Exemple #1
        public static void SwapPrefab(SearchJob job, SearchResult result, GameObject gameObjToSwap, GameObject prefab, bool updateTransform, bool rename)
            Transform swapParent = gameObjToSwap.transform.parent;
            int       index      = gameObjToSwap.transform.GetSiblingIndex();

            result.replaceStrRep = prefab.name;
            result.strRep        = gameObjToSwap.name;
            // Debug.Log("[ReplaceItemSwapObject] Instantiating:"  +prefab, prefab);
            GameObject newObj = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab) as GameObject;

            if (newObj != null)
                newObj.transform.parent = swapParent;
                Transform oldT = gameObjToSwap.transform;
                if (updateTransform)
                    newObj.transform.rotation      = oldT.rotation;
                    newObj.transform.localPosition = oldT.localPosition;
                    newObj.transform.localScale    = oldT.localScale;
                if (rename)
                    newObj.name = gameObjToSwap.name;
                result.pathInfo = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(newObj, job);

                Debug.Log("[Search & Replace] No object instantiated...hrm!");
Exemple #2
        public override void SearchGameObject(SearchJob job, GameObject go)
            job.assetData.searchExecuted = true;
            //We only do this search if its a game object AND its a search (NOT a replace).
            if (searchAsGameObject != null && job.options.searchType == SearchType.Search && subsearch == null)
                // if(searchAsGameObject == go)
                // {
                //   Debug.Log("[SearchItemGlobal] FOUND THING");
                // }
#if UNITY_2018_2 || UNITY_2018_3 || UNITY_2018_4
                UnityEngine.Object goPrefab = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(go);
                UnityEngine.Object goPrefab = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(go);

                // Debug.Log("[SearchItemGlobal] goPrefab:"+goPrefab);
                if (goPrefab != null && goPrefab == searchAsGameObject)
                    SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
                    result.strRep      = "";
                    result.pathInfo    = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(go, job);
                    result.actionTaken = SearchAction.InstanceFound;
                    job.MatchFound(result, this);
            typeField.SearchGameObject(job, this, go);
Exemple #3
        public override void SearchGameObject(SearchJob job, GameObject go)
            job.assetData.searchExecuted = true;
            // Debug.Log("[SearchItemInstances] GO:"+go.name);
            PrefabType goType = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(go);

            if (goType == PrefabType.PrefabInstance)
#if UNITY_2018_2 || UNITY_2018_3 || UNITY_2018_4
                UnityEngine.Object goPrefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(go);
                UnityEngine.Object goPrefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(go);
                GameObject root           = PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(go);
                bool       isRootOfPrefab = root == go;
                if (isRootOfPrefab && goPrefabObj == objID.obj)
                    //Instance found!
                    // Debug.Log("[SearchItemInstances] instance found!"+go.name);
                    SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
                    result.strRep      = "";
                    result.pathInfo    = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(go, job);
                    result.actionTaken = SearchAction.InstanceFound;
                    job.MatchFound(result, this);
                    replaceItem.ReplaceInstance(job, go, result);
Exemple #4
 public override void OnAssetSearchEnd(SearchJob job, SearchItem item)
     if (job.searchIncludesScripts && matchAssetMissingScript && assetMissingScript)
         SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
         result.strRep      = job.assetData.assetPath;
         result.pathInfo    = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(job.assetData.assetPath), job.assetData);
         result.actionTaken = SearchAction.AssetMissingScript;
         job.MatchFound(result, item);
        static void replaceInstances(SearchJob parentJob, SearchItem item, GameObject oldValue, GameObject newValue)
            SearchItemSet searchSet = new SearchItemSet();

            searchSet.AddNew(Keys.Global, false);
            SearchItemGlobal searchItem = (SearchItemGlobal)searchSet.items[0];

            DynamicTypeObject dto = (DynamicTypeObject)searchItem.GetDTDFor(typeof(UnityEngine.Object));

            dto.SearchSubObjects = true;
            ReplaceItemObject replaceItem = (ReplaceItemObject)dto.ReplaceItem;


            SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions();

            options.searchType = SearchType.SearchAndReplace;

            // does this matter anymore since asset scope is now essentially defined by what assets are passed in?
            SearchScopeData searchScope = new SearchScopeData(ProjectScope.SpecificLocation, AssetScope.Prefabs, new ObjectID(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(parentJob.assetData.assetPath)), false, parentJob.scope.loadPrefab);
            SearchJob       subJob      = new SearchJob(searchSet, options, searchScope);
            SearchAssetData assetData   = parentJob.assetData.Clone();


            // Now that we've executed the job we have to save a list of all objects from search results, because as soon as
            // we swap out the new object, the old object's position may shift in the hierarchy, making the PathInfo stale.
            SearchResultGroup         group         = subJob.resultSet.results[searchItem.sortIndex];
            List <UnityEngine.Object> resultObjects = new List <Object>();

            foreach (SearchResult result in group.results)
                UnityEngine.Object resultObj = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(result.pathInfo.objectID);

            // now that we've deleted the object, let's rebuild the objects.
            for (int i = 0; i < resultObjects.Count; i++)
                SearchResult result = group.results[i];
                result.pathInfo = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(resultObjects[i], assetData);

            parentJob.AddResultsFromSubsearch(item, subJob.resultSet.results[searchItem.sortIndex]);
        public static bool SwapPrefab(SearchJob job, SearchItem item, SearchResult result, GameObject gameObjToSwap, GameObject prefab, bool updateTransform, bool rename)
            string reason;

            if (!PrefabUtil.IsPrefabObjectReplaceable(gameObjToSwap, job.assetData, out reason))
                result.actionTaken = SearchAction.InstanceNotReplaced;
                result.error       = reason;

            Transform swapParent = gameObjToSwap.transform.parent;
            int       index      = gameObjToSwap.transform.GetSiblingIndex();

            result.replaceStrRep = prefab.name;
            result.strRep        = gameObjToSwap.name;
            // Debug.Log("[ReplaceItemSwapObject] Instantiating:"  +prefab, prefab);
            GameObject newObj = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab) as GameObject;

            if (newObj != null)
                newObj.transform.parent = swapParent;
                Transform oldT = gameObjToSwap.transform;
                if (updateTransform)
                    newObj.transform.rotation      = oldT.rotation;
                    newObj.transform.localPosition = oldT.localPosition;
                    newObj.transform.localScale    = oldT.localScale;
                if (rename)
                    newObj.name = gameObjToSwap.name;
                result.pathInfo            = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(newObj, job.assetData);
                job.assetData.assetIsDirty = true;

                replaceInstances(job, item, gameObjToSwap, newObj);

                Debug.Log("[Search & Replace] No object instantiated...hrm!");
Exemple #7
 public override void OnSearchEnd(SearchJob job, SearchItem item)
     if (showUnusedScripts)
         foreach (var kvp in typeHash)
             ClassSearchInfo csi = kvp.Value;
             if (csi.numFound == 0)
                 SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
                 result.pathInfo    = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(csi.script, job);
                 result.actionTaken = SearchAction.NotFound;
                 result.strRep      = kvp.Key.ToString();
                 job.MatchFound(result, item);
Exemple #8
 protected override void replace(SearchJob job, SerializedProperty prop, SearchResult result)
     if (subItem != null)
         UnityEngine.Object originalObj = prop.serializedObject.targetObject;
         // figure out how this object relates to our replace object.
         FieldData          fd          = initializationContext.fieldData;
         SerializedProperty replaceProp = null;
         if (fd.objectType == originalObj.GetType())
             // easy enough! they match.
             replaceProp = prop.serializedObject.FindProperty(fd.fieldName);
             GameObject go = ObjectUtil.GetGameObject(originalObj);
             if (go != null)
                 Component c = go.GetComponent(fd.objectType);
                 if (c != null)
                     SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(c);
                     replaceProp = so.FindProperty(fd.fieldName);
         if (replaceProp != null)
             result.pathInfo = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(replaceProp.serializedObject.targetObject, job);
             result.strRep   = subItem.StringValueFor(replaceProp);
             subItem.ReplaceInternal(job, replaceProp, result);
             // This is pretty slow. We may want to find a better solution.
             if (PrefabUtil.isInstanceModification(replaceProp))
Exemple #9
        public override void SearchGameObject(SearchJob job, GameObject go)
            job.assetData.searchExecuted = true;
            PrefabTypes goType = PrefabUtil.GetPrefabType(go);

            if (goType == PrefabTypes.PrefabInstance || goType == PrefabTypes.NestedPrefabInstance || goType == PrefabTypes.PrefabVariantInstance)
                GameObject goPrefabObj = null;
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
                if (goType == PrefabTypes.PrefabInstance || goType == PrefabTypes.NestedPrefabInstance)
                    // nested prefabs or normal instances means we should search for the *original* source.
                    // prefab variant instances will show up here as nestedprefab instances
                    // if the variants are in variants. :P
                    goPrefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromOriginalSource(go);
                    // PrefabVariantInstance means we need the corresponding source.
                    goPrefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(go);
                GameObject root = go;
                goPrefabObj = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(go);
                GameObject root = PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(go);
                bool isRootOfPrefab = root == go;
                if (isRootOfPrefab && goPrefabObj == objID.obj)
                    //Instance found!
                    // Debug.Log("[SearchItemInstances] instance found!"+go.name);
                    SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
                    result.strRep      = "";
                    result.pathInfo    = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(go, job.assetData);
                    result.actionTaken = SearchAction.InstanceFound;
                    job.MatchFound(result, this);
                    replaceItem.ReplaceInstance(job, this, go, result);
Exemple #10
 public SearchResultProperty(SerializedProperty p, string sRep, SearchJob job)
     strRep   = sRep;
     pathInfo = PathInfo.GetPathInfo(p, job.assetData);