Exemple #1
        private void WriteDataToGrid2(string szFirmName, string szID, string szBgn, string szEnd, ref int iBgnRow)
            /*   string szSql = "select b.USER_NAME,if (oper_type = 'ADD','买方充值',"
             + "if (oper_type = 'TRADE','买方消费',if (oper_type = 'CASH','买方取现',if (oper_type='CHG','买方换卡','买方取消交易')))),"
             + "format(sum(chg_val)/100,2) from rec_user a,sys_users b "
             + "where a.Oper_ID = b.USER_ID and b.USER_NAME = '" + szFirmName + "' and " + szDateCondition + " group by oper_type "
             + "union "
             + "select b.USER_NAME,if (oper_type = 'ADD','卖方充值',"
             + "if (oper_type = 'TRADE','卖方消费',if (oper_type = 'CASH','卖方取现',if (oper_type='CHG','卖方换卡','卖方取消交易')))),"
             + "format(sum(chg_val)/100,2) from rec_firm a,sys_users b "
             + "where a.Oper_ID = b.USER_ID and b.USER_NAME = '" + szFirmName + "' and " + szDateCondition + " group by oper_type "
             + "union "
             + "select '小计','-','-' from dual";*/
            /*select z.USER_ID, z.USER_NAME,i as 买方提现,k as 卖方充值,l as 卖方提现,k-i-l as 结合
             * from
             * (sys_users z
             * left join
             * (select a.Oper_ID as h,sum(a.Chg_Val) as i from rec_firm a where a.Oper_Type='TRADE' group by a.Oper_ID) x
             * on z.USER_ID=x.h)
             * left join
             * (select b.Oper_ID as j,sum(b.Chg_Val) as k,sum(c.Chg_Val) as l from rec_user b,rec_user c
             * where b.Oper_ID=c.Oper_ID and b.Oper_Type='ADD' and c.Oper_Type='CASH' group by b.Oper_ID,c.Oper_ID) y
             * on z.USER_ID=y.j
             * where z.USER_STAT='USED' */

            Int64[] iItem = new Int64[miCols - 1];
            string  szSql = "select Oper_ID,sum(Chg_Val) from rec_user where Oper_Type='ADD' and Oper_ID=" + szID
                            + " and Oper_Time>='" + szBgn + "' and Oper_Time<='" + szEnd + "'";

            string  szErr = "";
            DataSet ds    = new DataSet();
            int     iRst  = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);

            if (iRst != 0)
                MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询磅房交易记录", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
            DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];

                iItem[0] = Convert.ToInt64(dr[1]);//买方充值
                iItem[0] = 0;
            iItem[1] = iItem[0];//收入结余

            szSql = "select Oper_ID,sum(Chg_Val) from rec_user where Oper_Type='CASH' and Oper_ID=" + szID
                    + " and Oper_Time>='" + szBgn + "' and Oper_Time<='" + szEnd + "'";
            szErr = "";
            iRst  = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
            if (iRst != 0)
                MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询磅房交易记录", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
            dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                iItem[2] = Convert.ToInt64(dr[1]);//买方提现
                iItem[2] = 0;

            szSql = "select Oper_ID,sum(Chg_Val) from rec_firm where Oper_Type='CASH' and Oper_ID=" + szID
                    + " and Oper_Time>='" + szBgn + "' and Oper_Time<='" + szEnd + "'";
            szErr = "";
            iRst  = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
            if (iRst != 0)
                MessageBox.Show("查询失败!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MyIniFile.WriteLog("查询磅房交易记录", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
            dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                iItem[3] = Convert.ToInt64(dr[1]);//卖方提现
                iItem[3] = 0;
            iItem[4] = iItem[2] + iItem[3]; //支出结余
            iItem[5] = iItem[1] - iItem[4]; //总结余

            szSql = szID + "-" + szFirmName;
            for (int index = 0; index < miCols - 1; index++)
                szSql += "#" + ((decimal)iItem[index] / 100).ToString("0,000.00");
            MyFunc.GridWriteData(ref dataGridViewRst, szSql, ref iBgnRow);
Exemple #2
        private void QryCash(string szBgn, string szEnd)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            int iFirmNum = comboBox_Firm.Items.Count - 1;

            string[] szFirmID   = new string[iFirmNum]; //prod id
            string[] szFirmName = new string[iFirmNum];
            string[] szFirmCard = new string[iFirmNum]; //prod id
            int      iBgnRow    = 0;

                if (comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex == 0)//all
                    //2)get STORE_CARD
                    for (int i = 0; i < iFirmNum; i++)
                        string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[i + 1].ToString().Split('-');
                        szFirmID[i]   = szItem[0];
                        szFirmName[i] = szItem[1];
                        szFirmCard[i] = szFirmID[i];
                        //3)get data
                        if (szFirmCard[i].Trim().Length > 0)
                            WriteDataToGrid2(szFirmName[i], szFirmID[i], szBgn, szEnd, ref iBgnRow);

                    Decimal[] dItem = new Decimal[miCols - 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < iBgnRow - 1; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < miCols - 1; j++)
                            dItem[j] += Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridViewRst.Rows[i].Cells[j + 1].Value);
                    string szText = "合计";
                    for (int index = 0; index < miCols - 1; index++)
                        szText += "#" + dItem[index].ToString("#0,000.00");
                    MyFunc.GridWriteData(ref dataGridViewRst, szText, ref iBgnRow);
                else//only one firm
                    //2)get STORE_CARD
                    string[] szItem = comboBox_Firm.Items[comboBox_Firm.SelectedIndex].ToString().Split('-');
                    szFirmID[0]   = szItem[0];
                    szFirmName[0] = szItem[1];
                    szFirmCard[0] = szFirmID[0];
                    //3)get data
                    if (szFirmCard[0].Trim().Length > 0)
                        WriteDataToGrid2(szFirmName[0], szFirmID[0], szBgn, szEnd, ref iBgnRow);

                if (iBgnRow == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("没有数据", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;
                miRows             = iBgnRow;
                mszRptDate         = szBgn + " 至 " + szEnd;
                button_Rpt.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("查询失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);