/// <summary> /// Load all the datastreams from the JSON formatted file. /// </summary> private void btnLoadTickLists_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (File.Exists(def_datapath)) { ticklistholder = TickListHolder.ReadJSON(def_datapath); foreach (TickList t in ticklistholder.ticklists) { addToChart(t, t.name, false, chtBackTest); } refreshGridView(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No data file found"); } }
public static void RunTests() { bool enabled = false; if (enabled) { //WebProvider w = new WebProvider("", "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/" + //"yql?q=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.historicaldata%20where%20symbol%2" + //"0%3D%20%22AAPL%22%20and%20startDate%20%3D%20%222012-09-11%22%20and%20endD" + //"ate%20%3D%20%222014-02-11%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&env=store%3A%2F" + //"%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys",0); //w.Download(); String def_datapath = "data.txt"; TickListHolder t = TickListHolder.ReadJSON(def_datapath); LiveTickList l = new LiveTickList(new GoogleTrends(), "bitcoin", t.ticklists[1]); l.update(); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a TickListHolder from the specified file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path and filename to the file /// that should be read</param> /// <returns></returns> public static TickListHolder ReadJSON(String path) { TextReader reader = null; Logger.Log("Attempting to read JSON file " + path); try { reader = new StreamReader(path); var fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd(); TickListHolder readlist = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TickListHolder>(fileContents); Logger.Log("Found the following TickListHolder:"); Logger.Log(readlist.ToString()); return(readlist); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }