Exemple #1
        private void extractUpd(byte[] upd, out byte[] cf, out byte[] cg)
            int CFlength = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(upd, 0xC, 4)), 16);
            int CGlength = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(upd, CFlength + 0xC, 4)), 16);

            cf = Oper.returnportion(upd, 0, CFlength);
            cg = Oper.returnportion(upd, CFlength, CGlength);

            cf = Nand.Nand.decrypt_CF(cf);
            cg = Nand.Nand.decrypt_CG(cg, cf);

            crc32 crc  = new crc32();
            int   dash = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(cf, 0x2, 2)), 16);

            Console.WriteLine("cf_" + dash + ".bin," + crc.CRC(editbl(cf)).ToString("X8").ToLower());
            crc  = new crc32();
            dash = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(cg, 0x2, 2)), 16);
            Console.WriteLine("cg_" + dash + ".bin," + crc.CRC(editbl(cg)).ToString("X8").ToLower());
Exemple #2
        private void fixup_header(ref byte[] header, byte[] pttable)
            crc32 c = new crc32();

            byte[] chk_gpt_pt = BitConverter.GetBytes(c.CRC(pttable));

            header.Replace(chk_gpt_pt, 88, 4);

            header.Replace(Oper.StringToByteArray(DISK_GUID), 56, 16);

            for (int i = 16; i <= 19; i++)
                header[i] = 0x00;

            c = new crc32();
            byte[] chk_header = BitConverter.GetBytes(c.CRC(Oper.returnportion(header, 0, 0x5C)));

            header.Replace(chk_header, 16, 4);
Exemple #3
        public long getCRC(BinaryReader br, long cluster, long size)
            long num;

            byte[] data = new byte[size];
            int    pos  = 0;
            long   num2 = size >> 12;
            long   num3 = size - (num2 << 12);

            for (long i = cluster; i < (cluster + num2); i += 1L)
                num = getOffset(i);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(num, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(br.ReadBytes(0x1000), 0, data, pos, 0x1000);
                pos += 0x1000;
            num = getOffset(cluster + num2);
            br.BaseStream.Seek(num, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(br.ReadBytes((int)num3), 0, data, pos, (int)num3);
            crc32 cr = new crc32();

        int send_data()
            const int pr = 10;

                byte[] bdata = new byte[70];
                byte[] ip    = new byte[4];
                int    flag;
                int    i;
                bdata[0]  = Convert.ToByte('G');  //Идификатор транзакции
                bdata[1]  = Convert.ToByte('B');  //Идификатор транзакции
                bdata[2]  = Convert.ToByte(0x33); //Идификатор протокола
                bdata[3]  = Convert.ToByte(0x33); //Идификатор протокола
                bdata[4]  = Convert.ToByte(0);    //Длина
                bdata[5]  = Convert.ToByte(0x3D); //Длина
                bdata[6]  = Convert.ToByte('A');  //Адрес
                bdata[7]  = Convert.ToByte(0x10); //Функциональный код
                bdata[8]  = Convert.ToByte(0);    //Адрес первого регистра
                bdata[9]  = Convert.ToByte(50);   //Адрес первого регистра
                bdata[10] = Convert.ToByte(0);
                #region byte 1 - alarm
                bdata[1 + pr] = 0;
                if (GL.otnositelnoe_otobragenie == true)
                    bdata[1 + pr] = 1;
                    bdata[1 + pr] = 0;
                if (GL.inversion_data == true)
                    bdata[1 + pr] += 0x02;
                if (GL.inversion_rele == true)
                    bdata[1 + pr] += 0x04;
                if (GL.avariya[0].avariya1_predupregdenie0 == 1)
                    bdata[1 + pr] += 0x10;
                }                                                                          //avariya1_predupregdenie0 == 1, когда выбран тип "Авария"
                if (GL.avariya[1].avariya1_predupregdenie0 == 1)
                    bdata[1 + pr] += 0x20;
                if (GL.avariya[2].avariya1_predupregdenie0 == 1)
                    bdata[1 + pr] += 0x40;
                if (GL.avariya[3].avariya1_predupregdenie0 == 1)
                    bdata[1 + pr] += 0x80;
                #region byte 2 - timeout_alarm
                UInt16 time = (UInt16)(GL.timeout_alarm);
                bdata[3 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(time); //time = Convert.ToUInt16(time >> 8);
                bdata[2 + pr] = 0;
                #region Ethernet setting
                // IP device
                flag = string_to_ip(text_ip_new.Text, ref ip, 1);
                if (flag != 0)
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    bdata[i + 4 + pr] = ip[i];
                // maska
                flag = string_to_ip(text_maska_new.Text, ref ip, 2);
                if (flag != 0)
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    bdata[i + 8 + pr] = ip[i];
                // IP1
                //flag = string_to_ip(text_ip1.Text, ref ip, 0);
                //if (flag != 0) { return 1; }
                //for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { bdata[i + 12 + pr] = ip[i]; }
                //int sp = Convert.ToInt32(text_sport_new.Text);
                int dp = Convert.ToInt32(text_dport_new.Text);
                //bdata[17 + pr] = (byte)(sp & 0x00FF);
                //bdata[16 + pr] = (byte)((sp >> 8) & 0x00FF);
                bdata[19 + pr] = (byte)(dp & 0x00FF);
                bdata[18 + pr] = (byte)((dp >> 8) & 0x00FF);

                #region smehenie
                int smechenie = 20;
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    double dd  = GL.data[i].smeshenie * 2.0;
                    int    idd = Convert.ToInt16(dd);
                    bdata[smechenie + pr] = Convert.ToByte((idd >> 8) & 0x00FF); smechenie++;
                    bdata[smechenie + pr] = Convert.ToByte(idd & 0x00FF); smechenie++;
                #region display
                int ipr = GL.porog_max;
                bdata[37 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(ipr & 0x00FF); ipr = ipr >> 8;
                bdata[36 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(ipr & 0x00FF);

                ipr            = GL.porog_min;
                bdata[39 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(ipr & 0x00FF); ipr = ipr >> 8;
                bdata[38 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(ipr & 0x00FF);

                #region alarm-porogi

                bdata[40 + pr] = (byte)(((GL.avariya[0].kolvo_avariynih_datchikov << 4) & 0xF0) | (GL.avariya[1].kolvo_avariynih_datchikov & 0x0F));
                bdata[41 + pr] = (byte)(((GL.avariya[2].kolvo_avariynih_datchikov << 4) & 0xF0) | (GL.avariya[3].kolvo_avariynih_datchikov & 0x0F));

                smechenie = 42;
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    int idd = GL.avariya[i].porog_max;
                    bdata[smechenie + pr] = Convert.ToByte((idd >> 8) & 0x00FF); smechenie++;
                    bdata[smechenie + pr] = Convert.ToByte(idd & 0x00FF); smechenie++;
                    idd = GL.avariya[i].porog_min;
                    bdata[smechenie + pr] = Convert.ToByte((idd >> 8) & 0x00FF); smechenie++;
                    bdata[smechenie + pr] = Convert.ToByte(idd & 0x00FF); smechenie++;
                byte[] crc = new byte[58 + pr];
                for (i = 0; i < 58 + pr; i++)
                    crc[i] = bdata[i];
                crc32 crc_f = new crc32();
                GL.version_proshivki = crc_f.Crc16(crc, 58 + pr);
                ipr            = GL.version_proshivki;
                bdata[59 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(ipr & 0x00FF); ipr = ipr >> 8;
                bdata[58 + pr] = Convert.ToByte(ipr & 0x00FF);
                if (TCP.tcp_start(GL.IP, GL.DPORT) < 0)
                TCP.tcp_send(bdata, 67, text_ip_old.Text, GL.DPORT);
                for (int ff = 0; ff < 5; ff++)
                    byte[] rez = TCP.recive();//text_ip_old.Text, 60, GL.DPORT
                    if (rez == null)
                    if (rez[1] == Convert.ToByte('O') && rez[2] == Convert.ToByte('K') && rez[3] == Convert.ToByte('!'))
                        MessageBox.Show("Параметры успешно установлены!");
                        TCP.tcp_stop(); return(0);
            catch (FormatException ee) { return(1); }
            catch { return(2); }
Exemple #5
        public static DecodeStatus DecodeArticle( Article article)
            System.IO.FileStream output = null;
            System.IO.StreamReader input = null;

            string line;
            string decoder = "";
            string sdecoder = "";

            string outputfile = "";
            long outputsize = -1;

            bool crcfailed = false;
            crc32 crc = new crc32();

            int decodedsegments = 0;

            foreach( Segment segment in article.Segments)
                // Check if the file exists, if not, skip the segment
                if( !System.IO.File.Exists( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Global.m_CacheDirectory + segment.ArticleID)))

                input = new System.IO.StreamReader( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Global.m_CacheDirectory + segment.ArticleID), System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));

                // If uudecode is used, each file is automaticly a new segment
                if( decoder == "uudecode" || (decoder == "mime" && sdecoder == "base64"))
                    decodedsegments ++;

                line = input.ReadLine();
                while( line != null)
                    if( decoder == "mime")
                        if(	line.StartsWith( "Content-Transfer-Encoding:"))
                            sdecoder = line.Remove(0, 27);

                        if( line.StartsWith("--=") || line.StartsWith("Content-Type:"))
                            decoder = "";
                            sdecoder = "";

                            outputfile = "";

                            output = null;

                        // Perhaps get filename out of this, but its also in the content type
                        if( line.StartsWith( "Content-Disposition:"))
                            line = "";

                        if( sdecoder == "base64")
                            if( line.Length % 4 > 0)
                                line = "";

                            if( line != "")
                                byte[] buffer;
                                buffer = Convert.FromBase64String( line);

                                output.Write( buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    if( decoder == "uudecode")
                        if( line != "" && line != "end")
                            char[] buffer = line.ToCharArray();
                            if( uudecode_checkline( buffer))
                                int p = 0;
                                int n = 0;
                                byte ch;

                                n = uudecode_dec( buffer[p]);
                                for( ++p; n > 0; p += 4, n -= 3)
                                    if (n >= 3)
                                        // Error ?
                                        if (!(uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p]) && uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p + 1]) && uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p + 2]) && uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p + 3])))
                                            throw new Exception( "33");

                                        ch = (byte)(uudecode_dec(buffer[p+0]) << 2 | uudecode_dec(buffer[p+1]) >> 4);
                                        ch = (byte)(uudecode_dec(buffer[p+1]) << 4 | uudecode_dec(buffer[p+2]) >> 2);
                                        ch = (byte)(uudecode_dec(buffer[p+2]) << 6 | uudecode_dec(buffer[p+3]));

                                        if (n >= 1)
                                            if (!(uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p]) && uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p+1])))
                                                throw new Exception( "34");

                                            ch = (byte)(uudecode_dec(buffer[p+0]) << 2 | uudecode_dec(buffer[p+1]) >> 4);
                                        if (n >= 2)
                                            if (!(uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p+1]) && uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p+2])))
                                                throw new Exception( "35");

                                            ch = (byte)(uudecode_dec(buffer[p+1]) << 4 | uudecode_dec(buffer[p+2]) >> 2);
                                        if (n >= 3)
                                            if (!(uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p+2]) && uudecode_is_dec(buffer[p+3])))
                                                throw new Exception( "36");

                                            ch = (byte)(uudecode_dec(buffer[p+2]) << 6 | uudecode_dec(buffer[p+3]));

                        if( line == "end")
                            decoder = "";
                            outputfile = "";

                            output = null;

                    if( decoder == "yenc")
                        if( line.StartsWith( "=ypart "))
                            // Part description
                            string[] ypart = line.Split( " ".ToCharArray());
                            foreach( string s in ypart)
                                if( s.StartsWith( "begin"))
                                    output.Seek( long.Parse( s.Remove(0, 6))-1, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            if( line.StartsWith( "=yend "))
                                // End of the Yenc part, do CRC check
                                decoder = "";

                                string[] yend = line.Split( " ".ToCharArray());
                                foreach( string s in yend)
                                    if( s.StartsWith( "pcrc32"))
                                        long opcrc = Convert.ToInt64(s.Remove(0, 7), 16);
                                        long cpcrc = crc.EndByteCRC();

                                        if( opcrc != cpcrc)
                                            crcfailed = true;
                                decodedsegments ++;

                                if( outputsize == output.Length)
                                    outputsize = -1;

                                if( outputsize == -1)
                                    output = null;

                                    outputfile = "";
                                // Yenc Encoded part
                                bool escape = false;
                                foreach( char c in line.ToCharArray())
                                    if( c == '=' && !escape)
                                        escape = true;
                                        byte nc = (byte)c;
                                        if( escape)
                                            nc = (byte)(nc-64);
                                            escape = false;

                                        nc = (byte)(nc-42);

                    if( decoder == "")
                        if( line.StartsWith( "=ybegin "))
                            int c;
                            decoder = "yenc";
                            //rebuild correctly missformed spaces in this line, but not the filename
                            c = line.IndexOf( "name");
                            string ybegin = line.Substring(0, c-1);
                            string name = line.Substring(c+5);
                            line = ybegin.Replace(" ",""); //strip spaces
                            ybegin = line.Replace("part="," part=");//add spaces where nedded
                            line = ybegin.Replace("line="," line=");
                            ybegin = line.Replace("size="," size=");
                            line = ybegin + " name=" + name;

                            // Check if its a valid ybegin line, as per 1.2 line, size and name have to be present
                            if( line.IndexOf("line=") != -1 && line.IndexOf("size=") != -1 && line.IndexOf("name=") != -1)
                                int b, e;
                                b = line.IndexOf( "size=");
                                e = line.IndexOf( " ", b);
                                outputsize = long.Parse( line.Substring(b+5, e-b-5));
                                b = line.IndexOf( "name=");
                                if( outputfile != line.Substring(b+5))
                                    outputfile = line.Substring(b+5);
                                    if( article.Filename == "")
                                        article.Filename = outputfile;
                                    //why add second filename?
                                    //article.Filename = article.Filename + outputfile;

                                    string outputdir = GetDirectory(article);

                                        if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir)))
                                            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir));
                                    catch( Exception ex)
                                        frmMain.LogWriteError( "Unable to create directory [" + outputdir + "]");

                                    if( output != null)
                                        output = null;

                                    string outputdrive = outputdir.Substring(0,2);
                                    long  size = article.Size;

                                    ManagementObject disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid='" + outputdrive + "'");
                                        if (size > Convert.ToInt64(disk[DiskProperties.FreeSpace.ToString()].ToString()))
                                            frmMain.LogWriteError("Unable to create file : no space on drive " + outputdrive);
                                            input = null;
                                            return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;
                                            output = new System.IO.FileStream(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir) + "\\" + outputfile, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None, 1024 * 1024);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        frmMain.LogWriteError("Unable to create file : " + ex.Message);
                                        input = null;
                                        return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;


                        if( line.StartsWith( "begin 644 "))
                            decodedsegments ++;

                            decoder = "uudecode";

                            outputfile = line.Remove(0, 10);
                            if( article.Filename == "")
                                article.Filename = outputfile;
                            //why add second file name?
                            //article.Filename = article.Filename + outputfile;

                            string outputdir = GetDirectory(article);

                                if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir)))
                                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir));
                            catch( Exception ex)
                                frmMain.LogWriteError( "Unable to create directory [" + outputdir + "]");

                            if( output != null)
                                output = null;

                            string outputdrive = outputdir.Substring(0,2);
                            long  size = article.Size;
                            ManagementObject disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid='" + outputdrive + "'");
                                if (size > Convert.ToInt64(disk[DiskProperties.FreeSpace.ToString()].ToString()))
                                    frmMain.LogWriteError("Unable to create file : no space on drive " + outputdrive);
                                    input = null;
                                    return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;
                                    output = new System.IO.FileStream(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir) + "\\" + outputfile, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None, 1024 * 1024);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                frmMain.LogWriteError("Unable to create file : " + ex.Message);
                                input = null;
                                return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;

                        if( line.StartsWith( "Content-Type: application/octet-stream;"))
                            decodedsegments ++;

                            decoder = "mime";
                            sdecoder = "";

                            outputfile = line.Substring( line.IndexOf( "name=") + 5);
                            if( outputfile[0] == '\"' && outputfile[outputfile.Length - 1] == '\"')
                                outputfile = outputfile.Substring(1, outputfile.Length - 2);

                            if( outputfile[0] == '\'' && outputfile[outputfile.Length - 1] == '\'')
                                outputfile = outputfile.Substring(1, outputfile.Length - 2);

                            if( article.Filename == "")
                                article.Filename = outputfile;
                            //why add second file name?
                            //article.Filename = article.Filename + outputfile;

                            string outputdir = GetDirectory(article);

                                if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir)))
                                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir));
                            catch( Exception ex)
                                frmMain.LogWriteError( "Unable to create directory [" + outputdir + "]");

                            if( output != null)
                                output = null;
                            string outputdrive = outputdir.Substring(0,2);
                            long  size = article.Size;
                            ManagementObject disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid='" + outputdrive + "'");
                                if (size > Convert.ToInt64(disk[DiskProperties.FreeSpace.ToString()].ToString()))
                                    frmMain.LogWriteError( "Unable to create file : no space on drive " + outputdrive);
                                    input = null;
                                    return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;
                                output = new System.IO.FileStream( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputdir) + "\\" + outputfile, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None, 1024*1024);
                            catch( Exception ex ) {
                                frmMain.LogWriteError( "Unable to create file : " + ex.Message);
                                input = null;
                                return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;

                    line = input.ReadLine();

                input = null;

                    if( output != null)
                catch( Exception ex)
                    frmMain.LogWriteError("pb during Flushing on disk");

            if( output != null)
                output = null;

            // Changed the behaviour of deleting segments, delete all segments
            // unless nothing got decoded
            if( decodedsegments != 0)
                // Pretty sure everything went ok, deleting partial files...
                foreach( Segment segment in article.Segments)
            /*					if( System.IO.File.Exists( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("Cache\\" + segment.ArticleID)))
                        System.IO.File.Delete( System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("Cache\\" + segment.ArticleID));
                    if( System.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Global.m_CacheDirectory + segment.ArticleID)))
                        System.IO.File.Delete(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Global.m_CacheDirectory + segment.ArticleID));

            if( crcfailed)
                return DecodeStatus.FailedCRC;

            if( decodedsegments == 0)
                return DecodeStatus.FailedNothingToDecode;

            return DecodeStatus.Decoded;
Exemple #6
        private void update_ini(string filename)
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);

            string old_version = "", new_version = "";
            string cf_checksum = "", cg_checksum = "";

            foreach (string s in lines)
                if (s.Contains("cf_"))
                    old_version = s.Substring(3, 5);

            foreach (PirsEntry a in p.getList())
                if (a.Filename == "xboxupd.bin")
                    byte[] upd = p.extractFile(a.Cluster, a.Size);

                    int    CFlength = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(upd, 0xC, 4)), 16);
                    int    CGlength = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(upd, CFlength + 0xC, 4)), 16);
                    byte[] cf       = Oper.returnportion(upd, 0, CFlength);
                    byte[] cg       = Oper.returnportion(upd, CFlength, CGlength);

                    cf = Nand.Nand.decrypt_CF(cf);
                    cg = Nand.Nand.decrypt_CG(cg, cf);

                    crc32 crc = new crc32();
                    new_version = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(Oper.returnportion(cf, 0x2, 2)), 16).ToString();
                    cf_checksum = crc.CRC(editbl(cf)).ToString("X8").ToLower();
                    crc         = new crc32();
                    cg_checksum = crc.CRC(editbl(cg)).ToString("X8").ToLower();

            bool test = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines[i]))
                string line = lines[i];
                if (line.Contains(old_version))
                    lines[i] = line.Replace(old_version, new_version);
                    line     = lines[i];
                if (line.Contains("cf_"))
                    lines[i] = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(',')) + "," + cf_checksum;
                if (line.Contains("cg_"))
                    lines[i] = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(',')) + "," + cg_checksum;

                if (line.Contains("[flashfs]"))
                    test = true;

                if (test)
                    if (!line.Contains(","))
                    string name = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(','));
                    foreach (PirsEntry a in p.getList())
                        if ("$flash_" + name == a.Filename)
                            lines[i] = name + "," + a.CRC.ToString("X8").ToLower();

            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + "_new" + Path.GetExtension(filename)), lines);