Exemple #1
        public override void Apply(SystemArgs args)
            if (args.AggressorIfAny == null)

            if (args.AggressorIfAny is You)
                var d = GetDialogue(args.Recipient.Dialogue.Next);

                //if there is no main dialogue set or its conditions are not yet met, fall back on banter
                if (d == null || !d.AllConditionsMet(args.World, args))
                    d = GetBanter(args);

                if (d != null)
                    Run(args, d);
                    args.UserInterface.ShowMessage("Dialogue", $"{args.Recipient} had nothing interesting to say");
Exemple #2
 public void ApplyToAll(IEnumerable <IHasStats> recipients, SystemArgs args)
     foreach (IHasStats r in recipients)
         args.Recipient = r;
Exemple #3
        public void Run(SystemArgs args, DialogueNode node)
            var options = node.GetOptionsToShow(args.World, args);

            if (options.Any())
                if (args.UserInterface.GetChoice("Dialogue", FormatString(args, node.Body), out DialogueOption chosen, options))
                    Run(args, chosen);
                    //if user hits Escape just pick the first option for them :)
                    Run(args, options.First());
Exemple #4
        public override void Apply(SystemArgs args)
            var negotiation = (NegotiationSystemArgs)args;

            //how much do they like you? if they like you they are more likely to do what you say
            var actorRecipient = ((IActor)args.Recipient);
            var world          = actorRecipient.CurrentLocation.World;

            var loveForYou = world.Relationships.SumBetween(actorRecipient, args.AggressorIfAny);

            //You need a high negotiation intensity to persuade people to perform extreme actions
            //Either extremely nasty or extremely nice
            var needed = Math.Abs(negotiation.Proposed.Attitude);

            needed -= loveForYou;

            if (negotiation.Intensity < needed)
                negotiation.RejectNegotiation($"Insufficient persuasion (Needed {needed}, Had {negotiation.Intensity})");
Exemple #5
        public override void Apply(SystemArgs args)
            if (args.Intensity < 0)

            if (args.Recipient == null)

            if (MergeInstances)
                var existing = args.Recipient.Adjectives.OfType <IInjured>().Where(i => i.InjurySystem.Equals(this)).FirstOrDefault();

                if (existing != null)
                    Amplify(existing, args.Intensity, args.UserInterface, args.Round);

            var candidate = GetBlueprintFor(args.Intensity);

            if (candidate == null)
                throw new Exception("No Injury  found for severity " + args.Intensity);

            var newInjury = new Injured(candidate.Name, args.Recipient, args.Intensity, candidate.Region, this)
                Identifier = this.Identifier

            args.UserInterface.Log.Info(new LogEntry($"{args.Recipient} gained {newInjury}", args.Round, args.Room.GetPoint()));
        public void Apply(SystemArgs args)
            //don't form a relationship with yourself or nobody!
            if (args.AggressorIfAny == args.Recipient || args.AggressorIfAny == null)

            var actorRecipient = (IActor)args.Recipient;

            //if someone is doing something to you
            if (Math.Abs(args.Intensity) > 0.0001)
                //don't form relationships with the dead
                if (args.AggressorIfAny.Dead || actorRecipient.Dead)

                var world = actorRecipient.CurrentLocation.World;

                //log the change
                if (args.Intensity > 0.001)
                    args.UserInterface.Log.Info(new LogEntry($"{args.Recipient} expressed approval towards {args.AggressorIfAny}", args.Round, actorRecipient));
                else if (args.Intensity < 0.001)
                    args.UserInterface.Log.Info(new LogEntry($"{args.Recipient} became angry at {args.AggressorIfAny}", args.Round, actorRecipient));

                ApplyChangeToPersonalRelationship(world, actorRecipient, args);
                ApplyChangeToFactionRelationships(world, actorRecipient, args);
Exemple #7
 public abstract void Apply(SystemArgs args);
        private void ApplyChangeToFactionRelationships(IWorld world, IActor actorRecipient, SystemArgs args)
            //each faction you represent as the victim/recipient
            foreach (var receiving in actorRecipient.FactionMembership)
                foreach (var aggressing in args.AggressorIfAny.FactionMembership)
                    var existingRelationship = world.Relationships.OfType <InterFactionRelationship>()
                                               .FirstOrDefault(r => r.HostFaction == receiving && r.ObservedFaction == aggressing);

                    if (existingRelationship != null)
                        existingRelationship.Attitude += args.Intensity * factionFraction;
                        world.Relationships.Add(new InterFactionRelationship(receiving, aggressing, args.Intensity * factionFraction)
                            Attitude = args.Intensity
        private void ApplyChangeToPersonalRelationship(IWorld world, IActor actorRecipient, SystemArgs args)
            //then you need to be angry about that! (or happy)
            var existingRelationship = world.Relationships.OfType <PersonalRelationship>()
                                       .FirstOrDefault(r => r.AppliesTo(actorRecipient, args.AggressorIfAny));

            if (existingRelationship != null)
                existingRelationship.Attitude += args.Intensity;
                world.Relationships.Add(new PersonalRelationship(actorRecipient, args.AggressorIfAny)
                    Attitude = args.Intensity