Esempio n. 1
        public void Dencrypt()
            try {
                string   plain    = "Plain TextABCDEF";
                string   k1       = "0123456789ABCDEF";
                string   k2       = "io.github.odys-z";
                byte[]   iv64     = AESHelper.getRandom();
                string   iv       = AESHelper.Encode64(iv64);
                string   cypher   = AESHelper.Encrypt(plain, k1, iv64);
                string[] cypherss = AESHelper.Dencrypt(cypher, k1, iv, k2);
                Assert.AreEqual(plain, AESHelper.Decrypt(cypherss[0], k2, AESHelper.Decode64(cypherss[1])));

                Debug.WriteLine("Check this at server side:");
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Cypher:\n{0}", cypherss[0]));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Key:\n{0},\nIV:\n{1}", k2, cypherss[1]));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Expacting:\n{0}", plain));

                plain    = "Слава Україні";
                cypher   = AESHelper.Encrypt(plain, k1, iv64);
                cypherss = AESHelper.Dencrypt(cypher, k1, iv, k2);
                Assert.AreEqual(plain, AESHelper.Decrypt(cypherss[0], k2, AESHelper.Decode64(cypherss[1])));
            catch (Exception e) {
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Login and return a client instance (with session managed by jserv).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uid"></param>
        /// <paramref name="pswdPlain">password in plain</param>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <param name="onlogin"></param>
        /// <param name="err"></param>
        /// <throws>SQLException the request makes server generate wrong SQL.</throws>
        /// <throws>SemanticException Request can not parsed correctly</throws>
        /// <throws>GeneralSecurityException  other error</throws>
        /// <throws>Exception, most likely the network failed</throws>
        /// <return>null if failed, a SessionClient instance if login succeed.</return>
        public static async Task <SessionClient> Login(string uid, string pswdPlain, string device,
                                                       OnLogin onlogin, OnError err = null)
            byte[] iv   = AESHelper.getRandom();
            string iv64 = AESHelper.Encode64(iv);

            if (uid == null || pswdPlain == null)
                throw new SemanticException("user id and password can not be null.");

            // string tk64 = AESHelper.Encrypt("-----------" + uid, pswdPlain, iv);
            string tk64 = AESHelper.Encrypt(uid, pswdPlain, iv);

            // formatLogin: {a: "login", logid: logId, pswd: tokenB64, iv: ivB64};
            // AnsonMsg<? extends AnsonBody> reqv11 = new AnsonMsg<AnQueryReq>(Port.session);;
            AnsonMsg reqv11 = AnSessionReq.formatLogin(uid, tk64, iv64, device);

            string         url        = ServUrl(new Port(Port.session));
            HttpServClient httpClient = new HttpServClient();

            SessionClient[] inst = new SessionClient[1];
            AnsonMsg        msg  = await httpClient.Post(url, reqv11).ConfigureAwait(false);

            MsgCode code = msg.code;

            if (code != null && MsgCode.ok == code.code)
                // create a logged in client
                inst[0] = new SessionClient(((AnSessionResp)msg.Body()[0]).ssInf);
                if (onlogin != null)
                    // onlogin.ok(new SessionClient(((AnSessionResp)msg.Body()[0]).ssInf));

                if (AnClient.console)
            else if (err != null)
                err.err(new MsgCode(code.code), ((AnsonResp)msg.Body(0)).Msg());
                throw new SemanticException(
                          "loging failed\ncode: {0}\nerror: {1}",
                          code, ((AnsonResp)msg.Body()[0]).Msg());