void Save() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var requestString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item); var httpContent = new StringContent(requestString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = client.PostAsync("http://localhost:5000/strgv1/new", httpContent).Result; if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Item lastItem = new Item(); if (items.Count > 0) { lastItem = items.Last(); } else { lastItem.Id = 0; } NotifyView notifyView = new NotifyView(); notifyView.ShowDialog(); item.Id = lastItem.Id + 1; items.Add(new Item(item.Id, item.ItemName, item.Quantity, item.Unit, item.Min)); addItem.Close(); } }
private void AddCommandExecute() { try { if (EntryValidation.ValidateProductName(WarehouseItem.ProductName) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Product name can only contain letters and numbers. Please try again", "Invalid input"); return; } if (EntryValidation.ValidateProductNumber(WarehouseItem.ProductNumber) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Product number can only contain numbers. Please try again", "Invalid input"); return; } if (EntryValidation.ValidateAmount((int)WarehouseItem.Amount) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Amount must be greated than 0 and less or equat to 100. Please try again", "Invalid input"); return; } if (EntryValidation.ValidatePriceFormat(WarehouseItem.Price) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Price can contain only decimal numbers (numbers, comma and dot is allowed). Please try again", "Invalid input"); return; } if (EntryValidation.ValidatePriceAmount(WarehouseItem.Price) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Price must be a positive number. Please try again", "Invalid input"); return; } WarehouseItem.InStock = false; dataBaseService.AddWarehouseItem(WarehouseItem); IsUpdateWarehouseItem = true; string logMessage = string.Format("Warehouse Item: {0}, Item number: {1}, Item amount: {2}, Item price: {3} was added to database.", WarehouseItem.ProductName, WarehouseItem.ProductNumber, WarehouseItem.Amount, WarehouseItem.Price); actionEventObject.OnActionPerformed(logMessage); MessageBox.Show("New Warehouse Item Added Successfully!", "Info"); addItem.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public void SubmitItem() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemCode) || CostPrice <= 0 || SellPrice <= 0 || BaseUnitCount <= 0) { AddItemErrorVisibility = true; ErrorText = StringConstants.AllFieldsAreMandatory; return; } var sellPriceWithProfileMargin = CostPrice + ((CostPrice * Convert.ToInt32(SettingHelpers.CompanyConfigruationObject.ProfitMargin)) / 100); if (SellPrice < sellPriceWithProfileMargin) { AddItemErrorVisibility = true; ErrorText = StringConstants.SellPriceValidation; return; } if (CheckForUniqueItemcode(ItemCode)) { AddItemErrorVisibility = false; ErrorText = string.Empty; ItemProfile itemProfile = new ItemProfile(); itemProfile.UnitParamTypeId = ((SystemParameter)_addItem.cbUnitType.SelectedItem).Id; itemProfile.CategoryId = 1; itemProfile.ParentItemId = null; itemProfile.IsActive = true; itemProfile.Barcode = Barcode; itemProfile.ItemNameEn = ItemName; itemProfile.ItemNameSl = ItemName; itemProfile.CompanyId = SettingHelpers.CompanyConfigruationObject.CompanyId; itemProfile.BaseUnit = BaseUnitCount; itemProfile.FlavourEn = null; itemProfile.FlavourSl = null; itemProfile.IsDeleted = false; itemProfile.HasOffer = false; itemProfile.IsOfferItem = false; itemProfile.IsParentItem = true; itemProfile.IsAutomaticPO = false; itemProfile.CostPrice = CostPrice; itemProfile.SellPrice = SellPrice; itemProfile.SellPriceA = SellPrice; itemProfile.SellPriceB = SellPrice; itemProfile.SellPriceC = SellPrice; itemProfile.SellPriceD = SellPrice; itemProfile.Code = ItemCode; itemProfile.PreviousCostPrice = CostPrice; itemProfile.ProfitMargin = Convert.ToInt32(SettingHelpers.CompanyConfigruationObject.ProfitMargin); itemProfile.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; int id = _posRepository.AddUnregisteredItem(itemProfile); BackgroundWorker bgUnRegisteredIncident = new BackgroundWorker(); bgUnRegisteredIncident.DoWork += bgUnRegisteredIncident_DoWork; bgUnRegisteredIncident.RunWorkerCompleted += bgUnRegisteredIncident_RunWorkerCompleted; bgUnRegisteredIncident.RunWorkerAsync(id); SettingHelpers.IsUnRegisteredItem = false; _addItem.DialogResult = true; _addItem.Close(); } else { AddItemErrorVisibility = true; ErrorText = StringConstants.UniqueItemCode; return; } }