridgeSupport;
