public static void loadqbnetworking(string path) { if ( != null && == 0) { Client.print("error", "Error : loadqbnetworking - is meant for network loading of files. Connect your client to a server before running this command, or try using \"loadqb\""); return; } Client.OpenGLContextThread.Add(() => { StopwatchUtil.startclient("internalqbread", "Begin Qb Read"); ImporterQb importer = new ImporterQb(); QbModel model = importer._read(path); StopwatchUtil.stopclient("internalqbread", "End Qb Read"); StopwatchUtil.startclient("clientwriteqbpacket", "Begin Qb Packet Write"); var packet = PacketWriter.write <Packet_QbImported>(NetEndpoint.CLIENT); packet.write(model); packet.send(); StopwatchUtil.stopclient("clientwriteqbpacket", "End qb Packet Write"); }); }