Exemple #1
 internal void CalendarEventClicked(CalendarEventView eventToSelect)
     foreach (CalendarDay day in DaysInCurrentMonth)
         foreach (CalendarEventView e in day.Events.Children)
             if (e.DataContext == eventToSelect.DataContext)
                 e.BackgroundColor = HighlightColor;
                 e.BackgroundColor = e.DefaultBackfoundColor;
 internal void CalendarEventClicked(CalendarEventView eventToSelect)
     foreach (CalendarDay day in DaysInCurrentMonth)
         foreach (CalendarEventView e in day.Events.Items)
             if (e.DataContext == eventToSelect.DataContext)
                 e.BackgroundColor = HighlightColor;
                 if (e.EventTextBlock.IsVisible == true)
                     e.EventTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                     e.EventAmount.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                     e.EventAmount.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                     e.EventTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                 e.BackgroundColor = e.DefaultBackfoundColor;
                 if (e.EventTextBlock.IsVisible == true)
                     e.EventTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                     e.EventAmount.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                     e.EventAmount.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                     e.EventTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Exemple #3
        private void DrawEvents()
            // this method can be called when Events is not binded yet. So check that case and return
            if (Events == null)

            // when Events is binded, check if it is collection of ICalendarEvent (events must have DateFrom and DateTo)
            if (Events is IEnumerable <ICalendarEvent> events)
                // add colors of events to array, to pick up them using number
                SolidColorBrush[] colors = { Color0, Color1, Color2 };

                // index to array of colors
                int accentColor = 0;

                // loop all events
                foreach (var e in events.OrderBy(e => e.DateFrom))
                    if (!e.DateFrom.HasValue || !e.DateTo.HasValue)

                    // number of row in day, in which event should be displayed
                    int eventRow = 0;

                    var dateFrom = (DateTime)e.DateFrom;
                    var dateTo   = (DateTime)e.DateTo;

                    // loop all days of current event
                    for (DateTime date = dateFrom; date <= dateTo; date = date.AddDays(1))
                        // get DayOfWeek for current day of current event
                        CalendarDay day = DaysInCurrentMonth.Where(d => d.Date.Date == date.Date).FirstOrDefault();

                        // day is in another mont, so skip it
                        if (day == null)

                        // if the DayOfWeek is Monday, event shloud be displayed on first row
                        if (day.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday)
                            eventRow = 0;

                        // but if there are some events before, event won't be on the first row, but after previous events
                        if (day.Events.Children.Count > eventRow)
                            eventRow = Grid.GetRow(day.Events.Children[day.Events.Children.Count - 1]) + 1;

                        // get color for event
                        int accentColorIndex = accentColor % colors.Count();
                        CalendarEventView calendarEventView = new CalendarEventView(colors[accentColorIndex], this);

                        calendarEventView.DataContext = e;
                        Grid.SetRow(calendarEventView, eventRow);
                throw new ArgumentException("Events must be IEnumerable<ICalendarEvent>");
Exemple #4
 public void CalendarEventDoubleClicked(CalendarEventView calendarEventView)
     CalendarEventDoubleClickedEvent?.Invoke(this, calendarEventView);