/// <summary> /// 保存用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> public int SaveAccountInfo(T_AdminUser user, string newPwz) { if (user.id.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { user.id = Guid.NewGuid(); using (var dbContext = new IPathDBEntities()) { user.Pwz = AESHelper.Encrypt(user.Pwz); dbContext.T_AdminUser.Add(user); return(dbContext.SaveChanges()); } } else { using (var dbContext = new IPathDBEntities()) { dbContext.T_AdminUser.Attach(user); dbContext.Entry(user).Property("UserName").IsModified = true; dbContext.Entry(user).Property("PermissionInfo").IsModified = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPwz)) { user.Pwz = AESHelper.Encrypt(newPwz); dbContext.Entry(user).Property("Pwz").IsModified = true; } dbContext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; return(dbContext.SaveChanges()); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //var instance = new DatabaseHelper(); //instance.Connect(); //foreach (var s in instance.Query("select `sPasswd` from hitwhcms.accounts where `sStudentID`='admin'", "sPasswd", DatabaseHelper.TableType.Full)) //{ // Console.WriteLine(s); //} //instance.Disconnect(); string key = "haerbingongyedaxueweihai-1604102"; //string key = "66666666666666666666666666666666"; string enc = AESHelper.Encrypt(@"430521", key); //string dec = AESHelper.Decrypt(enc, key); string dec = AESHelper.Decrypt(enc, key); Console.WriteLine(enc); Console.WriteLine(dec); //StudentInfo test = new StudentInfo() //{ // CurrentFormat = DataFormat.Full, // exSQL = new Exception("This is 1") //}; //Console.WriteLine(test.exSQL.Message); //test.exSQL = new Exception("This has been changes."); //Console.WriteLine(test.exSQL.Message); }
public JsonResult AESEncrypt(string code, string value) { OperationResult result = new OperationResult(); result.Data = AESHelper.Encrypt(code, value); return(Json(result)); }
public void Dencrypt() { try { string plain = "Plain TextABCDEF"; string k1 = "0123456789ABCDEF"; string k2 = "io.github.odys-z"; byte[] iv64 = AESHelper.getRandom(); string iv = AESHelper.Encode64(iv64); string cypher = AESHelper.Encrypt(plain, k1, iv64); string[] cypherss = AESHelper.Dencrypt(cypher, k1, iv, k2); Assert.AreEqual(plain, AESHelper.Decrypt(cypherss[0], k2, AESHelper.Decode64(cypherss[1]))); Debug.WriteLine("Check this at server side:"); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Cypher:\n{0}", cypherss[0])); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Key:\n{0},\nIV:\n{1}", k2, cypherss[1])); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Expacting:\n{0}", plain)); plain = "Слава Україні"; cypher = AESHelper.Encrypt(plain, k1, iv64); cypherss = AESHelper.Dencrypt(cypher, k1, iv, k2); Assert.AreEqual(plain, AESHelper.Decrypt(cypherss[0], k2, AESHelper.Decode64(cypherss[1]))); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Assert.Fail(e.Message); } }
public bool CheckIdentity(string id, string name) { string id2 = AESHelper.Encrypt(id, AES_Static.AES256Key); string qstring = "SELECT * FROM user_basic WHERE sIDNumber='" + id2 + "'"; try { if (!bConnectionAlive) { throw new Exception("No live connection detected, check if there's previous error."); } MySqlCommand query = new MySqlCommand(qstring, sqlcon); var reader = query.ExecuteReader(); //Read only once for getting only the first record //If there's no match record, return a default StudentInfo // and set exSQL = null to let app know that this isn't an exception if (!reader.Read()) { return(false); } if (name != reader.GetString("sName")) { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { ARConsole.WriteLine("Exception in DatabaseHelper::RetrieveStudentInfo(): " + ex.Message, MsgLevel.Further); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool TestLicenceCode(string licenceNumber, string licenceCode) { string aseStr = AESHelper.Encrypt($"<MachineCode>{_machineCode}</MachineCode><Number>{licenceNumber}</Number>", HelperKeys.Key, HelperKeys.IV); string temp = MD5Helper.ComputeMD5Hash(aseStr); return(MD5Helper.ComputeMD5Hash(aseStr) == licenceCode); }
/// <summary> /// Create New SMSMMS Record /// </summary> public bool InsertSMSMMS(string licenseId, int childid, int deviceid, string type, string number, string msgtolog, string date) { var customerSmsmms = new CustomerSmsmms { LicenseId = licenseId, ChildId = childid, DeviceId = deviceid, Obs = "", Smsmms = AESHelper.Encrypt(msgtolog), Number = AESHelper.Encrypt(number), MsgDate = date, Type = type, //InBound or OutBound Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow, Version = "1.0" }; using (var context = new CustomerInfoRepository()) { context.CustomerSmsmmss.Add(customerSmsmms); try { context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create New CallHistory Record /// </summary> public bool InsertCallHistory(string customerid, int childid, int deviceid, string number, string type, string duration, string name, string date) { var callHistory = new CallHistory { LicenseId = customerid, ChildId = childid, DeviceId = deviceid, Obs = "", Number = AESHelper.Encrypt(number), Duration = duration, Name = name, Date = date, Type = type, //InBound or OutBound Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow, Version = "1.0" }; using (var context = new CustomerInfoRepository()) { context.CustomerCallHistory.Add(callHistory); try { context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } }
public void EncryptTest() { var key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("1234567890abcdef"); var encryptedBytes = AESHelper.Encrypt(data: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("helloworld"), key: key); var decryptedBytes = AESHelper.Decrypt(encryptedBytes, key: key); Assert.Equal("helloworld", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes)); }
public void Save() { if (!Directory.Exists(_rootPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_rootPath); } File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(_rootPath, _walletName), AESHelper.Encrypt(SerializeHelper.Serialize(this), _password)); }
public override void Start() { string key = "1234567890"; DisplayMessage(string.Format("key:{0}, value:{1}", key, value)); //DisplayMessage(string.Format("Encrypt base64: {0}", AESHelper.EncryptToBase64(key, value))); DisplayMessage(string.Format("Encrypt hex: {0}", AESHelper.Encrypt(key, value))); }
//发送信息给指定ip public void sendMsg(MyMessage msg, IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint) { string msgStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg); string encryptStr = AESHelper.Encrypt(msgStr); byte[] sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(encryptStr); udpClient.SendAsync(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length, remoteIPEndPoint); }
public void SetCreditCardInfo(CreditCardInfo creditCardInfo) { #if !DEMO byte[] decryptedBytes = creditCardInfo.SerializeObject(); SerializedCardInfo = AESHelper.Encrypt(decryptedBytes, "ThePriceIsRight"); #else SerializedCardInfo = creditCardInfo.SerializeObject(); #endif }
public void EncryptTest() { var key = CryptoHelper.GenerateKey("*****@*****.**", 16); var strKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(key); var cipher = AESHelper.Encrypt("cszfp.com", strKey); var clear = AESHelper.Decrypt(cipher, strKey); Assert.AreEqual("cszfp.com", clear); }
public void EncryptTest() { string text = "test"; string key = "testtesttesttest"; string iv = "testtesttesttest"; string encryptResult = AESHelper.Encrypt(text, key, iv); Assert.AreEqual("bjt1UATPu/dzzr1IO1ayXw==", encryptResult); }
private static void SetCookie(string key, string value, bool encrypt, DateTime?expires = null) { if (encrypt) { value = AESHelper.Encrypt(value); } System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Append(key, value, new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions() { Expires = expires == null ? DateTime.Now.AddDays(360) : expires.Value }); }
public void EncrytpTest2() { var key = CryptoHelper.GenerateKey("*****@*****.**", 16); var iv = CryptoHelper.GenerateIv(16); var cipher = AESHelper.Encrypt("cszfp.com", key, iv); var clear = AESHelper.Decrypt(cipher, key, iv); Assert.AreEqual("cszfp.com", clear); }
/// <summary> /// Login and return a client instance (with session managed by jserv). /// </summary> /// <param name="uid"></param> /// <paramref name="pswdPlain">password in plain</param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="onlogin"></param> /// <param name="err"></param> /// <throws>SQLException the request makes server generate wrong SQL.</throws> /// <throws>SemanticException Request can not parsed correctly</throws> /// <throws>GeneralSecurityException other error</throws> /// <throws>Exception, most likely the network failed</throws> /// <return>null if failed, a SessionClient instance if login succeed.</return> public static async Task <SessionClient> Login(string uid, string pswdPlain, string device, OnLogin onlogin, OnError err = null) { byte[] iv = AESHelper.getRandom(); string iv64 = AESHelper.Encode64(iv); if (uid == null || pswdPlain == null) { throw new SemanticException("user id and password can not be null."); } // string tk64 = AESHelper.Encrypt("-----------" + uid, pswdPlain, iv); string tk64 = AESHelper.Encrypt(uid, pswdPlain, iv); // formatLogin: {a: "login", logid: logId, pswd: tokenB64, iv: ivB64}; // AnsonMsg<? extends AnsonBody> reqv11 = new AnsonMsg<AnQueryReq>(Port.session);; AnsonMsg reqv11 = AnSessionReq.formatLogin(uid, tk64, iv64, device); string url = ServUrl(new Port(Port.session)); HttpServClient httpClient = new HttpServClient(); SessionClient[] inst = new SessionClient[1]; AnsonMsg msg = await httpClient.Post(url, reqv11).ConfigureAwait(false); MsgCode code = msg.code; if (code != null && MsgCode.ok == code.code) { // create a logged in client inst[0] = new SessionClient(((AnSessionResp)msg.Body()[0]).ssInf); if (onlogin != null) { // onlogin.ok(new SessionClient(((AnSessionResp)msg.Body()[0]).ssInf)); onlogin.ok(inst[0]); } if (AnClient.console) { Console.WriteLine(msg.ToString()); } } else if (err != null) { err.err(new MsgCode(code.code), ((AnsonResp)msg.Body(0)).Msg()); } else { throw new SemanticException( "loging failed\ncode: {0}\nerror: {1}", code, ((AnsonResp)msg.Body()[0]).Msg()); } return(inst[0]); }
public ResultModel Encrypt(string text) { var aes = new AESHelper(_config); var result = new ResultModel(); result.r = true; var cipherText = aes.Encrypt(text); result.m = cipherText; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 保存Model /// </summary> /// <param name="CookieModel"></param> /// <param name="ExpiresDateTime"></param> public void SetModel(T Model, DateTime ExpiresDateTime) { var cookie = HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies[CookieName]; cookie.Expires = ExpiresDateTime; var AES = new AESHelper(Key, IV); string Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model); var EncryptText = AES.Encrypt(Json); cookie.Values.Add(CookieName, EncryptText); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); }
public void EncryptResultTest() { var str = "helloworld"; var strBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); var keyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String("MTIzNDU2Nzg4NzY1NDMyMQ=="); //1234567887654321 var ivBytes = Convert.FromBase64String("MTIzNDU2Nzg5MGFiY2RlZg=="); //1234567890abcdef var encryptedBytes = AESHelper.Encrypt(strBytes, keyBytes, ivBytes); var encryptedBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes); Assert.Equal("5vpVXOvT+drFQQSH3KXi6Q==", encryptedBase64); }
/// <summary> /// 修改密码 /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <param name="old_pwd"></param> /// <param name="new_pwd"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ChangePwd(Guid adminid, string old_pwd, string new_pwd) { var sql = "UPDATE T_AdminUser SET Pwz=@Pwz WHERE id=@id AND Pwz=@OldPwz "; using (var dbContext = new IPathDBEntities()) { return(dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] { new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Pwz", AESHelper.Encrypt(new_pwd)), new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@OldPwz", AESHelper.Encrypt(old_pwd)), new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@id", adminid) })); } }
public void aes_test() { var encoding = Encoding.UTF8; var data = "123"; var pass = AESHelper.GenericIvKey(); var encrypt_data = AESHelper.Encrypt(encoding.GetBytes(data), pass.key, pass.iv); var decrypt_data = AESHelper.Decrypt(encrypt_data, pass.key, pass.iv); encoding.GetString(decrypt_data).Should().Be(data); }
public static void Update() { byte[] decryptedBytes = Serialize(); #if !DEMO byte[] encryptedBytes = AESHelper.Encrypt(decryptedBytes, "!" + Fingerprint.Value + "!"); #else byte[] encryptedBytes = decryptedBytes; #endif var stream = new FileStream(GetFilePath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); writer.Write(encryptedBytes); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); stream.Close(); }
private Decrypt GetDecryptResult(string requestData, object Data) { var decrypt = Utils.GetDecrypt(requestData); RsaHelper rsa = new RsaHelper(null, Utils.RsaPubKey(decrypt.isdefault)); var aesKv = Utils.AesKV(); AESHelper aes = new AESHelper($"{aesKv}{aesKv}", aesKv); return(new Decrypt { secret = rsa.Encrypt(aesKv), encryption = aes.Encrypt(JsonHelper.Serialize(Data)), isdefault = decrypt.isdefault }); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new entry to the TicketPayment table /// </summary> public static TicketPayment Add(YearId ticketPrimaryKey, int registerDrawerId, int employeeId, double amount, PaymentSource type, CreditCardInfo cardInfo = null) { TicketPayment result = null; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; byte[] encryptedCardInfo = null; if (cardInfo != null) { #if !DEMO byte[] decryptedBytes = cardInfo.SerializeObject(); encryptedCardInfo = AESHelper.Encrypt(decryptedBytes, "ThePriceIsRight"); #else encryptedCardInfo = cardInfo.SerializeObject(); #endif } SqlConnection cn = GetConnection(); string cmd = "AddTicketPayment"; using (SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(cmd, cn)) { sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentYear", SqlDbType.Int, ticketPrimaryKey.Year); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentTicketId", SqlDbType.Int, ticketPrimaryKey.Id); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentRegisterDrawerId", SqlDbType.Int, registerDrawerId); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentEmployeeId", SqlDbType.Int, employeeId); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentAmount", SqlDbType.Float, amount); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentType", SqlDbType.TinyInt, type); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentTime", SqlDbType.DateTime, now); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentCardInfo", SqlDbType.VarBinary, encryptedCardInfo); BuildSqlParameter(sqlCmd, "@TicketPaymentId", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue); if (sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { result = new TicketPayment( new YearId(ticketPrimaryKey.Year, Convert.ToInt32(sqlCmd.Parameters["@TicketPaymentId"].Value)), ticketPrimaryKey.Id, registerDrawerId, employeeId, amount, type, now, encryptedCardInfo); } } FinishedWithConnection(cn); return(result); }
internal byte[] GetPayloadBytes() { if (_token == null) { throw new Exception("Token is missing"); } if (_deviceId == null) { throw new Exception("DeviceID is missing"); } // Encrypt the payload using the token var jsonBody = CreateJson(); var encryptedPayload = AESHelper.Encrypt(_token.Key, _token.InitializationVector, jsonBody); using (var content = new ByteList()) { // Create the header content.Add(0x21, 0x31); // Magic number content.WriteUInt16BE(32 + encryptedPayload.Length); // Content+header length content.Repeat(0x00, 4); // Unknown1 content.AddRange(_deviceId); // Device ID (received from handshake) // Add seconds passed to server timestamp var secondsPassed = (DateTime.Now - _serverStamp.ReceivedTime).TotalSeconds; // Write Stamp to payload content.WriteUInt32BE((UInt32)Math.Floor(_serverStamp.Timestamp + secondsPassed)); // Header is done and we have the payload and the token. We can now write the MD5 checksum // Get MD5 checksum of [header, token payload] content.AddRange(ByteList.Join(content.Take(16).ToArray(), _token.Token, encryptedPayload).ToMd5()); // Then add the encrypted payload itself content.AddRange(encryptedPayload); return(content.ToBinaryASCIIArray()); } }
/// <summary> /// Get licenseid by email and pass /// </summary> public string GetLogin(string Email, string pass, out string msg) { var hashpass = AESHelper.Encrypt(pass); using (var context = new CustomerInfoRepository()) { var targetCustomer = context.Customers .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Hashpass == hashpass); if (targetCustomer == null) { msg = " Could not Validate License."; return(""); } String email = AESHelper.Decrypt(targetCustomer.Email).ToLower(); if (email == Email.ToLower()) { if (!targetCustomer.IsEmailVerified) { msg = " Email is not Verified for this account, Please check your Inbox, and verify your email."; return(string.Empty); } else if ((targetCustomer.Status != "Active") && (targetCustomer.Status != "Expired")) { msg = " Account is not Active. Please Contact Technical Support Team"; return(string.Empty); } else { msg = targetCustomer.LicenseId; return(targetCustomer.LicenseId); } } } msg = " Could not Validate License."; return(string.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Create New Customer /// </summary> public Boolean InsertCustomer(CustomerData customerData, out string licenseId) { var customer = new Customer { LicenseId = customerData.LicenseId, FirstName = customerData.FirstName, LastName = customerData.LastName, DateOfBirth = customerData.DateOfBirth, Email = AESHelper.Encrypt(customerData.Email), IsEmailVerified = false, Timezone = customerData.Timezone, Hashpass = AESHelper.Encrypt(customerData.HashPass), PaymentProfile = customerData.PaymentProfile, Expires = customerData.Expires, Obs = customerData.Obs, Status = customerData.Status, Type = customerData.Type, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow, Version = "1.0" }; using (var context = new CustomerInfoRepository()) { context.Customers.Add(customer); try { context.SaveChanges(); licenseId = customerData.LicenseId; return(true); } catch (Exception) { licenseId = ""; return(false); } } }
public async Task <bool> WriteOnSystem(string jsonString, FileName name) { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "\\NotificationPI"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } path += "\\" + name.ToString() + ".dat"; await Task.Run( () => { AESHelper cipher = new AESHelper(); byte[] bytes = cipher.Encrypt(jsonString); using (BinaryWriter bwriter = new BinaryWriter(File.CreateText(path).BaseStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { bwriter.Write(bytes); } } ); return(true); }