private void button_Print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("生成" + mszRptTitle, "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker1.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker2.Value); mszRptDate = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd; if (miRows == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有数据,不打印", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string szErr = ""; string szRptFle = ""; bool bRst = MyFunc.ExportDataToFile(mszRptTitle, mszRptDate, "", "A,D,E", mszTitle, ref dataGridView1, miRows, "", "E:\\", mszRptTitle + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref szErr); if (bRst) { szRptFle = szErr; MessageBox.Show("已生成报表", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("生成报表失败(" + szErr + ")", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("是否打印报表?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { MyFunc.PrintExcelFile(szRptFle, ref szErr); } }
private void AddNewFee(string szTitle, string szProdID, string szProdName, string szRateType, string szRate, string szBgn, string szEnd) { string szSql = "INSERT INTO mng_rate (PROD_ID,RATE_TYPE,BGN_TIME,END_TIME,RATE,RATE_VALID,ADD_DT,ADD_ID,RMRK) VALUES (" + szProdID + "," + szRateType + ",'" + szBgn + " ','" + szEnd + "'," + szRate + ",'Y',curtime()," + MyStart.giUserID.ToString() + ",'" + textBox_Desc.Text + "')"; string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = szProdName + "-" + textBox_Rate.Text + "% (" + szBgn + "," + szEnd + ")"; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); return; }
private void button_Rpt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("生成商场交易汇总报表", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szErr = ""; string szRptFle = ""; bool bRst = MyFunc.ExportDataToFile(mszRptTitle, mszRptDate, "", "A,J,L", mszTitle, ref dataGridViewRst, miRows, "", "E:\\", "市场交易汇总报表" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref szErr); if (bRst) { szRptFle = szErr; MessageBox.Show("已生成报表", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("生成报表失败(" + szErr + ")", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } button_Rpt.Enabled = false; if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("是否打印报表?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { MyFunc.PrintExcelFile(szRptFle, ref szErr); } button_Rpt.Enabled = false; }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询磅房交易汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询商品销售汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "磅房交易表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "磅房交易表"; } if (radioButton_trade.Checked) { // mszRptTitle += "(磅房交易)"; MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); string[] szX = mszTitle.Split(','); miCols = szX.Length; QryTrade(szBgn, szEnd); } if (radioButton_cash.Checked) { mszRptTitle += "(财务收银)"; MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitleCash, mszTitleCashWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); string[] szX = mszTitleCash.Split(','); miCols = szX.Length; QryCash(szBgn, szEnd); } }
private void button_SaveFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("确认要保存IC卡工本费吗?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { return; } string szErr = ""; try { int iRst = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "FEE_CHG_CARD", miFee.ToString(), ref szErr); if (iRst < 0) { MessageBox.Show("操作错误:保存IC卡工本费时出错。", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("修改运营参数", "IC卡工本费" + textBox_Fee.Text + "元", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("保存IC卡工本费失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* * select * case when Z.USER_NAME is not null then Z.USER_NAME else '合计' end as '收银员', * case when Y_TYPE is not null then (if(Y_TYPE='CASH','取款',(if(Y_TYPE='ISSU','开卡',(if(Y_TYPE='ADD','充值','换卡')))))) else '小计' end as '操作类型', * case when Y_SubTYPE is not null then Y_SubTYPE else '小计' end as '操作子类型', * sum(A) as 卖方卡笔数,format(sum(B)/100,2) as '卖方金额(元)',sum(C) as 买方卡笔数,format(sum(D)/100,2) as '买方金额(元)', * sum(A+C) as 总笔数, format(sum(B+D)/100,2) as '总金额(元)' * from * ( select Y_ID,Y_TYPE,Y_SubTYPE, * case when A is not null then A else 0 end as A, * case when B is not null then B else 0 end as B, * case when C is not null then C else 0 end as C, * case when D is not null then D else 0 end as D * from * (select Oper_ID as X_ID,Oper_Type as X_TYPE,Oper_SubType as X_SubTYPE,count(Chg_Val) as A,sum(Chg_Val) as B from rec_firm where Oper_Type in('ADD','CASH','ISSU','CHG') and Oper_Time>'2019-1-19' * group by Oper_ID,Oper_Type,Oper_SubType) X * right join * (select Oper_ID as Y_ID,Oper_Type as Y_TYPE,Oper_SubType as Y_SubTYPE,count(Chg_Val) as C,sum(Chg_Val) as D from rec_user where Oper_Type in('ADD','CASH','ISSU','CHG') and Oper_Time>'2019-1-19' * group by Oper_ID,Oper_Type,Oper_SubType) Y * on X_ID=Y_ID and X_TYPE=Y_TYPE and X_SubTYPE=Y_SubTYPE * ) XX,sys_users Z * where XX.Y_ID=Z.USER_ID * group by Z.USER_NAME,XX.Y_TYPE,XX.Y_SubTYPE with rollup */ MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询收银汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询商品销售汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "收银汇总表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "收银汇总表"; } //if (radioButton_trade.Checked) //{ // mszRptTitle += "(磅房交易)"; // MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); // string[] szX = mszTitle.Split(','); // miCols = szX.Length; // QryTrade(szBgn, szEnd); //} if (radioButton_cash.Checked) { mszRptTitle += "(财务收银)"; MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitleCash, mszTitleCashWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); string[] szX = mszTitleCash.Split(','); miCols = szX.Length; QryCash(szBgn, szEnd); } }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询工作日志", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value) + " 00:00:00"; string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_End.Value) + " 23:59:59"; dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string szSql = "select user_name,rec_time,log_rmrk,log_info from sys_log a,sys_users b " + "where a.LOG_USER = b.USER_ID and user_type>1 "; if (comboBox_User.SelectedIndex > 0) { string[] szX = comboBox_User.Text.Split('-'); szSql += " and a.LOG_USER = "******" and rec_time>='" + szBgn + "' and rec_time<='" + szEnd + "' order by a.LOG_USER,rec_time desc"; string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询操作日志", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; mDt = dt; int iNum = dt.Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } int iCurNum = (iNum < miDefRows ? miDefRows : iNum); MyFunc.GridWriteDt(ref dataGridViewRst, ref dt, 0, miCols, ref iCurNum); miRows = iNum; mszRptDate = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value) + " 至 " + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询操作日志失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Rpt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("生成销售明细报表", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szErr = ""; string szRptFle = ""; bool bRst = MyFunc.ExportDataToFile(mszRptTitle, mszRptDate, "", "A,Q,S", mszTitle, ref dataGridViewRst, miRows, "", "E:\\", "销售明细报表" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref szErr); if (bRst) { szRptFle = szErr; MessageBox.Show("已生成报表", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("生成报表失败(" + szErr + ")", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } button_Rpt.Enabled = false; if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("是否打印报表?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { MyFunc.PrintExcelFile(szRptFle, ref szErr); } button_Rpt.Enabled = false; // string mszTitle = "交易流水号,交易时间,卖方卡号,买方卡号,商品名称,单价(元),毛重(公斤),皮重(公斤),净重(公斤),总价(元)," // +"市场方服务费率,市场方收费(元),益通宝服务费率,益通宝收费(元),买方支付费率,买方支付(元),卖方支付费率,卖方支付(元)"; //string szSum=""; //if (mszSumSql.Length > 0) //{ // DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(mszSumSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); // if (iRst != 0) // { // MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询交易明细信息", "SQL=" + mszSumSql + ",Err=" + szErr); // return; // } // DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; // int iNum = mszTitle.Split(',').Length; // for(int i=0;i< iNum; i++) // szSum+=dr[i].ToString()+"|"; //} }
private void button_Rpt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("生成工作日志报表", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szErr = ""; bool bRst = MyFunc.ExportDataToFile(mszRptTitle, mszRptDate, "", "A,C,D", mszTitle, ref dataGridViewRst, miRows, "", "E:\\", "工作日志报表" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref szErr); if (bRst) { MessageBox.Show("已生成报表", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("生成报表失败(" + szErr + ")", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } button_Rpt.Enabled = false; }
private void EditNewFee(string szTitle, string szProdID, string szProdName, string szRateType, string szRate, string szBgn, string szEnd) { string szSql = "INSERT INTO mng_rate_his (PROD_ID,RATE_TYPE,BGN_TIME,END_TIME,RATE,RATE_VALID,ADD_DT,ADD_ID,RMRK) VALUES (" + szProdID + "," + szRateType + ",'" + mszBgn + "','" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value.AddDays(-1)) + " 23:59:59'," + szRate + ",'N',curtime()," + MyStart.giUserID.ToString() + ",'" + mszInf + "')"; string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存修改后的信息出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); return; } szSql = "UPDATE mng_rate SET BGN_TIME='" + szBgn + "',END_TIME = '" + szEnd + " ',RATE = " + (Convert.ToSingle(textBox_Rate.Text) * 10).ToString() + ",CHG_DT = curtime()" + ",CHG_ID = " + MyStart.giUserID.ToString() + ",RMRK = '" + textBox_Desc.Text + "' where prod_id=" + mszCode + " and rate_type=" + szRateType; iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = szProdName + "-" + textBox_Rate.Text + "% (" + szBgn + "," + szEnd + ")"; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); return; }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string szTitle = "人员权限管理"; string szApp = GetApp(); string szSql = "UPDATE sys_users SET USER_APP = '" + szApp + "',RMRK = '" + textBox_Desc.Text.Trim() + "'"; if (checkBox_Pos.Checked)//pos { szSql += ", USER_TYPE=3"; } szSql += " WHERE USER_ID=" + textBox_Code.Text.Trim(); string szErr = ""; try { int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = "编号" + mszCode + "-姓名" + mszName + "-权限" + szApp; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } groupBoxInf.Enabled = false; groupBoxList.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("保存失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox_Old_Pwd.Text.Trim().ToUpper().CompareTo(MyStart.gszUserPwd.ToUpper()) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("旧密码错误!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Old_Pwd.Focus(); return; } if (textBox_New_Pwd.Text.CompareTo(textBox_2nd_Pwd.Text) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("两次输入的新密码错误!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_New_Pwd.Focus(); return; } string szNewPwd = MyTools.OpenString_To_HideString((textBox_New_Pwd.Text + " ").Substring(0, 8), MyStart.gszPwdKey); string szSql = "UPDATE sys_users SET USER_PWD = '" + szNewPwd + "' WHERE USER_ID=" + MyStart.giUserID; string szErr = ""; try { int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("更改密码失败(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("当班人员-更改密码", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("更改密码失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("当班人员-更改密码", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("更改密码成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int iNum = 0; int iValue = 0; int iRet = 0; float fi = 0; string sMsg = ""; string sSqlString = ""; string sTmp = ""; DataSet DS = null; ClearGrid(); iNum = 0; iValue = 0; iUserAddNum = 0; fUserAddValue = 0; iFirmAddNum = 0; fFirmAddValue = 0; iAddNum = 0; fAddValue = 0; iUserCashNum = 0; fUserCashValue = 0; iFirmCashNum = 0; fFirmCashValue = 0; iCashNum = 0; fCashValue = 0; if (dateTimePicker1.Value <= dateTimePicker2.Value) { T1 = DateTime.Parse(dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); T2 = DateTime.Parse(dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } else { T1 = DateTime.Parse(dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); T2 = DateTime.Parse(dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } try { int j = 0; sSqlString = "SELECT Card_No, Oper_Time, Oper_Type, Chg_Val FROM rec_user WHERE Oper_ID = " + MyStart.giUserID + " AND (Oper_Type = 'ADD' OR Oper_Type = 'CASH') AND Oper_Time Between '" + T1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + T2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'"; iRet = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(sSqlString, "tableA", ref DS, ref sMsg); if (iRet == 0) { if (DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { iNum = DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (j = 0; j < iNum; j++) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Card_No"].ToString(); dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value = DateTime.Parse(DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oper_Time"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[2].Value = DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oper_Type"].ToString(); iValue = int.Parse(DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Chg_Val"].ToString()); fi = iValue; fi /= 100; dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[3].Value = fi.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[5].Value = "User"; } } } sSqlString = "SELECT Card_No, Oper_Time, Oper_Type, Chg_Val FROM rec_firm WHERE Oper_ID = " + MyStart.giUserID + " AND (Oper_Type = 'ADD' OR Oper_Type = 'CASH') AND Oper_Time Between '" + T1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + T2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'"; iRet = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(sSqlString, "tableA", ref DS, ref sMsg); if (iRet == 0) { if (DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (j = 0; j < DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[j + iNum].Cells[0].Value = DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Card_No"].ToString(); dataGridView1.Rows[j + iNum].Cells[1].Value = DateTime.Parse(DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oper_Time"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dataGridView1.Rows[j + iNum].Cells[2].Value = DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oper_Type"].ToString(); iValue = int.Parse(DS.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Chg_Val"].ToString()); fi = iValue; fi /= 100; dataGridView1.Rows[j + iNum].Cells[3].Value = fi.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView1.Rows[j + iNum].Cells[5].Value = "Firm"; } } //iNum += DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; } if (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0) //已经找到记录了 { float fii = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { sTmp = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); fi = float.Parse(dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString()); switch (sTmp) { case "ADD": dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = "充值"; fii += fi; iAddNum++; fAddValue += fi; if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString() == "User") { iUserAddNum++; fUserAddValue += fi; } else { iFirmAddNum++; fFirmAddValue += fi; } break; case "CASH": dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = "取款"; fii -= fi; iCashNum++; fCashValue += fi; if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString() == "User") { iUserCashNum++; fUserCashValue += fi; } else { iFirmCashNum++; fFirmCashValue += fi; } break; //case "CHG": // dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = "换卡"; // fii += fi; // iChangeNum++; // fChangeValue += fi; // break; //case "SETT": // dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = "结算"; // fii += fi; // iSettNum++; // fSettValue += fi; // break; // //case "TRADE": // // dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = "消费"; // // break; // //case "CANC": // // dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = "取消"; // // break; } dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = fii.ToString("0.00"); } dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value = iUserAddNum.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[1].Value = fUserAddValue.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[2].Value = iFirmAddNum.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[2].Value = fFirmAddValue.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[3].Value = iAddNum.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[3].Value = fAddValue.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[4].Value = iUserCashNum.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[4].Value = fUserCashValue.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[5].Value = iFirmCashNum.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[5].Value = fFirmCashValue.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[6].Value = iCashNum.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[6].Value = fCashValue.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[7].Value = dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString(); dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[7].Value = fii.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView1.Focus(); dataGridView1.Rows[0].Selected = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("没有找到符合条件的记录。", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } // log MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("当班人员-收银结算", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); groupBox1.Enabled = false; groupBox2.Visible = true; button_New.Focus(); //return; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("检索失败:" + ex, "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_MinusValue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { float fValue = 0.00f; float fBalance = 0; textBox_Value.Text = textBox_Value.Text.Trim(); textBox_Value2.Text = textBox_Value2.Text.Trim(); try { fValue = float.Parse(textBox_Value.Text.Trim()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("取款金额错误!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); textBox_Value.Focus(); return; } if (textBox_Value.Text != textBox_Value2.Text) { MessageBox.Show("两次输入的取款金额不相等!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); textBox_Value.Focus(); return; } if (fValue == 0) { MessageBox.Show("取款金额不能为0!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); textBox_Value.Focus(); return; } //// 检查密码 //if ( CardPwd != textBox_Pwd.Text.Trim()) //{ // MessageBox.Show("取款密码错误!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // textBox_Pwd.Focus(); // return; //} // 检查余额是否足够 if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "FIRM_CARD") { fBalance = float.Parse(textBox_FinishBalance.Text.Trim()); } else { fBalance = float.Parse(textBox_OldBalance.Text.Trim()); } if (fValue > fBalance) { MessageBox.Show("取款金额不足够!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); textBox_Value.Focus(); return; } // 取得TradeID if (!myRdr.ComOpen(frm_Main.sRdPort)) { MessageBox.Show("打开串口失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); myRdr.ComClose(); return; } int iReaderTradeID = 0; if (!myRdr.GetTradeID(ref iReaderTradeID)) { MessageBox.Show("交易失败:不能从读写器获取交易流水。", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); myRdr.ComClose(); return; } myRdr.ComClose(); //银石后台 objHttp = new EbHttpClass(); fValue *= -1; string szSysID = iReaderTradeID.ToString(); string szErr = ""; bool bRst = false; if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { bRst = objHttp.OperUserMoney("MinusVal", textBox_UserCardID.Text, fValue, szSysID, textBox_Pwd.Text.Trim(), ref szErr); } else { bRst = objHttp.OperFirmMoney(sStoreCard.Substring(1), textBox_UserCardID.Text, fValue, szSysID, textBox_Pwd.Text.Trim(), ref szErr); } if (bRst) { string sSql = ""; string szInf = ""; float f = 0; int i; // 余额显示 fValue *= -1; f = fBalance - fValue; textBox_NewBalance.Text = f.ToString("0.00"); // 写入数据库 if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { // 写入数据库 sSql = "INSERT INTO rec_user (Card_No, Oper_Time, Oper_Type,Oper_SubType, Before_Val, Chg_Val, After_Val, Oper_ID, Tmn_ID, Sys_ID) VALUE(" + "'" + textBox_UserCardID.Text + "'," + "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," + "'CASH','" + comboBox_Type.Text.Trim() + "',"; f = float.Parse(textBox_OldBalance.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + ","; f = float.Parse(textBox_Value.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + ","; f = float.Parse(textBox_NewBalance.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + "," + MyStart.giUserID + "," + "'" + frm_Main.POS_ID + "'," + iReaderTradeID.ToString() + ")"; } else { sSql = "INSERT INTO rec_firm (Card_No, Rmrk, STORE_ID, Oper_Time, Oper_Type,Oper_SubType, Before_Val, Chg_Val, After_Val, Oper_ID, Tmn_ID, Sys_ID) VALUE(" + "'" + textBox_UserCardID.Text + "'," + "'" + sStoreCard + "'," + sStoreID + "," + "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," + "'CASH','" + comboBox_Type.Text.Trim() + "',"; f = float.Parse(textBox_OldBalance.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + ","; f = float.Parse(textBox_Value.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + ","; f = float.Parse(textBox_NewBalance.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + "," + MyStart.giUserID + "," + "'" + frm_Main.POS_ID + "'," + szSysID.ToString() + ")"; } int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(sSql, ref szInf); if (iRst <= 0) { textBox_Result.Text = "取款成功! 但写数据库失败(" + szInf + ")"; } else { textBox_Result.Text = "取款成功!"; } // log if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("买方资金-退款", "买方卡号=" + textBox_UserCardID.Text + ",取款=" + textBox_Value.Text + "元,时间=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); } else { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("卖方资金-提款", "卖方卡号=" + textBox_UserCardID.Text + ",取款=" + textBox_Value.Text + "元,时间=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); //打印票据 button_Print_Click(sender, e); button_Print_Click(sender, e); } else { textBox_Result.Text = "取款失败 = " + szErr; textBox_NewBalance.Text = textBox_FinishBalance.Text; } groupBox_ThirdStep.Enabled = false; groupBox_FourthStep.Visible = true; groupBox_FourthStep.Enabled = true; button_Retry.Focus(); }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sIniFileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\YTB.ini"; int sI = 0; string sErrorMessage = ""; string sTmp; /* * if (textBox_Pwd1.Text.Trim() != textBox_Pwd2.Text.Trim()) * { * sI = -1; * sErrorMessage = "两次输入的系统登录密码不相等,请更正"; * goto Eend; * } * if (textBox_Pwd1.Text.Length > 8) * { * sI = -1; * sErrorMessage = "系统登录密码长度不能超过8个字节,请更正"; * goto Eend; * } * //if (textBox_SrvUserPass.Text.Length > 8) * //{ * // sI = -1; * // sErrorMessage = "数据库密码长度不能超过8个字节,请更正"; * // goto Eend; * //} */ sI = -1; MyStart.gszDbIp = textBox_SrvIP.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszDbPort = textBox_SrvPort.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszDbLogin = textBox_SrvUserName.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszDbPwd = textBox_SrvUserPass.Text; MyStart.gszDbSrv = textBox_SrvDataBase.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszYTBIp = textBox_YTB_IP.Text; MyStart.gszYTBPort = textBox_YTB_PORT.Text; MyStart.gszRdrPort = comboBox_Rdr_Comm.Text.Substring(4); MyStart.gszRdr2Port = comboBox_Rdr2_Comm.Text.Substring(4); MyStart.gszRdrBaud = comboBox_Rdr_Baud.Text; MyStart.gszPsPort = comboBox_PS_Comm.Text.Substring(4); MyStart.gszPsBaud = comboBox_PS_Baud.Text; /*sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Sys", "Login", MyStart.szSysLogin); * if (sI < 0) * { * sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Sys.Login" + " 项时出错"; * goto Eend; * } * * sTmp = MyTools.OpenString_To_HideString((textBox_Pwd1.Text + " ").Substring(0, 8)); * sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Sys", "Pwd", sTmp); * if (sI < 0) * { * sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Sys.Pwd" + " 项时出错"; * goto Eend; * }*/ sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Db", "IP", MyStart.gszDbIp); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Db.IP" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Db", "Port", MyStart.gszDbPort); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Db.Port" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Db", "Srv", MyStart.gszDbSrv); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Db.Srv" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Db", "Login", MyStart.gszDbLogin); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Db.Login" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } if (textBox_SrvUserPass.Text.Length <= 8) { sTmp = MyTools.OpenString_To_HideString((textBox_SrvUserPass.Text + " ").Substring(0, 8), MyIniFile.mszIniKey); } else { sTmp = MyTools.OpenString_To_HideString((textBox_SrvUserPass.Text.Substring(0, 8)), MyIniFile.mszIniKey); sTmp += MyTools.OpenString_To_HideString((textBox_SrvUserPass.Text.Substring(8) + " ").Substring(0, 8), MyIniFile.mszIniKey); } sI = MyIniFile.SetIniKeyValue(sIniFileName, "Db", "Pwd", sTmp); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存 " + sIniFileName + "文件的 Db.Pwd" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } string szErr = ""; sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "YTB_SRV", MyStart.gszYTBIp, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存益通宝平台.IP" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "YTB_PORT", MyStart.gszYTBPort, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存益通宝平台.端口" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "RDR_PORT", MyStart.gszRdrPort, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存读卡器.连接端口" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "RDR2_PORT", MyStart.gszRdr2Port, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存后台用读卡器.连接端口" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "RDR_BAUD", MyStart.gszRdrBaud, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存读卡器.连接波特率" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "PS_PORT", MyStart.gszPsPort, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存磅秤.连接端口" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "PS_BAUD", MyStart.gszPsBaud, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存磅秤.连接波特率" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } Eend: //string sUserTZM = MyTools.sGetMachineTZM(); //if (MyStart.sUserAuthCode == MyTools.sGetAuthCode(sUserTZM)) // MyStart.bAuthCodeIsOK = true; //else // MyStart.bAuthCodeIsOK = false; button_Edit.Enabled = true; button_Save.Enabled = false; button_Quit.Enabled = false; button_Exit.Enabled = true; groupBox_YTB.Enabled = false; groupBox_RDR.Enabled = false; groupBox_PS.Enabled = false; groupBox_Db.Enabled = false; if (sI < 0) { MessageBox.Show("操作错误:" + sErrorMessage + "。", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("修改系统参数", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //MessageBox.Show("Ini文件保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } button_Exit.Select(); MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sIniFileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\SYS.ini"; int sI = -1; string sErrorMessage = ""; //string sTmp; MyStart.gszMrktMnger = textBox_mrkt_mnger.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszMrktName = textBox_mrkt_name.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszMrktAddr = textBox_mrkt_addr.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszMrktTel = textBox_mrkt_tel.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszFirmID = textBox_Firm_ID.Text.Trim(); //MyStart.gszPosID = textBox_Pos_ID.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst = textBox_Card_Firm.Text.Trim(); MyStart.gszCardYtbFirst = textBox_Card_YTB.Text.Trim(); //MyStart.giFeeChgCard = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_FeeChgCard.Text.Trim())*100)/100; if (textBox_FeeChgCard.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MyStart.giFeeChgCard = 0; } else { MyStart.giFeeChgCard = (int)(Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_FeeChgCard.Text.Trim())); } string szWeight = ""; if (radioButton_kg.Checked) { MyStart.gszWeight = "公斤"; szWeight = "2"; } if (radioButton_jin.Checked) { MyStart.gszWeight = "斤"; szWeight = "1"; } dataGridViewTmn.ReadOnly = true; string szErr = ""; sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "MKT_GROUP", MyStart.gszMrktName, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存市场管理方" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "MKT_NAME", MyStart.gszMrktName, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存市场名称" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "MKT_ADDR", MyStart.gszMrktAddr, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存市场地址" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "MKT_TELE", MyStart.gszMrktTel, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存市场电话" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "FIRM_ID", MyStart.gszFirmID, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存供应商编码" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } //sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "POS_ID", MyStart.gszPosID, ref szErr); //if (sI < 0) //{ // sErrorMessage = "保存终端代码" + " 项时出错"; // goto Eend; //} sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "CARD_FIRM", MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存卖方卡第一位编码" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "CARD_YTB", MyStart.gszCardYtbFirst, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存买方卡第一位编码" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "WEIGHT_UNIT", szWeight, ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存计重单位" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } sI = MyFunc.SetSysParaToDb(MyStart.oMyDb, "FEE_CHG_CARD", MyStart.giFeeChgCard.ToString(), ref szErr); if (sI < 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存换卡手续费" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } int iRows = dataGridViewTmn.Rows.Count; int iNum = 0; string szSql = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int iRst = 0; try { szSql = "delete from base_value"; szErr = ""; iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); string szX = textBox_MinusType.Text.Replace("\r\n", ","); string[] szItem = szX.Split(','); iNum = szItem.Length; szSql = "insert into base_value (type,sub_type) values "; for (int i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { if (szItem[i].Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } szSql += "(2,'" + szItem[i] + "'),"; } szX = textBox_AddType.Text.Replace("\r\n", ","); szItem = szX.Split(','); iNum = szItem.Length; for (int i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { if (szItem[i].Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } szSql += "(1,'" + szItem[i] + "'),"; } szSql = szSql.Substring(0, szSql.Length - 1); szErr = ""; iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); for (int i = 0; i < iRows; i++) { string szPsamID = dataGridViewTmn.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim(); string szPosID = dataGridViewTmn.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString().Trim(); string szPosName = dataGridViewTmn.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString().Trim(); string szPsamStat = "N"; if (dataGridViewTmn.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString().Trim().CompareTo("有效") == 0) { szPsamStat = "Y"; } szSql = "select * from base_psam where psam_no='" + szPsamID + "'"; //string szErr=""; iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { sErrorMessage = "保存终端编码(查询失败)" + " 项时出错"; goto Eend; } iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0)//add { szSql = "INSERT INTO base_psam (TMN_CODE,TMN_NAME,PSAM_NO,PSAM_STAT) VALUES ('" + szPosID + "','" + szPosName + "','" + szPsamID + "','" + szPsamStat + "')"; } else//edit { szSql = "UPDATE base_psam SET TMN_CODE = '" + szPosID + "',TMN_NAME='" + szPosName + "'," + "PSAM_STAT = '" + szPsamStat + "' WHERE PSAM_NO='" + szPsamID + "'"; } iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ToString(); } Eend: button_Edit.Enabled = true; button_Save.Enabled = false; button_Quit.Enabled = false; button_Exit.Enabled = true; groupBox_para.Enabled = false; if (sI < 0) { MessageBox.Show("操作错误:" + sErrorMessage + "。", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("修改运营参数", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //MessageBox.Show("Ini文件保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } button_Exit.Select(); MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("请确认要保存该档口信息", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { MessageBox.Show("取消当前保存操作", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string szSql; string szTitle; string szErr = ""; int iRst; string[] szItem = comboBox_Name.Text.Split('-'); if (comboBox_Name.Enabled)//add { /*if (textBox_Cert.TextLength == 0) * { * MessageBox.Show("请输入卖方联系人身份证号", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); * textBox_Cert.SelectAll(); * textBox_Cert.Focus(); * return; * } * if (textBox_Cell.TextLength == 0) * { * MessageBox.Show("请输入卖方联系电话", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); * textBox_Cell.SelectAll(); * textBox_Cell.Focus(); * return; * }*/ szTitle = "卖方档口信息-新增"; szSql = "INSERT INTO base_stall(STORE_ID,STALL_INF,STALL_PERSON,STALL_TEL,RENT_BGN,STALL_STAT) VALUES " + "(" + szItem[0].Trim() + ",'" + textBox_Desc.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Person.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "','" + dateTimePicker_valid.Value + "','USED')"; } else//edit { szTitle = "卖方档口信息-修改"; if (radioButton_Bgn.Checked) { mszBgn = dateTimePicker_valid.Value.ToString(); } szSql = "UPDATE base_stall SET STORE_ID = " + szItem[0].Trim() + ",STALL_PERSON = '" + textBox_Person.Text.Trim() + "',STALL_TEL = '" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "',STALL_INF = '" + textBox_Desc.Text.Trim() + "',"; if (radioButton_Bgn.Checked) { szSql += "RENT_BGN='" + dateTimePicker_valid.Value + "' "; } if (radioButton_End.Checked) { if (dateTimePicker_valid.Value <= Convert.ToDateTime(mszBgn)) { MessageBox.Show("退租日期应该晚于租用日期,请重新设置", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); dateTimePicker_valid.Focus(); return; } szSql += "RENT_END='" + dateTimePicker_valid.Value + "' "; if (dateTimePicker_valid.Value <= DateTime.Now) { szSql += ",STALL_STAT='STOP' "; } } szSql += " WHERE STALL_ID=" + textBox_Code.Text.Trim(); } try { iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = "卖方名:" + comboBox_Name.Text + "-档口信息:" + textBox_Code.Text + textBox_Desc.Text; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(Convert.ToInt16(mszSotreID)); //dataGridView1.Refresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("保存档口信息失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); groupBoxInf.Enabled = false; groupBoxList.Enabled = true; textBox_Code.Text = mszCode; comboBox_Name.Text = mszName; textBox_Person.Text = mszPerson; textBox_Cell.Text = mszCell; //if(radioButton_Bgn.Checked) //dateTimePicker_valid.Text = mszBgn; textBox_Desc.Text = mszInf; }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string szSql; string szTitle; string szErr = ""; int iRst; if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("请确认要保存该工作网点信息", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { MessageBox.Show("取消当前保存操作", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (miType == 1)//add { szTitle = "工作网点基本信息-新增"; } else//edit { szTitle = "工作网点基本信息-修改"; } if (textBox_Name.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("网点名称不能为空,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Name.SelectAll(); textBox_Name.Focus(); return; } if (textBox_Key.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("KEY值不能为空,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Key.SelectAll(); textBox_Key.Focus(); return; } if (textBox_tellerNo.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("发起方操作员不能为空,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_tellerNo.SelectAll(); textBox_tellerNo.Focus(); return; } if (textBox_Psam.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("PSAM卡不能为空,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Psam.SelectAll(); textBox_Psam.Focus(); return; } try { if (miType == 1)//add { szSql = "select * from base_net where psam_no='" + textBox_Psam.Text.Trim() + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst < 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询信息出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { MessageBox.Show("PSAM卡号不能重复,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=PSAM卡号不能重复,请重新输入"); textBox_Psam.SelectAll(); textBox_Psam.Focus(); goto Eend; } szSql = "INSERT INTO base_net(net_name,net_key,teller_no,psam_no,tel) VALUES ('" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Key.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_tellerNo.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Psam.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_tel.Text.Trim() + "')"; } else//edit { szSql = "UPDATE base_net SET net_name = '" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "',net_key = '" + textBox_Key.Text.Trim() + "',tel = '" + textBox_tel.Text.Trim() + "',teller_no = '" + textBox_tellerNo.Text.Trim() + "' WHERE psam_no=" + textBox_Psam.Text.Trim(); } iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = "PSAM号" + mszPsam + "-网点名称" + mszName; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(); //dataGridView1.Refresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } groupBoxInf.Enabled = false; groupBoxList.Enabled = true; mszName = textBox_Name.Text; mszKey = textBox_Key.Text; mszPsam = textBox_Psam.Text; mszTeller = textBox_tellerNo.Text; mszTel = textBox_tel.Text; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("保存失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); //textBox_Name.Text = mszName; //textBox_Psam.Text = mszPsam; //textBox_Key.Text = mszKey; //textBox_tellerNo.Text = mszTeller; //textBox_tel.Text = mszTel; }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("请确认要保存该分类信息", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { MessageBox.Show("取消当前保存操作", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string szSql; string szTitle; if (textBox_Code.Enabled)//add { bool bSameID = false; int iNum = dataGridView1.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value != null) { if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString() == textBox_Code.Text.Trim()) { bSameID = true; break; } } } if (bSameID) { MessageBox.Show("商品的分类编号不能重复,请重新设置", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Code.SelectAll(); textBox_Code.Focus(); return; } szTitle = "商品分类信息-新增"; szSql = "INSERT INTO base_prod(PROD_ID,PROD_NAME,PROD_LEVEL) VALUES(" + textBox_Code.Text.Trim() + ",'" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "',0)"; } else//edit { szTitle = "商品分类信息-修改"; szSql = "UPDATE base_prod SET PROD_NAME='" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "',PROD_RMRK = '" + textBox_Desc.Text.Trim() + "' WHERE PROD_ID=" + textBox_Code.Text.Trim(); } string szErr = ""; try { int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = "编号" + mszCode + "-分类名称" + mszName; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(); //dataGridView1.Refresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } groupBoxInf.Enabled = false; groupBoxList.Enabled = true; textBox_Code.Text = mszCode; textBox_Name.Text = mszName; textBox_Desc.Text = mszInf; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("保存失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_AddValue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { float fi = 0; textBox_Value.Text = textBox_Value.Text.Trim(); textBox_Value2.Text = textBox_Value2.Text.Trim(); if (textBox_Value.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入充值金额。", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (textBox_Value.Text != textBox_Value2.Text) { MessageBox.Show("两次输入的充值金额不相等。", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } try { fi = float.Parse(textBox_Value.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show("请输入正确的充值金额。", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } // 取得TradeID if (!myRdr.ComOpen(frm_Main.sRdPort)) { MessageBox.Show("打开串口失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); myRdr.ComClose(); return; } int iReaderTradeID = 0; if (!myRdr.GetTradeID(ref iReaderTradeID)) { MessageBox.Show("交易失败:不能从读写器获取交易流水。", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); myRdr.ComClose(); return; } myRdr.ComClose(); string szSysID = iReaderTradeID.ToString(); string sErrMsg = ""; string sSql = ""; DateTime dTradeTime = DateTime.Now; bool bRst = objHttp.OperUserMoney("AddVal", textBox_CardID.Text, fi, szSysID, "", ref sErrMsg); if (bRst) { fi += float.Parse(textBox_OldBalance.Text); textBox_NewBalance.Text = fi.ToString("0.00"); // 写入数据库 sSql = "INSERT INTO rec_user (Card_No, Oper_Time, Oper_Type,Oper_SubType, Before_Val, Chg_Val, After_Val, Oper_ID, Tmn_ID, Sys_ID) VALUE(" + "'" + textBox_CardID.Text + "'," + "'" + dTradeTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," + "'ADD','" + comboBox_Type.Text.Trim() + "',"; float f = float.Parse(textBox_OldBalance.Text); f *= 100; int i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + ","; f = float.Parse(textBox_Value.Text); f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + ","; f = fi; f *= 100; i = (int)(f + 0.5); sSql += i.ToString() + "," + MyStart.giUserID + "," + "'" + frm_Main.POS_ID + "'," + iReaderTradeID.ToString() + ")"; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(sSql, ref sErrMsg); if (iRst <= 0) { textBox_Result.Text = "充值成功!但写数据库失败( " + sErrMsg + " )"; } else { textBox_Result.Text = "充值成功!"; } // log MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("买方资金-充值", "买方卡号=" + textBox_CardID.Text + ",充值=" + textBox_Value.Text + "元,类型=" + comboBox_Type.Text.Trim() + ",时间 =" + dTradeTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); //打印票据 button_Print_Click(sender, e); button_Print_Click(sender, e); } else { textBox_Result.Text = "充值失败 = szErr"; textBox_NewBalance.Text = textBox_OldBalance.Text; } MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); groupBox_SecondStep.Enabled = false; groupBox_ThirdStep.Visible = true; button_Retry.Focus(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string szCard = textBox_Card.Text; if (szCard.Length == 15) { szCard = MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst + textBox_Card.Text; } MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("刷卡查询销售明细", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "销售明细表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "销售明细表"; } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string szWhere = ""; string szDetailSql = "select a.sys_id,jy_tim,substring(a.store_card,2),user_card,prod_name,format(prod_up / 100, 2)," + "format(prod_w / 1000, 3),format(prod_nw / 1000, 3)," + "format((prod_w - prod_nw) / 1000, 3),format(prod_amount / 100, 2), " + "concat(format(MKT_BUYER_FEE_RATE/10,1),'%'),format(MKT_BUYER_FEE/ 100, 2), " + "concat(format(MKT_SELLER_FEE_RATE/10,1),'%'),format(MKT_SELLER_FEE/ 100, 2)," + "concat(format(YTB_BUYER_FEE_RATE/10,1),'%'),format(YTB_BUYER_FEE/ 100, 2), " + "concat(format(YTB_SELLER_FEE_RATE/10,1),'%'),format(YTB_SELLER_FEE/ 100, 2)," /*+ "concat(format((YTB_BUYER_FEE_RATE+YTB_SELLER_FEE_RATE)/10,1),'%')," + "format((YTB_BUYER_FEE + YTB_SELLER_FEE)/ 100, 2), "*/ + "format((prod_amount + MKT_BUYER_FEE + MKT_SELLER_FEE + YTB_BUYER_FEE + YTB_SELLER_FEE)/ 100, 2)"; mszSumSql = "select '合计','-','-','-','-','-'," + "format(sum(prod_w) / 1000, 3),format(sum(prod_nw) / 1000, 3)," + "format(sum(prod_w - prod_nw) / 1000, 3),format(sum(prod_amount) / 100, 2), " + "'-',format(sum(MKT_BUYER_FEE)/ 100, 2), " + "'-',format(sum(MKT_SELLER_FEE)/ 100, 2)," + "'-',format(sum(YTB_BUYER_FEE)/ 100, 2), " + "'-',format(sum(YTB_SELLER_FEE)/ 100, 2), " + "format(sum(prod_amount + MKT_BUYER_FEE + MKT_SELLER_FEE + YTB_BUYER_FEE + YTB_SELLER_FEE)/ 100, 2)"; szWhere = " from rec_trade a, base_prod b,mng_card c,base_store e,sys_msg f " + " where a.CANCEL_MARK='N' and a.STORE_CARD=c.STORE_CARD and c.STORE_ID=e.STORE_ID" + " and a.PROD_ID = b.PROD_ID and b.PROD_LEVEL=1 and a.MSG_ID=f.MSG_ID"; szWhere += " and jy_tim>='" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value) + "' "; // + " 00:00:00' "; szWhere += " and jy_tim<='" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value) + "' "; // + " 23:59:59' "; //szWhere += " and jy_tim>='" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value) + " 00:00:00' "; //szWhere += " and jy_tim<='" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_End.Value) + " 23:59:59' "; //验卡 string szSql = "select user_card from base_ucard where user_card='" + szCard + "'"; string szErr = ""; try { int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("卡片查询失败,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("刷卡查询商品交易明细信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } int iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (iNum > 0)//买方卡 { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("是否查询买方卡" + szCard + "的交易明细?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { goto Eend; } szWhere += " and a.user_card='" + szCard + "' "; } else { szSql = "select a.STORE_ID,CARD_TYPE,STORE_NAME from mng_card a,base_store b " + "where a.STORE_ID=b.STORE_ID and STORE_CARD = '" + szCard + "'"; iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("卡片查询失败,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("刷卡查询商品交易明细信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { MessageBox.Show("系统中无此卡号,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("刷卡查询商品交易明细信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=系统中无此卡号"); goto Eend; } if (iNum > 1) { MessageBox.Show("系统中卡号重复记录,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("刷卡查询商品交易明细信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=系统中卡号重复记录"); goto Eend; } DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; int iFirmID = Convert.ToInt16(dr[0]); int iCardType = Convert.ToInt16(dr[1]); string szFirmName = dr[2].ToString(); if (iCardType == 2)//副卡 { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("是否查询卖方副卡" + textBox_Card.Text + "的交易明细?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { goto Eend; } szWhere += " and a.STORE_CARD='" + szCard + "' "; } else { szSql = "select STORE_CARD from mng_card where STORE_ID=" + iFirmID + " and CARD_TYPE<3"; iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询卖方副卡失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询卖方副卡信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; szCard = ""; if (iNum > 0) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("是否查询卖方(" + szFirmName + ")的交易明细?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { goto Eend; } szCard = ""; for (int i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; szCard += "'" + dr[0].ToString() + "'"; if ((i + 1) < iNum) { szCard += ","; } } } szWhere += " and a.STORE_CARD in (" + szCard + ") "; } } szDetailSql = szDetailSql + szWhere + " order by jy_tim desc"; if (mszSumSql.Length > 0) { mszSumSql += szWhere; } iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szDetailSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询商品交易明细信息", "SQL=" + szDetailSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; mDt = dt; iNum = dt.Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } int iCurNum = (iNum < miDefRows ? miDefRows : iNum); MyFunc.GridWriteDt(ref dataGridViewRst, ref dt, 0, miCols, ref iCurNum); miRows = iNum; mszRptDate = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value) + " 至 " + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询发卡明细", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); dataGridView_Detail.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView_Detail.DataSource = null; MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridView_Detail, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); int iFirmNum = comboBox_Firm.Items.Count - 1; string[] szFirmID = new string[iFirmNum]; //string[] szFirmName = new string[iFirmNum]; string[] szFirmCard = new string[iFirmNum]; int iBgnRow = 0; int iCardNum = 0; int iAllCardNum = 0; int iCurLine = 0; bool bHasCard = false; int iDoFirm = 0; dataGridView_Detail.Rows.Clear(); MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridView_Detail, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); if (comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex == 0)//all { //2)get STORE_CARD for (int i = 0; i < iFirmNum; i++) { string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[i + 1].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[i] = szItem[0]; //szFirmName[i] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[i] = Get_STORE_CARD(szFirmID[i], ""); //if(Convert.ToInt16( szFirmID[i])>160) //{ // ; //} //3)get data iCardNum = 0; bHasCard = false; if (szFirmCard[i].Trim().Length > 16) { WriteDataToGrid(comboBox_Firm.Items[i + 1].ToString(), szFirmCard[i], "", ref iBgnRow, ref iCardNum, ref bHasCard); } if (bHasCard) { iDoFirm++; } iAllCardNum += iCardNum; //iCurLine += iCardNum + 1; } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < miCols; i++) { dt.Columns.Add(i.ToString(), Type.GetType("System.String")); } dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "合计 " + iDoFirm + " 卖方已发卡", "", "", "发卡总数 " + iAllCardNum + " 张", "", "", "", "", "" }); //int iRtnNum = iCurLine; MyFunc.GridWriteDt(ref dataGridView_Detail, ref dt, iBgnRow, miCols, ref iCurLine); groupBox3.Text = "发卡明细:总卖方数 " + iFirmNum + " 户,已发卡卖方 " + iDoFirm + " 户,发卡总数 " + iAllCardNum + " 张"; } else//only one firm { if (comboBox_Stall.SelectedIndex == 0)//all {//2)get STORE_CARD string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[0] = szItem[0]; //szFirmName[0] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[0] = Get_STORE_CARD(szFirmID[0], ""); //3)get data iCardNum = 0; if (szFirmCard[0].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString(), szFirmCard[0], "", ref iBgnRow, ref iCardNum, ref bHasCard); } groupBox3.Text = "发卡明细:该卖方发卡总数 " + iCardNum + " 张"; } else { string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[0] = szItem[0]; string[] szX = comboBox_Stall.Items[comboBox_Stall.SelectedIndex].ToString().Split('-'); string szRentID = szX[0]; //szFirmName[0] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[0] = Get_STORE_CARD(szFirmID[0], szRentID); //3)get data iCardNum = 0; if (szFirmCard[0].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString(), szFirmCard[0], "", ref iBgnRow, ref iCardNum, ref bHasCard); } groupBox3.Text = "发卡明细:该档口发卡总数 " + iCardNum + " 张"; } } if (dataGridView_Detail.RowCount > 0) { button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } miRows = iBgnRow + 1; }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询买方交易汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "买方交易汇总表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "买方交易汇总表"; } string szDateCondition = "jy_tim>='" + szBgn + "' and jy_tim<='" + szEnd + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int iFirmNum = comboBox_Firm.Items.Count - 1; string[] szFirmID = new string[iFirmNum]; //user card id string[] szFirmName = new string[iFirmNum]; string[] szFirmCard = new string[iFirmNum]; //user card id int iBgnRow = 0; try { if (radioButton_Sel.Checked) { if (comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex == 0)//all { //2)get STORE_CARD for (int i = 0; i < iFirmNum; i++) { string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[i + 1].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[i] = szItem[0]; szFirmName[i] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[i] = szFirmID[i]; //3)get data if (szFirmCard[i].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(szFirmName[i], szFirmCard[i], szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } } } else//only one firm { //2)get STORE_CARD string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[0] = szItem[0]; szFirmName[0] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[0] = szFirmID[0]; //3)get data if (szFirmCard[0].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(szFirmName[0], szFirmCard[0], szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } } } if (radioButton_Input.Checked) { szFirmID[0] = textBox_Card.Text.Trim(); szFirmCard[0] = szFirmID[0]; //check card and get name string szSql = "select user_name from base_ucard where user_card='" + szFirmCard[0] + "'"; string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询买方卡失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询买方卡信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } int iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { MessageBox.Show("系统里无此买方卡,请换卡!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询买方卡信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=系统里无此买方卡"); goto Eend; } if (iNum > 1) { MessageBox.Show("重复发卡,请换卡!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询买方卡信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=重复发卡"); goto Eend; } DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; szFirmName[0] = dr[0].ToString(); //3)get data if (szFirmCard[0].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(szFirmName[0], szFirmCard[0], szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } } if (radioButton_name.Checked) { szFirmID[0] = textBox_Card.Text.Trim(); szFirmCard[0] = szFirmID[0]; //check card and get name string szSql = "select user_card,user_name from base_ucard where user_name like '%" + textBox_name.Text + "%'"; string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询买方卡失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询买方卡信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } iFirmNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (iFirmNum == 0) { MessageBox.Show("系统里无此买方卡,请换卡!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询买方卡信息", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=系统里无此买方卡"); goto Eend; } for (int i = 0; i < iFirmNum; i++) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[i + 1].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[i] = dr[0].ToString(); szFirmName[i] = dr[1].ToString(); szFirmCard[i] = szFirmID[i]; //3)get data if (szFirmCard[i].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(szFirmName[i], szFirmCard[i], szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } } } if (iBgnRow == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } miRows = iBgnRow; mszRptDate = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd; button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("请确认要保存该卖方信息", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { MessageBox.Show("取消当前保存操作", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string szSql; string szTitle; string szErr = ""; int iRst; string[] szItem = comboBox_Cert.Text.Split(','); try { if (IsNew)// textBox_Name.Enabled)//add { szTitle = "卖方基本信息-新增"; if (textBox_Cert.TextLength == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请输入卖方联系人身份证号", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Cert.SelectAll(); textBox_Cert.Focus(); return; } if (textBox_Cell.TextLength == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请输入卖方联系电话", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_Cell.SelectAll(); textBox_Cell.Focus(); return; } szSql = "select * from base_store where STORE_NAME='" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst < 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询信息出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { MessageBox.Show("卖方名称不能重复,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=卖方名称不能重复,请重新输入"); textBox_Name.SelectAll(); textBox_Name.Focus(); goto Eend; } szSql = "INSERT INTO base_store(STORE_NAME,STORE_ADDR,STORE_BOSS,STORE_TEL,CERT_TYPE,CERT_ID,CERT_VALID," + "STORE_PERSON,STORE_CELL,STORE_TYPE,CITY,RMRK,STORE_STAT) VALUES " + "('" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Addr.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Boss.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "'," + Convert.ToInt16(szItem[0]) + ",'" + textBox_Cert.Text.Trim() + "','" + dateTimePicker_valid.Value + "','" + textBox_Person.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "'," + comboBox_Type.SelectedIndex + 1 + ",'ZHONGSHAN','" + textBox_Desc.Text.Trim() + "','USED')"; } else//edit { szTitle = "卖方基本信息-修改"; szSql = "UPDATE base_store set STORE_ADDR = '" + textBox_Addr.Text.Trim() + "',STORE_NAME = '" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "',STORE_BOSS = '" + textBox_Boss.Text.Trim() + "',STORE_TEL = '" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "',CERT_TYPE = " + Convert.ToInt16(szItem[0]) + ",CERT_ID = '" + textBox_Cert.Text.Trim() + "',CERT_VALID = '" + dateTimePicker_valid.Value + "',STORE_PERSON = '" + textBox_Person.Text.Trim() + "',STORE_CELL = '" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "',STORE_TYPE = " + (comboBox_Type.SelectedIndex + 1) + ",RMRK = '" + textBox_Desc.Text.Trim() + "' WHERE STORE_ID=" + textBox_Code.Text.Trim(); } iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr); if (iRst < 1) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); } else { szSql = "编号" + textBox_Code.Text + "-卖方名" + textBox_Name.Text; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(szTitle, szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GridDataRefresh(); //dataGridView1.Refresh(); MyIniFile.WriteLog(szTitle, "SQL=" + szSql + ",OK"); } groupBoxInf.Enabled = false; groupBoxList.Enabled = true; textBox_Code.Text = mszCode; textBox_Name.Text = mszName; textBox_Addr.Text = mszAddr; textBox_Boss.Text = mszBoss; comboBox_Cert.Text = mszCertType; textBox_Cert.Text = mszCert; dateTimePicker_valid.Text = mszValid; textBox_Person.Text = mszPerson; textBox_Cell.Text = mszCell; comboBox_Type.Text = mszType; textBox_Desc.Text = mszInf; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("保存失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询商品销售汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "商品销售汇总表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "商品销售汇总表"; } string szDateCondition = "jy_tim>='" + szBgn + "' and jy_tim<='" + szEnd + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int iFirmNum = comboBox_Firm.Items.Count - 1; string[] szFirmID = new string[iFirmNum]; //prod id string[] szFirmName = new string[iFirmNum]; string[] szFirmCard = new string[iFirmNum]; //prod id int iBgnRow = 0; try { if (comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex == 0)//all { //2)get STORE_CARD for (int i = 0; i < iFirmNum; i++) { string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[i + 1].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[i] = szItem[0]; szFirmName[i] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[i] = szFirmID[i]; //3)get data if (szFirmCard[i].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(szFirmName[i], szFirmCard[i], szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } } WriteSumToGrid(szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } else//only one firm { //2)get STORE_CARD string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString().Split('-'); szFirmID[0] = szItem[0]; szFirmName[0] = szItem[1]; szFirmCard[0] = szFirmID[0]; //3)get data if (szFirmCard[0].Trim().Length > 0) { WriteDataToGrid(szFirmName[0], szFirmCard[0], szDateCondition, ref iBgnRow); } } if (iBgnRow == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } miRows = iBgnRow; mszRptDate = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd; button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
//string sStoreCardID = ""; private void button_Find_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string T1 = ""; string T2 = ""; string sSql = ""; if (dateTimePicker1.Value <= dateTimePicker2.Value) { T1 = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); T2 = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } else { T2 = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); T1 = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { sSql = "SELECT * FROM rec_user WHERE Card_No = '" + textBox_CardID.Text + "'"; } else { sSql = "SELECT * FROM rec_firm WHERE Store_ID = " + sStoreID; } sSql += " AND Oper_Time BETWEEN '" + T1 + "' AND '" + T2 + "' ORDER BY ID Desc"; DataSet odt = null; string sErrMsg = ""; string sTmp = ""; int iRt = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(sSql, "TableA", ref odt, ref sErrMsg); if (iRt != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询数据库时出现错误 = " + sErrMsg, "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); goto Eend; } int iValue = 0; int iTradeNum = 0; int iTradeAmount = 0; float fi = 0; miRows = odt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (odt.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { // 没有数据 button_Print.Enabled = false; } else { // 已检索到数据 for (int i = 0; i < odt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Oper_Time"].ToString().Trim(); sTmp = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Chg_Val"].ToString().Trim(); iValue = int.Parse(sTmp); fi = iValue; fi /= 100; dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = fi.ToString("0.00"); sTmp = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Oper_Type"].ToString().Trim(); switch (sTmp) { case "ADD": sTmp = "充值"; iTradeAmount += iValue; break; case "TRADE": sTmp = "消费"; if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { iTradeAmount -= iValue; } else { iTradeAmount += iValue; } break; case "CASH": sTmp = "取款"; iTradeAmount -= iValue; // 大家都是减少 break; case "CHG": sTmp = "换卡"; iTradeAmount -= iValue; // 大家都是减少 break; case "SETT": sTmp = "结算"; break; case "CANC": sTmp = "撤销"; dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Rmrk"].ToString().Trim(); if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { iTradeAmount += iValue; } else { iTradeAmount -= iValue; } break; } dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = sTmp; if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Card_No"].ToString().Trim(); } else { if (sTmp == "消费") { dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Rmrk"].ToString().Trim(); } else { dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Card_No"].ToString().Trim(); } } iTradeNum++; sTmp = odt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["After_Val"].ToString().Trim(); iValue = int.Parse(sTmp); fi = iValue; fi /= 100; dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = fi.ToString("0.00"); } dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0].Value = "合计"; //textBox_TradeNum.Text = iTradeNum.ToString(); dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[2].Value = iTradeNum.ToString() + "笔"; fi = iTradeAmount; fi /= 100; //textBox_TradeAmount.Text = fi.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[3].Value = fi.ToString("0.00"); dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[1].Value = " "; dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[4].Value = " "; miRows++; dataGridView1.Rows[0].Selected = true; button_Print.Enabled = true; } // log if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD") { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("买方资金-资金变化查询", " ", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); } else { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("卖方资金-资金变化查询", " ", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); } groupBox_3.Text = "第三步:查询结果(合计 = " + iTradeNum.ToString() + " 笔,金额变化 = " + fi.ToString("0.00") + " 元)"; groupBox_2.Enabled = false; groupBox_3.Visible = true; Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询市场交易汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "交易汇总表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "市场交易汇总表"; } string szDateCondition = "jy_tim>='" + szBgn + "' and jy_tim<='" + szEnd + "'"; string szSql = "select '" + MyStart.gszMrktName + "',count(*), format(sum(prod_w - prod_nw) / 1000, 3)," + "format(sum(prod_amount) / 100, 2),format(sum(prod_amount) * 10 / sum(prod_w - prod_nw), 2)," + "format(sum(MKT_BUYER_FEE) / 100, 2), format(sum(MKT_SELLER_FEE) / 100, 2)," + "format(sum(MKT_BUYER_FEE + MKT_SELLER_FEE) / 100, 2), " + "format(sum(YTB_BUYER_FEE) / 100, 2), format(sum(YTB_SELLER_FEE) / 100, 2)," + "format(sum(YTB_BUYER_FEE + YTB_SELLER_FEE) / 100, 2), " + "format(sum(prod_amount + MKT_BUYER_FEE + MKT_SELLER_FEE + YTB_BUYER_FEE + YTB_SELLER_FEE) / 100, 2) " + "from rec_trade where CANCEL_MARK='N' and PROD_ID>0 and " + szDateCondition; string szErr = ""; try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询市场交易记录", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int iNum = dt.Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { goto Eend; } //mDt = dt; int iCurNum = (iNum < miDefRows ? miDefRows : iNum); int iBgnRow = 0; MyFunc.GridWriteDt(ref dataGridViewRst, ref dt, iBgnRow, miCols, ref iCurNum); iBgnRow += iNum; if (iBgnRow == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } miRows = iBgnRow; mszRptDate = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd; button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //select //case when b.USER_NAME is not null then b.USER_NAME else '合计' end as '操作员', //case when oper_subtype is not null then oper_subtype else '小计' end as '类型', //sum(chg_val) as '金额' from rec_user a,sys_users b //where oper_type = 'ADD' and a.Oper_ID = b.USER_ID group by b.USER_NAME, oper_subtype with rollup; MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询充值汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); //dataGridViewRst.Rows.Clear(); //MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridViewRst, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + "充值汇总表"; } else { mszRptTitle = "充值汇总表"; } string szDateCondition = "Oper_Time>='" + szBgn + "' and Oper_Time<='" + szEnd + "'"; string szSql = "select " + "case when b.USER_NAME is not null then b.USER_NAME else '合计' end as '收银员'," + "case when oper_subtype is not null then oper_subtype else '小计' end as '充值类型'," + "count(chg_val) as 充值笔数,format(sum(chg_val) / 100, 2) as '充值金额(元)' from rec_user a,sys_users b where oper_type = 'ADD' and a.Oper_ID=b.USER_ID "; if (comboBox_Type.SelectedIndex > 0)//only one type { szSql += " and oper_subtype='" + comboBox_Type.Text.Trim() + "' "; } if (comboBox_POS.SelectedIndex > 0)//only one oper { string[] szX = comboBox_POS.Text.Split('-'); szSql += " and a.Oper_ID=" + szX[0]; } if (!(textBox_buyer.Text.Length == 0 && comboBox_Buyer.SelectedIndex == 0))//only one buyer { string[] szX = comboBox_Buyer.Text.Split('-'); szSql += " and a.Card_No='" + szX[0] + "' "; } szSql += " and " + szDateCondition + " group by b.USER_NAME, oper_subtype with rollup"; try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询充值汇总", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dataGridViewRst.Columns.Count > 0) { dataGridViewRst.Columns.Clear(); } dataGridViewRst.DataSource = dt; dataGridViewRst.Refresh(); int iNum = dt.Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { button_Rpt.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } int iCurNum = (iNum < miDefRows ? miDefRows : iNum); int iBgnRow = 0; //MyFunc.GridWriteDt(ref dataGridViewRst, ref dt, iBgnRow, miCols, ref iCurNum); iBgnRow += iNum; if (iBgnRow == 0) { goto Eend; } miRows = iBgnRow; mszRptDate = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd; button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_Qry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询取款汇总", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); string szBgn = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_Bgn.Value); string szEnd = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dateTimePicker_End.Value); string szTable = ""; if (MyStart.gszMrktName.Length > 0) { mszRptTitle = MyStart.gszMrktName + ""; } else { mszRptTitle = ""; } /* * if (radioButton_buyer.Checked) * { * szTable = "rec_user"; * mszRptTitle += "买方"; * } * if (radioButton_seller.Checked) * { * szTable = "rec_firm"; * mszRptTitle += "卖方"; * }*/ mszRptTitle += "取款汇总表"; string szDateCondition = "Oper_Time>='" + szBgn + "' and Oper_Time<='" + szEnd + "'"; /*string szSql = "select " + "case when b.USER_NAME is not null then b.USER_NAME else '合计' end as '收银员'," + "case when oper_subtype is not null then oper_subtype else '小计' end as '取款类型'," + "count(chg_val) as 取款笔数,format(sum(chg_val) / 100, 2) as 取款金额(元) from " + szTable + " a,sys_users b where oper_type = 'CASH' and a.Oper_ID=b.USER_ID "; + + if (comboBox_Type.SelectedIndex > 0)//only one type + { + szSql += " and oper_subtype='" + comboBox_Type.Text.Trim() + "' "; + } + if (comboBox_POS.SelectedIndex > 0)//only one oper + { + string[] szX = comboBox_POS.Text.Split('-'); + szSql += " and a.Oper_ID=" + szX[0]; + } + if (!(textBox_buyer.Text.Length == 0 && comboBox_Buyer.SelectedIndex == 0))//only one buyer + { + string[] szX = comboBox_Buyer.Text.Split('-'); + szSql += " and a.Card_No='" + szX[0] + "' "; + } + szSql += " and " + szDateCondition + " group by b.USER_NAME, oper_subtype with rollup";*/ string szSql = "select " + "case when Z.USER_NAME is not null then Z.USER_NAME else '合计' end as '收银员'," + "case when X_TYPE is not null then X_TYPE else '小计' end as '取款类型'," + "sum(A) as 卖方取款笔数,format(sum(B) / 100, 2) as '卖方取款金额(元)',sum(C) as 买方取款笔数,format(sum(D) / 100, 2) as '买方取款金额(元)'," + "sum(A + C) as 取款总笔数, format(sum(B + D) / 100, 2) as '取款总金额(元)' " + "from " + "(select X_ID, X_TYPE, A, B, C, D from " + " (select Oper_ID as X_ID, Oper_SubType as X_TYPE, count(Chg_Val) as A, sum(Chg_Val) as B from rec_firm where Oper_Type = 'CASH' and " + szDateCondition + " group by Oper_ID, Oper_SubType) X," + " (select Oper_ID as Y_ID, Oper_SubType as Y_TYPE, count(Chg_Val) as C, sum(Chg_Val) as D from rec_user where Oper_Type = 'CASH' and " + szDateCondition + " group by Oper_ID, Oper_SubType) Y " + " where X_ID = Y_ID and X_TYPE = Y_TYPE" + ") XX,sys_users Z where XX.X_ID = Z.USER_ID "; if (comboBox_POS.SelectedIndex > 0)//only one oper { string[] szX = comboBox_POS.Text.Split('-'); szSql += " and Z.USER_ID=" + szX[0]; } szSql += " group by Z.USER_NAME,XX.X_TYPE with rollup"; try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string szErr = ""; int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询取款汇总", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr); goto Eend; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dataGridViewRst.Columns.Count > 0) { dataGridViewRst.Columns.Clear(); } dataGridViewRst.DataSource = dt; dataGridViewRst.Refresh(); int iNum = dt.Rows.Count; if (iNum == 0) { button_Rpt.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); goto Eend; } int iCurNum = (iNum < miDefRows ? miDefRows : iNum); int iBgnRow = 0; //MyFunc.GridWriteDt(ref dataGridViewRst, ref dt, iBgnRow, miCols, ref iCurNum); iBgnRow += iNum; if (iBgnRow == 0) { goto Eend; } miRows = iBgnRow; mszRptDate = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd; button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); }
private void button_qry2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("查询发卡明细", "", "MSG", MyStart.giUserID); dataGridView_Detail.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView_Detail.DataSource = null; MyFunc.GridInit(ref dataGridView_Detail, mszTitle, mszTitleWidth, 15, miDefRows, true); string szWhere = ""; if (radioButton_card.Checked) { szWhere += "STORE_CARD like '%" + textBox_Card.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } if (radioButton_cell.Checked) { szWhere += "a.USER_TEL like '%" + textBox_Cell.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } if (radioButton_name.Checked) { szWhere += "a.STORE_PERSON like '%" + textBox_name.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } if (radioButton_date.Checked) { szWhere += "DATE_FORMAT(a.ADD_DT, '%Y-%m-%d') = '" + dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' "; } string szSql = "(SELECT store_name as 卖方名称,a.ADD_DT as 发卡时间, " + "if (CARD_TYPE = 1,'第一副卡',if (CARD_TYPE = 2,'副卡','结算卡')) as 卡类,STORE_CARD as 卡号, " + "if (CARD_STAT = 'BGN','正常',if (CARD_STAT = 'STOP','无效','挂失')) as 状态,STALL_INF as 档口信息, " + "a.STORE_PERSON as 联系人,a.USER_TEL as 联系电话, a.cert_id as 身份证, b.USER_NAME as 开卡人 " + "FROM mng_card a,sys_users b,base_store c where a.ADD_ID=b.USER_ID and a.STORE_ID=c.STORE_ID and " + szWhere + " order by a.ADD_DT) " + "union " + "(select '小计', '', '', count(*), '','', '', '', '', '' from mng_card a where " + szWhere + ")"; try { string szErr = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr); if (iRst != 0) { goto Eend; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int iNum = dt.Rows.Count; dataGridView_Detail.Columns.Clear();// dataGridView_Detail.DataSource = dt; dataGridView_Detail.Refresh(); if (iNum > 0) { button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } else { //groupBox3.Text = "发卡明细:"; button_Rpt.Enabled = false; } if (!radioButton_date.Checked) { mszRptDate = ""; } else { mszRptDate = "发卡日期:" + dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } miRows = iNum; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("买方卡开卡查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Eend: MyStart.oMyDb.Close(); if (dataGridView_Detail.RowCount > 0) { button_Rpt.Enabled = true; } //miRows = iBgnRow + 1; }