Exemple #1
        public SocketBase CreateSocket(ZmqSocketType type)
            SocketBase s = null;
            lock (slot_sync)
                if (m_starting)

                    m_starting = false;
                    //  Initialise the array of mailboxes. Additional three slots are for
                    //  zmq_term thread and reaper thread.

                    int ios;
                    int mazmq;

                    lock (m_optSync)
                        mazmq = m_maxSockets;
                        ios = m_ioThreadCount;
                    m_slotCount = mazmq + ios + 2;
                    m_slots = new Mailbox[m_slotCount];

                    //  Initialise the infrastructure for zmq_term thread.
                    m_slots[TermTid] = term_mailbox;

                    //  Create the reaper thread.
                    m_reaper = new Reaper(this, ReaperTid);
                    m_slots[ReaperTid] = m_reaper.Mailbox;

                    //  Create I/O thread objects and launch them.
                    for (int i = 2; i != ios + 2; i++)
                        IOThread ioThread = new IOThread(this, i);
                        m_slots[i] = ioThread.Mailbox;

                    //  In the unused part of the slot array, create a list of empty slots.
                    for (int i = (int)m_slotCount - 1;
                         i >= (int)ios + 2; i--)
                        m_slots[i] = null;


                //  Once zmq_term() was called, we can't create new sockets.
                if (m_terminating)
                    ZError.ErrorNumber = ErrorNumber.ETERM;
                    return null;

                //  If max_sockets limit was reached, return error.
                if (empty_slots.Count == 0)
                    ZError.ErrorNumber = ErrorNumber.EMFILE;
                    return null;

                //  Choose a slot for the socket.
                int slot = empty_slots.RemoveFromBack();

                //  Generate new unique socket ID.
                int sid = s_maxSocketId.IncrementAndGet();

                //  Create the socket and register its mailbox.
                s = SocketBase.Create(type, this, slot, sid);
                if (s == null)
                    return null;
                m_slots[slot] = s.Mailbox;

                //LOG.debug("NEW Slot [" + slot + "] " + s);

            return s;
Exemple #2
        public Ctx()
            m_tag = 0xabadcafe;
            m_starting = true;
            m_terminating = false;
            m_reaper = null;
            m_slotCount = 0;
            m_slots = null;
            m_maxSockets = ZMQ.ZmqMaxSocketsDflt;
            m_ioThreadCount = ZMQ.ZmqIOThreadsDflt;

            slot_sync = new object();
            endpoints_sync = new object();
            m_optSync = new object();

            term_mailbox = new Mailbox("terminater");

            empty_slots = new Deque<int>();
            m_ioThreads = new List<IOThread>();
            sockets = new List<SocketBase>();
            endpoints = new Dictionary<String, Endpoint>();