Exemple #1
        public void PerformOptimizationStep(Star tableIn, Image tiltStack, int size, int3 volumeDimensions, Dictionary<int, Projector> references, float resolution, Dictionary<int, Projector> outReconstructions, Dictionary<int, Projector> outCTFReconstructions)
            VolumeDimensions = volumeDimensions;

            #region Get rows from table

            List<int> RowIndices = new List<int>();
            string[] ColumnMicrographName = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnMicrographName");
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnMicrographName.Length; i++)
                if (ColumnMicrographName[i].Contains(RootName + "."))

            if (RowIndices.Count == 0)

            int NParticles = RowIndices.Count;


            #region Make sure all columns and directories are there

            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnImageName"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnCtfImage"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnParticleSelectZScore"))

            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticlesDir))
            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticleCTFDir))


            #region Get subtomo positions from table

            float3[] ParticleOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleOrigins2 = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles2 = new float3[NParticles];
            int[] ParticleSubset = new int[NParticles];
                string[] ColumnPosX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateX");
                string[] ColumnPosY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateY");
                string[] ColumnPosZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateZ");
                string[] ColumnOriginX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginX");
                string[] ColumnOriginY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginY");
                string[] ColumnOriginZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZ");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRot");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTilt");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsi");
                string[] ColumnSubset = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnRandomSubset");

                string[] ColumnPosX2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginXPrior");
                string[] ColumnPosY2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginYPrior");
                string[] ColumnPosZ2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZPrior");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRotPrior");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTiltPrior");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsiPrior");

                for (int i = 0; i < NParticles; i++)
                    float3 Pos = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Pos2 = Pos;
                    //if (ColumnPosX2 != null && ColumnPosY2 != null && ColumnPosZ2 != null)
                    //    Pos2 = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                      float.Parse(ColumnPosY2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                      float.Parse(ColumnPosZ2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    float3 Shift = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnOriginX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleOrigins[i] = Pos - Shift;
                    ParticleOrigins2[i] = Pos2 - Shift;

                    float3 Angle = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Angle2 = Angle;
                    //if (ColumnAngleRot2 != null && ColumnAngleTilt2 != null && ColumnAnglePsi2 != null)
                    //    Angle2 = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                        float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                        float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleAngles[i] = Angle;
                    ParticleAngles2[i] = Angle2;

                    ParticleSubset[i] = int.Parse(ColumnSubset[RowIndices[i]]);

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateX", ParticleOrigins[i].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateY", ParticleOrigins[i].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateZ", ParticleOrigins[i].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginX", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginY", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginZ", "0.0");


            #region Deal with subsets

            List<int> SubsetIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var i in ParticleSubset)
                if (!SubsetIDs.Contains(i))

            // For each subset, create a list of its particle IDs
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> SubsetParticleIDs = SubsetIDs.ToDictionary(subsetID => subsetID, subsetID => new List<int>());
            for (int i = 0; i < ParticleSubset.Length; i++)
            foreach (var list in SubsetParticleIDs.Values)

            // Note where each subset starts and ends in a unified, sorted (by subset) particle ID list
            Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> SubsetRanges = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
                int Start = 0;
                foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)
                    SubsetRanges.Add(pair.Key, new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + pair.Value.Count));
                    Start += pair.Value.Count;

            List<int> SubsetContinuousIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)

            // Reorder particle information to match the order of SubsetContinuousIDs
            ParticleOrigins = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleOrigins2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleSubset = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleSubset[i]).ToArray();


            if (GridMovementX.Dimensions.Elements() == 1)
                int MaxSlice = SubsetRanges.Last().Value.Item2 > 100 ? 1 : 1;

                GridMovementX = new CubicGrid(new int3(MaxSlice, MaxSlice, NTilts));
                GridMovementY = new CubicGrid(new int3(MaxSlice, MaxSlice, NTilts));

                //GridLocalX = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                //GridLocalY = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                //GridLocalZ = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));

                GridAngleX = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts));
                GridAngleY = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts));
                GridAngleZ = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts));
            if (GridLocalX.Dimensions.Elements() == 1)
                GridLocalX = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                GridLocalY = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                GridLocalZ = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
            //    GridMovementX = GridMovementX.Resize(new int3(4, 4, NTilts));
            //    GridMovementY = GridMovementY.Resize(new int3(4, 4, NTilts));

            int CoarseSize = (int)Math.Round(size * ((float)CTF.PixelSize * 2 / resolution)) / 2 * 2;
            int3 CoarseDims = new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1);

            // Positions the particles were extracted at/shifted to, to calculate effectively needed shifts later
            float2[] ExtractedAt = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];

            // Extract images, mask and resize them, create CTFs
            Image ParticleImages = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true, true);
            Image ParticleCTFs = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true);
            Image ParticleWeights = null;
            Image ShiftFactors = null;

            #region Preflight
            float KeepBFac = GlobalBfactor;
            GlobalBfactor = 0;
                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(CoarseSize, size);

                #region Precalculate vectors for shifts in Fourier space
                    float2[] ShiftFactorsData = new float2[(CoarseSize / 2 + 1) * CoarseSize];
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x;
                            int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;

                            ShiftFactorsData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = new float2((float)-xx / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI,
                                                                                          (float)-yy / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI);

                    ShiftFactors = new Image(ShiftFactorsData, new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1), true);

                #region Create mask with soft edge
                Image Mask;
                Image MaskSubt;
                    Image MaskBig = new Image(new int3(size, size, 1));
                    float MaskRadius = MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / (float)CTF.PixelSize;
                    float SoftEdge = 16f;

                    float[] MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= MaskRadius)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(Math.Min(1, (R - MaskRadius) / SoftEdge) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + 0.5);

                    Mask = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));

                    MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= 30)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 0;

                    MaskSubt = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                #region Create Fourier space mask
                Image FourierMask = new Image(CoarseDims, true);
                    float[] FourierMaskData = FourierMask.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    int MaxR2 = CoarseSize * CoarseSize / 4;
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;
                        yy *= yy;

                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x * x;
                            int R2 = yy + xx;

                            FourierMaskData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = R2 < MaxR2 ? 1 : 0;

                #region For each particle, create CTFs and extract & preprocess images for entire tilt series
                for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                    float3 ParticleCoords = ParticleOrigins[p];
                    float3[] Positions = GetPositionInImages(ParticleCoords);
                    float3[] ProjAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(ParticleCoords, ParticleAngles[p]);

                    Image Extracted = new Image(new int3(size, size, NTilts));
                    float[][] ExtractedData = Extracted.GetHost(Intent.Write);
                    float3[] Residuals = new float3[NTilts];

                    Image SubtrahendsCTF = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NTilts), true);

                    // Create CTFs
                        CTFStruct[] CTFParams = new CTFStruct[NTilts];

                        float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                        CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                            decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                            decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                            CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                            CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                            CurrCTF.Scale = (decimal)Math.Cos(Angles[t] * Helper.ToRad);
                            CurrCTF.Bfactor = (decimal)-Dose[t] * 8;

                            Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();

                        GPU.CreateCTF(ParticleCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(NTilts * p, Intent.Write),
                    //    CTFStruct[] CTFParams = new CTFStruct[NTilts];

                    //    float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                    //    CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                    //    for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                    //    {
                    //        decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                    //        decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                    //        decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                    //        CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                    //        CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                    //        CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                    //        CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                    //        CurrCTF.Scale = 1;
                    //        CurrCTF.Bfactor = 0;

                    //        Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();
                    //    }

                    //    GPU.CreateCTF(SubtrahendsCTF.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                    //                  CTFCoords.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                    //                  (uint)CoarseDims.ElementsFFT(),
                    //                  Params,
                    //                  false,
                    //                  (uint)NTilts);

                    // Extract images
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            ExtractedAt[p * NTilts + t] = new float2(Positions[t].X, Positions[t].Y);

                            Positions[t] -= size / 2;
                            int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)Positions[t].X, (int)Positions[t].Y);
                            float2 Residual = new float2(-(Positions[t].X - IntPosition.X), -(Positions[t].Y - IntPosition.Y));
                            Residuals[t] = new float3(Residual / size * CoarseSize);

                            float[] OriginalData;
                            lock (tiltStack)
                                OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t];

                            float[] ImageData = ExtractedData[t];
                            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                                int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + tiltStack.Dims.Y) % tiltStack.Dims.Y;
                                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                                    int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + tiltStack.Dims.X) % tiltStack.Dims.X;
                                    ImageData[y * size + x] = OriginalData[PosY * tiltStack.Dims.X + PosX];

                                          new int3(size, size, 1),
                                          (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),

                        Image Scaled = Extracted.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                        //              Scaled.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //              MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //              (uint)Scaled.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //              (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Image SubtrahendsFT = subtrahendReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Multiply(SubtrahendsCTF);

                        //    //Image Subtrahends = SubtrahendsFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Dispose();

                        //    ////GPU.NormalizeMasked(Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //    ////                    MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    (uint)Subtrahends.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //    ////                    (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Scaled.Subtract(Subtrahends);
                        //    //Subtrahends.Dispose();

                        //    Image FocusMaskFT = maskReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    Image FocusMask = FocusMaskFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    FocusMaskFT.Dispose();

                        //    Scaled.Multiply(FocusMask);
                        //    FocusMask.Dispose();


                                ParticleImages.GetDeviceSlice(p * NTilts, Intent.Write),




                Image ParticleCTFsAbs = new Image(ParticleCTFs.GetDevice(Intent.Read), ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                ParticleWeights = ParticleCTFsAbs.AsSum2D();
                    float[] ParticleWeightsData = ParticleWeights.GetHost(Intent.ReadWrite)[0];
                    float Max = MathHelper.Max(ParticleWeightsData);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ParticleWeightsData.Length; i++)
                        ParticleWeightsData[i] /= Max;


                //Image CheckImages = ParticleImages.AsIFFT();

            GlobalBfactor = KeepBFac;

            bool DoPerParticleMotion = true;
            bool DoImageAlignment = true;

            #region BFGS evaluation and gradient

            double[] StartParams;

            Func<double[], Tuple<float2[], float3[]>> GetImageShiftsAndAngles;
            Func<double[], float2[]> GetImageShifts;
            Func<float3[], Image> GetProjections;
            Func<double[], double[]> EvalIndividual;
            Func<double[], double> Eval;
            Func<double[], double[]> Gradient;
                List<double> StartParamsList = new List<double>();
                StartParamsList.AddRange(CreateVectorFromParameters(ParticleOrigins, ParticleOrigins2, ParticleAngles, ParticleAngles2, size));
                StartParams = StartParamsList.ToArray();

                // Remember where the values for each grid are stored in the optimized vector
                List<Tuple<int, int>> VectorGridRanges = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
                List<int> GridElements = new List<int>();
                List<int> GridSliceElements = new List<int>();
                    int Start = 0;
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridMovementX.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridMovementX.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridMovementY.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridMovementY.Dimensions.Elements();

                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridAngleX.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridAngleX.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridAngleY.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridAngleY.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridAngleZ.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridAngleZ.Dimensions.Elements();

                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridLocalX.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridLocalX.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridLocalY.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridLocalY.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridLocalZ.Dimensions.Elements()));






                int NVectorGridParams = VectorGridRanges.Last().Item2;
                int NVectorParticleParams = NParticles * 12;

                GetImageShiftsAndAngles = input =>
                    // Retrieve particle positions & angles, and grids from input vector
                    float3[] NewPositions, NewPositions2, NewAngles, NewAngles2;
                    GetParametersFromVector(input, NParticles, size, out NewPositions, out NewPositions2, out NewAngles, out NewAngles2);
                    SetGridsFromVector(input, Dimensions.X);

                    // Using current positions, angles and grids, get parameters for image shifts and reference projection angles
                    float2[] ImageShifts = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] ImageAngles = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        if (DoPerParticleMotion)
                            float3 CoordsDiff = NewPositions2[p] - NewPositions[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = NewAngles2[p] - NewAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                                PerTiltAngles[p * NTilts + t] = NewAngles[p] + AnglesDiff * DoseID;
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p];
                                PerTiltAngles[p * NTilts + t] = NewAngles[p];

                    float3[] CurrPositions = GetPositionInImages(PerTiltPositions);
                    float3[] CurrAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageShifts.Length; i++)
                        ImageShifts[i] = new float2(ExtractedAt[i].X - CurrPositions[i].X,
                                                    ExtractedAt[i].Y - CurrPositions[i].Y); // -diff because those are extraction positions, i. e. opposite direction of shifts
                        ImageAngles[i] = CurrAngles[i];

                    return new Tuple<float2[], float3[]>(ImageShifts, ImageAngles);

                GetImageShifts = input =>
                    // Retrieve particle positions & angles, and grids from input vector
                    float3[] NewPositions, NewPositions2, NewAngles, NewAngles2;
                    GetParametersFromVector(input, NParticles, size, out NewPositions, out NewPositions2, out NewAngles, out NewAngles2);
                    SetGridsFromVector(input, Dimensions.X);

                    // Using current positions, angles and grids, get parameters for image shifts and reference projection angles
                    float2[] ImageShifts = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        if (DoPerParticleMotion)
                            float3 CoordsDiff = NewPositions2[p] - NewPositions[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = NewAngles2[p] - NewAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p];

                    float3[] CurrPositions = GetPositionInImages(PerTiltPositions);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageShifts.Length; i++)
                        ImageShifts[i] = new float2(ExtractedAt[i].X - CurrPositions[i].X,
                                                    ExtractedAt[i].Y - CurrPositions[i].Y); // -diff because those are extraction positions, i. e. opposite direction of shifts

                    return ImageShifts;

                GetProjections = imageAngles =>
                    Image Projections = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true, true);
                    foreach (var subset in SubsetRanges)
                        Projector Reference = references[subset.Key];
                        int SubsetStart = subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts;
                        int SubsetEnd = subset.Value.Item2 * NTilts;
                        float3[] SubsetAngles = imageAngles.Skip(SubsetStart).Take(SubsetEnd - SubsetStart).ToArray();

                                           Projections.GetDeviceSlice(SubsetStart, Intent.Write),
                                           new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                           (uint)(SubsetEnd - SubsetStart));

                    /*Image CheckProjections = Projections.AsIFFT();

                    return Projections;

                EvalIndividual = input =>
                    Tuple<float2[], float3[]> ShiftsAndAngles = GetImageShiftsAndAngles(input);

                    Image Projections = GetProjections(ShiftsAndAngles.Item2);

                    float[] Results = new float[NParticles * NTilts];

                                          new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                          (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));


                    return Results.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray();

                int OptimizationIterations = 0;
                bool GetOut = false;

                double Delta = 0.1;
                float Delta2 = 2 * (float)Delta;

                int[] WarpGridIDs = { 5, 6, 7 };
                Dictionary<int, float2[][]> WiggleWeightsWarp = new Dictionary<int, float2[][]>();
                foreach (var gridID in WarpGridIDs)
                    int NElements = GridElements[gridID];
                    WiggleWeightsWarp.Add(gridID, new float2[NElements][]);

                    for (int ge = 0; ge < NElements; ge++)
                        double[] InputMinus = new double[StartParams.Length], InputPlus = new double[StartParams.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < StartParams.Length; i++)
                            InputMinus[i] = StartParams[i];
                            InputPlus[i] = StartParams[i];

                        InputMinus[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + ge] -= Delta;
                        InputPlus[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + ge] += Delta;

                        float2[] ImageShiftsPlus = GetImageShifts(InputPlus);
                        float2[] ImageShiftsMinus = GetImageShifts(InputMinus);

                        float2[] Weights = new float2[ImageShiftsPlus.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < ImageShiftsPlus.Length; i++)
                            Weights[i] = (ImageShiftsPlus[i] - ImageShiftsMinus[i]) / Delta2;

                        WiggleWeightsWarp[gridID][ge] = Weights;

                Eval = input =>
                    double Result = EvalIndividual(input).Sum();
                    lock (tableIn)
                        Debug.WriteLine(GPU.GetDevice() + ", " + RootName + ": " + Result);

                    return Result;

                Func<double[], double[], double, double[]> GradientParticles = (inputMinus, inputPlus, delta) =>
                    double[] EvalMinus = EvalIndividual(inputMinus);
                    double[] EvalPlus = EvalIndividual(inputPlus);

                    double[] Diff = new double[EvalMinus.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Diff.Length; i++)
                        Diff[i] = (EvalPlus[i] - EvalMinus[i]) / (2 * delta);

                    return Diff;

                Gradient = input =>
                    double[] Result = new double[input.Length];

                    if (OptimizationIterations > 60)
                        return Result;

                    float2[] ImageShiftGradients = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    #region Compute gradient for individual image shifts
                        Tuple<float2[], float3[]> ShiftsAndAngles = GetImageShiftsAndAngles(input);
                        Image Projections = GetProjections(ShiftsAndAngles.Item2);

                        float2[] ShiftsXPlus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float2[] ShiftsXMinus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float2[] ShiftsYPlus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float2[] ShiftsYMinus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];

                        float2 DeltaX = new float2((float)Delta, 0);
                        float2 DeltaY = new float2(0, (float)Delta);

                        for (int i = 0; i < ShiftsXPlus.Length; i++)
                            ShiftsXPlus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] + DeltaX;
                            ShiftsXMinus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] - DeltaX;

                            ShiftsYPlus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] + DeltaY;
                            ShiftsYMinus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] - DeltaY;

                        float[] ScoresXPlus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float[] ScoresXMinus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float[] ScoresYPlus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float[] ScoresYMinus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];

                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));
                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));
                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));
                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));


                        for (int i = 0; i < ImageShiftGradients.Length; i++)
                            ImageShiftGradients[i] = new float2((ScoresXPlus[i] - ScoresXMinus[i]) / Delta2,
                                                           (ScoresYPlus[i] - ScoresYMinus[i]) / Delta2);

                    // First, do particle parameters, i. e. 3D position within tomogram, rotation, across 2 points in time
                    // Altering each particle's parameters results in a change in its NTilts images, but nothing else
                        int[] TranslationIDs = DoPerParticleMotion ? new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } : new[] { 0, 1, 2 };
                        int[] RotationIDs = DoPerParticleMotion ? new [] {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11} : new [] { 6, 7, 8};
                        foreach (var paramID in RotationIDs)
                            double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                InputMinus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] -= Delta;
                                InputPlus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] += Delta;

                            double[] ResultParticles = GradientParticles(InputMinus, InputPlus, Delta);
                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                double ParticleSum = 0;
                                for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                    ParticleSum += ResultParticles[p * NTilts + t];

                                Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] = ParticleSum;

                        // Translation-related gradients can all be computed efficiently from previously retrieved per-image gradients
                        foreach (var paramID in TranslationIDs)
                            double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                InputMinus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] -= Delta;
                                InputPlus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] += Delta;

                            float2[] ImageShiftsPlus = GetImageShifts(InputPlus);
                            float2[] ImageShiftsMinus = GetImageShifts(InputMinus);

                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                double ParticleSum = 0;
                                for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                    int i = p * NTilts + t;
                                    float2 ShiftDelta = (ImageShiftsPlus[i] - ImageShiftsMinus[i]) / Delta2;
                                    float ShiftGradient = ShiftDelta.X * ImageShiftGradients[i].X + ShiftDelta.Y * ImageShiftGradients[i].Y;

                                    ParticleSum += ShiftGradient;

                                Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] = ParticleSum;

                        // If there is no per-particle motion, just copy the gradients for these parameters from parameterIDs 0-5
                        if (!DoPerParticleMotion)
                            int[] RedundantIDs = { 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 };
                            foreach (var paramID in RedundantIDs)
                                for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                    Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] = Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID - 3];

                    // Now deal with grids. Each grid slice (i. e. temporal point) will correspond to one tilt only, thus the gradient
                    // for each slice is the (weighted, in case of spatial resolution) sum of NParticles images in the corresponding tilt.
                    if (DoImageAlignment)
                        int[] RotationGridIDs = { 2, 3, 4 };
                        foreach (var gridID in RotationGridIDs)
                            int SliceElements = GridSliceElements[gridID];

                            for (int se = 0; se < SliceElements; se++)
                                double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                    InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                    InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                                for (int gp = VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + se; gp < VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item2; gp += SliceElements)
                                    InputMinus[gp] -= Delta;
                                    InputPlus[gp] += Delta;

                                double[] ResultParticles = GradientParticles(InputMinus, InputPlus, Delta);
                                for (int i = 0; i < ResultParticles.Length; i++)
                                    int GridTime = i % NTilts;
                                    Result[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + GridTime * SliceElements + se] += ResultParticles[i];

                        // Translation-related gradients can all be computed efficiently from previously retrieved per-image gradients
                        int[] TranslationGridIDs = { 0, 1 };
                        foreach (var gridID in TranslationGridIDs)
                            int SliceElements = GridSliceElements[gridID];

                            for (int se = 0; se < SliceElements; se++)
                                double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                    InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                    InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                                for (int gp = VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + se; gp < VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item2; gp += SliceElements)
                                    InputMinus[gp] -= Delta;
                                    InputPlus[gp] += Delta;

                                float2[] ImageShiftsPlus = GetImageShifts(InputPlus);
                                float2[] ImageShiftsMinus = GetImageShifts(InputMinus);

                                for (int i = 0; i < ImageShiftsPlus.Length; i++)
                                    float2 ShiftDelta = (ImageShiftsPlus[i] - ImageShiftsMinus[i]) / Delta2;
                                    float ShiftGradient = ShiftDelta.X * ImageShiftGradients[i].X + ShiftDelta.Y * ImageShiftGradients[i].Y;

                                    int GridSlice = i % NTilts;
                                    Result[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + GridSlice * SliceElements + se] += ShiftGradient;
                        // Warp grids don't have any shortcuts for getting multiple gradients at once, so they use pre-calculated wiggle weights
                        foreach (var gridID in WarpGridIDs)
                            int NElements = GridElements[gridID];

                            for (int ge = 0; ge < NElements; ge++)
                                float2[] Weights = WiggleWeightsWarp[gridID][ge];

                                for (int i = 0; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                                    float2 ShiftDelta = Weights[i];
                                    float ShiftGradient = ShiftDelta.X * ImageShiftGradients[i].X + ShiftDelta.Y * ImageShiftGradients[i].Y;

                                    Result[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + ge] += ShiftGradient;

                    return Result;


            BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno Optimizer = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(StartParams.Length, Eval, Gradient);
            Optimizer.Epsilon = 3e-7;


            float3[] OptimizedOrigins, OptimizedOrigins2, OptimizedAngles, OptimizedAngles2;
            GetParametersFromVector(StartParams, NParticles, size, out OptimizedOrigins, out OptimizedOrigins2, out OptimizedAngles, out OptimizedAngles2);
            SetGridsFromVector(StartParams, Dimensions.X);

            #region Calculate correlation scores, update table with new positions and angles
                double[] ImageScores = EvalIndividual(StartParams);
                float[] ParticleScores = new float[NParticles];
                for (int i = 0; i < ImageScores.Length; i++)
                    ParticleScores[i / NTilts] += (float)ImageScores[i];

                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnOriginXPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnOriginXPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnOriginYPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnOriginYPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnOriginZPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnOriginZPrior");

                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnAngleRotPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnAngleRotPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnAngleTiltPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnAngleTiltPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnAnglePsiPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnAnglePsiPrior");

                lock (tableIn)
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        int Row = RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]];

                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnCoordinateX", OptimizedOrigins[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnCoordinateY", OptimizedOrigins[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnCoordinateZ", OptimizedOrigins[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnOriginXPrior", OptimizedOrigins2[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnOriginYPrior", OptimizedOrigins2[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnOriginZPrior", OptimizedOrigins2[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleRot", OptimizedAngles[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleTilt", OptimizedAngles[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAnglePsi", OptimizedAngles[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleRotPrior", OptimizedAngles2[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleTiltPrior", OptimizedAngles2[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAnglePsiPrior", OptimizedAngles2[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnParticleSelectZScore", ParticleScores[p].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


            #region Extract particles at full resolution and back-project them into the reconstruction volumes

                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);
                int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;

                foreach (var subsetRange in SubsetRanges)
                    lock (outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key])
                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3 CoordsDiff = OptimizedOrigins2[p] - OptimizedOrigins[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = OptimizedAngles2[p] - OptimizedAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p] + AnglesDiff * DoseID;

                            Image FullParticleImages = GetSubtomoImages(tiltStack, size, PerTiltPositions, true);
                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords);


                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(FullParticleImages, FullParticleCTFs, FullParticleAngles);


                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3 CoordsDiff = OptimizedOrigins2[p] - OptimizedOrigins[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = OptimizedAngles2[p] - OptimizedAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p] + AnglesDiff * DoseID;

                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, false);
                            Image FullParticleCTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, true);

                            // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0
                            float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFWeightsData = new float[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            float[] CTFWeightsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFWeights.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                                CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]), 0);
                                CTFWeightsData[i] = Math.Abs(CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]);

                            Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                            Image CTFWeights = new Image(CTFWeightsData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);

                            outCTFReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(CTFsComplex, CTFWeights, FullParticleAngles);




Exemple #2
        public void RealspaceRefineGlobal(Star tableIn, Image tiltStack, int size, int3 volumeDimensions, Dictionary<int, Projector> references, float resolution, int healpixorder, string symmetry, Dictionary<int, Projector> outReconstructions)
            VolumeDimensions = volumeDimensions;

            #region Get rows from table

            List<int> RowIndices = new List<int>();
            string[] ColumnMicrographName = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnMicrographName");
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnMicrographName.Length; i++)
                if (ColumnMicrographName[i].Contains(RootName))

            if (RowIndices.Count == 0)

            int NParticles = RowIndices.Count;


            #region Make sure all columns and directories are there

            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnImageName"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnCtfImage"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnParticleSelectZScore"))

            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticlesDir))
            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticleCTFDir))


            #region Get subtomo positions from table

            float3[] ParticleOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            int[] ParticleSubset = new int[NParticles];
                string[] ColumnPosX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateX");
                string[] ColumnPosY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateY");
                string[] ColumnPosZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateZ");
                string[] ColumnOriginX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginX");
                string[] ColumnOriginY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginY");
                string[] ColumnOriginZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZ");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRot");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTilt");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsi");
                string[] ColumnSubset = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnRandomSubset");

                for (int i = 0; i < NParticles; i++)
                    float3 Pos = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Shift = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnOriginX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleOrigins[i] = Pos - Shift;
                    //ParticleOrigins[i] /= new float3(3838f / 959f, 3710f / 927f, 4f);

                    float3 Angle = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    ParticleAngles[i] = Angle;

                    if (ColumnSubset != null)
                        ParticleSubset[i] = int.Parse(ColumnSubset[RowIndices[i]]);
                        ParticleSubset[i] = (i % 2) + 1;

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateX", ParticleOrigins[i].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateY", ParticleOrigins[i].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateZ", ParticleOrigins[i].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginX", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginY", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginZ", "0.0");


            #region Deal with subsets

            List<int> SubsetIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var i in ParticleSubset)
                if (!SubsetIDs.Contains(i))

            // For each subset, create a list of its particle IDs
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> SubsetParticleIDs = SubsetIDs.ToDictionary(subsetID => subsetID, subsetID => new List<int>());
            for (int i = 0; i < ParticleSubset.Length; i++)
            foreach (var list in SubsetParticleIDs.Values)

            // Note where each subset starts and ends in a unified, sorted (by subset) particle ID list
            Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> SubsetRanges = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
                int Start = 0;
                foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)
                    SubsetRanges.Add(pair.Key, new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + pair.Value.Count));
                    Start += pair.Value.Count;

            List<int> SubsetContinuousIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)

            // Reorder particle information to match the order of SubsetContinuousIDs
            ParticleOrigins = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleSubset = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleSubset[i]).ToArray();


            int CoarseSize = (int)Math.Round(size * ((float)CTF.PixelSize * 2 / resolution)) / 2 * 2;
            int3 CoarseDims = new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1);

            // Create mask, CTF coords, reference projections, shifts
            Image Mask;
            Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(CoarseSize, size);

            Dictionary<int, Image> SubsetProjections = new Dictionary<int, Image>();

            float3[] AnglesOri = Helper.GetHealpixAngles(healpixorder, symmetry);

            List<float3> Shifts = new List<float3>();
            for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++)
                for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                    for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
                        if (x * x + y * y + z * z <= 1)
                            Shifts.Add(new float3((float)x / CoarseSize * size * 0.5f, (float)y / CoarseSize * size * 0.5f, (float)z / CoarseSize * size * 0.5f));

            #region Preflight
                #region Create mask with soft edge
                    Image MaskBig = new Image(new int3(size, size, 1));
                    float MaskRadius = MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / (float)CTF.PixelSize;
                    float SoftEdge = 16f;

                    float[] MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= MaskRadius)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(Math.Min(1, (R - MaskRadius) / SoftEdge) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + 0.5);

                    Mask = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                #region Create projections for each angular sample, adjusted for each tilt

                foreach (var subset in SubsetRanges)
                    float3[] AnglesAlt = new float3[AnglesOri.Length * NTilts];
                    for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                        for (int a = 0; a < AnglesOri.Length; a++)
                            float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                            float3 GridCoords = new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep);

                            Matrix3 ParticleMatrix = Matrix3.Euler(AnglesOri[a].X * Helper.ToRad,
                                                                   AnglesOri[a].Y * Helper.ToRad,
                                                                   AnglesOri[a].Z * Helper.ToRad);

                            Matrix3 TiltMatrix = Matrix3.Euler(0, -AnglesCorrect[t] * Helper.ToRad, 0);

                            Matrix3 CorrectionMatrix = Matrix3.RotateZ(GridAngleZ.GetInterpolated(GridCoords) * Helper.ToRad) *
                                                       Matrix3.RotateY(GridAngleY.GetInterpolated(GridCoords) * Helper.ToRad) *
                                                       Matrix3.RotateX(GridAngleX.GetInterpolated(GridCoords) * Helper.ToRad);

                            Matrix3 Rotation = CorrectionMatrix * TiltMatrix * ParticleMatrix;

                            AnglesAlt[a * NTilts + t] = Matrix3.EulerFromMatrix(Rotation);

                    Image ProjFT = references[subset.Key].Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), AnglesAlt, CoarseSize / 2);
                    Image CheckProj = ProjFT.AsIFFT();
                    SubsetProjections[subset.Key] = ProjFT;


            float3[] OptimizedShifts = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] OptimizedAngles = new float3[NParticles];

            #region Correlate each particle with all projections

            foreach (var subset in SubsetRanges)
                Image Projections = SubsetProjections[subset.Key];

                for (int p = subset.Value.Item1; p < subset.Value.Item2; p++)
                //Parallel.For(subset.Value.Item1, subset.Value.Item2, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }, p =>
                    Image ParticleImages;
                    Image ParticleCTFs = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NTilts), true);
                    Image ParticleWeights;

                    // Positions the particles were extracted at/shifted to, to calculate effectively needed shifts later
                    float3[] ExtractedAt = new float3[NTilts];

                    float3 ParticleCoords = ParticleOrigins[p];
                    float3[] Positions = GetPositionInImages(ParticleCoords);

                    #region Create CTFs
                        float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                        CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                            decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                            decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                            CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                            CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                            CurrCTF.Scale = (decimal)Math.Cos(Angles[t] * Helper.ToRad);
                            CurrCTF.Bfactor = (decimal)-Dose[t] * 8;

                            Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();


                    #region Weights are sums of the 2D CTFs
                        Image CTFAbs = new Image(ParticleCTFs.GetDevice(Intent.Read), ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                        ParticleWeights = CTFAbs.AsSum2D();
                            float[] Weights = ParticleWeights.GetHost(Intent.ReadWrite)[0];
                            float Sum = Weights.Sum();
                            for (int i = 0; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                                Weights[i] /= Sum;

                    #region Extract images

                        Image Extracted = new Image(new int3(size, size, NTilts));
                        float[][] ExtractedData = Extracted.GetHost(Intent.Write);

                        Parallel.For(0, NTilts, t =>
                            ExtractedAt[t] = new float3((int)Positions[t].X, (int)Positions[t].Y, 0);

                            Positions[t] -= size / 2;
                            int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)Positions[t].X, (int)Positions[t].Y);

                            float[] OriginalData;
                            lock (tiltStack)
                                OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t];

                            float[] ImageData = ExtractedData[t];
                            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                                int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + tiltStack.Dims.Y) % tiltStack.Dims.Y;
                                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                                    int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + tiltStack.Dims.X) % tiltStack.Dims.X;
                                    ImageData[y * size + x] = -OriginalData[PosY * tiltStack.Dims.X + PosX];

                        ParticleImages = Extracted.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));

                    Image ProjectionsConv = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, Projections.Dims, true, true);

                    Image ProjectionsReal = ProjectionsConv.AsIFFT();

                    #region For each particle offset, correlate each tilt image with all reference projection

                    float[][] AllResults = new float[Shifts.Count][];
                    //for (int s = 0; s < Shifts.Count; s++)
                    Parallel.For(0, Shifts.Count, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 }, s =>
                        AllResults[s] = new float[AnglesOri.Length];

                        float3 ParticleCoordsAlt = ParticleOrigins[p] - Shifts[s];
                        float3[] PositionsAlt = GetPositionInImages(ParticleCoordsAlt);
                        float3[] PositionDiff = new float3[NTilts];
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            PositionDiff[t] = (ExtractedAt[t] - PositionsAlt[t]) / size * CoarseSize;

                        float[] ShiftResults = new float[AnglesOri.Length];

                                                   new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),

                        AllResults[s] = ShiftResults;



                    #region Find best offset/angle combination and store it in table

                    float3 BestShift = new float3(0, 0, 0);
                    float3 BestAngle = new float3(0, 0, 0);
                    float BestScore = -1e30f;

                    for (int s = 0; s < Shifts.Count; s++)
                        for (int a = 0; a < AnglesOri.Length; a++)
                            if (AllResults[s][a] > BestScore)
                                BestScore = AllResults[s][a];
                                BestAngle = AnglesOri[a];
                                BestShift = Shifts[s];

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnOriginX", BestShift.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnOriginY", BestShift.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnOriginZ", BestShift.Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnAngleRot", BestAngle.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnAngleTilt", BestAngle.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnAnglePsi", BestAngle.Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]], "rlnParticleSelectZScore", BestScore.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    OptimizedShifts[p] = BestShift;
                    OptimizedAngles[p] = BestAngle;


                // Dispose all projections for this subset, they won't be needed later


            #region Back-project with hopefully better parameters

                CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);

                foreach (var subsetRange in SubsetRanges)
                    for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                        float3 ParticleCoords = ParticleOrigins[p] - OptimizedShifts[p];

                        Image FullParticleImages = GetSubtomoImages(tiltStack, size, ParticleCoords, true);
                        Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(ParticleCoords, CTFCoords);
                        //Image FullParticleCTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(ParticleCoords, CTFCoords, true, true);


                        float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(ParticleCoords, OptimizedAngles[p]);

                        outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(FullParticleImages, FullParticleCTFs, FullParticleAngles);



Exemple #3
        public void PerformGlobalParticleAlignment(Star tableIn,
                                                   Image tiltStack,
                                                   int size,
                                                   int3 volumeDimensions,
                                                   Dictionary<int, Projector> references,
                                                   float resolution,
                                                   int healpixOrder,
                                                   string symmetry,
                                                   float offsetRange,
                                                   float offsetStep,
                                                   Dictionary<int, Projector> outReconstructions,
                                                   Dictionary<int, Projector> outCTFReconstructions)
            VolumeDimensions = volumeDimensions;

            #region Get rows from table

            List<int> RowIndices = new List<int>();
            string[] ColumnMicrographName = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnMicrographName");
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnMicrographName.Length; i++)
                if (ColumnMicrographName[i].Contains(RootName + "."))

            if (RowIndices.Count == 0)

            int NParticles = RowIndices.Count;


            #region Make sure all columns and directories are there

            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnImageName"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnCtfImage"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnParticleSelectZScore"))

            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticlesDir))
            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticleCTFDir))


            #region Get subtomo positions from table

            float3[] ParticleOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleOrigins2 = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles2 = new float3[NParticles];
            int[] ParticleSubset = new int[NParticles];
                string[] ColumnPosX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateX");
                string[] ColumnPosY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateY");
                string[] ColumnPosZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateZ");
                string[] ColumnOriginX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginX");
                string[] ColumnOriginY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginY");
                string[] ColumnOriginZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZ");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRot");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTilt");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsi");
                string[] ColumnSubset = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnRandomSubset");

                for (int i = 0; i < NParticles; i++)
                    float3 Pos = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Pos2 = Pos;

                    float3 Shift = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnOriginX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleOrigins[i] = Pos - Shift;
                    ParticleOrigins2[i] = Pos2 - Shift;

                    float3 Angle = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Angle2 = Angle;

                    ParticleAngles[i] = Angle;
                    ParticleAngles2[i] = Angle2;

                    ParticleSubset[i] = int.Parse(ColumnSubset[RowIndices[i]]);

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateX", ParticleOrigins[i].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateY", ParticleOrigins[i].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateZ", ParticleOrigins[i].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginX", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginY", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginZ", "0.0");


            #region Deal with subsets

            List<int> SubsetIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var i in ParticleSubset)
                if (!SubsetIDs.Contains(i))

            // For each subset, create a list of its particle IDs
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> SubsetParticleIDs = SubsetIDs.ToDictionary(subsetID => subsetID, subsetID => new List<int>());
            for (int i = 0; i < ParticleSubset.Length; i++)
            foreach (var list in SubsetParticleIDs.Values)

            // Note where each subset starts and ends in a unified, sorted (by subset) particle ID list
            Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> SubsetRanges = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
                int Start = 0;
                foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)
                    SubsetRanges.Add(pair.Key, new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + pair.Value.Count));
                    Start += pair.Value.Count;

            List<int> SubsetContinuousIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)

            // Reorder particle information to match the order of SubsetContinuousIDs
            ParticleOrigins = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleOrigins2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleSubset = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleSubset[i]).ToArray();


            int CoarseSize = (int)Math.Round(size * ((float)CTF.PixelSize * 2 / resolution)) / 2 * 2;
            int3 CoarseDims = new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1);

            // Positions the particles were extracted at/shifted to, to calculate effectively needed shifts later
            float2[] ExtractedAt = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];

            // Extract images, mask and resize them, create CTFs
            Image ParticleImages = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true, true);
            Image ParticleCTFs = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true);
            Image ParticleWeights = null;
            Image ShiftFactors = null;

            #region Preflight

            float KeepBFac = GlobalBfactor;
            GlobalBfactor = 0;
                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(CoarseSize, size);

                #region Precalculate vectors for shifts in Fourier space

                    float2[] ShiftFactorsData = new float2[(CoarseSize / 2 + 1) * CoarseSize];
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x;
                            int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;

                            ShiftFactorsData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = new float2((float)-xx / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI,
                                                                                        (float)-yy / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI);

                    ShiftFactors = new Image(ShiftFactorsData, new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1), true);


                #region Create mask with soft edge

                Image Mask;
                Image MaskSubt;
                    Image MaskBig = new Image(new int3(size, size, 1));
                    float MaskRadius = MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / (float)CTF.PixelSize;
                    float SoftEdge = 16f;

                    float[] MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= MaskRadius)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(Math.Min(1, (R - MaskRadius) / SoftEdge) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + 0.5);

                    Mask = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));

                    MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= 30)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 0;

                    MaskSubt = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));



                #region Create Fourier space mask

                Image FourierMask = new Image(CoarseDims, true);
                    float[] FourierMaskData = FourierMask.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    int MaxR2 = CoarseSize * CoarseSize / 4;
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;
                        yy *= yy;

                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x * x;
                            int R2 = yy + xx;

                            FourierMaskData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = R2 < MaxR2 ? 1 : 0;


                #region For each particle, create CTFs and extract & preprocess images for entire tilt series

                for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                    float3 ParticleCoords = ParticleOrigins[p];
                    float3[] Positions = GetPositionInImages(ParticleCoords);
                    float3[] ProjAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(ParticleCoords, ParticleAngles[p]);

                    Image Extracted = new Image(new int3(size, size, NTilts));
                    float[][] ExtractedData = Extracted.GetHost(Intent.Write);
                    float3[] Residuals = new float3[NTilts];

                    Image SubtrahendsCTF = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NTilts), true);

                    // Create CTFs
                        CTFStruct[] CTFParams = new CTFStruct[NTilts];

                        float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                        CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                            decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                            decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                            CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                            CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                            CurrCTF.Scale = (decimal)Math.Cos(Angles[t] * Helper.ToRad);
                            CurrCTF.Bfactor = (decimal)-Dose[t] * 8;

                            Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();

                        GPU.CreateCTF(ParticleCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(NTilts * p, Intent.Write),

                    // Extract images
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            ExtractedAt[p * NTilts + t] = new float2(Positions[t].X, Positions[t].Y);

                            Positions[t] -= size / 2;
                            int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)Positions[t].X, (int)Positions[t].Y);
                            float2 Residual = new float2(-(Positions[t].X - IntPosition.X), -(Positions[t].Y - IntPosition.Y));
                            Residuals[t] = new float3(Residual / size * CoarseSize);

                            float[] OriginalData;
                            lock (tiltStack)
                                OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t];

                            float[] ImageData = ExtractedData[t];
                            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                                int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + tiltStack.Dims.Y) % tiltStack.Dims.Y;
                                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                                    int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + tiltStack.Dims.X) % tiltStack.Dims.X;
                                    ImageData[y * size + x] = OriginalData[PosY * tiltStack.Dims.X + PosX];

                                          new int3(size, size, 1),
                                          (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),

                        Image Scaled = Extracted.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                        //              Scaled.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //              MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //              (uint)Scaled.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //              (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Image SubtrahendsFT = subtrahendReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Multiply(SubtrahendsCTF);

                        //    //Image Subtrahends = SubtrahendsFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Dispose();

                        //    ////GPU.NormalizeMasked(Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //    ////                    MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    (uint)Subtrahends.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //    ////                    (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Scaled.Subtract(Subtrahends);
                        //    //Subtrahends.Dispose();

                        //    Image FocusMaskFT = maskReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    Image FocusMask = FocusMaskFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    FocusMaskFT.Dispose();

                        //    Scaled.Multiply(FocusMask);
                        //    FocusMask.Dispose();


                                ParticleImages.GetDeviceSlice(p * NTilts, Intent.Write),





                Image ParticleCTFsAbs = new Image(ParticleCTFs.GetDevice(Intent.Read), ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                ParticleWeights = ParticleCTFsAbs.AsSum2D();
                    float[] ParticleWeightsData = ParticleWeights.GetHost(Intent.ReadWrite)[0];
                    float Max = MathHelper.Max(ParticleWeightsData);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ParticleWeightsData.Length; i++)
                        ParticleWeightsData[i] /= Max;


                //Image CheckImages = ParticleImages.AsIFFT();

            GlobalBfactor = KeepBFac;


            #region Global alignment

            Func<float3[], float2[]> GetImageShifts = input =>
                    // Using current positions, angles and grids, get parameters for image shifts
                    float2[] ImageShifts = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = input[p];

                    float3[] CurrPositions = GetPositionInImages(PerTiltPositions);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageShifts.Length; i++)
                        ImageShifts[i] = new float2(ExtractedAt[i].X - CurrPositions[i].X,
                                                    ExtractedAt[i].Y - CurrPositions[i].Y); // -diff because those are extraction positions, i. e. opposite direction of shifts

                    return ImageShifts;

            Func<float3[], float3[]> GetImageAngles = input =>
                    int NAngles = input.Length;
                    float3 VolumeCenter = new float3(VolumeDimensions.X / 2, VolumeDimensions.Y / 2, VolumeDimensions.Z / 2);
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NAngles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NAngles * NTilts];
                    for (int a = 0; a < NAngles; a++)
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            PerTiltPositions[a * NTilts + t] = VolumeCenter;
                            PerTiltAngles[a * NTilts + t] = input[a];

                    float3[] ImageAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                    return ImageAngles;

            float3[] RelativeOffsets;
                List<float3> RelativeOffsetList = new List<float3>();
                int NSteps = (int)Math.Ceiling(offsetRange / offsetStep);
                for (int z = -NSteps; z <= NSteps; z++)
                    for (int y = -NSteps; y <= NSteps; y++)
                        for (int x = -NSteps; x <= NSteps; x++)
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) * offsetStep;
                            if (R > offsetRange + 1e-6f)

                            RelativeOffsetList.Add(new float3(x * offsetStep, y * offsetStep, z * offsetStep));

                RelativeOffsets = RelativeOffsetList.ToArray();

            float3[] HealpixAngles = Helper.GetHealpixAngles(healpixOrder, symmetry).Select(a => a * Helper.ToRad).ToArray();
            float3[] ProjectionAngles = GetImageAngles(HealpixAngles);

            float3[] OptimizedOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] OptimizedAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            float[] BestScores = new float[NParticles].Select(v => -float.MaxValue).ToArray();

            int BatchAngles = 128;
            Image Projections = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, BatchAngles * NTilts), true, true);

            foreach (var subset in SubsetRanges)
                int NSubset = subset.Value.Item2 - subset.Value.Item1;

                float[] ImageOffsets = new float[NSubset * NTilts * RelativeOffsets.Length * 2];
                for (int o = 0; o < RelativeOffsets.Length; o++)
                    float3[] OffsetOrigins = new float3[NSubset];
                    for (int p = 0; p < NSubset; p++)
                        OffsetOrigins[p] = ParticleOrigins[subset.Value.Item1 + p] + RelativeOffsets[o];

                    float[] TheseOffsets = Helper.ToInterleaved(GetImageShifts(OffsetOrigins));
                    Array.Copy(TheseOffsets, 0, ImageOffsets, TheseOffsets.Length * o, TheseOffsets.Length);

                int[] ShiftIDs = new int[NSubset];
                int[] AngleIDs = new int[NSubset];
                float[] SubsetScores = new float[NSubset];

                GPU.TomoGlobalAlign(ParticleImages.GetDeviceSlice(subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts, Intent.Read),
                                    ParticleCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts, Intent.Read),
                                    ParticleWeights.GetDeviceSlice(subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts, Intent.Read),
                                    new int2(CoarseDims),

                for (int i = 0; i < NSubset; i++)
                    OptimizedOrigins[subset.Value.Item1 + i] = ParticleOrigins[subset.Value.Item1 + i] + RelativeOffsets[ShiftIDs[i]];
                    OptimizedAngles[subset.Value.Item1 + i] = HealpixAngles[AngleIDs[i]];
                    BestScores[subset.Value.Item1 + i] = SubsetScores[i];




            #region Extract particles at full resolution and back-project them into the reconstruction volumes


                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);
                int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;

                foreach (var subsetRange in SubsetRanges)
                    lock (outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key])
                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p];
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p];

                            Image FullParticleImages = GetSubtomoImages(tiltStack, size, PerTiltPositions, true);
                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords);


                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(FullParticleImages, FullParticleCTFs, FullParticleAngles);


                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p];
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p];

                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, false);
                            Image FullParticleCTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, true);

                            // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0
                            float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFWeightsData = new float[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            float[] CTFWeightsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFWeights.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                                CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]), 0);
                                CTFWeightsData[i] = Math.Abs(CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]);

                            Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                            Image CTFWeights = new Image(CTFWeightsData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);

                            outCTFReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(CTFsComplex, CTFWeights, FullParticleAngles);




