public void setUp() { D = new Delay(2,4); if (D == null); { } }
public void test_Delay_createWithNS() { XMLNamespaces xmlns = new XMLNamespaces(); xmlns.add( "", "testsbml"); SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new SBMLNamespaces(2,1); sbmlns.addNamespaces(xmlns); Delay object1 = new Delay(sbmlns); assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_DELAY ); assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" ); assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null ); assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null ); assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 ); assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null ); assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 ); object1 = null; }
public void test_internal_consistency_check_99905_delay() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); long errors; Delay delay = new Delay(2,4); Event e = new Event(2,4); Model m = d.createModel(); d.setLevelAndVersion(2,2,false); delay.setSBOTerm(5); e.setDelay(delay); m.addEvent(e); errors = d.checkInternalConsistency(); assertTrue( errors == 0 ); d = null; }
public void test_Event_setDelay2() { Delay Delay = new Delay(2,1); int i = E.setDelay(Delay); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH ); assertEquals( false, E.isSetDelay() ); i = E.unsetDelay(); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); }
public void test_Event_setDelay1() { ASTNode math1 = libsbml.parseFormula("0"); Delay Delay = new Delay(2,4); Delay.setMath(math1); int i = E.setDelay(Delay); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertNotEquals(E.getDelay(),null); assertEquals( true, E.isSetDelay() ); i = E.unsetDelay(); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertEquals( false, E.isSetDelay() ); }
public void test_Delay_copyConstructor() { Delay o1 = new Delay(2,4); ASTNode node = new ASTNode(libsbml.AST_CONSTANT_PI); o1.setMath(node); node = null; assertTrue( o1.getMath() != null ); Delay o2 = new Delay(o1); assertTrue( o2.getMath() != null ); assertTrue( o2.getParentSBMLObject() == o1.getParentSBMLObject() ); o2 = null; o1 = null; }
public void test_Delay() { Delay d = new Delay(2,4); assertEquals( true, d.hasRequiredAttributes() ); d = null; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown(Delay obj) { HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); if (obj != null) { ptr = obj.swigCPtr; obj.swigCMemOwn = false; } return ptr; }
/** * Copy constructor; creates a copy of this Delay. * * @param orig the object to copy. */ public Delay(Delay orig) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_Delay__SWIG_2(Delay.getCPtr(orig)), true) { if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Delay obj) { return((obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr); }
public void test_Event_parent_NULL() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); Model m = d.createModel(); Event c = m.createEvent(); EventAssignment ea = c.createEventAssignment(); Trigger t = new Trigger(2,4); t.setMath(new ASTNode()); Delay dy = new Delay(2,4); dy.setMath(new ASTNode()); c.setTrigger(t); c.setDelay(dy); assertTrue( c.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == m ); assertTrue( c.getTrigger().getParentSBMLObject() == c ); assertEquals(c.getDelay().getSBMLDocument(),d); assertTrue( ea.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c ); Event c1 = c.clone(); d = null; assertTrue( c1.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null ); assertTrue( c1.getParentSBMLObject() == null ); assertEquals(c1.getSBMLDocument(),null); assertTrue( c1.getEventAssignment(0).getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null ); assertTrue( c1.getEventAssignment(0).getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c1 ); assertTrue( c1.getEventAssignment(0).getParentSBMLObject() != null ); assertEquals(c1.getEventAssignment(0).getSBMLDocument(),null); assertTrue( c1.getTrigger().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null ); assertTrue( c1.getTrigger().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c1 ); assertTrue( c1.getTrigger().getParentSBMLObject() != null ); assertEquals(c1.getTrigger().getSBMLDocument(),null); assertTrue( c1.getDelay().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null ); assertTrue( c1.getDelay().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c1 ); assertTrue( c1.getDelay().getParentSBMLObject() != null ); assertEquals(c1.getDelay().getSBMLDocument(),null); c1 = null; }
public void test_Delay_parent_add() { Delay d = new Delay(2,4); Event e = new Event(2,4); e.setDelay(d); d = null; assertTrue( e == e.getDelay().getParentSBMLObject() ); e = null; }
public void tearDown() { D = null; }
public void test_WriteSBML_Event_both() { string expected = "<event id=\"e\">\n" + " <trigger>\n" + " <math xmlns=\"\">\n" + " <apply>\n" + " <leq/>\n" + " <ci> P1 </ci>\n" + " <ci> t </ci>\n" + " </apply>\n" + " </math>\n" + " </trigger>\n" + " <delay>\n" + " <math xmlns=\"\">\n" + " <cn type=\"integer\"> 5 </cn>\n" + " </math>\n" + " </delay>\n" + "</event>"; D.setLevelAndVersion(2,1,false); Event e = D.createModel().createEvent(); e.setId("e"); ASTNode node1 = libsbml.parseFormula("leq(P1,t)"); Trigger t = new Trigger ( 2,1 ); t.setMath(node1); ASTNode node = libsbml.parseFormula("5"); Delay d = new Delay ( 2,1 ); d.setMath(node); e.setDelay(d); e.setTrigger(t); assertEquals( true, equals(expected,e.toSBML()) ); }
public void test_Delay_constructor() { SBase s; try { s = new Delay(2,1); s = new Delay(2,2); s = new Delay(2,3); s = new Delay(2,4); s = new Delay(SN21); s = new Delay(SN22); s = new Delay(SN23); s = new Delay(SN24); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { s = null; } assertTrue(s != null); string msg = ""; try { s = new Delay(1,1); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); msg = ""; try { s = new Delay(1,2); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); msg = ""; try { s = new Delay(SN11); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); msg = ""; try { s = new Delay(SN12); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); try { s = new Delay(99,99); } catch (SBMLConstructorException e) { msg = e.Message; } assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg); }
public void test_WriteSBML_Event_delayWithSBO() { string expected = "<event id=\"e\">\n" + " <delay sboTerm=\"SBO:0000064\">\n" + " <math xmlns=\"\">\n" + " <cn type=\"integer\"> 5 </cn>\n" + " </math>\n" + " </delay>\n" + "</event>"; D.setLevelAndVersion(2,3,false); Event e = D.createModel().createEvent(); e.setId("e"); ASTNode node = libsbml.parseFormula("5"); Delay d = new Delay ( 2,3 ); d.setMath(node); d.setSBOTerm(64); e.setDelay(d); assertEquals( true, equals(expected,e.toSBML()) ); }
public void test_Delay() { Delay d = new Delay(2,4); assertEquals( false, (d.hasRequiredElements()) ); d.setMath(libsbml.parseFormula("a+b")); assertEquals( true, d.hasRequiredElements() ); d = null; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Delay obj) { return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; }
public void test_Event_setDelay() { ASTNode math1 = libsbml.parseFormula("0"); Delay Delay = new Delay(2,4); Delay.setMath(math1); E.setDelay(Delay); assertNotEquals(E.getDelay(),null); assertEquals( true, E.isSetDelay() ); if (E.getDelay() == Delay); { } E.setDelay(E.getDelay()); assertNotEquals(E.getDelay(),Delay); E.setDelay(null); assertEquals( false, E.isSetDelay() ); if (E.getDelay() != null); { } }
/** * Sets the delay definition of this Event to a copy of the given Delay * object instance. * * @param delay the Delay object instance to use * * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the * function. @if clike The value is drawn from the * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values * returned by this function are: * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS @endlink * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_LEVEL_MISMATCH LIBSBML_LEVEL_MISMATCH @endlink * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH @endlink */ public int setDelay(Delay delay) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.Event_setDelay(swigCPtr, Delay.getCPtr(delay)); return ret; }
public void test_Delay_ancestor_add() { Delay d = new Delay(2,4); Event e = new Event(2,4); e.setDelay(d); d = null; Delay obj = e.getDelay(); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == e ); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null ); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == null ); e = null; }