Esempio n. 1
        public AST.COMRef makeInputVectorCOMRef(AST.Range rng)
            // check for the range in the dictionary
            AST.COMRef c;
            if (!_all_vectors.TryGetValue(rng, out c))
                // otherwise, create and cache it
                Excel.Range     com    = rng.GetCOMObject(_app);
                Excel.Worksheet ws     = com.Worksheet;
                Excel.Workbook  wb     = ws.Parent;
                string          wsname = ws.Name;
                string          wbname = wb.Name;
                var             path   = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string>(wb.Path);
                int             width  = com.Columns.Count;
                int             height = com.Rows.Count;

                c = new AST.COMRef(rng.getUniqueID(), wb, ws, com, path, wbname, wsname, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string> .None, width, height);
                _all_vectors.Add(rng, c);
                _do_not_perturb.Add(rng, true);    // initially mark as not perturbable
Esempio n. 2
        private void fastFormulaRead(Excel.Workbook wb)
            // get names once
            var wbfullname = wb.FullName;
            var wbname     = wb.Name;
            var path       = wb.Path;
            var wbname_opt = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <String>(wbname);
            var path_opt   = String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string> .None : new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <String>(path);

            // init R1C1 extractor
            var regex = new Regex("^R([0-9]+)C([0-9]+)$");

            // init formula validator
            var fn_filter = new Regex("^=", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            foreach (Excel.Worksheet worksheet in wb.Worksheets)
                // get used range
                Excel.Range urng = worksheet.UsedRange;

                // get dimensions
                var left   = urng.Column;                    // 1-based left-hand y coordinate
                var right  = urng.Columns.Count + left - 1;  // 1-based right-hand y coordinate
                var top    = urng.Row;                       // 1-based top x coordinate
                var bottom = urng.Rows.Count + top - 1;      // 1-based bottom x coordinate

                // get worksheet name
                var wsname     = worksheet.Name;
                var wsname_opt = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <String>(wsname);

                // init
                int width  = right - left + 1;
                int height = bottom - top + 1;

                // if the used range is a single cell, Excel changes the type
                if (left == right && top == bottom)
                    var f = (string)urng.Formula;
                    if (fn_filter.IsMatch(f))
                        var addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(top, left, wsname_opt, wbname_opt, path_opt);
                        _formulas.Add(addr, f);
                        _f2v.Add(addr, new HashSet <AST.Range>());
                        _f2i.Add(addr, new HashSet <AST.Address>());
                    // array read of formula cells
                    // note that this is a 1-based 2D multiarray
                    object[,] formulas = urng.Formula;

                    // for every cell that is actually a formula, add to
                    // formula dictionary & init formula lookup dictionaries
                    for (int c = 1; c <= width; c++)
                        for (int r = 1; r <= height; r++)
                            var f = (string)formulas[r, c];
                            if (fn_filter.IsMatch(f))
                                var addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(r + top - 1, c + left - 1, wsname_opt, wbname_opt, path_opt);
                                _formulas.Add(addr, f);
                                _f2v.Add(addr, new HashSet <AST.Range>());
                                _f2i.Add(addr, new HashSet <AST.Address>());

                // for each COM object in the used range, create an address object
                // WITHOUT calling any methods on the COM object itself
                int x_old = -1;
                int x     = -1;
                int y     = 0;
                foreach (Excel.Range cell in urng)
                    // The basic idea here is that we know how Excel iterates over collections
                    // of cells.  The Excel.Range returned by UsedRange is always rectangular.
                    // Thus we can calculate the addresses of each COM cell reference without
                    // needing to incur the overhead of actually asking it for its address.
                    x = (x + 1) % width;
                    // increment y if x wrapped (x < x_old or x == x_old when width == 1)
                    y = x <= x_old ? y + 1 : y;

                    int c = x + left;
                    int r = y + top;

                    var addr    = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(r, c, wsname_opt, wbname_opt, path_opt);
                    var formula = _formulas.ContainsKey(addr) ? new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string>(_formulas[addr]) : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string> .None;
                    var cr      = new AST.COMRef(addr.A1FullyQualified(), wb, worksheet, cell, path_opt, wbname, wsname, formula, 1, 1);
                    _all_cells.Add(addr, cr);

                    x_old = x;
Esempio n. 3
        private void fastFormulaRead(Excel.Workbook wb)
            // get names once
            var wbfullname = wb.FullName;
            var wbname = wb.Name;
            var path = wb.Path;
            var wbname_opt = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<String>(wbname);
            var path_opt = String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>.None : new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<String>(path);

            // init R1C1 extractor
            var regex = new Regex("^R([0-9]+)C([0-9]+)$");

            // init formula validator
            var fn_filter = new Regex("^=", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            foreach (Excel.Worksheet worksheet in wb.Worksheets)
                // get used range
                Excel.Range urng = worksheet.UsedRange;

                // get dimensions
                var left = urng.Column;                      // 1-based left-hand y coordinate
                var right = urng.Columns.Count + left - 1;   // 1-based right-hand y coordinate
                var top = urng.Row;                          // 1-based top x coordinate
                var bottom = urng.Rows.Count + top - 1;      // 1-based bottom x coordinate

                // get worksheet name
                var wsname = worksheet.Name;
                var wsname_opt = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<String>(wsname);

                // init
                int width = right - left + 1;
                int height = bottom - top + 1;

                // if the used range is a single cell, Excel changes the type
                if (left == right && top == bottom)
                    var f = (string)urng.Formula;
                    if (fn_filter.IsMatch(f))
                        var addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(top, left, wsname_opt, wbname_opt, path_opt);
                        _formulas.Add(addr, f);
                        _f2v.Add(addr, new HashSet<AST.Range>());
                        _f2i.Add(addr, new HashSet<AST.Address>());
                    // array read of formula cells
                    // note that this is a 1-based 2D multiarray
                    object[,] formulas = urng.Formula;

                    // for every cell that is actually a formula, add to
                    // formula dictionary & init formula lookup dictionaries
                    for (int c = 1; c <= width; c++)
                        for (int r = 1; r <= height; r++)
                            var f = (string)formulas[r, c];
                            if (fn_filter.IsMatch(f))
                                var addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(r + top - 1, c + left - 1, wsname_opt, wbname_opt, path_opt);
                                _formulas.Add(addr, f);
                                _f2v.Add(addr, new HashSet<AST.Range>());
                                _f2i.Add(addr, new HashSet<AST.Address>());

                // for each COM object in the used range, create an address object
                // WITHOUT calling any methods on the COM object itself
                int x_old = -1;
                int x = -1;
                int y = 0;
                foreach (Excel.Range cell in urng)
                    // The basic idea here is that we know how Excel iterates over collections
                    // of cells.  The Excel.Range returned by UsedRange is always rectangular.
                    // Thus we can calculate the addresses of each COM cell reference without
                    // needing to incur the overhead of actually asking it for its address.
                    x = (x + 1) % width;
                    // increment y if x wrapped (x < x_old or x == x_old when width == 1)
                    y = x <= x_old ? y + 1 : y;

                    int c = x + left;
                    int r = y + top;

                    var addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(r, c, wsname_opt, wbname_opt, path_opt);
                    var formula = _formulas.ContainsKey(addr) ? new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>(_formulas[addr]) : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>.None;
                    var cr = new AST.COMRef(addr.A1FullyQualified(), wb, worksheet, cell, path_opt, wbname, wsname, formula, 1, 1);
                    _all_cells.Add(addr, cr);

                    x_old = x;
Esempio n. 4
        public AST.COMRef makeInputVectorCOMRef(AST.Range rng)
            // check for the range in the dictionary
            AST.COMRef c;
            if (!_all_vectors.TryGetValue(rng, out c))
                // otherwise, create and cache it
                Excel.Range com = rng.GetCOMObject(_app);
                Excel.Worksheet ws = com.Worksheet;
                Excel.Workbook wb = ws.Parent;
                string wsname = ws.Name;
                string wbname = wb.Name;
                var path = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>(wb.Path);
                int width = com.Columns.Count;
                int height = com.Rows.Count;

                c = new AST.COMRef(rng.getUniqueID(), wb, ws, com, path, wbname, wsname, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>.None, width, height);
                _all_vectors.Add(rng, c);
                _do_not_perturb.Add(rng, true);    // initially mark as not perturbable
            return c;