Beispiel #1
        public static void populateProjects(string Username)
             * Populate the project list for a given username
            //Clear any projects in the system and load more from the database

            //Threadsafe estimation calculations for each project
            foreach (Project project in projectList)
                foreach (Task task in project.taskList)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Calculating EFT for task: " + task.TaskName);

            //Run email handler now projects are loaded
            if (LoginHandler.shouldSendEMail)
                EMail email = new EMail();
                LoginHandler.shouldSendEMail = false;
Beispiel #2
        public static void updateProjectLength(int projectID)
        {   /*
             * This method takes a project's ID and updates that project's length in the database
            double  projectLength = 0;
            Project currProject   = null;

            //Return the project object based on its unique ID
            foreach (Project project in ModelView.projectList)
                if (project.ID == projectID)
                    currProject   = project;
                    projectLength = TimeHandler.getProjectHoursFromTasks(project);

            //If the projects new length is greater than zero (it exists) update the database with the 'new' length
            if (projectLength > 0)
                string SQL = "UPDATE tblProject SET ProjectLength = @LENGTH WHERE ProjectID = @PID";
                //Populate command object
                command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                    //Add SQL param values
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LENGTH", projectLength);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", currProject.ID);
                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind information to SQL variables");

                /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
                 * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
                if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Updated project hours and length successfully");
                    //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                    MessageBox.Show("Project Length Updating failied - check that all criteria have a correct entry");
                //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
                //Is this just a new empty project
                if (currProject.taskList.Count != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Project Length Updating failed - likely project does not exist");
                    Trace.WriteLine("ERROR UPDATING PROJECT HOURS");
Beispiel #3
        public static void login(string username, string password)
             * This method checks to see if a user has a profile in the database, and saves this data within code in order to generate proper task/project lists
             * The email is also saved locally
            if (LoginHandler.loggedIn)
                MessageBox.Show("Already logged in - please logout first");
                //Return number of records with the username and password fields (1 for profile exist/correct combination, 0 for erroneous input or no profile saved)
                string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUser WHERE Username='******' and Password='******'";
                command = new MySqlCommand(sql, Conn);


                int result = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

                if (result > 0)
                    //Save the profile information locally
                    MessageBox.Show("Login Successful");
                    LoginHandler.username        = username;
                    LoginHandler.password        = password;
                    LoginHandler.loggedIn        = true;
                    LoginHandler.shouldSendEMail = TimeHandler.shouldSendEmail();

                    //Close database connection

                    //Select their email (based on username) and save it
                    sql     = "SELECT EMail FROM tblUser WHERE Username='******'";
                    command = new MySqlCommand(sql, Conn);


                    MySqlDataReader newReader = command.ExecuteReader();

                    //If there is information stored in the connection buffer, save the email
                    while (newReader.Read())
               = newReader["EMail"].ToString();

                    //Output incorrect entry
                    MessageBox.Show("Incorrect Credentials - Try Again");
                    LoginHandler.loggedIn = false;
Beispiel #4
        public static void loadProjects(string username)
            //This SQL/connection retruns all relevant project information(s) for the currently logged-in user
            string       SQL     = "SELECT ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDescription, DateStarted, DateDue, ProjectLength FROM tblProject WHERE Username='******'";
            MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);

            //If a connection is already opened (error check) close it first
            if (Conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

            //Create reader object that 'scans' the SQL return
            MySqlDataReader newReader = command.ExecuteReader();

            //While there is information stored in the connection buffer, add the projects (as data points/bars) to the chart
            while (newReader.Read())
                string   xPoint             = newReader["ProjectName"].ToString();
                double   yPoint             = Convert.ToDouble(newReader["ProjectLength"].ToString());
                string   projectDescription = newReader["ProjectDescription"].ToString();
                DateTime dateStarted        = Convert.ToDateTime(newReader["DateStarted"].ToString());
                DateTime dateDue            = Convert.ToDateTime(newReader["DateDue"].ToString());
                double   projectLength      = yPoint;
                int      projectID          = Convert.ToInt32(newReader["ProjectID"]);
                //Create a new project from the raw data output from the database, add it to the project list in the model-view
                ModelView.projectList.Add(new Project(xPoint, yPoint, projectDescription, dateStarted, dateDue, projectLength, projectID));


            //Once all projects have been loaded update their lengths and generate their tasks
            foreach (Project project in ModelView.projectList)
                int projectID = project.ID;
                Trace.WriteLine("Updating project length: " + projectID.ToString());
                //Check if any of the tasks in the current iteration project have been completed
                foreach (Task task in project.taskList)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Checking task '" + task.TaskName + "' for completion...");
Beispiel #5
        public static void addNewTask(string TaskName, string TaskDescription, double TaskLength, int ProjectID, int Priority, DateTime StartDate)
             * This method acts similarly to the one above, however is used if a task with priotiy 1 needs to be added (with a start date)
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO tblTask(TaskName, TaskDescription, TaskLength, ProjectID, Priority, StartDate) VALUES(@TN,@TD,@TL,@PID,@PR,@SD)";

            //Populate command object
            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add SQL param values
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TN", TaskName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TD", TaskDescription);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TL", TaskLength);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", ProjectID);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PR", Priority);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SD", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(StartDate));
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind project information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Task added successfully");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("Task addition failed - check that all task criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)

            //Update project length
Beispiel #6
        public static void editProject(string ProjectName, string ProjectDescription, DateTime StartDate, Project ProjectToEdit)
             * Takes new project information and syncs these changes to the database
            string SQL = "UPDATE tblProject SET ProjectName = @PN, ProjectDescription = @PDN, DateStarted = @SD WHERE ProjectID = @PID";

            //Create command
            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add param values
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PN", ProjectName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PDN", ProjectDescription);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SD", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(StartDate));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", ProjectToEdit.ID);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Project information updated");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("Project edit failed - check that all criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
Beispiel #7
        public static void addNewUser(string Username, string Password, string FirstName, string Surname, DateTime DateOfBirth, string EMail)
            //Generate SQL (with params) and populate the commmand object
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO tbluser(Username, Password, FirstName, Surname, DateOfBirth, EMail) VALUES(@UN, @PW, @FN, @SN, @DOB, @EM)";

            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add the paramater values to the command objects
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UN", Username);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PW", Password);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FN", FirstName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SN", Surname);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(DateOfBirth));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EM", EMail);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind user information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("User Registered Successfuly");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("User registration failed - check that all project criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
Beispiel #8
        public static void addNewProject(string Username, string ProjectName, string ProjectDescription, DateTime DateStarted, DateTime prjDueDate)
            //Generate SQL (with params) and populate the commmand object
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO tblproject(Username,ProjectName,ProjectDescription,ProjectLength,DateStarted,DateDue) VALUES(@UN,@PN,@PD,@PL,@DS,@DD)";

            command = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Conn);
                //Add the paramater values to the command objects
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UN", Username);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PN", ProjectName);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PD", ProjectDescription);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PL", 1);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DS", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(DateStarted));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DD", TimeHandler.ConvertToAccessDateTime(prjDueDate));
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to bind project information to SQL variables");

            /*Open the connection and execute the insert-into command. This method will return the number of rows that have been affected (in this case, added)
             * therefore, if affectedRows>0, insertion has been completed successfully*/
            if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Project Added Successfuly");
                //If the code gets this far, it means that there has not been an in-code syntax error, instead a data entry error (v.likely to be user-related)
                MessageBox.Show("New project failed - check that all project criteria have a correct entry");
            //Close the connection to reduce resource usage and prevent other changes to database from other users (and this software)
Beispiel #9
        public static void generateTaskCharts(string xAxisTitle, string yAxisTitle)
             * This method generates a chart for each task within a project
             * NOTE: We have to be a bit 'hacky' here and convert the arraylist to an array so we can manipulate objects at run time
            Array projList = projectList.ToArray();

            //Update starting dates and charts
            foreach (Project p in projList)
                taskChartGenerator("Task Name", "Hours Left", p);

                foreach (Task task in p.taskList)
                    DatabaseHandler.updateTaskStartTime(task, TimeHandler.estimatedTaskStartDateUpdated(task));

            //Convert the array and reinstantiate the project list
            projectList = new ArrayList(projList);
Beispiel #10
        private void btnSaveTask_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
             * This method identifies the project being used as well as other task data, and calls the database handler to add them to the database
            int projectID = 0;
            int priority  = 0;

            //Identify what project is being used and update task priorities
            foreach (Project project in ModelView.projectList)
                if (project.x == cmbProjectSelector.SelectedValue.ToString())
                    projectID = project.ID;
                    priority  = ModelView.nextTaskPriority(project);
            string taskName        = txtTaskName.Text.ToString();
            string taskDescription = txtTaskDescription.Text.ToString();
            double taskLength      = Convert.ToDouble(txtTaskLength.Text.ToString());

            //Is this the first task for this project? If so add the start date
            if (priority == 1)
                DatabaseHandler.addNewTask(taskName, taskDescription, taskLength, projectID, priority, DateTime.Now);
                DatabaseHandler.addNewTask(taskName, taskDescription, taskLength, projectID, priority, TimeHandler.estimatedTaskStartDate(projectID));