/// <summary>
    /// Gets a word and EmotionIdeal associated with it. This assumes that
    /// the database contains the word!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="word">Word to search for</param>
    /// <returns>WordAndEmoIdeal -- struct containing string and emotion ideal</returns>
    private IEnumerator GetWord(string word, WVObject <WordAndEmoIdeal> result)
        Debug.Log("Getting word " + word + " from db");
        //WVObject<WordAndEmoIdeal> result = new WVObject<WordAndEmoIdeal>(word);


        WordAndEmoIdeal wordEmoIdeal = new WordAndEmoIdeal();

        using (MySqlCommand command = _connection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = "SELECT " + TABLE_WORD + ", " + TABLE_EMO_IDEAL + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME +
                                  " WHERE " + TABLE_WORD + " = " + "'" + word + "'";

            System.IAsyncResult asyncResult = command.BeginExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

            Debug.Log("Connection before command: " + Connection.State.ToString());

            while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
                yield return(null);
                MySqlDataReader data;
                using (data = command.EndExecuteReader(asyncResult))
                    //Debug.LogWarning("before data.Read()");
                    while (data.Read())
                        string w = (string)data[TABLE_WORD];
                        EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal emoIdeal = (EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal)

                        wordEmoIdeal.word    = w;
                        wordEmoIdeal.emoEnum = emoIdeal;

                        result.value = wordEmoIdeal;//at this point, since it's not null, we set it!
                        //Debug.LogWarning("reading data");
                    Debug.LogWarning("Data.isClosed = " + data.IsClosed.ToString());
                    //if (!data.IsClosed) data.Close();
                //Debug.LogWarning("Data.isClosed AFTER using: " + data.IsClosed.ToString());

                //Debug.Log("Connection after everything: " + Connection.State.ToString());
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException e)
    /// <summary>
    /// Given a word, we want to add the word and the synonyms to the dictionary (given
    /// that it's a valid word) and save it. Then we want to pass the word off
    /// to the controller that will convert it into a list of EmotionIdeals.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="word">The word with its synonyms. Note this word could be garbage!</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static Word CallMeWhenDonePingingServer(Word word)
        Debug.Log("New synonym done pinging server for word: " + word.GetWord());
        string wordStr = word.GetWord();

        if (word.IsGarbage())
            Debug.Log("word '" + word.GetWord() + "' thrown away, since it's garbage");
        //TO-DO: Now that we have the filled word, we need to get the EmotionIdeal it represents!
        List <EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal> emoIdealList = new List <EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal>();

        EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal emotionIdeal = Emotions.GetEmotionIdealAssociated(word.GetWord());
        if (emotionIdeal != EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal.None)
        foreach (string synonym in word.GetSynonyms())
            emotionIdeal = Emotions.GetEmotionIdealAssociated(synonym);
            if (emotionIdeal != EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal.None)

        if (emoIdealList.Count > 0)
            //pick a random emotion ideal in the list
            int randIndex = Random.Range(0, emoIdealList.Count - 1);

            emotionIdeal = emoIdealList[randIndex];

            //And then have it affect the emotional model
            MySQLDictionary.AddEntry(wordStr, emotionIdeal);

            Debug.Log("Word: " + word.GetWord() + " : has no associated emotion ideal");

        ////add the new word to the dictionary
        //SynonymDictionary.Add(word.GetWord(), word.GetSynonyms());
        ////If we should save, do it
        //if (Time.time - SynonymDictionary.LastSave > SynonymDictionary.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SAVES)
        //    SynonymDictionary.SaveSynonymDictionary();

    public static void AddEntry(string word, EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal emotionIdeal)
        //We create the WVObject, and pass it to the coroutine
        WVObject <bool?> result = new WVObject <bool?>(word);

        Request newRequest = new Request();

        newRequest.type         = RequestType.Add;
        newRequest.word         = word;
        newRequest.emotionIdeal = emotionIdeal;
        newRequest.boolResult   = result;

    /// <summary>
    /// Raw write-to function for adding a string and EmotionIdeal to the database.
    /// This assumes that word is not too long (> 30 chars).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="word">The string to enter as the word</param>
    /// <param name="emotionIdeal">The emotion ideal to associate with word</param>
    private IEnumerator AddEntryToDatabase(string word, EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal emotionIdeal, WVObject <bool?> result)
        Debug.Log("Adding entry " + word + " to db");
        using (MySqlCommand command = _connection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_NAME + "(" + TABLE_WORD + ", " + TABLE_EMO_IDEAL + ")" +
                                  " VALUES" + "('" + word + "', " + "'" + ((int)emotionIdeal).ToString() + "');";

            System.IAsyncResult asyncResult = command.BeginExecuteNonQuery();

            while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
                yield return(null);


            result.value = true;
    public static EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal ProcessWordEmotionsAndAddToModel(string word)
        EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal result = Emotions.GetEmotionIdealAssociated(word);

 public WordAndEmoIdeal()
     word    = "";
     emoEnum = EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal.None;
 public WordAndEmoIdeal(string w, EmotionModel.EmotionIdeal e)
     word    = w;
     emoEnum = e;