Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateBoundingShape()
            // ----- Update BoundingShape
              // Compute a transformed shape with a box from the minimal AABB.
              var boxObject = (GeometricObject)BoundingShape.Child;
              var boxShape = (BoxShape)boxObject.Shape;
              var vertexArray = (Vertices != null) ? Vertices.Array : null;
              if (vertexArray != null && vertexArray.Length > 0)
            Aabb aabb = new Aabb(vertexArray[0], vertexArray[0]);
            var numberOfVertices = vertexArray.Length;
            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)

            // Update existing shape.
            boxObject.Pose = new Pose(aabb.Center);
            boxShape.Extent = aabb.Extent;
            // Set an "empty" shape.
            boxObject.Pose = Pose.Identity;
            boxShape.Extent = Vector3F.Zero;
        public static void CreateMesh(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Path3F path, float defaultWidth,
                                      int maxNumberOfIterations, float tolerance,
                                      out Submesh submesh, out Aabb aabb, out float roadLength)
            if (graphicsDevice == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("graphicsDevice");
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

            // Compute list of line segments. (2 points per line segment!)
            var flattenedPoints = new List <Vector3F>();

            path.Flatten(flattenedPoints, maxNumberOfIterations, tolerance);

            // Abort if path is empty.
            int numberOfLineSegments = flattenedPoints.Count / 2;

            if (numberOfLineSegments <= 0)
                submesh    = null;
                aabb       = new Aabb();
                roadLength = 0;

            // Compute accumulated lengths. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
            float[] accumulatedLengths = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
            accumulatedLengths[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
                Vector3F previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
                Vector3F current  = flattenedPoints[i];
                float    length   = (current - previous).Length;

                accumulatedLengths[i] = accumulatedLengths[i - 1] + length;
                if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
                    accumulatedLengths[i + 1] = accumulatedLengths[i];

            // Total road length.
            roadLength = accumulatedLengths[accumulatedLengths.Length - 1];

            // Create a mapping between accumulatedLength and the path key widths.
            // (accumulatedLength --> TerrainRoadPathKey.Width)
            var widthKeys = new List <Pair <float, float> >();
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var key in path)
                    Vector3F position = key.Point;
                    var      roadKey  = key as TerrainRoadPathKey;
                    float    width    = (roadKey != null) ? roadKey.Width : defaultWidth;

                    for (; index < flattenedPoints.Count; index++)
                        if (Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(position, flattenedPoints[index]))
                            widthKeys.Add(new Pair <float, float>(accumulatedLengths[index], width));

                        bool isLastLineSegment = (index + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                        if (!isLastLineSegment)


            // Create a list of interpolated road widths. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
            var widths           = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
            int previousKeyIndex = 0;
            var previousKey      = widthKeys[0];
            var nextKey          = widthKeys[1];

            widths[0] = widthKeys[0].Second;
            for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
                if (accumulatedLengths[i] > nextKey.First)
                    previousKey = nextKey;
                    nextKey = widthKeys[previousKeyIndex + 1];

                float p = (accumulatedLengths[i] - previousKey.First) / (nextKey.First - previousKey.First);
                widths[i] = InterpolationHelper.Lerp(previousKey.Second, nextKey.Second, p);

                if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
                    widths[i + 1] = widths[i];

            // Compute vertices and indices.
            var      vertices        = new List <TerrainLayerVertex>(numberOfLineSegments * 2 + 2);
            var      indices         = new List <int>(numberOfLineSegments * 6); // Two triangles per line segment.
            Vector3F lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.UnitX;

            aabb = new Aabb(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[0]);
            bool isClosed = Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
                Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];

                Vector3F previous;
                bool     isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
                if (!isFirstPoint)
                    previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
                else if (isClosed && path.SmoothEnds)
                    previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
                    previous = start;

                Vector3F next;
                bool     isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                if (!isLastPoint)
                    next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
                else if (isClosed && path.SmoothEnds)
                    next = flattenedPoints[1];
                    next = start;

                Vector3F tangent = next - previous;

                Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
                if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
                    orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;

                // Add indices to add two triangles between the current and the next vertices.
                if (!isLastPoint)
                    int baseIndex = vertices.Count;

                    //  2      3
                    //   x----x
                    //   |\   |   ^
                    //   | \  |   | road
                    //   |  \ |   | direction
                    //   |   \|   |
                    //   x----x
                    //  0      1

                    indices.Add(baseIndex + 1);
                    indices.Add(baseIndex + 2);

                    indices.Add(baseIndex + 1);
                    indices.Add(baseIndex + 3);
                    indices.Add(baseIndex + 2);

                // Add two vertices.
                Vector3F leftVertex  = start - orthonormal * (widths[i] / 2);
                Vector3F rightVertex = start + orthonormal * (widths[i] / 2);
                vertices.Add(new TerrainLayerVertex(new Vector2(leftVertex.X, leftVertex.Z), new Vector2(0, accumulatedLengths[i])));
                vertices.Add(new TerrainLayerVertex(new Vector2(rightVertex.X, rightVertex.Z), new Vector2(1, accumulatedLengths[i])));

                // Grow AABB

                lastOrthonormal = orthonormal;

                // The flattened points list contains 2 points per line segment, which means that there
                // are duplicate intermediate points, which we skip.
                bool isLastLineSegment = (i + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                if (!isLastLineSegment)

            Debug.Assert(vertices.Count == (numberOfLineSegments * 2 + 2));
            Debug.Assert(indices.Count == (numberOfLineSegments * 6));

            // The road is projected onto the terrain, therefore the computed y limits are not correct.
            // (unless the terrain was clamped to the road).
            aabb.Minimum.Y = 0;
            aabb.Maximum.Y = 0;

            // Convert to submesh.
            submesh = new Submesh
                PrimitiveCount = indices.Count / 3,
                PrimitiveType  = PrimitiveType.TriangleList,
                VertexCount    = vertices.Count,
                VertexBuffer   = new VertexBuffer(graphicsDevice, TerrainLayerVertex.VertexDeclaration, vertices.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly),
                IndexBuffer    = new IndexBuffer(graphicsDevice, IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits, indices.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly)
        public static void ClampTerrainToRoad(HeightField terrain, Path3F road,
                                              float defaultWidth, float defaultSideFalloff,
                                              int maxNumberOfIterations, float tolerance)
            if (terrain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrain");
            if (road == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("road");

            // Compute list of line segments. (2 points per line segment!)
            var flattenedPoints = new List <Vector3F>();

            road.Flatten(flattenedPoints, maxNumberOfIterations, tolerance);

            // Abort if path is empty.
            int numberOfLineSegments = flattenedPoints.Count / 2;

            if (numberOfLineSegments <= 0)

            // Compute accumulated lengths. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
            float[] accumulatedLengths = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
            accumulatedLengths[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
                Vector3F previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
                Vector3F current  = flattenedPoints[i];
                float    length   = (current - previous).Length;

                accumulatedLengths[i] = accumulatedLengths[i - 1] + length;
                if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
                    accumulatedLengths[i + 1] = accumulatedLengths[i];

            // Create a mapping between accumulatedLength and the path keys.
            // (accumulatedLength --> key)
            var pathLengthsAndKeys = new List <Pair <float, TerrainRoadPathKey> >();
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var key in road)
                    Vector3F position = key.Point;
                    var      roadKey  = key as TerrainRoadPathKey;
                    if (roadKey == null)
                        roadKey = new TerrainRoadPathKey
                            Point       = key.Point,
                            Width       = defaultWidth,
                            SideFalloff = defaultSideFalloff,

                    for (; index < flattenedPoints.Count; index++)
                        if (Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(position, flattenedPoints[index]))
                            pathLengthsAndKeys.Add(new Pair <float, TerrainRoadPathKey>(accumulatedLengths[index], roadKey));

                        bool isLastLineSegment = (index + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                        if (!isLastLineSegment)


            // Create a list of interpolated road widths and side falloffs. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
            var halfWidths       = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
            var sideFalloffs     = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
            int previousKeyIndex = 0;
            var previousKey      = pathLengthsAndKeys[0];
            var nextKey          = pathLengthsAndKeys[1];

            halfWidths[0]   = 0.5f * pathLengthsAndKeys[0].Second.Width;
            sideFalloffs[0] = pathLengthsAndKeys[0].Second.SideFalloff;
            for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
                if (accumulatedLengths[i] > nextKey.First)
                    previousKey = nextKey;
                    nextKey = pathLengthsAndKeys[previousKeyIndex + 1];

                float p = (accumulatedLengths[i] - previousKey.First) / (nextKey.First - previousKey.First);
                halfWidths[i]   = 0.5f * InterpolationHelper.Lerp(previousKey.Second.Width, nextKey.Second.Width, p);
                sideFalloffs[i] = InterpolationHelper.Lerp(previousKey.Second.SideFalloff, nextKey.Second.SideFalloff, p);

                if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
                    halfWidths[i + 1]   = halfWidths[i];
                    sideFalloffs[i + 1] = sideFalloffs[i];

            // Get AABB of road with the side falloff.
            Aabb aabbWithSideFalloffs;
                Vector3F p = flattenedPoints[0];
                float    r = halfWidths[0] + sideFalloffs[0];
                aabbWithSideFalloffs = new Aabb(new Vector3F(p.X - r, 0, p.Z - r),
                                                new Vector3F(p.X + r, 0, p.Z + r));
                for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
                    p = flattenedPoints[i];
                    r = halfWidths[i] + sideFalloffs[i];
                    aabbWithSideFalloffs.Grow(new Vector3F(p.X - r, 0, p.Z - r));
                    aabbWithSideFalloffs.Grow(new Vector3F(p.X + r, 0, p.Z + r));

            // Terrain properties.
            int   numberOfSamplesX = terrain.NumberOfSamplesX;
            int   numberOfSamplesZ = terrain.NumberOfSamplesZ;
            int   numberOfCellsX   = numberOfSamplesX - 1;
            int   numberOfCellsZ   = numberOfSamplesZ - 1;
            float widthX           = terrain.WidthX;
            float cellSizeX        = widthX / numberOfCellsX;
            float widthZ           = terrain.WidthZ;
            float cellSizeZ        = widthZ / numberOfCellsZ;
            float cellSizeDiagonal = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeX * cellSizeX + cellSizeZ * cellSizeZ);

            bool isClosed = Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 1]);

                // Get the line segments which of the road border.
                List <Vector4F> segments        = new List <Vector4F>(); // 2 points per segment.
                Vector3F        lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.Right;
                Vector4F        previousV1      = Vector4F.Zero;
                Vector4F        previousV2      = Vector4F.Zero;
                for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
                    Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];

                    Vector3F previous;
                    bool     isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
                    if (!isFirstPoint)
                        previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
                    else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
                        previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
                        previous = start;

                    Vector3F next;
                    bool     isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                    if (!isLastPoint)
                        next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
                    else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
                        next = flattenedPoints[1];
                        next = start;

                    Vector3F tangent = next - previous;

                    Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
                    if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
                        orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;

                    // Add 2 vertices two segments for the road side border.
                    //  pV1        pV2 (previous vertices)
                    //  x           x
                    //  |           |
                    //  x           x
                    //  v1          v2 (current vertices)
                    // We store the side falloff with the vertex:
                    // Vectors are 4D. Height is y. Side falloff is w.
                    Vector4F v1 = new Vector4F(start - orthonormal * (halfWidths[i] + 0), sideFalloffs[i]);
                    Vector4F v2 = new Vector4F(start + orthonormal * (halfWidths[i] + 0), sideFalloffs[i]);

                    if (i > 0)

                        if (isLastPoint && !isClosed)
                            // A segment for the end of the road.
                        if (!isClosed)
                            // A segment for the start of the road.

                    previousV1 = v1;
                    previousV2 = v2;

                    lastOrthonormal = orthonormal;

                    // The flattened points list contains 2 points per line segment, which means that there
                    // are duplicate intermediate points, which we skip.
                    bool isLastLineSegment = (i + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                    if (!isLastLineSegment)

                // Apply the side falloff to the terrain heights.
                // We use a padding where the road influence is 100% because we want road width to be flat
                // but that means that we also have to set some triangle vertices outside the road width to
                // full 100% road height.
                float padding = cellSizeDiagonal;
                ClampHeightsToLineSegments(terrain, aabbWithSideFalloffs, segments, padding);

            // Clamp the terrain heights to the inner part of the road.
            // We create quads for the road mesh and clamp the heights to the quad triangles.
                Vector3F previousV1      = Vector3F.Zero;
                Vector3F previousV2      = Vector3F.Zero;
                Vector3F lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.Right;
                for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
                    Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];

                    Vector3F previous;
                    bool     isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
                    if (!isFirstPoint)
                        previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
                    else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
                        previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
                        previous = start;

                    Vector3F next;
                    bool     isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                    if (!isLastPoint)
                        next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
                    else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
                        next = flattenedPoints[1];
                        next = start;

                    Vector3F tangent = next - previous;

                    Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
                    if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
                        orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;

                    // Add 2 vertices to create a mesh like this:
                    //  pV1             pV2 (previous vertices)
                    //  x---------------x
                    //  |               |
                    //  x---------------x
                    //  v1              v2 (current vertices)
                    // Then we check all height samples against these triangles.

                    // Vectors are 4D. Height is y. Influence is w.
                    Vector3F v1 = start - orthonormal * halfWidths[i];
                    Vector3F v2 = start + orthonormal * halfWidths[i];

                    if (i > 0)
                        ClampHeightsToQuad(terrain, previousV1, previousV2, v1, v2);

                    previousV1 = v1;
                    previousV2 = v2;

                    lastOrthonormal = orthonormal;

                    // The flattened points list contains 2 points per line segment, which means that there
                    // are duplicate intermediate points, which we skip.
                    bool isLastLineSegment = (i + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
                    if (!isLastLineSegment)

Esempio n. 4
        public Aabb GetAabb()
            if (Vertex == null)
            return new Aabb();

              Aabb aabb = new Aabb(Vertex.Position, Vertex.Position);
              foreach(var v in Vertices)

              return aabb;
Esempio n. 5
        // Computes the AABB of the polygon.
        private static Aabb GetAabb(Vector3F[] vertices, int numberOfVertices)
            Aabb aabb = new Aabb(vertices[0], vertices[0]);
              for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)

              return aabb;
Esempio n. 6
 public void GrowFromPoint()
     var a = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 4, 5));
       a.Grow(new Vector3F(10, -20, -30));
       Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, -20, -30), new Vector3F(10, 4, 5)), a);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Grow()
            var a = new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 4, 5));
              a.Grow(new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 4, 5)));

              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 4, 5)), a);

              a.Grow(new Aabb(new Vector3F(-1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 4, 5)));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(-1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 4, 5)), a);

              a.Grow(new Aabb(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 5, 5)));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(-1, 2, 3), new Vector3F(3, 5, 5)), a);

              var geo = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(3), new Pose(new Vector3F(1, 0, 0)));
              Assert.AreEqual(new Aabb(new Vector3F(-2, -3, -3), new Vector3F(4, 5, 5)), a);
Esempio n. 8
    private void LoadFile()
      if (_fileIndex == MaxFileIndex)
        // Instead of a file load procedural test data.

        //var model = Game.Content.Load<Model>("Dude");
        //_points = TriangleMesh.FromModel(model).Vertices;

        //RandomHelper.Random = new Random(_fileIndex);
        _points = new List<Vector3F>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 12000; i++)
          _points.Add(new Vector3F(
            RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10, -9),
            RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(100, 101),
            RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10.001f, -10)));
      else if (_fileIndex == MaxFileIndex - 1)
        // Instead of a file load procedural test data.

        //var model = Game.Content.Load<Model>("Dude");
        //_points = TriangleMesh.FromModel(model).Vertices;

        //RandomHelper.Random = new Random(_fileIndex);
        _points = new List<Vector3F>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 12000; i++)
          _points.Add(new Vector3F(
            RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10, -9),
            RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(100, 101),
            RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10f, -10)));
      else if (_fileIndex < MaxFileIndex)
        var path = string.Format("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Testcases\\Mesh{0:000}.xml", _fileIndex);
        _points = LoadPoints(path);

      // Adjust camera position and speed.
      var aabb = new Aabb(_points[0], _points[0]);
      foreach (var point in _points)

      SetCamera(aabb.Center - aabb.Extent.Length * Vector3F.Forward * 2, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 9
 private Aabb GetRandomAabb()
     var point = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(0, 100);
       var point2 = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(0, 100);
       var newAabb = new Aabb(point, point);
       return newAabb;
Esempio n. 10
        public void Grow(IEnumerable<Vector3F> points, int vertexLimit, float skinWidth)
            Debug.Assert(_taggedEdges.Count == 0, "ConvexHullBuilder is in an invalid state.");
              Debug.Assert(_faces.Count == 0, "ConvexHullBuilder is in an invalid state.");

              var pointList = points.ToList();
              if (pointList.Count == 0)

              // If the current convex is not spatial, we restart. This allows us to start
              // the convex hull with a more robust initial point selection.
              if (_type != ConvexHullType.Spatial)
            pointList.AddRange(_mesh.Vertices.Select(v => v.Position));

              Matrix44D toUnitCube;
              Matrix44D fromUnitCube;
              #region ----- Convert to Unit Cube -----
            // Get AABB of existing and new points.
            var aabb = new Aabb(pointList[0], pointList[0]);
            foreach (var v in _mesh.Vertices)
            foreach (var p in pointList)
            var extent = aabb.Extent;

            if (!Numeric.IsFinite(extent.X) || !Numeric.IsFinite(extent.Y) || !Numeric.IsFinite(extent.Z))
              throw new GeometryException("Cannot build convex hull because the input positions are invalid (e.g. NaN or infinity).");

            // Avoid division by 0 for planar point clouds.
            if (Numeric.IsZero(extent.X))
              extent.X = 1;
            if (Numeric.IsZero(extent.Y))
              extent.Y = 1;
            if (Numeric.IsZero(extent.Z))
              extent.Z = 1;

            toUnitCube = Matrix44D.CreateScale(2 / extent.X, 2 / extent.Y, 2 / extent.Z) * Matrix44D.CreateTranslation(-aabb.Center);
            fromUnitCube = Matrix44D.CreateTranslation(aabb.Center) * Matrix44D.CreateScale(extent / 2);

            foreach (var v in _mesh.Vertices)
              v.Position = (Vector3F)toUnitCube.TransformPosition(v.Position);
            for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++)
              pointList[i] = (Vector3F)toUnitCube.TransformPosition(pointList[i]);

              // Remove duplicate vertices.
              GeometryHelper.MergeDuplicatePositions(pointList, Numeric.EpsilonF);

              // Find initial tetrahedron and check if points are in a plane.
              if (_type != ConvexHullType.Spatial)
            _isPlanar = SortPoints(pointList);
            _isPlanar = false;

              // Create convex hull using Incremental Construction.
              var numberOfPoints = pointList.Count;
              for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
            bool prune = false;

            // Find a face with a good support point.
            // The face is stored in this variable. The point is sorted to the front of the list.
            DcelFace supportPointFace = null;
            if (_type == ConvexHullType.Spatial)
              foreach (var face in _faces)
            // Skip faces which are already on the hull.
            if (face.Tag == -1)

            var normal = face.Normal;
            if (!normal.TryNormalize())       // Ignore degenerate faces.

            // Plane distance from origin.
            var d = Vector3F.Dot(normal, face.Boundary.Origin.Position);

            // Find support point for this face under remaining points.
            var maxDistance = d;
            var maxIndex = i;
            for (int j = i; j < numberOfPoints; j++)
              float distance = Vector3F.Dot(normal, pointList[j]);
              if (distance > maxDistance)
                maxDistance = distance;
                maxIndex = j;

            if (maxDistance > d)
              supportPointFace = face;
              var supportPoint = pointList[maxIndex];

              // Extrude in support direction to make it numerically more robust.
              // This step proved to be very important for the numerical stability!
              supportPoint += Numeric.EpsilonF * normal;

              // Only prune if we make a significant step (5% of the unit cube size).
              prune = (maxDistance - d) > 0.1;

              // Swap support point to front.
              pointList[maxIndex] = pointList[i];
              pointList[i] = supportPoint;

              // No support point found. Face must be on the convex hull.
              face.Tag = -1;

            GrowConvex(pointList[i], supportPointFace);

            if (i == 3 && !_isPlanar)
              prune = true;

            // Prune vertices.
            #region ----- Prune Vertices -----
            if (prune)
              for (int j = i + 1; j < numberOfPoints; j++)
            bool isVisible = false;
            foreach (var face in _faces)
              if (face.Tag >= 0                  // No need to test hull faces (tag == -1).
                  && DcelMesh.GetCollinearity(pointList[j], face) != Collinearity.NotCollinearBehind)
                // Face is "probably" visible. Point is outside and must be kept.
                // (Pruning uses a conservative test. Exact test is made in the Grow methods.)
                isVisible = true;
            if (!isVisible)
              // Sort point to start of list and increase outer loop index.
              var point = pointList[j];
              pointList[j] = pointList[i + 1];
              pointList[i + 1] = point;      // Not strictly necessary but kept for asserts.


              // TODO: Remove degenerate triangles. (Needs more testing.)

            //#if DEBUG
            //      foreach (var point in pointList)
            //        Debug.Assert(_mesh.Contains(point, Numeric.EpsilonF * 10), "A point is outside the convex hull after GrowConvex().");

              if (_mesh.Faces.Count > 2 && (!Numeric.IsZero(skinWidth) || _mesh.Vertices.Count >= vertexLimit))
            // ----- Apply Vertex Limit and/or Skin Width

            // Skin width must be converted to unit cube.
            var skinWidthScale = (Vector3F)toUnitCube.TransformDirection(new Vector3D(skinWidth));

            // The assert after the cutting may fail for very low skin widths. But not when
            // the debugger is attached :-(.
            //skinWidthScale = Vector3F.Max(skinWidthScale, new Vector3F(100 * Numeric.EpsilonF));

            _mesh.ModifyConvex(vertexLimit, skinWidthScale);

            #if DEBUG
            // TODO: This assert may fail - but not when the debugger is attached :-(
            //foreach (var point in pointList)
            //  Debug.Assert(_mesh.Contains(point, 0.01f), "A point is outside the convex hull after plane cutting.");

              // Convert back from unit cube.
              foreach (var v in _mesh.Vertices)
            v.Position = (Vector3F)fromUnitCube.TransformPosition(v.Position);
        public static void ClampTerrainToRoad(HeightField terrain, Path3F road,
            float defaultWidth, float defaultSideFalloff,
            int maxNumberOfIterations, float tolerance)
            if (terrain == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("terrain");
              if (road == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("road");

              // Compute list of line segments. (2 points per line segment!)
              var flattenedPoints = new List<Vector3F>();
              road.Flatten(flattenedPoints, maxNumberOfIterations, tolerance);

              // Abort if path is empty.
              int numberOfLineSegments = flattenedPoints.Count / 2;
              if (numberOfLineSegments <= 0)

              // Compute accumulated lengths. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
              float[] accumulatedLengths = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
              accumulatedLengths[0] = 0;
              for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
            Vector3F previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
            Vector3F current = flattenedPoints[i];
            float length = (current - previous).Length;

            accumulatedLengths[i] = accumulatedLengths[i - 1] + length;
            if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
              accumulatedLengths[i + 1] = accumulatedLengths[i];

              // Create a mapping between accumulatedLength and the path keys.
              // (accumulatedLength --> key)
              var pathLengthsAndKeys = new List<Pair<float, TerrainRoadPathKey>>();
            int index = 0;
            foreach (var key in road)
              Vector3F position = key.Point;
              var roadKey = key as TerrainRoadPathKey;
              if (roadKey == null)
            roadKey = new TerrainRoadPathKey
              Point = key.Point,
              Width = defaultWidth,
              SideFalloff = defaultSideFalloff,

              for (; index < flattenedPoints.Count; index++)
            if (Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(position, flattenedPoints[index]))
              pathLengthsAndKeys.Add(new Pair<float, TerrainRoadPathKey>(accumulatedLengths[index], roadKey));

            bool isLastLineSegment = (index + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
            if (!isLastLineSegment)


              // Create a list of interpolated road widths and side falloffs. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
              var halfWidths = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
              var sideFalloffs = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
              int previousKeyIndex = 0;
              var previousKey = pathLengthsAndKeys[0];
              var nextKey = pathLengthsAndKeys[1];
              halfWidths[0] = 0.5f * pathLengthsAndKeys[0].Second.Width;
              sideFalloffs[0] = pathLengthsAndKeys[0].Second.SideFalloff;
              for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
            if (accumulatedLengths[i] > nextKey.First)
              previousKey = nextKey;
              nextKey = pathLengthsAndKeys[previousKeyIndex + 1];

            float p = (accumulatedLengths[i] - previousKey.First) / (nextKey.First - previousKey.First);
            halfWidths[i] = 0.5f * InterpolationHelper.Lerp(previousKey.Second.Width, nextKey.Second.Width, p);
            sideFalloffs[i] = InterpolationHelper.Lerp(previousKey.Second.SideFalloff, nextKey.Second.SideFalloff, p);

            if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
              halfWidths[i + 1] = halfWidths[i];
              sideFalloffs[i + 1] = sideFalloffs[i];

              // Get AABB of road with the side falloff.
              Aabb aabbWithSideFalloffs;
            Vector3F p = flattenedPoints[0];
            float r = halfWidths[0] + sideFalloffs[0];
            aabbWithSideFalloffs = new Aabb(new Vector3F(p.X - r, 0, p.Z - r),
                                        new Vector3F(p.X + r, 0, p.Z + r));
            for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
              p = flattenedPoints[i];
              r = halfWidths[i] + sideFalloffs[i];
              aabbWithSideFalloffs.Grow(new Vector3F(p.X - r, 0, p.Z - r));
              aabbWithSideFalloffs.Grow(new Vector3F(p.X + r, 0, p.Z + r));

              // Terrain properties.
              int numberOfSamplesX = terrain.NumberOfSamplesX;
              int numberOfSamplesZ = terrain.NumberOfSamplesZ;
              int numberOfCellsX = numberOfSamplesX - 1;
              int numberOfCellsZ = numberOfSamplesZ - 1;
              float widthX = terrain.WidthX;
              float cellSizeX = widthX / numberOfCellsX;
              float widthZ = terrain.WidthZ;
              float cellSizeZ = widthZ / numberOfCellsZ;
              float cellSizeDiagonal = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeX * cellSizeX + cellSizeZ * cellSizeZ);

              bool isClosed = Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 1]);

            // Get the line segments which of the road border.
            List<Vector4F> segments = new List<Vector4F>();  // 2 points per segment.
            Vector3F lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.Right;
            Vector4F previousV1 = Vector4F.Zero;
            Vector4F previousV2 = Vector4F.Zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
              Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];

              Vector3F previous;
              bool isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
              if (!isFirstPoint)
            previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
              else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
            previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
            previous = start;

              Vector3F next;
              bool isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
              if (!isLastPoint)
            next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
              else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
            next = flattenedPoints[1];
            next = start;

              Vector3F tangent = next - previous;

              Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
              if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
            orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;

              // Add 2 vertices two segments for the road side border.
              //  pV1        pV2 (previous vertices)
              //  x           x
              //  |           |
              //  x           x
              //  v1          v2 (current vertices)
              // We store the side falloff with the vertex:
              // Vectors are 4D. Height is y. Side falloff is w.
              Vector4F v1 = new Vector4F(start - orthonormal * (halfWidths[i] + 0), sideFalloffs[i]);
              Vector4F v2 = new Vector4F(start + orthonormal * (halfWidths[i] + 0), sideFalloffs[i]);

              if (i > 0)

            if (isLastPoint && !isClosed)
              // A segment for the end of the road.
            if (!isClosed)
              // A segment for the start of the road.

              previousV1 = v1;
              previousV2 = v2;

              lastOrthonormal = orthonormal;

              // The flattened points list contains 2 points per line segment, which means that there
              // are duplicate intermediate points, which we skip.
              bool isLastLineSegment = (i + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
              if (!isLastLineSegment)

            // Apply the side falloff to the terrain heights.
            // We use a padding where the road influence is 100% because we want road width to be flat
            // but that means that we also have to set some triangle vertices outside the road width to
            // full 100% road height.
            float padding = cellSizeDiagonal;
            ClampHeightsToLineSegments(terrain, aabbWithSideFalloffs, segments, padding);

              // Clamp the terrain heights to the inner part of the road.
              // We create quads for the road mesh and clamp the heights to the quad triangles.
            Vector3F previousV1 = Vector3F.Zero;
            Vector3F previousV2 = Vector3F.Zero;
            Vector3F lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.Right;
            for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
              Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];

              Vector3F previous;
              bool isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
              if (!isFirstPoint)
            previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
              else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
            previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
            previous = start;

              Vector3F next;
              bool isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
              if (!isLastPoint)
            next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
              else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
            next = flattenedPoints[1];
            next = start;

              Vector3F tangent = next - previous;

              Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
              if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
            orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;

              // Add 2 vertices to create a mesh like this:
              //  pV1             pV2 (previous vertices)
              //  x---------------x
              //  |               |
              //  x---------------x
              //  v1              v2 (current vertices)
              // Then we check all height samples against these triangles.

              // Vectors are 4D. Height is y. Influence is w.
              Vector3F v1 = start - orthonormal * halfWidths[i];
              Vector3F v2 = start + orthonormal * halfWidths[i];

              if (i > 0)
            ClampHeightsToQuad(terrain, previousV1, previousV2, v1, v2);

              previousV1 = v1;
              previousV2 = v2;

              lastOrthonormal = orthonormal;

              // The flattened points list contains 2 points per line segment, which means that there
              // are duplicate intermediate points, which we skip.
              bool isLastLineSegment = (i + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
              if (!isLastLineSegment)

        public static void CreateMesh(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Path3F path, float defaultWidth,
            int maxNumberOfIterations, float tolerance,
            out Submesh submesh, out Aabb aabb, out float roadLength)
            if (graphicsDevice == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("graphicsDevice");
              if (path == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

              // Compute list of line segments. (2 points per line segment!)
              var flattenedPoints = new List<Vector3F>();
              path.Flatten(flattenedPoints, maxNumberOfIterations, tolerance);

              // Abort if path is empty.
              int numberOfLineSegments = flattenedPoints.Count / 2;
              if (numberOfLineSegments <= 0)
            submesh = null;
            aabb = new Aabb();
            roadLength = 0;

              // Compute accumulated lengths. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
              float[] accumulatedLengths = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
              accumulatedLengths[0] = 0;
              for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
            Vector3F previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
            Vector3F current = flattenedPoints[i];
            float length = (current - previous).Length;

            accumulatedLengths[i] = accumulatedLengths[i - 1] + length;
            if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
              accumulatedLengths[i + 1] = accumulatedLengths[i];

              // Total road length.
              roadLength = accumulatedLengths[accumulatedLengths.Length - 1];

              // Create a mapping between accumulatedLength and the path key widths.
              // (accumulatedLength --> TerrainRoadPathKey.Width)
              var widthKeys = new List<Pair<float, float>>();
            int index = 0;
            foreach (var key in path)
              Vector3F position = key.Point;
              var roadKey = key as TerrainRoadPathKey;
              float width = (roadKey != null) ? roadKey.Width : defaultWidth;

              for (; index < flattenedPoints.Count; index++)
            if (Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(position, flattenedPoints[index]))
              widthKeys.Add(new Pair<float, float>(accumulatedLengths[index], width));

            bool isLastLineSegment = (index + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
            if (!isLastLineSegment)


              // Create a list of interpolated road widths. (One entry for each entry in flattenedPoints.)
              var widths = new float[flattenedPoints.Count];
              int previousKeyIndex = 0;
              var previousKey = widthKeys[0];
              var nextKey = widthKeys[1];
              widths[0] = widthKeys[0].Second;
              for (int i = 1; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i += 2)
            if (accumulatedLengths[i] > nextKey.First)
              previousKey = nextKey;
              nextKey = widthKeys[previousKeyIndex + 1];

            float p = (accumulatedLengths[i] - previousKey.First) / (nextKey.First - previousKey.First);
            widths[i] = InterpolationHelper.Lerp(previousKey.Second, nextKey.Second, p);

            if (i + 1 < flattenedPoints.Count)
              widths[i + 1] = widths[i];

              // Compute vertices and indices.
              var vertices = new List<TerrainLayerVertex>(numberOfLineSegments * 2 + 2);
              var indices = new List<int>(numberOfLineSegments * 6);  // Two triangles per line segment.
              Vector3F lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.UnitX;
              aabb = new Aabb(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[0]);
              bool isClosed = Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 1]);
              for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
            Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];

            Vector3F previous;
            bool isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
            if (!isFirstPoint)
              previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
            else if (isClosed && path.SmoothEnds)
              previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
              previous = start;

            Vector3F next;
            bool isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
            if (!isLastPoint)
              next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
            else if (isClosed && path.SmoothEnds)
              next = flattenedPoints[1];
              next = start;

            Vector3F tangent = next - previous;

            Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
            if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
              orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;

            // Add indices to add two triangles between the current and the next vertices.
            if (!isLastPoint)
              int baseIndex = vertices.Count;

              //  2      3
              //   x----x
              //   |\   |   ^
              //   | \  |   | road
              //   |  \ |   | direction
              //   |   \|   |
              //   x----x
              //  0      1

              indices.Add(baseIndex + 1);
              indices.Add(baseIndex + 2);

              indices.Add(baseIndex + 1);
              indices.Add(baseIndex + 3);
              indices.Add(baseIndex + 2);

            // Add two vertices.
            Vector3F leftVertex = start - orthonormal * (widths[i] / 2);
            Vector3F rightVertex = start + orthonormal * (widths[i] / 2);
            vertices.Add(new TerrainLayerVertex(new Vector2(leftVertex.X, leftVertex.Z), new Vector2(0, accumulatedLengths[i])));
            vertices.Add(new TerrainLayerVertex(new Vector2(rightVertex.X, rightVertex.Z), new Vector2(1, accumulatedLengths[i])));

            // Grow AABB

            lastOrthonormal = orthonormal;

            // The flattened points list contains 2 points per line segment, which means that there
            // are duplicate intermediate points, which we skip.
            bool isLastLineSegment = (i + 2 == flattenedPoints.Count);
            if (!isLastLineSegment)

              Debug.Assert(vertices.Count == (numberOfLineSegments * 2 + 2));
              Debug.Assert(indices.Count == (numberOfLineSegments * 6));

              // The road is projected onto the terrain, therefore the computed y limits are not correct.
              // (unless the terrain was clamped to the road).
              aabb.Minimum.Y = 0;
              aabb.Maximum.Y = 0;

              // Convert to submesh.
              submesh = new Submesh
            PrimitiveCount = indices.Count / 3,
            PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.TriangleList,
            VertexCount = vertices.Count,
            VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(graphicsDevice, TerrainLayerVertex.VertexDeclaration, vertices.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly),
            IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(graphicsDevice, IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits, indices.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly)