public bool Remove(ActiveNode <T> nodeToRemove) { if (nodeToRemove != null) { ActiveNode <T> pNode = nodeToRemove.prevNode; ActiveNode <T> nNode = nodeToRemove.nextNode; ActiveNode <T> paNode = nodeToRemove.prevActiveNode; ActiveNode <T> naNode = nodeToRemove.nextActiveNode; pNode.nextNode = nNode; nNode.prevNode = pNode; if (paNode != null) { paNode.nextActiveNode = naNode; naNode.prevActiveNode = paNode; } if (nodeToRemove.IsActive()) { ActiveCount--; } Count--; nodeToRemove = null; IsIndexable = false; return(true); } return(false); }
private int PlanebTriangleIntersection(b_Plane plane, bTriangle triangle, out ActiveNode <bVertex>[] intersection, bool duplicateIntersectionPoints = false, bool useSecondLookupTable = false) { intersection = new ActiveNode <bVertex> [3]; intersection[0] = null; intersection[1] = null; intersection[2] = null; int nullCount = 0; Vector3 vec; float interp; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int j = (i + 1) % 3; int vi = triangle.GetVertexIndex(i); int vj = triangle.GetVertexIndex(j); if (LineIntersectLookup(vi, vj, !useSecondLookupTable) == lineLookupBlank) { nullCount++; continue; } else if (LineIntersectLookup(vi, vj, !useSecondLookupTable) != null) { intersection[i] = LineIntersectLookup(vi, vj, !useSecondLookupTable); } else if (PlaneSegmentIntersection(plane, triangle.GetVertex(i), triangle.GetVertex(j), out vec, out interp) == 1) { bVertex newVert = new bVertex( new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z), Vector2.Lerp(triangle.GetUV(i), triangle.GetUV(j), interp) ); intersection[i] = AddVertex(newVert, true); SetLineIntersect(vi, vj, intersection[i], !useSecondLookupTable); if (duplicateIntersectionPoints) { AddVertex(new bVertex( new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z), Vector2.Lerp(triangle.GetUV(i), triangle.GetUV(j), interp)), true); } } else { SetLineIntersect(vi, vj, lineLookupBlank, !useSecondLookupTable); nullCount++; } } if (nullCount > 1) { return(0); } return(1); }
private void Update() { if (isPaused || isDisabled) { return; } if (ActiveNode != null) { if (!ActiveNode.IsEntered) { ActiveNode.OnEnter(); } else if (!ActiveNode.IsFinished) { ActiveNode.OnUpdate(); UpdateChanges(ActiveNode); } } if (AnyState != null) { if (!AnyState.IsEntered) { AnyState.OnEnter(); } else if (!AnyState.IsFinished) { AnyState.OnUpdate(); UpdateChanges(AnyState); } } }
private void RegenerateMesh(bool reverse = false) { List <bVertex> newBVertices = new List <bVertex>(); int[] newbTriangles = new int[triangles.ActiveCount * 3]; vertices.CopyActiveTo(newBVertices); Vector3[] newVertices = new Vector3[newBVertices.Count]; Vector2[] newUV = new Vector2[newBVertices.Count]; int ind = 0; foreach (bVertex v in newBVertices) { newVertices[ind] = v.vertex; newUV[ind] = v.uv; ind++; } ActiveNode <bTriangle> it = triangles.GetRootNode().nextActiveNode; ind = 0; while (!it.isRootNode) { newbTriangles[ind] =; newbTriangles[ind + 1] =; newbTriangles[ind + 2] =; it = it.nextActiveNode; ind += 3; } /* * if (!reverse) * { * targetMesh.SetVertices(newVertices); * targetMesh.SetbTriangles(newbTriangles, 0); * } * else * { * targetMesh.SetbTriangles(newbTriangles, 0); * targetMesh.SetVertices(newVertices); * } */ targetMesh.Clear(); targetMesh.vertices = newVertices; targetMesh.uv = newUV; targetMesh.triangles = newbTriangles; targetMesh.RecalculateNormals(); targetMesh.RecalculateTangents(); targetMesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (targetMeshCollider != null) { targetMeshCollider.sharedMesh = targetMesh; } }
public ActiveNode <T> InsertBefore(T itemToAdd, ActiveNode <T> beforeNode, bool active = true) { ActiveNode <T> newNode = new ActiveNode <T>(itemToAdd); newNode.prevNode = beforeNode.prevNode; newNode.nextNode = beforeNode; newNode.prevNode.nextNode = newNode; beforeNode.prevNode = newNode; Count++; if (active) { newNode.prevActiveNode = beforeNode.prevActiveNode; newNode.nextActiveNode = beforeNode; newNode.prevActiveNode.nextActiveNode = newNode; beforeNode.prevActiveNode = newNode; IsIndexable = false; ActiveCount++; } return(newNode); }
private bool AddNextSuffix() { var suffix = string.Concat(Word.Substring(CurrentSuffixStartIndex, CurrentSuffixEndIndex - CurrentSuffixStartIndex), "{", Word[CurrentSuffixEndIndex], "}"); SendMessage("The next suffix of '{0}' to add is '{1}' at indices {2},{3}", Word, suffix, CurrentSuffixStartIndex, CurrentSuffixEndIndex); SendMessage(" => ActiveNode: {0}", ActiveNode); SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge: {0}", ActiveEdge == null ? "none" : ActiveEdge.ToString()); SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge); SendMessage(" => UnresolvedSuffixes: {0}", UnresolvedSuffixes); if (ActiveEdge != null && DistanceIntoActiveEdge >= ActiveEdge.Length) { throw new Exception("BOUNDARY EXCEEDED"); } if (ActiveEdge != null) { return(AddCurrentSuffixToActiveEdge()); } if (GetExistingEdgeAndSetAsActive()) { return(false); } ActiveNode.AddNewEdge(); TriggerChanged(); UpdateActivePointAfterAddingNewEdge(); return(true); }
private void SwitchNode(Node toNode) { if (toNode == null) { return; } if (ActiveNode != null) { ActiveNode.OnExit(); if (ActiveNode.Parent != null && ActiveNode.Parent != toNode.Parent) { ActiveNode.Parent.OnExit(); } } ActiveNode = toNode; if (this.ActiveNode != null && this.ActiveNode.Parent != this.AnyState.Parent) { this.AnyState.OnExit(); this.AnyState = this.ActiveNode.Parent.GetAnyState(); this.AnyState.OnEnter(); } switchToNode = null; ActiveNode.OnEnter(); //Debug.Log (ActiveNode.Name); }
public void setActive(bool active) { isActiveNode = active; ship.SetActive(active); // Tell ObjectManager if I'm the new active node if (active) { ObjectManager.Instance.currentActiveNode = this; } // Game over, so don't do any game logic if (TimeCounter.Instance.gameOver) { return; } // Enable/disable the adjacent nodes as clickable NodeConnections myNodeConnections = GetComponent <NodeConnections>(); if (myNodeConnections != null) { foreach (var node in myNodeConnections.connectedNodes.Keys) { ActiveNode nodeScript = node.GetComponent <ActiveNode>(); if (nodeScript != null) { nodeScript.setRingActive(isActiveNode); } } } }
public ActiveNode <T> Add(T item, bool active = true) { ActiveNode <T> newNode = new ActiveNode <T>(item); newNode.prevNode = rootNode.prevNode; newNode.nextNode = rootNode; newNode.prevNode.nextNode = newNode; rootNode.prevNode = newNode; Count++; if (active) { newNode.prevActiveNode = rootNode.prevActiveNode; newNode.nextActiveNode = rootNode; newNode.prevActiveNode.nextActiveNode = newNode; rootNode.prevActiveNode = newNode; newNode.activeIndex = ActiveCount++; } return(newNode); }
private ActiveNode TryBreakHere( IParagraphModel <TLine, TState> paragraph, IFrameModel frame, IBreakPoint breakPoint, ActiveNode prevNode, out bool doDeactivate) { var nextLineNumber = prevNode.LineNumber + 1; var suitableLength = frame.LengthOf(nextLineNumber); var constraint = new LineConstraint { SuitableLength = suitableLength }; var newStyle = new TState(); var line = paragraph.CreateLine(constraint, prevNode.Point, breakPoint, prevNode.Style, out newStyle); double ratio = _evaluator.ComputeAdjustmentRatio(line, suitableLength); doDeactivate = (ratio < -1 || _evaluator.IsForcedBreakPoint(breakPoint)); if (-1 <= ratio && ratio <= _tolerance) { var fitnessClass = _evaluator.ComputeFitnessClass(ratio); var prevIsFlagged = prevNode.Point.IsFlagged; var prevFitnessClass = prevNode.FitnessClass; var demerits = _evaluator.ComputeDemerits(breakPoint, ratio, fitnessClass, prevIsFlagged, prevFitnessClass); return(ActiveNode.CreateBreakNode(breakPoint, line, fitnessClass, newStyle, ratio, demerits, prevNode)); } else { return(null); } }
public void CopyActiveTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex) { if (array == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } else if (arrayIndex < 0 || arrayIndex >= array.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } else if (array.Length - arrayIndex > ActiveCount) { throw new ArgumentException("The provided array does not contain enough elements."); } ActiveNode <T> it = rootNode.nextActiveNode; int ind = arrayIndex; while (!it.isRootNode) { array[ind] =; it.activeIndex = ind; it = it.nextActiveNode; ind++; } IsIndexable = true; }
// private void SetToIntactState() // { // // _destructibleObjectState = DestructibleObjectState.Intact; // // _intactNode.SetActive(true); // _destructNode.SetActive(false); // EnableIntactColliders(); // } private void SetToDestructBeginState() { EnableDestructColliders(); // _destructibleObjectState = DestructibleObjectState.DestructBegin; ActiveNode.SetActive(false); InactiveNode.SetActive(false); _destructNode.SetActive(true); }
/// <summary> Activates this graph's first node (either the StartNode or the EnterNode) </summary> public void ActivateStartOrEnterNode() { PreviousActiveNode = null; ActiveNode = GetStartOrEnterNode(); ActiveNode.SetActiveGraph(this); ActiveNode.OnEnter(null, null); // ActivateGlobalNodes(); }
private ActiveNode <bTriangle> AddbTriangle(bTriangle triangle, bool active = true) { ActiveNode <bTriangle> ret = triangles.Add(triangle, active); history.AddChange(ret, null, false, true); return(ret); }
/* * Helper Functions */ private ActiveNode <bVertex> AddVertex(bVertex vertex, bool active = true) { ActiveNode <bVertex> ret = vertices.Add(vertex, active); history.AddChange(ret,, false, true); return(ret); }
private void SetToDestructEndState() { DisableAllColliders(); // _destructibleObjectState = DestructibleObjectState.DestructEnd; ActiveNode.SetActive(false); InactiveNode.SetActive(false); _destructNode.SetActive(false); }
public ActiveNode <T> GetNodeAt(int index) { ActiveNode <T> it = rootNode.nextNode; for (int i = 0; i < index; i++, it = it.nextNode) { ; } return(it); }
private T Set(T item, int index) { ActiveNode <T> node = GetNodeAt(index); T returnVal =; = item; return(returnVal); }
public DocTreeView( Core.Document doc, TreeView treeView ) { _doc = doc; _treeView = treeView; _rootNode = new TreeNode { ImageKey = "document.png", SelectedImageKey = "document.png" }; _treeView.Nodes.Add( _rootNode ); _nodes = new DocTreeNodeCollection( _doc.Entries, _rootNode.Nodes ); _selection = new DocTreeNodeSelection( _treeView, _doc.SelectedEntries, this.Find ); _activeNode = new ActiveNode { Font = new Font( _treeView.Font, FontStyle.Bold ) }; }
public override void VisitTerminal([ValidatedNotNull] ITerminalNode node) { node.ValidateNotNull(nameof(node)); if (ActiveNode is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ActiveNode is null!"); } ActiveNode.Add(new XElement("Terminal", new XAttribute("Value", node.GetText( )))); }
private void MoveNode(NodePositionMovement npm) { CoreRepository.ClearQueryCache("Nodes"); IList rootNodes = CoreRepository.GetRootNodes(ActiveNode.Site); ActiveNode.Move(rootNodes, npm); CoreRepository.FlushSession(); Context.Response.Redirect(Context.Request.RawUrl); }
public override void EnterUnaryOpExpression([ValidatedNotNull] KaleidoscopeParser.UnaryOpExpressionContext context) { context.ValidateNotNull(nameof(context)); if (ActiveNode is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ActiveNode is null!"); } ActiveNode.Add(new XAttribute("Op", context.Op)); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ActiveNode.Sections.Count > 0) { ShowError( "Không thể xóa nút khi có các vùng phân hệ trong nó. Hãy xóa hoặc tạm gỡ toàn bộ các vùng này trước."); } else if (ActiveNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { ShowError("Không thể xóa nút khi còn các nút con. Hãy xóa hết các nút con trước."); } else { try { CoreRepository.ClearQueryCache("Nodes"); bool hasParentNode = (ActiveNode.ParentNode != null); if (hasParentNode) { ActiveNode.ParentNode.ChildNodes.Remove(ActiveNode); } else { IList rootNodes = CoreRepository.GetRootNodes(ActiveNode.Site); rootNodes.Remove(ActiveNode); } CoreRepository.DeleteNode(ActiveNode); // Reset the position of the 'neighbour' nodes. if (ActiveNode.Level == 0) { ActiveNode.ReOrderNodePositions(CoreRepository.GetRootNodes(ActiveNode.Site), ActiveNode.Position); } else { ActiveNode.ReOrderNodePositions(ActiveNode.ParentNode.ChildNodes, ActiveNode.Position); } CoreRepository.FlushSession(); if (hasParentNode) { Context.Response.Redirect(String.Format("NodeEdit.aspx?NodeId={0}", ActiveNode.ParentNode.Id)); } else { Context.Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex.Message); log.Error(String.Format("Có lỗi khi xóa nút: {0}.", ActiveNode.Id), ex); } } }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { ActiveNode <T> it = rootNode.nextNode; while (!it.isRootNode) { yield return(; it = it.nextNode; } }
protected override ResourceDictionary[] LoadResoucesInternal(HashSet <string> dics) { var result = new List <ResourceDictionary>(); if (ActiveNode != null) { result.AddRange(ActiveNode.LoadResources()); } return(result.ToArray()); }
bool CanAddEvent() { if (ActiveNode != null && ActiveNode.GetType() == typeof(EntityObject)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
IEnumerator ContractTransition(float numSeconds, HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> > verticesToBeTranslated, List <ActiveNode <bTriangle> > trianglesToRemove, Vector3 translation) { float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + numSeconds; float currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; List <Vector3> originalVertices = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { originalVertices.Add(new Vector3(,,; } while (currentTime < endTime) { float t = 1.0f - ((endTime - currentTime) / numSeconds); int _i = 0; foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { = Vector3.Lerp(originalVertices[_i], originalVertices[_i] + translation, t); _i++; } RegenerateMesh(); currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } int i = 0; foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { bVertex newVert =; newVert.vertex = originalVertices[i] + translation; = originalVertices[i]; ChangeVertex(node, newVert,; // = originalVertices[i] + translation; i++; } int x = trianglesToRemove.Count; for (int j = 0; j < x; j++) { ActiveNode <bTriangle> node = trianglesToRemove[j]; ChangebTriangle(node, null, true); //triangles.SetActivity(node, false); } RegenerateMesh(); history.PushChanges(); }
private void Push(XElement element) { if (ActiveNode == null) { Document.Add(element); } else { ActiveNode.Add(element); } ActiveNode = element; }
public override void ExitEveryRule([NotNull] ParserRuleContext context) { base.ExitEveryRule(context); ActiveNode.Add(new XAttribute("Text", context.GetSourceText(Recognizer))); ActiveNode.Add(new XAttribute("RuleIndex", context.RuleIndex)); ActiveNode.Add(new XAttribute("SourceInterval", context.SourceInterval.ToString( ))); if (context.exception != null) { ActiveNode.Add(new XAttribute("Exception", context.exception)); } Pop( ); }
private void ChangebTriangle(ActiveNode <bTriangle> node, bTriangle newVal, bool activityToggle = false) { history.AddChange(node,, activityToggle); if (newVal != null) { = newVal; } if (activityToggle) { triangles.SetActivity(node, !node.IsActive()); } }
private void ChangeVertex(ActiveNode <bVertex> node, bVertex newVal, bVertex oldVal, bool activityToggle = false) { history.AddChange(node, oldVal, activityToggle); if (newVal != null) { = newVal; } if (activityToggle) { vertices.SetActivity(node, !node.IsActive()); } }