Exemple #1
        public static void populateProjects(string Username)
             * Populate the project list for a given username
            //Clear any projects in the system and load more from the database

            //Threadsafe estimation calculations for each project
            foreach (Project project in projectList)
                foreach (Task task in project.taskList)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Calculating EFT for task: " + task.TaskName);

            //Run email handler now projects are loaded
            if (LoginHandler.shouldSendEMail)
                EMail email = new EMail();
                LoginHandler.shouldSendEMail = false;
        public static void updateProjectLength(int projectID)
        {   /*
             * This method takes a project's ID and updates that project's length in the database
            double  projectLength = 0;
            Project currProject   = null;

            //Return the project object based on its unique ID
            foreach (Project project in ModelView.projectList)
                if (project.ID == projectID)
                    currProject   = project;
                    projectLength = TimeHandler.getProjectHoursFromTasks(project);

            //If the projects new length is greater than zero (it exists) update the database with the 'new' length
            if (projectLength > 0)
                string SQL = "UPDATE tblProject SET ProjectLength = @LENGTH WHERE ProjectID = @PID";
                //Populate command object
                command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                    //Add SQL param values
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LENGTH", projectLength);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", currProject.ID);
                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind information to SQL variables");

                /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
                 * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
                if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Updated project hours and length successfully");
                    //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                    MessageBox.Show("Project Length Updating failied - check that all criteria have a correct entry");
                //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
                //Is this just a new empty project
                if (currProject.taskList.Count != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Project Length Updating failed - likely project does not exist");
                    Trace.WriteLine("ERROR UPDATING PROJECT HOURS");
        public static void login(string username, string password)
             * This method checks to see if a user has a profile in the database, and saves this data within code in order to generate proper task/project lists
             * The email is also saved locally
            if (LoginHandler.loggedIn)
                MessageBox.Show("Already logged in - please logout first");
                //Return number of records with the username and password fields (1 for profile exist/correct combination, 0 for erroneous input or no profile saved)
                string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUser WHERE Username='******' and Password='******'";
                command = new MySqlCommand(sql, Conn);


                int result = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

                if (result > 0)
                    //Save the profile information locally
                    MessageBox.Show("Login Successful");
                    LoginHandler.username        = username;
                    LoginHandler.password        = password;
                    LoginHandler.loggedIn        = true;
                    LoginHandler.shouldSendEMail = TimeHandler.shouldSendEmail();

                    //Close database connection

                    //Select their email (based on username) and save it
                    sql     = "SELECT EMail FROM tblUser WHERE Username='******'";
                    command = new MySqlCommand(sql, Conn);


                    MySqlDataReader newReader = command.ExecuteReader();

                    //If there is information stored in the connection buffer, save the email
                    while (newReader.Read())
                        LoginHandler.email = newReader["EMail"].ToString();

                    //Output incorrect entry
                    MessageBox.Show("Incorrect Credentials - Try Again");
                    LoginHandler.loggedIn = false;
        public static void loadProjects(string username)
            //This SQL/connection retruns all relevant project information(s) for the currently logged-in user
            string       SQL     = "SELECT ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDescription, DateStarted, DateDue, ProjectLength FROM tblProject WHERE Username='******'";
            MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);

            //If a connection is already opened (error check) close it first
            if (Conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

            //Create reader object that 'scans' the SQL return
            MySqlDataReader newReader = command.ExecuteReader();

            //While there is information stored in the connection buffer, add the projects (as data points/bars) to the chart
            while (newReader.Read())
                string   xPoint             = newReader["ProjectName"].ToString();
                double   yPoint             = Convert.ToDouble(newReader["ProjectLength"].ToString());
                string   projectDescription = newReader["ProjectDescription"].ToString();
                DateTime dateStarted        = Convert.ToDateTime(newReader["DateStarted"].ToString());
                DateTime dateDue            = Convert.ToDateTime(newReader["DateDue"].ToString());
                double   projectLength      = yPoint;
                int      projectID          = Convert.ToInt32(newReader["ProjectID"]);
                //Create a new project from the raw data output from the database, add it to the project list in the model-view
                ModelView.projectList.Add(new Project(xPoint, yPoint, projectDescription, dateStarted, dateDue, projectLength, projectID));


            //Once all projects have been loaded update their lengths and generate their tasks
            foreach (Project project in ModelView.projectList)
                int projectID = project.ID;
                Trace.WriteLine("Updating project length: " + projectID.ToString());
                //Check if any of the tasks in the current iteration project have been completed
                foreach (Task task in project.taskList)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Checking task '" + task.TaskName + "' for completion...");
        public static void addNewTask(string TaskName, string TaskDescription, double TaskLength, int ProjectID, int Priority, DateTime StartDate)
             * This method acts similarly to the one above, however is used if a task with priotiy 1 needs to be added (with a start date)
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO tblTask(TaskName, TaskDescription, TaskLength, ProjectID, Priority, StartDate) VALUES(@TN,@TD,@TL,@PID,@PR,@SD)";

            //Populate command object
            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add SQL param values
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TN", TaskName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TD", TaskDescription);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TL", TaskLength);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", ProjectID);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PR", Priority);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SD", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(StartDate));
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind project information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Task added successfully");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("Task addition failed - check that all task criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)

            //Update project length
        public static void editProject(string ProjectName, string ProjectDescription, DateTime StartDate, Project ProjectToEdit)
             * Takes new project information and syncs these changes to the database
            string SQL = "UPDATE tblProject SET ProjectName = @PN, ProjectDescription = @PDN, DateStarted = @SD WHERE ProjectID = @PID";

            //Create command
            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add param values
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PN", ProjectName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PDN", ProjectDescription);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SD", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(StartDate));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", ProjectToEdit.ID);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Project information updated");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("Project edit failed - check that all criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
        public static void addNewUser(string Username, string Password, string FirstName, string Surname, DateTime DateOfBirth, string EMail)
            //Generate SQL (with params) and populate the commmand object
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO tbluser(Username, Password, FirstName, Surname, DateOfBirth, EMail) VALUES(@UN, @PW, @FN, @SN, @DOB, @EM)";

            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add the paramater values to the command objects
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UN", Username);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PW", Password);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FN", FirstName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SN", Surname);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(DateOfBirth));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EM", EMail);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind user information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("User Registered Successfuly");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("User registration failed - check that all project criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
        public static void addNewProject(string Username, string ProjectName, string ProjectDescription, DateTime DateStarted, DateTime prjDueDate)
            //Generate SQL (with params) and populate the commmand object
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO tblproject(Username,ProjectName,ProjectDescription,ProjectLength,DateStarted,DateDue) VALUES(@UN,@PN,@PD,@PL,@DS,@DD)";

            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add the paramater values to the command objects
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UN", Username);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PN", ProjectName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PD", ProjectDescription);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PL", 1);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DS", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(DateStarted));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DD", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(prjDueDate));
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind project information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Project Added Successfuly");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("New project failed - check that all project criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
Exemple #9
        public static void generateTaskCharts(string xAxisTitle, string yAxisTitle)
             * This method generates a chart for each task within a project
             * NOTE: We have to be a bit 'hacky' here and convert the arraylist to an array so we can manipulate objects at run time
            Array projList = projectList.ToArray();

            //Update starting dates and charts
            foreach (Project p in projList)
                taskChartGenerator("Task Name", "Hours Left", p);

                foreach (Task task in p.taskList)
                    DatabaseHandler.updateTaskStartTime(task, TimeHandler.estimatedTaskStartDateUpdated(task));

            //Convert the array and reinstantiate the project list
            projectList = new ArrayList(projList);
Exemple #10
        private void btnSaveTask_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
             * This method identifies the project being used as well as other task data, and calls the database handler to add them to the database
            int projectID = 0;
            int priority  = 0;

            //Identify what project is being used and update task priorities
            foreach (Project project in ModelView.projectList)
                if (project.x == cmbProjectSelector.SelectedValue.ToString())
                    projectID = project.ID;
                    priority  = ModelView.nextTaskPriority(project);
            string taskName        = txtTaskName.Text.ToString();
            string taskDescription = txtTaskDescription.Text.ToString();
            double taskLength      = Convert.ToDouble(txtTaskLength.Text.ToString());

            //Is this the first task for this project? If so add the start date
            if (priority == 1)
                DatabaseHandler.addNewTask(taskName, taskDescription, taskLength, projectID, priority, DateTime.Now);
                DatabaseHandler.addNewTask(taskName, taskDescription, taskLength, projectID, priority, TimeHandler.estimatedTaskStartDate(projectID));