Exemple #1
        // Assumption here is that Submesh has been modified, but boundary loop has
        // been preserved, and that old submesh has already been removed from this mesh.
        // So, we just have to append new vertices and then rewrite triangles
        // If new_tris or new_verts is non-null, we will return this info.
        // new_tris should be set to TriangleCount (ie it is not necessarily a map)
        // For new_verts, if we used an existing bdry vtx instead, we set the value to -(existing_index+1),
        // otherwise the value is new_index (+1 is to handle 0)
        // Returns true if submesh successfully inserted, false if any triangles failed
        // (which happens if triangle would result in non-manifold mesh)
        public bool ReinsertSubmesh(DSubmesh3 sub, ref int[] new_tris, out IndexMap SubToNewV)
            if (sub.BaseBorderV == null)
                throw new Exception("MeshEditor.ReinsertSubmesh: Submesh does not have required boundary info. Call ComputeBoundaryInfo()!");

            DMesh3 submesh = sub.SubMesh;
            bool   bAllOK  = true;

            IndexFlagSet done_v = new IndexFlagSet(submesh.MaxVertexID, submesh.TriangleCount / 2);

            SubToNewV = new IndexMap(submesh.MaxVertexID, submesh.VertexCount);

            int nti = 0;
            int NT  = submesh.MaxTriangleID;

            for (int ti = 0; ti < NT; ++ti)
                if (submesh.IsTriangle(ti) == false)

                Index3i sub_t = submesh.GetTriangle(ti);
                int     gid   = submesh.GetTriangleGroup(ti);

                Index3i new_t = Index3i.Zero;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                    int sub_v = sub_t[j];
                    int new_v = -1;
                    if (done_v[sub_v] == false)
                        // first check if this is a boundary vtx on submesh and maps to a bdry vtx on base mesh
                        if (submesh.vertex_is_boundary(sub_v))
                            int base_v = (sub_v < sub.SubToBaseV.size) ? sub.SubToBaseV[sub_v] : -1;
                            if (base_v >= 0 && Mesh.IsVertex(base_v) && sub.BaseBorderV[base_v] == true)
                                // [RMS] this should always be true, but assert in tests to find out
                                if (Mesh.vertex_is_boundary(base_v))
                                    new_v = base_v;

                        // if that didn't happen, append new vtx
                        if (new_v == -1)
                            new_v = Mesh.AppendVertex(submesh, sub_v);

                        SubToNewV[sub_v] = new_v;
                        done_v[sub_v]    = true;
                        new_v = SubToNewV[sub_v];

                    new_t[j] = new_v;

                Debug.Assert(Mesh.FindTriangle(new_t.a, new_t.b, new_t.c) == DMesh3.InvalidID);

                int new_tid = Mesh.AppendTriangle(new_t, gid);
                Debug.Assert(new_tid != DMesh3.InvalidID && new_tid != DMesh3.NonManifoldID);
                if (!Mesh.IsTriangle(new_tid))
                    bAllOK = false;

                if (new_tris != null)
                    new_tris[nti++] = new_tid;
