public void Edit(string newFIO, int rowId) { if (check.Firmness(newFIO) && check.FIOvalidation(newFIO)) { try { Lector newRow = new Lector(newFIO); var equalRecords = LectorDB.Lectors.Where(l => l.FIO.Equals(newFIO)); if (equalRecords.Any()) { MessageBox.Show("Такой преподаватель уже существует в базе", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { var EditedValue = LectorDB.Lectors.Where(c => c.Id == rowId) .FirstOrDefault(); EditedValue.FIO = newFIO; LectorDB.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Произошла ошибка редактирования\n" + ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public static List<ClienteEN> CargarCliente() { var ListaClientes = new List<ClienteEN>(); using (var Cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Mercader"].ToString())) { Cnn.Open(); string ConsultaCarga = "SELECT C.CodCli,C.RazonSocial,C.Cuit,(C.Calle + ' ' + C.Numero) AS Direccion,C.Activo,L.Descripcion " + "FROM Cliente C, Localidad L " + "WHERE C.Localidad_CodLoc= L.CodLoc AND C.Activo=1"; var Cmd = new SqlCommand(ConsultaCarga, Cnn); SqlDataReader Lector; Lector = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { var UnCliente = new ClienteEN(); UnCliente.CodCli = Conversions.ToInteger(Lector[0]); UnCliente.RazonSocial = Conversions.ToString(Lector[1]); UnCliente.Cuit = Conversions.ToString(Lector[2]); UnCliente.Direccion = Conversions.ToString(Lector[3]); UnCliente.Activo = Conversions.ToBoolean(Lector[4]); UnCliente.Localidad = Conversions.ToString(Lector[5]); ListaClientes.Add(UnCliente); } return ListaClientes; } }
private static void ObserverExample() { var observer = new LessonObserver(); var student1 = new Student("Adam"); var student2 = new Student("Peter"); var student3 = new Student("Max"); var lector = new Lector("Prof. Smith"); observer.Attach(student1); observer.Attach(student2); observer.Attach(student3); observer.Attach(lector); student1.Say("something"); Console.WriteLine(); student2.Say("some noize!"); Console.WriteLine(); observer.Detach(student1); student3.Say("question?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Ring"); observer.Ring(); Console.WriteLine(); }
public IHttpActionResult Add([FromBody] Lector lectorDto) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { response.Status = Constants.ResponseStatus.error; response.Code = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; response.Message = Constants.ErrorMessage.bad_request; return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response)); } else { t_lector lector = Mapper.Map <Lector, t_lector>(lectorDto); repository.Add(lector); repository.Save(); lectorDto.id_lector = lector.id_lector; return(Created(new Uri($"{Request.RequestUri}/{lectorDto.id_lector}"), lectorDto)); } } catch (Exception ex) { response.Status = Constants.ResponseStatus.error; response.Message = Constants.ErrorMessage.internal_server_error; return(Content(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, response)); } }
public Lector Buscar(long Ndoc) { Lector a = null; SqlConnection oConexion = new SqlConnection(Conexion.Cnn); SqlCommand oComando = new SqlCommand("Exec BuscoLector " + Ndoc, oConexion); SqlDataReader oReader; try { oConexion.Open(); oReader = oComando.ExecuteReader(); if (oReader.Read()) { long ndoc = (long)oReader["Ndoc"]; string nombre = (string)oReader["NomUsuario"]; string usuario = (string)oReader["Usuario"]; string contraseña = (string)oReader["Constraseña"]; string correo = (string)oReader["Correo"]; a = new Lector(ndoc, nombre, usuario, contraseña, correo); } oReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { oConexion.Close(); } return(a); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo que carga todos los elementos del inventario de la base de datos a una tabla. /// </summary> /// <param name="Tabla"></param> public static void Lote_Inventario(ListView Tabla) { try { int I = 0; Conexion.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "Lote_Inventario"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Connection = Conexion; SqlDataReader Lector; Lector = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { Tabla.Items.Add(Lector["Codigo"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Material"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(Lector["Costo"]))); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Existencia"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["UMD"].ToString()); I++; } Conexion.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { EMensaje.Error("Error : " + ex, "Ruta del error : DT/Inventario/Lote_Inventario"); } }
public void Buscar(int posicion) { if (Lector != null) { Lector.Seek(Lector.WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond * posicion, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); } }
/// <summary> /// Obtener movimiento segun la fecha de registro del material y vaciarlo en una tabla. /// </summary> /// <param name="Tabla"></param> public static void Obtener_Mov_Fecha(ListView Tabla) { try { int I = 0; Conexion.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "Obtener_Mov_Fecha"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Connection = Conexion; { cmd.Parameters.Add("@Movimiento", OleDbType.Char, 55).Value = EMovimientos.Movimiento; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Mes", OleDbType.Char, 55).Value = EMovimientos.Mes; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Año", OleDbType.Char, 55).Value = EMovimientos.Año; OleDbDataReader Lector; Lector = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { Tabla.Items.Add(Lector["Codigo"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Documento"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Descripcion"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Cantidad"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Fecha"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Usuario"].ToString()); I++; } Conexion.Close(); } Conexion.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { EMensaje.Error("Error : " + ex, "Ruta del error : DT/Movimientos/Obtener_Movimiento"); } }
public static List<UsuarioEN> CargarUsuario() { var ListaUsuarios = new List<UsuarioEN>(); using (var Cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Mercader"].ToString())) { Cnn.Open(); string ConsultaUsuarios = "SELECT CodUsu,Usuario,Apellido,Nombre,CorreoElectronico,CAST(DATEDIFF(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),FechaNacimiento),CONVERT(date,GETDATE())) / 365.25 AS INT),Bloqueado" + " FROM Usuario WHERE Activo=1"; var Cmd = new SqlCommand(ConsultaUsuarios, Cnn); SqlDataReader Lector; Lector = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { var UnUsuario = new UsuarioEN(); UnUsuario.CodUsu = Conversions.ToInteger(Lector[0]); UnUsuario.Usuario = Conversions.ToString(Lector[1]); UnUsuario.Apellido = Conversions.ToString(Lector[2]); UnUsuario.Nombre = Conversions.ToString(Lector[3]); UnUsuario.CorreoElectronico = Conversions.ToString(Lector[4]); UnUsuario.Edad = Conversions.ToInteger(Lector[5]); UnUsuario.Bloqueado = Conversions.ToBoolean(Lector[6]); ListaUsuarios.Add(UnUsuario); } } return ListaUsuarios; }
private void btnRutaArchStock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "Archivos de Excel|*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm", FilterIndex = 1, Multiselect = false }; DialogResult result = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { txtRutaArchStock.Text = openFileDialog.FileName; } Data data = new Data(txtRutaArchStock.Text); Lector lector = new Lector(txtRutaArchStock.Text); FormCargando loading = new FormCargando(FormCargando.LECTOR_STOCKS, lector, data); loading.ShowDialog(this); this.listaStocks = lector.listaStocks; //Lector lector = new Lector(txtRutaArchStock.Text); //this.listaStocks = lector.LeerArchStocks(); }
public void UpdateLector(LectorId lectId, Lector lector) { if (lector == null) { _logger.Log(string.Format("You sent a null lector:\n {0}", nameof(NullReferenceException))); } string sql = "Update Lectors Set " + "firstName = @firstName, secondName = @secondName, email = @email " + "Where lectorId = @lectorId"; try { using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString)) { sqlConnection.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, sqlConnection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lectorId", lectId.Id); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstName", lector.firstName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@secondName", lector.secondName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email",; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } catch (SqlException sqlException) { _logger.Log(string.Format("You have an error with sql:\n {0}", sqlException)); } catch (ArgumentNullException argException) { _logger.Log(string.Format("You have a null argument:\n {0}", argException)); } }
public void InsertLector(Lector lector) { if (lector == null) { _logger.Log(string.Format("You sent a null lector:\n {0}", nameof(NullReferenceException))); } string sql = "Insert Into Lectors " + "(firstName, secondName, email) Values " + "(@firstName, @secondName, @email) "; try { using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString)) { sqlConnection.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, sqlConnection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstName", lector.firstName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@secondName", lector.secondName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email",; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } catch (SqlException sqlException) { _logger.Log(string.Format("You have an error with sql:\n {0}", sqlException)); } catch (ArgumentNullException argException) { _logger.Log(string.Format("You have a null argument:\n {0}", argException)); } }
public List <Prestamo> PrestamosLector(string numeroCarnetS, out string msg) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(numeroCarnetS)) { msg = "El número de carnet no puede estar vacío"; return(null); } int numeroCarnet; if (!int.TryParse(numeroCarnetS, out numeroCarnet)) { msg = "El número de carnet debe ser numérico"; return(null); } Lector lector = proyectoBiblioteca.Lectors.Find(numeroCarnet); if (lector == null) { msg = "Este socio no existe"; return(null); } if (lector.Prestamos.Count == 0) { msg = "Este socio no tiene ningún préstamo"; return(null); } msg = ""; return(lector.Prestamos.ToList()); }
public void Delete(int id) { Lector lector = _context.Lectoren.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Id == id); _context.Lectoren.Remove(lector); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Index() { //If admin if (AccountCredentials.GetRole() != RoleName.Lecturer) { var adminModel = new ReasignViewModel { Disciplines = await Context.Disciplines.ToListAsync(), Lectures = await Context.Lectures.ToListAsync(), Modules = await Context.Modules.ToListAsync(), Questions = await Context.Questions.ToListAsync(), Answers = await Context.Answers.ToListAsync(), Specialities = await Context.Specialities.ToListAsync(), Groups = await Context.Groups.ToListAsync(), Students = await Context.Students.ToListAsync(), Lectors = await Context.Lectors.ToListAsync() }; return(View(adminModel)); } //If lector Lector lector = await AccountCredentials.GetLector(); if (await Context.LecturesHistories.AnyAsync(lh => lh.IsFrozen == false && lh.LectorId == lector.Id && lh.EndTime == null)) { if (await Context.ModuleHistories.AnyAsync(mh => mh.StartTime != null && mh.IsPassed == false && mh.LectorId == lector.Id)) { return(RedirectToAction("modulestatistics", "quiz")); } return(RedirectToAction("activelecture", "admin")); } var checkIfLector = await _adminPageHelper.LecturesIndexPage(lector); return(View(checkIfLector)); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo que vacia todos los movimientos de entradas y salidas en una sola tabla. /// </summary> /// <param name="Tabla"></param> public static void Obtener_Movimientos(ListView Tabla) { try { int I = 0; Conexion.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "Obtener_Movimientos"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Connection = Conexion; OleDbDataReader Lector; Lector = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { Tabla.Items.Add(Lector["Codigo"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Material"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Descripcion"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Cantidad"].ToString()); Tabla.Items[I].SubItems.Add(Lector["Fecha"].ToString()); I++; } Conexion.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { EMensaje.Error("Error : " + ex, "Ruta del error : DT/Movimiento/Obtner_Movimiento"); } }
/// <summary> /// Metodo que busca al usuario en la base de datos y vacial sus dato en la entidad. /// </summary> public static void Buscar() { try { Conexion.ConnectionString = _Conexion.Conexion; Conexion.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "Usuario_Buscar"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Connection = Conexion; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Usuario", SqlDbType.Char, 55).Value = EUsuarios.Usuario; SqlDataReader Lector; Lector = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { EUsuarios.Usuario = Lector["Usuario"].ToString(); EUsuarios.Contraseña = Lector["Contraseña"].ToString(); EUsuarios.Nombre = Lector["Nombre"].ToString(); EUsuarios.Apellido = Lector["Apellido"].ToString(); EUsuarios.Cargo = Lector["Cargo"].ToString(); EUsuarios.Almacen = Lector["Almacen"].ToString(); EUsuarios.ID = Lector["id"].ToString(); } Conexion.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { EMensaje.Error("Error : " + ex, "Ruta del error : DT/Usuarios/Buscar"); } }
public void Baja(Lector B) { SqlConnection _cnn = new SqlConnection(Conexion.Cnn); SqlCommand _comando = new SqlCommand("BajaLector", _cnn); _comando.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; _comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ndoc", B.Ndoc); SqlParameter _retorno = new SqlParameter("@Retorno", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); _retorno.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; _comando.Parameters.Add(_retorno); try { _cnn.Open(); _comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); if ((int)_retorno.Value == -1) { throw new Exception("El Lector no existe"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { _cnn.Close(); } }
private void Builder() { BuilderZapatas builder = new BuilderZapatas(); builder.BuildZapatas(Lector.Get_Fuerzas(), ETipoZapata.Zapata_Aislada, modelo_proyecto); Zapatas = builder.Zapatas; }
/// <summary> /// Metodo que buscar el material en la base de datos, y vacia sus datos en la entidad. /// </summary> public static void Buscar() { try { Conexion.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "Inventario_Buscar"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Connection = Conexion; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Codigo", SqlDbType.Char, 55).Value = EInventario.Codigo; SqlDataReader Lector; Lector = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { EInventario.Codigo = Lector["Codigo"].ToString(); EInventario.Material = Lector["Material"].ToString(); EInventario.Existencia = Lector["Existencia"].ToString(); EInventario.UMD = Lector["UMD"].ToString(); EInventario.Costo = Convert.ToDouble(Lector["Costo"].ToString()); EInventario.Precio = Convert.ToDouble(Lector["Precio_Venta"].ToString()); EInventario.ID = Lector["id_Material"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { EMensaje.Error("Error : " + ex, "Ruta del error : DT/Inventario/Buscar"); } Conexion.Close(); }
public async Task <ReasignViewModel> LecturesIndexPage(Lector lector) { ReasignViewModel model = new ReasignViewModel(); model.Lector = lector; var lectorsDisciplines = await _db.LectorDisciplines.Where(t => t.LectorId == model.Lector.Id).Select(t => t.DisciplineId) .ToListAsync(); var students = await _db.StudentDisciplines.Where(t => lectorsDisciplines.Contains(t.DisciplineId)) .Select(t => t.StudentId).ToListAsync(); var groups = await _db.Students.Where(t => students.Contains(t.Id)).Select(t => t.GroupId).ToListAsync(); model.Disciplines = await _db.Disciplines.Where(t => lectorsDisciplines.Contains(t.Id)).ToListAsync(); model.Modules = await _db.Modules.Where(t => lectorsDisciplines.Contains(t.DisciplineId)).ToListAsync(); model.Lectures = await _db.Lectures.Where(t => lectorsDisciplines.Contains(t.DisciplineId)).ToListAsync(); model.Groups = await _db.Groups.Where(t => groups.Contains(t.Id)).ToListAsync(); model.LecturesHistories = await _db.LecturesHistories.Where(t => t.EndTime == null && t.LectorId == model.Lector.Id) .ToListAsync(); model.ModuleHistories = (from mh in await _db.ModuleHistories.ToListAsync() join lh in model.LecturesHistories on mh.LectureHistoryId equals lh.Id select mh).ToList(); return(model); }
public async Task <StatisticsViewModel> GetHistoriesForLector() { Lector lector = await AccountCredentials.GetLector(); IEnumerable <Discipline> disciplines = await(from ld in _context.LectorDisciplines join d in _context.Disciplines on ld.DisciplineId equals d.Id where ld.LectorId == lector.Id select d).ToListAsync(); IEnumerable <Lecture> lectures = (from d in disciplines join l in await _context.Lectures.ToListAsync() on d.Id equals l.DisciplineId select l).ToList(); IEnumerable <LecturesHistory> histories = (from l in lectures join h in await _context.LecturesHistories.ToListAsync() on l.Id equals h.LectureId select h).ToList(); StatisticsViewModel totalStatistics = new StatisticsViewModel { Lector = lector, Disciplines = disciplines, Lectures = lectures, Histories = histories }; return(totalStatistics); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["USU"] is Lector) { btnbaja.Enabled = true; btnmod.Enabled = true; Usuarios usuario = new Service1Client().BuscarUsuario(((Lector)Session["USU"]).Ndoc); Session["USU"] = usuario; Lector objlector = (Lector)Session["USU"]; objlector = ((Lector)usuario); txtndoc.Text = objlector.Ndoc.ToString(); txtnom.Text = objlector.NomUsu.ToString(); txtusuario.Text = objlector.Usuario.ToString(); txtcontraseña.Text = objlector.Contraseña.ToString(); txtcorreo.Text = objlector.Correo.ToString(); } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } }
public void Add(string name, string lector, int hoursPlan, List <Group> groups) { var findLector = DB.Lectors.Where(l => l.FIO == lector); if (check.Firmness(name) && check.IntegerValidation(hoursPlan) && findLector.Any()) { try { string groupsStr = ""; foreach (Group group in groups) { groupsStr += group.Name + ";"; } Lector lessonLector = DB.Lectors.Where(l => l.FIO.Equals(lector)).FirstOrDefault(); Discipline newRow = new Discipline(name, lessonLector, hoursPlan, groupsStr); var equalRecords = DB.Disciplines.Where(l => l.Name.Equals(name) && l.HoursPlan.Equals(hoursPlan) && l.Lector.FIO == lector); if (equalRecords.Any()) { MessageBox.Show("Такая дисциплина уже существует в базе", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { DB.Disciplines.Add(newRow); DB.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Произошла ошибка добавления\n" + ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void Ejecutar() { StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder(); sbQuery.Append("select secuencia,linea,usuario,cia,time(fecha) as hora,date_format(fecha,'%d/%m/%Y') as fecha,"); sbQuery.Append("message,programa"); sbQuery.Append(" from errors"); sbQuery.Append(" where secuencia = '" + txtNoError.Text + "'"); MySqlConnection oCnn = new MySqlConnection(this.cCadenaConexion); MySqlCommand oCmd = new MySqlCommand(sbQuery.ToString(), oCnn); MySqlDataReader Lector; oCnn.Open(); Lector = oCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (Lector.Read()) { txtNoError.Text = Lector.GetString("secuencia"); txtCompania.Text = Convert.ToString(Lector.GetDecimal("cia")); //txtFecha.Text = Convert.ToString(registro["fecha"]); txtFecha.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(Lector.GetString("fecha")).ToLongDateString(); txtHora.Text = Lector.GetString("hora"); txtLinea.Text = Lector.GetString("linea");; txtUsuario.Text = Lector.GetString("usuario");; txtPrograma.Text = Lector.GetString("programa");; txtMensajeError.Text = Lector.GetString("message");; } oCnn.Close(); }
public static List<ProveedorEN> CargarProveedor() { var ListaProveedor = new List<ProveedorEN>(); using (var Cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Mercader"].ToString())) { Cnn.Open(); string ConsultaCarga = "SELECT CodProv,RazonSocial,Cuit,CorreoElectronico,(Calle + ' ' + Numero) AS Direccion,Activo " + "FROM Proveedor WHERE Activo=1"; var Cmd = new SqlCommand(ConsultaCarga, Cnn); SqlDataReader Lector; Lector = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Lector.Read()) { var UnProveedor = new ProveedorEN(); UnProveedor.CodProv = Conversions.ToInteger(Lector[0]); UnProveedor.RazonSocial = Conversions.ToString(Lector[1]); UnProveedor.Cuit = Conversions.ToString(Lector[2]); UnProveedor.CorreoElectronico = Conversions.ToString(Lector[3]); UnProveedor.Direccion = Conversions.ToString(Lector[4]); UnProveedor.Activo = Conversions.ToBoolean(Lector[5]); ListaProveedor.Add(UnProveedor); } return ListaProveedor; } }
public IActionResult Create(string Carne, string Nombre, string Telefono, string Direccion, int CargoId, int SexoId) { if (CargoId > 0 && SexoId > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Carne) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Nombre) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Telefono) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Direccion)) { var persistencia = new Lector() { Carne = Carne, Nombre = Nombre, Telefono = Telefono, Direccion = Direccion, CargoId = CargoId, SexoId = SexoId }; _service.Create(persistencia); TempData["created"] = "Registro Creado Correctamente"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { TempData["created"] = "Error"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
private bool ExisteEnLaBaseDeDatos() { repos = new RepositorioBase <Lector>(new Contexto()); Lector lector = repos.Buscar((int)IDnumericUpDown.Value); return(lector != null); }
public LectorModel(Lector lector) { lectorID = lector.lectorID; firstName = lector.firstName; lastnName = lector.lastnName; phoneNumber = lector.phoneNumber; email =; }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Lector lector = db.Lectores.Find(id); db.Lectores.Remove(lector); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }