Exemple #1
        public int addEvent(int appid, novaevent newevent)
                //create the meta object for this event
                objectmeta obj = new objectmeta();
                obj.TimesViewedApp = 0;
                obj.TimesViewedWeb = 0;
                obj.ObjectID = newevent.EventID;
                obj.ObjectType = 1;
                obj.FacebookImpressions = 0;
                obj.FacebookRSVPs = 0;


                return 1;
            catch (Exception e)
                return -1;
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
            //First we need to check the collection, and see that all required fields are filled in.

                appinfo app = utility.getAppInfo(defaultappid);
                WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                string url_request;
                string facebookeventid = "";

                //Create the app event
                novaevent eventToAdd = new novaevent();
                eventToAdd.EventID = (eventmodel.getMaxEventID() + 1);//Convert.ToInt32(collection["EventID"]);
                eventToAdd.EventDesc = collection["EventDescription"];

                //todo: session app id, not 4;
                eventToAdd.AppID = defaultappid;
                eventToAdd.EventName = collection["EventName"];

                string eventstart;
                eventstart = collection["EventStartDate"] + " " + collection["EventStartTime"] + " " + collection["EventStartTimeAMPM"];
                //eventToAdd.EventStart = Convert.ToDateTime(eventstart, new CultureInfo("fr-FR",false));
                eventToAdd.EventStart = DateTime.ParseExact(eventstart, "dd/MM/yyyy h:m tt", null);

                string eventend;
                if (!collection["NoEndDate"].Contains("true"))
                    eventend = collection["EventEndDate"] + " " + collection["EventEndTime"] + " " + collection["EventEndTimeAMPM"];
                    //eventToAdd.EventEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(eventend);
                    eventToAdd.EventEnd = DateTime.ParseExact(eventend, "dd/MM/yyyy h:m tt", null);
                    eventToAdd.EventEnd = eventToAdd.EventStart;

                int outnum;

                int.TryParse(collection["NotAttending"], out outnum);
                eventToAdd.NotAttending = outnum;

                int.TryParse(collection["Attending"], out outnum);
                eventToAdd.Attending = outnum;

                eventToAdd.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                    eventToAdd.Disabled = 1;
                } else {
                    eventToAdd.Disabled = 0;
                eventToAdd.Location = collection["EventLocation"];

                //Compute SHA1 hash for the syncid, and encode it in 32bit
                SHA1 hash = SHA1.Create();
                ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
                byte[] bytearray = encoder.GetBytes(collection["EventID"] + "alexrocks_21");
                string syncid = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < hash.Hash.Length; i++)
                    syncid = syncid + hash.Hash[i].ToString("x2");
                eventToAdd.SyncID = syncid;

                if (collection["EventSurvey"] != null && Convert.ToInt32(collection["EventSurvey"]) > 0)
                    eventToAdd.Survey = Convert.ToInt32(collection["EventSurvey"]);

                //throw new Exception();
                //add the new object to the database
                int ret = eventmodel.addEvent(defaultappid, eventToAdd);
                if (ret != 1)
                    ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Error, could not add event.";
                    return View();
                ret = eventmodel.setLastEventUpdate(defaultappid, DateTime.Now);
                if (ret != 1)
                    ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Error, could not update last event date.";
                    return View();

                //Create the Facebook event
                if (collection["PostToFacebook"].Contains("true"))
                    NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
                    DateTime tempdate;
                    TimeSpan tempspan;
                    string fbdate;

                    CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                    string dateformat = "dd/MM/yyyy h:mmtt";
                    tempdate = DateTime.ParseExact(collection["FacebookEventStartDate"] + " " + collection["FacebookEventStartTime"] + collection["FacebookEventStartTimeAMPM"], dateformat, new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB"));

                    //Awkward hack to fix facebook times on events, ideally this would use the current timezone
                    fbdate = Convert.ToString(tempdate.Year) + "-" + Convert.ToString(tempdate.Day) + "-" + Convert.ToString(tempdate.Month) + "T" + Convert.ToString(tempdate.Hour) + ":" + Convert.ToString(tempdate.Minute);
                    fbdate = tempdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    nvc.Add("start_time", fbdate);

                    if (!collection["NoEndDate"].Contains("true"))
                        //tempdate = Convert.ToDateTime(collection["FacebookEventEndDate"] + " " + collection["FacebookEventEndTime"] + collection["FacebookEventEndTimeAMPM"]);
                        tempdate = DateTime.ParseExact(collection["FacebookEventEndDate"] + " " + collection["FacebookEventEndTime"] + collection["FacebookEventEndTimeAMPM"], dateformat, new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB"));
                        fbdate = tempdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                        nvc.Add("end_time", fbdate);

                    nvc.Add("access_token", app.FacebookPageAccessToken);
                    nvc.Add("name", collection["FacebookEventName"]);
                    nvc.Add("description", collection["FacebookEventDescription"]);
                    nvc.Add("location", collection["FacebookEventLocation"]);

                    byte[] result = wc.UploadValues("https://graph.facebook.com/" + app.FacebookPageId + "/events", "POST", nvc);

                    string strresult = Encoding.Default.GetString(result);
                    JObject eventresponse = JObject.Parse(strresult);
                    if(eventresponse["id"] != null){
                       facebookeventid = (string)eventresponse["id"];


                //Create the twitter message
                    OAuthTokens at = new OAuthTokens();
                    at.AccessToken = app.TwitterAccessToken;
                    at.AccessTokenSecret = app.TwitterAccessTokenSecret;
                    at.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"];
                    at.ConsumerSecret= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"];

                    string tweettext = "";
                    tweettext = collection["TweetText"];

                    if (collection["TwitterEventLink"].Contains("true") && facebookeventid != "")
                        tweettext = tweettext + " http://facebook.com/events/" + facebookeventid;

                    TwitterResponse<TwitterStatus> resp = TwitterStatus.Update(at, tweettext);
                ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Event created!";
                return RedirectToAction("Home");
            //catch(Exception e)
            //    ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Error, could not create event from form data <br /> Exception: " + e.Message + "<br /> Source: " + e.StackTrace ;
            //    ViewData["ReturnMessage"] += " <br /> Event start collections: " + collection["EventStartDate"] + " " + collection["EventStartTime"] + collection["EventStartTimeAMPM"];
            //    return View();
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)
                novaevent selectedEvent = eventmodel.getEvent(id);
                novaevent updatedEvent = new novaevent();
                updatedEvent = selectedEvent;
                updatedEvent.EventDesc = collection["EventDescription"];
                updatedEvent.EventName = collection["EventName"];
                string eventstart;
                eventstart = collection["EventStartDate"] + " " + collection["EventStartTime"] + " " + collection["EventStartTimeAMPM"];
                //eventToAdd.EventStart = Convert.ToDateTime(eventstart, new CultureInfo("fr-FR",false));
                updatedEvent.EventStart = DateTime.ParseExact(eventstart, "dd/M/yyyy h:mm tt", null);

                string eventend;
                if (!collection["NoEndDate"].Contains("true"))
                    eventend = collection["EventEndDate"] + " " + collection["EventEndTime"] + " " + collection["EventEndTimeAMPM"];
                    //eventToAdd.EventEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(eventend);
                    updatedEvent.EventEnd = DateTime.ParseExact(eventend, "dd/M/yyyy h:mm tt", null);
                    updatedEvent.EventEnd = updatedEvent.EventStart;
                //updatedEvent.EventStart = Convert.ToDateTime(collection["EventStart"]);
                //updatedEvent.EventEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(collection["EventEnd"]);
                updatedEvent.NotAttending = Convert.ToInt32(collection["NotAttending"]);
                updatedEvent.Attending = Convert.ToInt32(collection["Attending"]);
                updatedEvent.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                updatedEvent.Location = collection["EventLocation"];

                //add the new object to the database
                int ret = eventmodel.updateEvent(defaultappid, updatedEvent);
                if (ret != 1)
                    ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Error, could not add event.";
                    return View();
                ret = eventmodel.setLastEventUpdate(defaultappid, DateTime.Now);
                if (ret != 1)
                    ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Error, could not update last event date.";
                    return View();
                //return RedirectToRoute(new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Events", action = "Details", id = id }));
                return Redirect("../Events/Details?id=" + Convert.ToString(id));

                ViewData["ReturnMessage"] = "Error, could not create event from form data";
                return View();
Exemple #4
 public int updateEvent(int appid, novaevent updatedevent)
         var selected_event = (from e in _db.novaevents
                               where (e.AppID == appid && e.EventID == updatedevent.EventID)
                               select e).First();
         selected_event = updatedevent;
         return 1;
     catch (Exception e)
         return -1;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the novaevents EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddTonovaevents(novaevent novaevent)
     base.AddObject("novaevents", novaevent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new novaevent object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventID">Initial value of the EventID property.</param>
 /// <param name="syncID">Initial value of the SyncID property.</param>
 /// <param name="appID">Initial value of the AppID property.</param>
 /// <param name="eventName">Initial value of the EventName property.</param>
 /// <param name="eventDesc">Initial value of the EventDesc property.</param>
 /// <param name="eventStart">Initial value of the EventStart property.</param>
 /// <param name="attending">Initial value of the Attending property.</param>
 /// <param name="notAttending">Initial value of the NotAttending property.</param>
 /// <param name="lastUpdated">Initial value of the LastUpdated property.</param>
 /// <param name="eventEnd">Initial value of the EventEnd property.</param>
 /// <param name="disabled">Initial value of the Disabled property.</param>
 public static novaevent Createnovaevent(global::System.Int32 eventID, global::System.String syncID, global::System.Int32 appID, global::System.String eventName, global::System.String eventDesc, global::System.DateTime eventStart, global::System.Int32 attending, global::System.Int32 notAttending, global::System.DateTime lastUpdated, global::System.DateTime eventEnd, global::System.Int32 disabled)
     novaevent novaevent = new novaevent();
     novaevent.EventID = eventID;
     novaevent.SyncID = syncID;
     novaevent.AppID = appID;
     novaevent.EventName = eventName;
     novaevent.EventDesc = eventDesc;
     novaevent.EventStart = eventStart;
     novaevent.Attending = attending;
     novaevent.NotAttending = notAttending;
     novaevent.LastUpdated = lastUpdated;
     novaevent.EventEnd = eventEnd;
     novaevent.Disabled = disabled;
     return novaevent;