public static List <Object> getValuesFromMappedSource(this object source, propertyMap map)
            List <Object> output = new List <object>();
            Dictionary <String, Object> dictOutput = source.getDictionaryFromMappedSource(map);

        /// <summary>
        /// Postavlja vednosti iz recnika u dati ciljani objekat - da bi bilo kompatibilno niz mora biti u istom rasporedu kao i u property mapu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Objekat koji prima vednosti</param>
        /// <param name="values">Recnik vrednosti koje treba da primeni na ciljani objekat.</param>
        /// <param name="map">Mapa koju treba da koristi za kopiranje vednosti - ako se prosledi primenice podesavanja isActive i kopirace samo one vednosti koje su navedene i u mapi i u prosledjenom recniku</param>
        /// <returns>Broj propertija koji su postavljeni</returns>
        public static Int32 setValuesToMappedTarget(this object target, Dictionary <String, Object> values,
                                                    propertyMap map = null)
            Int32 output = 0;

            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Can't map to null - dude!", nameof(target)); //new aceGeneralException("Mapping>> izvor je null");
                //return output;

            Type   iTI      = target.GetType();
            String propName = "";

            if (map != null)
                // prenos pomocu mape
                foreach (propertyMapEntry pME in map)
                    propName = pME.targetProperty;

                    if ((pME.isActive && values.ContainsKey(propName)))
                        var pi = iTI.GetProperty(propName);
                        if (pi != null)
                            pi.SetValue(target, values[propName], null); //target.imbSetPropertySafe(pi, values[propName]);
                // prenos direktno
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Object> pME in values)
                    propName = pME.Key;
                    var pi = iTI.GetProperty(propName);
                    if (pi != null)
                        //imbPropertyInfo iPI = iTI.allPropertiesByName[propName];
                        //target.imbSetPropertySafe(pi, pME.Value);
                        pi.SetValue(target, pME.Value, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Vraca recnik sa vrednostima iz objekta.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Recnik moze biti indeksiran prema imenima propertija za ciljani objekat ili za izvorni objekat
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="source">Objekat iz koga se preuzimaju vrednosti</param>
        /// <param name="map">Mapa iz koje preuzima vrednosti</param>
        /// <param name="targetNames">Whom property names to use for the dictionary?</param>
        /// <returns>Recnik sa imenima propertija i vrednostima</returns>
        public static Dictionary <String, Object> getDictionaryFromMappedSource(this Object source, propertyMap map,
                                                                                propertyMapNameSource targetNames = propertyMapNameSource.useTargetNames)
            Dictionary <String, Object> output = new Dictionary <String, Object>();

            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Can't map from null - dude!", nameof(source)); //new aceGeneralException("Mapping>> izvor je null");
                //return output;

            Type iTI = source.GetType();

            foreach (propertyMapEntry pME in map)
                if (pME.isActive)
                    var pi = iTI.GetProperty(pME.sourceProperty);
                    if (pi != null)
                        Object val = pi.GetValue(source, null); //source.imbGetPropertySafe(pi, null);
                        String key = pME.targetProperty;
                        if (targetNames == propertyMapNameSource.useSourceNames)
                            key = pME.sourceProperty;
                        output.Add(key, val);

        /// <summary>
        /// Primenjuje prosledjenu property mapu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <returns>Broj propertija koji su postavljeni</returns>
        public static Int32 setObjectByMappedSource(this object target, object source, propertyMap map)
            Dictionary <String, Object> dictOutput = source.getDictionaryFromMappedSource(map);

            return(target.setValuesToMappedTarget(dictOutput, map));